The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.5+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2010 - 2024
3  by Gabriel Morin <gabrielmorin (at) gmail (dot) com>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * @file
18  */
20 #include "whiteboard/manager.hpp"
22 #include "whiteboard/action.hpp"
25 #include "whiteboard/move.hpp"
26 #include "whiteboard/attack.hpp"
27 #include "whiteboard/recall.hpp"
28 #include "whiteboard/recruit.hpp"
30 #include "whiteboard/utility.hpp"
32 #include "actions/undo.hpp"
33 #include "arrow.hpp"
34 #include "fake_unit_ptr.hpp"
35 #include "formula/string_utils.hpp"
36 #include "game_board.hpp"
38 #include "game_state.hpp"
39 #include "gettext.hpp"
41 #include "key.hpp"
42 #include "pathfind/pathfind.hpp"
43 #include "play_controller.hpp"
44 #include "replay_helper.hpp"
45 #include "resources.hpp"
46 #include "synced_context.hpp"
47 #include "team.hpp"
48 #include "units/unit.hpp"
50 #include "units/udisplay.hpp"
52 #include <functional>
55 namespace wb {
58  active_(false),
59  inverted_behavior_(false),
60  self_activate_once_(true),
61 #if 0
62  print_help_once_(true),
63 #endif
64  wait_for_side_init_(true),
65  planned_unit_map_active_(false),
66  executing_actions_(false),
67  executing_all_actions_(false),
68  preparing_to_end_turn_(false),
69  gamestate_mutated_(false),
70  activation_state_lock_(new bool),
71  unit_map_lock_(new bool),
72  mapbuilder_(),
73  highlighter_(),
74  route_(),
75  move_arrows_(),
76  fake_units_(),
77  temp_move_unit_underlying_id_(0),
78  key_poller_(new CKey),
79  hidden_unit_hexes_(),
80  net_buffer_(resources::gameboard->teams().size()),
81  team_plans_hidden_(resources::gameboard->teams().size()),
82  units_owning_moves_()
83 {
84  if(prefs::get().hide_whiteboard()) {
85  team_plans_hidden_.flip();
86  }
87  LOG_WB << "Manager initialized.";
88 }
91 {
92  LOG_WB << "Manager destroyed.";
93 }
95 //Used for chat-spamming debug info
96 #if 0
97 static void print_to_chat(const std::string& title, const std::string& message)
98 {
99  display::get_singleton()->add_chat_message(std::time(nullptr), title, 0, message,
101 }
102 #endif
105 {
106 #if 0
107  if (!print_help_once_)
108  return;
109  else
110  print_help_once_ = false;
112  print_to_chat("whiteboard", std::string("Type :wb to activate/deactivate planning mode.")
113  + " Hold TAB to temporarily deactivate/activate it.");
114  std::stringstream hotkeys;
115  const hotkey::hotkey_item& hk_execute = hotkey::get_hotkey(hotkey::HOTKEY_WB_EXECUTE_ACTION);
116  if(!hk_execute.null()) {
117  //print_to_chat("[execute action]", "'" + hk_execute.get_name() + "'");
118  hotkeys << "Execute: " << hk_execute.get_name() << ", ";
119  }
120  const hotkey::hotkey_item& hk_execute_all = hotkey::get_hotkey(hotkey::HOTKEY_WB_EXECUTE_ALL_ACTIONS);
121  if(!hk_execute_all.null()) {
122  //print_to_chat("[execute action]", "'" + hk_execute_all.get_name() + "'");
123  hotkeys << "Execute all: " << hk_execute_all.get_name() << ", ";
124  }
125  const hotkey::hotkey_item& hk_delete = hotkey::get_hotkey(hotkey::HOTKEY_WB_DELETE_ACTION);
126  if(!hk_delete.null()) {
127  //print_to_chat("[delete action]", "'" + hk_delete.get_name() + "'");
128  hotkeys << "Delete: " << hk_delete.get_name() << ", ";
129  }
130  const hotkey::hotkey_item& hk_bump_up = hotkey::get_hotkey(hotkey::HOTKEY_WB_BUMP_UP_ACTION);
131  if(!hk_bump_up.null()) {
132  //print_to_chat("[move action earlier in queue]", "'" + hk_bump_up.get_name() + "'");
133  hotkeys << "Move earlier: " << hk_bump_up.get_name() << ", ";
134  }
135  const hotkey::hotkey_item& hk_bump_down = hotkey::get_hotkey(hotkey::HOTKEY_WB_BUMP_DOWN_ACTION);
136  if(!hk_bump_down.null()) {
137  //print_to_chat("[move action later in queue]", "'" + hk_bump_down.get_name() + "'");
138  hotkeys << "Move later: " << hk_bump_down.get_name() << ", ";
139  }
140  print_to_chat("HOTKEYS:", hotkeys.str() + "\n");
141 #endif
142 }
145 {
147  || resources::gameboard == nullptr
149  || resources::gameboard->is_observer()
150  || resources::controller->is_linger_mode()
152  {
153  return false;
154  }
155  else
156  {
157  return true;
158  }
159 }
162 {
163  //any more than one reference means a lock on whiteboard state was requested
164  if(activation_state_lock_.use_count() != 1)
165  return false;
167  return can_modify_game_state();
168 }
170 void manager::set_active(bool active)
171 {
172  if(!can_activate())
173  {
174  active_ = false;
175  LOG_WB << "Whiteboard can't be activated now.";
176  }
177  else if (active != active_)
178  {
179  active_ = active;
180  erase_temp_move();
182  if (active_)
183  {
184  if(should_clear_undo()) {
185  if(!resources::controller->current_team().auto_shroud_updates()) {
187  }
189  }
191  LOG_WB << "Whiteboard activated! " << *viewer_actions();
193  } else {
194  LOG_WB << "Whiteboard deactivated!";
195  }
196  }
197 }
200 {
201  //any more than one reference means a lock on whiteboard state was requested
202  if(activation_state_lock_.use_count() != 1)
203  return;
205  bool block_whiteboard_activation = false;
206  if(!can_activate())
207  {
208  block_whiteboard_activation = true;
209  }
211  if (invert)
212  {
213  if (!inverted_behavior_)
214  {
215  if (active_)
216  {
217  DBG_WB << "Whiteboard deactivated temporarily.";
218  inverted_behavior_ = true;
219  set_active(false);
220  }
221  else if (!block_whiteboard_activation)
222  {
223  DBG_WB << "Whiteboard activated temporarily.";
224  inverted_behavior_ = true;
225  set_active(true);
226  }
227  }
228  }
229  else
230  {
231  if (inverted_behavior_)
232  {
233  if (active_)
234  {
235  DBG_WB << "Whiteboard set back to deactivated status.";
236  inverted_behavior_ = false;
237  set_active(false);
238  }
239  else if (!block_whiteboard_activation)
240  {
241  DBG_WB << "Whiteboard set back to activated status.";
242  inverted_behavior_ = false;
243  set_active(true);
244  }
245  }
246  }
247 }
250 {
252  && viewer_actions()->turn_size(0) > 0;
253 }
256 {
257  return can_modify_game_state() && !viewer_actions()->empty();
258 }
261 {
262  return can_enable_modifier_hotkeys() && highlighter_ && highlighter_->get_bump_target();
263 }
265 bool manager::allow_leader_to_move(const unit& leader) const
266 {
267  if(!has_actions())
268  return true;
270  //Look for another leader on another keep in the same castle
271  { wb::future_map future; // start planned unit map scope
273  // TODO: when the game executes all whiteboard moves at turn end applying the future map
274  // will fail because we are currently executing actions, and if one of those actions
275  // was a movement of the leader this function will be called, resulting the the error
276  // mesage below, we silence that message for now by adding (!executing_actions_)
277  //
278  // Also this check is generally flawed, for example it could happen that the leader found
279  // by find_backup_leader would be moved to that location _after_ the unit would be recruited
280  // It could also happen that the original leader can be moved back to that location before
281  // the unit is recruited.
283  WRN_WB << "Unable to build future map to determine whether leader's allowed to move.";
284  }
285  if(find_backup_leader(leader))
286  return true;
287  } // end planned unit map scope
289  if(viewer_actions()->empty()) {
290  return true;
291  }
293  //Look for planned recruits that depend on this leader
295  {
296  recruit_const_ptr recruit = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<class recruit const>(action);
297  recall_const_ptr recall = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<class recall const>(action);
298  if(recruit || recall)
299  {
301  if (dynamic_cast<game_state&>(*resources::filter_con).can_recruit_on(leader, target_hex))
302  return false;
303  }
304  }
305  return true;
306 }
309 {
310  //Turn should never start with action auto-execution already enabled!
313  update_plan_hiding(); /* validates actions */
314  wait_for_side_init_ = false;
315  LOG_WB << "on_init_side()";
317  if (self_activate_once_ && prefs::get().enable_planning_mode_on_start())
318  {
319  self_activate_once_ = false;
320  set_active(true);
321  }
322 }
325 {
326  preparing_to_end_turn_ = false;
327  wait_for_side_init_ = true;
328  if(side == viewer_side() && !viewer_actions()->empty()) {
329  viewer_actions()->synced_turn_shift();
330  }
331  highlighter_.reset();
332  erase_temp_move();
333  LOG_WB << "on_finish_side_turn()";
334 }
337 {
338 }
341 {
342  // The fake unit representing the destination of a chain of planned moves should have the regular animation.
343  // If the last remaining action of the unit that owned this move is a move as well,
344  // adjust its appearance accordingly.
348  unit_ptr actor = action->get_unit();
349  if(actor) { // The unit might have died following the execution of an attack
351  if(action_it != side_actions->end()) {
352  move_ptr move = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<class move>(*action_it);
353  if(move && move->get_fake_unit()) {
354  move->get_fake_unit()->anim_comp().set_standing(true);
355  }
356  }
357  }
358 }
360 static void hide_all_plans()
361 {
362  for(team& t : resources::gameboard->teams()){
363  t.get_side_actions()->hide();
364  }
365 }
367 /* private */
368 void manager::update_plan_hiding(std::size_t team_index)
369 {
370  //We don't control the "viewing" side ... we're probably an observer
371  if(!resources::gameboard->teams().at(team_index).is_local_human())
372  hide_all_plans();
373  else // normal circumstance
374  {
375  for(team& t : resources::gameboard->teams())
376  {
377  //make sure only appropriate teams are hidden
378  if(!t.is_network_human())
379  team_plans_hidden_[t.side()-1] = false;
381  if(t.is_enemy(team_index+1) || team_plans_hidden_[t.side()-1])
382  t.get_side_actions()->hide();
383  else
384  t.get_side_actions()->show();
385  }
386  }
388 }
391 {
392  update_plan_hiding(display::get_singleton()->viewing_team_index());
393 }
395 void manager::on_viewer_change(std::size_t team_index)
396 {
398  update_plan_hiding(team_index);
399 }
401 void manager::on_change_controller(int side, const team& t)
402 {
403  wb::side_actions& sa = *t.get_side_actions();
404  if(t.is_local_human()) // we own this side now
405  {
406  //tell everyone to clear this side's actions -- we're starting anew
408  sa.clear();
409  //refresh the hidden_ attribute of every team's side_actions
411  }
412  else if(t.is_local_ai() || t.is_network_ai()) // no one owns this side anymore
413  sa.clear(); // clear its plans away -- the ai doesn't plan ... yet
414  else if(t.is_network()) // Another client is taking control of the side
415  {
416  if(side==viewer_side()) // They're taking OUR side away!
417  hide_all_plans(); // give up knowledge of everyone's plans, in case we became an observer
419  //tell them our plans -- they may not have received them up to this point
420  std::size_t num_teams = resources::gameboard->teams().size();
421  for(std::size_t i=0; i<num_teams; ++i)
422  {
423  team& local_team = resources::gameboard->teams().at(i);
424  if(local_team.is_local_human() && !local_team.is_enemy(side))
425  queue_net_cmd(i,local_team.get_side_actions()->make_net_cmd_refresh());
426  }
427  }
428 }
431 {
432  if(highlighter_ != nullptr) {
433  highlighter_->set_selection_candidate(unit_ptr());
434  }
435 }
438 {
439  if(current_side_actions()->empty()) {
440  return false;
441  }
443  side_actions::range_t range = current_side_actions()->iter_turn(0);
444  return range.first != range.second; //non-empty range
445 }
448 {
449  LOG_WB << "'gamestate_mutated_' flag dirty, validating actions.";
450  gamestate_mutated_ = false;
451  if(has_planned_unit_map()) {
452  real_map();
453  } else {
454  future_map();
455  }
456 }
458 //helper fcn
459 static void draw_numbers(const map_location& hex, side_actions::numbers_t numbers)
460 {
461  std::vector<int>& numbers_to_draw = numbers.numbers_to_draw;
462  std::vector<std::size_t>& team_numbers = numbers.team_numbers;
463  int& main_number = numbers.main_number;
464  std::set<std::size_t>& secondary_numbers = numbers.secondary_numbers;
466  const double x_offset_base = 0.0;
467  const double y_offset_base = 0.2;
468  //position 0,0 in the hex is the upper left corner
469  //0.8 = horizontal coord., close to the right side of the hex
470  const double x_origin = 0.8 - numbers_to_draw.size() * x_offset_base;
471  //0.5 = halfway in the hex vertically
472  const double y_origin = 0.5 - numbers_to_draw.size() * (y_offset_base / 2);
473  double x_offset = 0, y_offset = 0;
475  std::size_t size = numbers_to_draw.size();
476  for(std::size_t i=0; i<size; ++i)
477  {
478  int number = numbers_to_draw[i];
480  std::string number_text = std::to_string(number);
481  std::size_t font_size;
482  if (static_cast<int>(i) == main_number) font_size = 19;
483  else if (secondary_numbers.find(i)!=secondary_numbers.end()) font_size = 17;
484  else font_size = 15;
486  color_t color = team::get_side_color(static_cast<int>(team_numbers[i]+1));
487  const double x_in_hex = x_origin + x_offset;
488  const double y_in_hex = y_origin + y_offset;
490  number_text, font_size, color, x_in_hex, y_in_hex);
491  x_offset += x_offset_base;
492  y_offset += y_offset_base;
493  }
494 }
497 namespace
498 {
499  //Helper struct that finds all units teams whose planned actions are currently visible
500  //Only used by manager::pre_draw().
501  //Note that this structure is used as a functor.
502  struct move_owners_finder: public visitor
503  {
505  public:
506  move_owners_finder(): move_owners_() { }
508  void operator()(action* action) {
509  action->accept(*this);
510  }
512  const std::set<std::size_t>& get_units_owning_moves() {
513  return move_owners_;
514  }
516  virtual void visit(move_ptr move) {
517  if(std::size_t id = move->get_unit_id()) {
518  move_owners_.insert(id);
519  }
520  }
522  virtual void visit(attack_ptr attack) {
523  //also add attacks if they have an associated move
524  if(attack->get_route().steps.size() >= 2) {
525  if(std::size_t id = attack->get_unit_id()) {
526  move_owners_.insert(id);
527  }
528  }
529  }
530  virtual void visit(recruit_ptr){}
531  virtual void visit(recall_ptr){}
532  virtual void visit(suppose_dead_ptr){}
534  private:
535  std::set<std::size_t> move_owners_;
536  };
537 }
540 {
541  if (can_modify_game_state() && has_actions() && unit_map_lock_.use_count() == 1) {
542  move_owners_finder move_finder;
543  for_each_action(std::ref(move_finder));
544  units_owning_moves_ = move_finder.get_units_owning_moves();
546  for (std::size_t unit_id : units_owning_moves_) {
547  unit_map::iterator unit_iter = resources::gameboard->units().find(unit_id);
548  if(unit_iter.valid()) {
549  ghost_owner_unit(&*unit_iter);
550  }
551  }
552  }
553 }
556 {
557  for (std::size_t unit_id : units_owning_moves_)
558  {
559  unit_map::iterator unit_iter = resources::gameboard->units().find(unit_id);
560  if (unit_iter.valid()) {
561  unghost_owner_unit(&*unit_iter);
562  }
563  }
564  units_owning_moves_.clear();
565 }
568 {
569  /**
570  * IMPORTANT: none of the code in this method can call anything which would
571  * cause a hex to be invalidated (i.e. by calling in turn any variant of display::invalidate()).
572  * Doing so messes up the iterator currently going over the list of invalidated hexes to draw.
573  */
576  {
577  //call draw() for all actions
578  for_each_action(std::bind(&action::draw_hex, std::placeholders::_1, hex));
580  //Info about the action numbers to be displayed on screen.
581  side_actions::numbers_t numbers;
582  for (team& t : resources::gameboard->teams())
583  {
584  side_actions& sa = *t.get_side_actions();
585  if(!sa.hidden())
586  sa.get_numbers(hex,numbers);
587  }
588  draw_numbers(hex,numbers); // helper fcn
589  }
591 }
594 {
597  bool hex_has_unit;
598  { wb::future_map future; // start planned unit map scope
600  } // end planned unit map scope
601  if (!((selected_hex.valid() && hex_has_unit)
603  {
604  if (!highlighter_)
605  {
607  }
608  highlighter_->set_mouseover_hex(hex);
609  highlighter_->highlight();
610  }
611 }
614 {
615  DBG_WB << "Manager received gamestate change notification.";
616  // if on_gamestate_change() is called while the future unit map is applied,
617  // it means that the future unit map scope is used where it shouldn't be.
618  assert(!planned_unit_map_active_);
619  // Set mutated flag so action queue gets validated on next future map build
620  gamestate_mutated_ = true;
621  //Clear exclusive draws that might not get a chance to be cleared the normal way
623 }
626 {
627  std::size_t size = net_buffer_.size();
628  for(std::size_t team_index=0; team_index<size; ++team_index)
629  {
630  config& buf_cfg = net_buffer_[team_index];
632  if(buf_cfg.empty())
633  continue;
635  config packet;
636  config& wb_cfg = packet.add_child("whiteboard",buf_cfg);
637  wb_cfg["side"] = static_cast<int>(team_index+1);
638  wb_cfg["to_sides"] = resources::gameboard->teams().at(team_index).allied_human_teams();
640  buf_cfg.clear();
642  resources::controller->send_to_wesnothd(packet, "whiteboard");
644  std::size_t count = wb_cfg.child_count("net_cmd");
645  LOG_WB << "Side " << (team_index+1) << " sent wb data (" << count << " cmds).";
646  }
647 }
650 {
651  if(auto wb_cfg = cfg.optional_child("whiteboard"))
652  {
653  std::size_t count = wb_cfg->child_count("net_cmd");
654  LOG_WB << "Received wb data (" << count << ").";
656  team& team_from = resources::gameboard->get_team(wb_cfg["side"].to_int());
657  for(const side_actions::net_cmd& cmd : wb_cfg->child_range("net_cmd"))
658  team_from.get_side_actions()->execute_net_cmd(cmd);
659  }
660 }
662 void manager::queue_net_cmd(std::size_t team_index, const side_actions::net_cmd& cmd)
663 {
664  assert(team_index < net_buffer_.size());
665  net_buffer_[team_index].add_child("net_cmd",cmd);
666 }
669 {
670  route_.reset();
672  /*
674  * (This section has multiple return paths.)
675  */
677  if ( !active_ || !can_modify_game_state() )
678  return;
680  const pathfind::marked_route& route =
683  if (route.steps.empty() || route.steps.size() < 2) return;
685  unit* temp_moved_unit =
686  future_visible_unit(resources::controller->get_mouse_handler_base().get_selected_hex(), viewer_side());
687  if (!temp_moved_unit) temp_moved_unit =
688  future_visible_unit(resources::controller->get_mouse_handler_base().get_last_hex(), viewer_side());
689  if (!temp_moved_unit) return;
690  if (temp_moved_unit->side() != display::get_singleton()->viewing_team().side()) return;
692  /*
694  * (This section has only one return path.)
695  */
697  temp_move_unit_underlying_id_ = temp_moved_unit->underlying_id();
699  //@todo: May be appropriate to replace these separate components by a temporary
700  // wb::move object
702  route_.reset(new pathfind::marked_route(route));
703  //NOTE: route_->steps.back() = dst, and route_->steps.front() = src
705  std::size_t turn = 0;
706  std::vector<map_location>::iterator prev_itor = route.steps.begin();
707  std::vector<map_location>::iterator curr_itor = prev_itor;
708  std::vector<map_location>::iterator end_itor = route.steps.end();
709  for(; curr_itor!=end_itor; ++curr_itor)
710  {
711  const map_location& hex = *curr_itor;
713  //search for end-of-turn marks
714  pathfind::marked_route::mark_map::const_iterator w =
715  route.marks.find(hex);
716  if(w != route.marks.end() && w->second.turns > 0)
717  {
718  turn = w->second.turns-1;
720  if(turn >= move_arrows_.size())
721  move_arrows_.resize(turn+1);
722  if(turn >= fake_units_.size())
723  fake_units_.resize(turn+1);
725  arrow_ptr& move_arrow = move_arrows_[turn];
726  fake_unit_ptr& fake_unit = fake_units_[turn];
728  if(!move_arrow)
729  {
730  // Create temp arrow
731  move_arrow.reset(new arrow());
732  move_arrow->set_color(team::get_side_color_id(
733  viewer_side()));
734  move_arrow->set_style(arrow::STYLE_HIGHLIGHTED);
735  }
737  arrow_path_t path(prev_itor,curr_itor+1);
738  move_arrow->set_path(path);
740  if(path.size() >= 2)
741  {
742  // Bug #20299 demonstrates a situation where an incorrect fake/ghosted unit can be used.
743  // So before assuming that a pre-existing fake_unit can be re-used, check that its ID matches the unit being moved.
744  if(!fake_unit || fake_unit.get_unit_ptr()->id() != temp_moved_unit->id())
745  {
746  // Create temp ghost unit
747  fake_unit = fake_unit_ptr(temp_moved_unit->clone(), resources::fake_units);
748  fake_unit->anim_comp().set_ghosted(true);
749  }
751  unit_display::move_unit(path, fake_unit.get_unit_ptr(), false); //get facing right
752  fake_unit->anim_comp().invalidate(*game_display::get_singleton());
753  fake_unit->set_location(*curr_itor);
754  fake_unit->anim_comp().set_ghosted(true);
755  }
756  else //zero-hex path -- don't bother drawing a fake unit
757  fake_unit.reset();
759  prev_itor = curr_itor;
760  }
761  }
762  //in case path shortens on next step and one ghosted unit has to be removed
763  int ind = fake_units_.size() - 1;
764  fake_units_[ind]->anim_comp().invalidate(*game_display::get_singleton());
765  //toss out old arrows and fake units
766  move_arrows_.resize(turn+1);
767  fake_units_.resize(turn+1);
768 }
771 {
772  move_arrows_.clear();
773  for(const fake_unit_ptr& tmp : fake_units_) {
774  if(tmp) {
775  tmp->anim_comp().invalidate(*game_display::get_singleton());
776  }
777  }
778  fake_units_.clear();
779  route_.reset();
781 }
784 {
785  if (has_temp_move() && !executing_actions_ && !resources::controller->is_linger_mode())
786  {
787  side_actions& sa = *viewer_actions();
788  unit* u = future_visible_unit(route_->steps.front());
789  assert(u);
790  std::size_t first_turn = sa.get_turn_num_of(*u);
794  assert(move_arrows_.size() == fake_units_.size());
795  std::size_t size = move_arrows_.size();
796  for(std::size_t i=0; i<size; ++i)
797  {
798  arrow_ptr move_arrow = move_arrows_[i];
799  if(!arrow::valid_path(move_arrow->get_path()))
800  continue;
802  std::size_t turn = first_turn + i;
804  //@todo Using a marked_route here is wrong, since right now it's not marked
805  //either switch over to a plain route for planned moves, or mark it correctly
807  route.steps = move_arrow->get_path();
808  // path_cost() is incomplete as it for example doesn't handle skirmisher, we let the move action generate the costs on it own.
809  // route.move_cost = path_cost(route.steps,*u);
810  route.move_cost = -1;
812  sa.queue_move(turn, *u, route, move_arrow, std::move(fake_units_[i]));
813  }
814  erase_temp_move();
816  LOG_WB << *viewer_actions();
817  print_help_once();
818  }
819 }
822 {
824 }
826 void manager::save_temp_attack(const map_location& attacker_loc, const map_location& defender_loc, int weapon_choice)
827 {
828  if (active_ && !executing_actions_ && !resources::controller->is_linger_mode())
829  {
830  assert(weapon_choice >= 0);
832  arrow_ptr move_arrow;
833  fake_unit_ptr* fake_unit = nullptr;
834  map_location source_hex;
836  if (route_ && !route_->steps.empty())
837  {
838  //attack-move
839  assert(move_arrows_.size() == 1);
840  assert(fake_units_.size() == 1);
841  move_arrow = move_arrows_.front();
842  fake_unit = &fake_units_.front();
844  assert(route_->steps.back() == attacker_loc);
845  source_hex = route_->steps.front();
847  (**fake_unit).anim_comp().set_disabled_ghosted(true);
848  }
849  else
850  {
851  //simple attack
852  move_arrow.reset(new arrow);
853  source_hex = attacker_loc;
854  route_.reset(new pathfind::marked_route);
855  // We'll pass as parameter a one-hex route with no marks.
856  route_->steps.push_back(attacker_loc);
857  }
859  unit* attacking_unit = future_visible_unit(source_hex);
860  assert(attacking_unit);
864  side_actions& sa = *viewer_actions();
865  sa.queue_attack(sa.get_turn_num_of(*attacking_unit), *attacking_unit, defender_loc, weapon_choice, *route_, move_arrow, fake_unit ? std::move(*fake_unit) : fake_unit_ptr());
867  print_help_once();
869  display::get_singleton()->invalidate(defender_loc);
870  display::get_singleton()->invalidate(attacker_loc);
871  erase_temp_move();
872  LOG_WB << *viewer_actions();
873  }
874 }
876 bool manager::save_recruit(const std::string& name, int side_num, const map_location& recruit_hex)
877 {
878  bool created_planned_recruit = false;
880  if (active_ && !executing_actions_ && !resources::controller->is_linger_mode()) {
881  if (side_num != display::get_singleton()->viewing_team().side())
882  {
883  LOG_WB <<"manager::save_recruit called for a different side than viewing side.";
884  created_planned_recruit = false;
885  }
886  else
887  {
888  side_actions& sa = *viewer_actions();
889  unit* recruiter;
890  { wb::future_map raii;
891  recruiter = find_recruiter(side_num-1,recruit_hex);
892  } // end planned unit map scope
893  assert(recruiter);
894  std::size_t turn = sa.get_turn_num_of(*recruiter);
895  sa.queue_recruit(turn,name,recruit_hex);
896  created_planned_recruit = true;
898  print_help_once();
899  }
900  }
901  return created_planned_recruit;
902 }
904 bool manager::save_recall(const unit& unit, int side_num, const map_location& recall_hex)
905 {
906  bool created_planned_recall = false;
908  if (active_ && !executing_actions_ && !resources::controller->is_linger_mode())
909  {
910  if (side_num != display::get_singleton()->viewing_team().side())
911  {
912  LOG_WB <<"manager::save_recall called for a different side than viewing side.";
913  created_planned_recall = false;
914  }
915  else
916  {
917  side_actions& sa = *viewer_actions();
918  std::size_t turn = sa.num_turns();
919  if(turn > 0)
920  --turn;
921  sa.queue_recall(turn,unit,recall_hex);
922  created_planned_recall = true;
924  print_help_once();
925  }
926  }
927  return created_planned_recall;
928 }
930 void manager::save_suppose_dead(unit& curr_unit, const map_location& loc)
931 {
932  if(active_ && !executing_actions_ && !resources::controller->is_linger_mode())
933  {
935  side_actions& sa = *viewer_actions();
936  sa.queue_suppose_dead(sa.get_turn_num_of(curr_unit),curr_unit,loc);
937  }
938 }
941 {
944  {
945  erase_temp_move();
947  //For exception-safety, this struct sets executing_actions_ to false on destruction.
951  unit const* selected_unit = future_visible_unit(resources::controller->get_mouse_handler_base().get_selected_hex(), viewer_side());
953  auto check_action = [&](side_actions::iterator i) {
954  it = i;
955  return it != viewer_actions()->end() && it < viewer_actions()->turn_end(0);
956  };
958  if (selected_unit && check_action(viewer_actions()->find_first_action_of(*selected_unit)))
959  {
960  executing_actions_ = true;
961  viewer_actions()->execute(it);
962  }
963  else if (highlighter_ && check_action(viewer_actions()->get_position_of(highlighter_->get_execute_target())))
964  {
965  executing_actions_ = true;
966  viewer_actions()->execute(it);
967  }
968  else //we already check above for viewer_actions()->empty()
969  {
970  executing_actions_ = true;
971  viewer_actions()->execute_next();
972  }
973  } //Finalizer struct sets executing_actions_ to false
974 }
977 {
978  preparing_to_end_turn_ = true;
979  return execute_all_actions();
980 }
983 {
984  if (has_planned_unit_map())
985  {
986  ERR_WB << "Modifying action queue while temp modifiers are applied1!!!";
987  }
988  //exception-safety: finalizers set variables to false on destruction
989  //i.e. when method exits naturally or exception is thrown
990  variable_finalizer<bool> finalize_executing_actions(executing_actions_, false);
991  variable_finalizer<bool> finalize_executing_all_actions(executing_all_actions_, false);
994  if(viewer_actions()->empty() || viewer_actions()->turn_size(0) == 0)
995  {
996  //No actions to execute, job done.
997  return true;
998  }
1000  assert(can_enable_execution_hotkeys());
1002  erase_temp_move();
1004  // Build unit map once to ensure spent gold and other calculations are refreshed
1006  assert(has_planned_unit_map());
1009  executing_actions_ = true;
1010  executing_all_actions_ = true;
1014  if (has_planned_unit_map())
1015  {
1016  ERR_WB << "Modifying action queue while temp modifiers are applied!!!";
1017  }
1019  //LOG_WB << "Before executing all actions, " << *sa;
1021  while (sa->turn_begin(0) != sa->turn_end(0))
1022  {
1023  bool action_successful = sa->execute(sa->begin());
1025  // Interrupt on incomplete action
1026  if (!action_successful)
1027  {
1028  return false;
1029  }
1030  }
1031  return true;
1032 }
1035 {
1038  erase_temp_move();
1041  side_actions::iterator it = viewer_actions()->end();
1042  unit const* selected_unit = future_visible_unit(resources::controller->get_mouse_handler_base().get_selected_hex(), viewer_side());
1043  if(selected_unit && (it = viewer_actions()->find_last_action_of(*selected_unit)) != viewer_actions()->end()) {
1044  viewer_actions()->remove_action(it);
1045  // TODO: Shouldn't we probably deselect the unit at this point?
1046  } else if(highlighter_ && (action = highlighter_->get_delete_target()) && (it = viewer_actions()->get_position_of(action)) != viewer_actions()->end()) {
1047  viewer_actions()->remove_action(it);
1049  highlighter_->set_mouseover_hex(highlighter_->get_mouseover_hex());
1050  highlighter_->highlight();
1051  } else { //we already check above for viewer_actions()->empty()
1052  it = (viewer_actions()->end() - 1);
1053  action = *it;
1054  viewer_actions()->remove_action(it);
1056  }
1057  }
1058 }
1061 {
1064  action_ptr action = highlighter_->get_bump_target();
1065  if(action) {
1066  viewer_actions()->bump_earlier(viewer_actions()->get_position_of(action));
1067  validate_viewer_actions(); // Redraw arrows
1068  }
1069  }
1070 }
1073 {
1076  action_ptr action = highlighter_->get_bump_target();
1077  if(action) {
1078  viewer_actions()->bump_later(viewer_actions()->get_position_of(action));
1079  validate_viewer_actions(); // Redraw arrows
1080  }
1081  }
1082 }
1085 {
1086  assert(resources::gameboard);
1087  return wb::has_actions();
1088 }
1091 {
1092  assert(unit != nullptr);
1093  assert(resources::gameboard);
1094  return viewer_actions()->unit_has_actions(*unit);
1095 }
1098 {
1100  return 0;
1102  return resources::gameboard->get_team(side).get_side_actions()->get_gold_spent();
1103 }
1106 {
1108 }
1111 {
1112  int v_side = viewer_side();
1114  int selection = 0;
1116  std::vector<team*> allies;
1117  std::vector<std::string> options;
1118  utils::string_map t_vars;
1120  options.emplace_back(_("SHOW ALL allies’ plans"));
1121  options.emplace_back(_("HIDE ALL allies’ plans"));
1123  //populate list of networked allies
1124  for(team &t : resources::gameboard->teams())
1125  {
1126  //Exclude enemies, AIs, and local players
1127  if(t.is_enemy(v_side) || !t.is_network())
1128  continue;
1130  allies.push_back(&t);
1132  t_vars["player"] = t.current_player();
1133  std::size_t t_index = t.side()-1;
1134  if(team_plans_hidden_[t_index])
1135  options.emplace_back(VGETTEXT("Show plans for $player", t_vars));
1136  else
1137  options.emplace_back(VGETTEXT("Hide plans for $player", t_vars));
1138  }
1140  gui2::dialogs::simple_item_selector dlg("", _("Whiteboard Options"), options);
1142  selection = dlg.selected_index();
1144  if(selection == -1)
1145  return;
1147  switch(selection)
1148  {
1149  case 0:
1150  for(team* t : allies) {
1151  team_plans_hidden_[t->side()-1]=false;
1152  }
1153  break;
1154  case 1:
1155  for(team* t : allies) {
1156  team_plans_hidden_[t->side()-1]=true;
1157  }
1158  break;
1159  default:
1160  if(selection > 1)
1161  {
1162  std::size_t t_index = allies[selection-2]->side()-1;
1163  //toggle ...
1164  bool hidden = team_plans_hidden_[t_index];
1165  team_plans_hidden_[t_index] = !hidden;
1166  }
1167  break;
1168  }
1170 }
1173 {
1174  if (!can_modify_game_state()) {
1175  LOG_WB << "Not building planned unit map: cannot modify game state now.";
1176  return;
1177  }
1178  //any more than one reference means a lock on unit map was requested
1179  if(unit_map_lock_.use_count() != 1) {
1180  LOG_WB << "Not building planned unit map: unit map locked.";
1181  return;
1182  }
1184  WRN_WB << "Not building planned unit map: already set.";
1185  return;
1186  }
1188  log_scope2(log_whiteboard, "Building planned unit map");
1189  mapbuilder_.reset(new mapbuilder(resources::gameboard->units()));
1190  mapbuilder_->build_map();
1192  planned_unit_map_active_ = true;
1193 }
1196 {
1198  {
1199  assert(!executing_actions_);
1200  assert(!wait_for_side_init_);
1201  if(mapbuilder_)
1202  {
1203  log_scope2(log_whiteboard, "Restoring regular unit map.");
1204  mapbuilder_.reset();
1205  }
1206  planned_unit_map_active_ = false;
1207  }
1208  else
1209  {
1210  LOG_WB << "Not disabling planned unit map: already disabled.";
1211  }
1212 }
1215 {
1216  if (gamestate_mutated_) {
1218  }
1219 }
1222  initial_planned_unit_map_(resources::whiteboard && resources::whiteboard->has_planned_unit_map())
1223 {
1224  if (!resources::whiteboard)
1225  return;
1227  resources::whiteboard->set_planned_unit_map();
1228  // check if if unit map was successfully applied
1229  if (!resources::whiteboard->has_planned_unit_map()) {
1230  DBG_WB << "Scoped future unit map failed to apply.";
1231  }
1232 }
1235 {
1236  try {
1237  if (!resources::whiteboard)
1238  return;
1239  if (!initial_planned_unit_map_ && resources::whiteboard->has_planned_unit_map())
1240  resources::whiteboard->set_real_unit_map();
1241  } catch (...) {}
1242 }
1245  initial_planned_unit_map_(resources::whiteboard && resources::whiteboard->has_planned_unit_map()),
1246  whiteboard_active_(resources::whiteboard && resources::whiteboard->is_active())
1247 {
1248  if (!resources::whiteboard)
1249  return;
1250  if (!whiteboard_active_)
1251  return;
1253  resources::whiteboard->set_planned_unit_map();
1254  // check if if unit map was successfully applied
1255  if (!resources::whiteboard->has_planned_unit_map()) {
1256  DBG_WB << "Scoped future unit map failed to apply.";
1257  }
1258 }
1261 {
1262  try {
1263  if (!resources::whiteboard)
1264  return;
1265  if (!initial_planned_unit_map_ && resources::whiteboard->has_planned_unit_map())
1266  resources::whiteboard->set_real_unit_map();
1267  } catch (...) {}
1268 }
1272  initial_planned_unit_map_(resources::whiteboard && resources::whiteboard->has_planned_unit_map()),
1273  unit_map_lock_(resources::whiteboard ? resources::whiteboard->unit_map_lock_ : std::make_shared<bool>(false))
1274 {
1275  if (!resources::whiteboard)
1276  return;
1278  resources::whiteboard->set_real_unit_map();
1279 }
1282 {
1283  if (!resources::whiteboard)
1284  return;
1285  assert(!resources::whiteboard->has_planned_unit_map());
1287  {
1288  resources::whiteboard->set_planned_unit_map();
1289  }
1290 }
1292 } // end namespace wb
const std::vector< map_location > & route_
Definition: move.cpp:300
Arrows destined to be drawn on the map.
std::vector< map_location > arrow_path_t
Definition: arrow.hpp:25
double t
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
Class that keeps track of all the keys on the keyboard.
Definition: key.hpp:29
void clear()
Clears the stack of undoable (and redoable) actions.
Definition: undo.cpp:199
Arrows destined to be drawn on the map.
Definition: arrow.hpp:30
static const std::string STYLE_HIGHLIGHTED
Definition: arrow.hpp:68
static bool valid_path(const arrow_path_t &path)
Checks that the path is not of length 0 or 1.
Definition: arrow.cpp:147
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:172
std::size_t child_count(config_key_type key) const
Definition: config.cpp:296
child_itors child_range(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:272
bool empty() const
Definition: config.cpp:849
void clear()
Definition: config.cpp:828
optional_config_impl< config > optional_child(config_key_type key, int n=0)
Equivalent to mandatory_child, but returns an empty optional if the nth child was not found.
Definition: config.cpp:384
config & add_child(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:440
const team & viewing_team() const
Definition: display.cpp:340
void draw_text_in_hex(const map_location &loc, const drawing_layer layer, const std::string &text, std::size_t font_size, color_t color, double x_in_hex=0.5, double y_in_hex=0.5)
Draw text on a hex.
Definition: display.cpp:1453
bool invalidate(const map_location &loc)
Function to invalidate a specific tile for redrawing.
Definition: display.cpp:3091
void clear_exclusive_draws()
Cancels all the exclusive draw requests.
Definition: display.hpp:150
static display * get_singleton()
Returns the display object if a display object exists.
Definition: display.hpp:111
map_location get_selected_hex() const
const pathfind::marked_route & get_current_route() const
Holds a temporary unit that can be drawn on the map without being placed in the unit_map.
internal_ptr get_unit_ptr()
Get a copy of the internal unit pointer.
void reset()
Reset the internal unit pointer, and deregister from the manager.
virtual const std::vector< team > & teams() const override
Definition: game_board.hpp:80
team & get_team(int i)
Definition: game_board.hpp:92
virtual const unit_map & units() const override
Definition: game_board.hpp:107
static game_display * get_singleton()
bool show(const unsigned auto_close_time=0)
Shows the window.
int selected_index() const
Returns the selected item index after displaying.
events::mouse_handler & get_mouse_handler_base() override
Get a reference to a mouse handler member a derived class uses.
virtual void send_to_wesnothd(const config &, const std::string &="unknown") const
int current_side() const
Returns the number of the side whose turn it is.
virtual bool is_networked_mp() const
static prefs & get()
static config get_auto_shroud(bool turned_on)
Records that the player has toggled automatic shroud updates.
static bool run_and_throw(const std::string &commandname, const config &data, bool use_undo=true, bool show=true, synced_command::error_handler_function error_handler=default_error_function)
static bool is_unsynced()
This class stores all the data for a single 'side' (in game nomenclature).
Definition: team.hpp:74
int side() const
Definition: team.hpp:174
bool is_local() const
Definition: team.hpp:247
bool is_local_human() const
Definition: team.hpp:253
bool is_enemy(int n) const
Definition: team.hpp:229
static std::string get_side_color_id(unsigned side)
Definition: team.cpp:971
std::shared_ptr< wb::side_actions > get_side_actions() const
get the whiteboard planned actions for this team
Definition: team.hpp:371
static color_t get_side_color(int side)
Definition: team.cpp:959
unit_iterator end()
Definition: map.hpp:428
unit_iterator find(std::size_t id)
Definition: map.cpp:302
This class represents a single unit of a specific type.
Definition: unit.hpp:133
unit_ptr clone() const
Definition: unit.hpp:221
Abstract base class for all the whiteboard planned actions.
Definition: action.hpp:34
virtual unit_ptr get_unit() const =0
Return the unit targeted by this action.
std::size_t team_index() const
Returns the index of the team that owns this action.
Definition: action.hpp:84
virtual void draw_hex(const map_location &hex)=0
Gets called by display when drawing a hex, to allow actions to draw to the screen.
Class that handles highlighting planned actions as you hover over them and determine the right target...
Definition: highlighter.hpp:39
bool executing_all_actions_
Track whether we're in the process of executing all actions.
Definition: manager.hpp:215
void on_finish_side_turn(int side)
Definition: manager.cpp:324
void contextual_bump_down_action()
Moves the action determined by the UI toward the beginning of the queue
Definition: manager.cpp:1072
void on_viewer_change(std::size_t team_index)
Definition: manager.cpp:395
bool can_activate() const
Determine whether the whiteboard can be activated safely.
Definition: manager.cpp:161
bool active_
Tracks whether the whiteboard is active.
Definition: manager.hpp:204
bool executing_actions_
Track whenever we're modifying actions, to avoid dual execution etc.
Definition: manager.hpp:213
std::unique_ptr< mapbuilder > mapbuilder_
Definition: manager.hpp:227
whiteboard_lock activation_state_lock_
Reference counted "lock" to allow preventing whiteboard activation state changes.
Definition: manager.hpp:222
std::vector< fake_unit_ptr > fake_units_
Definition: manager.hpp:233
bool has_temp_move() const
Informs whether an arrow is being displayed for move creation purposes.
Definition: manager.hpp:137
bool allow_end_turn()
@ return true if the whiteboard is ready to end turn.
Definition: manager.cpp:976
bool allow_leader_to_move(const unit &leader) const
Used to ask permission to the wb to move a leader, to avoid invalidating planned recruits.
Definition: manager.cpp:265
std::set< std::size_t > units_owning_moves_
used to keep track of units owning planned moves for visual ghosting/unghosting
Definition: manager.hpp:247
void on_kill_unit()
Definition: manager.cpp:430
void post_delete_action(action_ptr action)
Handles various cleanup right after removing an action from the queue.
Definition: manager.cpp:340
bool wait_for_side_init_
Definition: manager.hpp:210
bool has_planned_unit_map() const
Whether the planned unit map is currently applied.
Definition: manager.hpp:116
void queue_net_cmd(std::size_t team_index, const side_actions::net_cmd &)
Adds a side_actions::net_cmd to net_buffer_[team_index], whereupon it will (later) be sent to all all...
Definition: manager.cpp:662
void contextual_bump_up_action()
Moves the action determined by the UI toward the beginning of the queue
Definition: manager.cpp:1060
void set_active(bool active)
Activates/Deactivates the whiteboard.
Definition: manager.cpp:170
void set_planned_unit_map()
Transforms the unit map so that it now reflects the future state of things, i.e.
Definition: manager.cpp:1172
friend struct future_map
Definition: manager.hpp:45
bool gamestate_mutated_
Track whether the gamestate changed and we need to validate actions.
Definition: manager.hpp:219
void save_suppose_dead(unit &curr_unit, const map_location &loc)
Creates a suppose-dead action for the current side.
Definition: manager.cpp:930
int get_spent_gold_for(int side)
Used to track gold spending per-side when building the planned unit map Is referenced by the top bar ...
Definition: manager.cpp:1097
whiteboard_lock unit_map_lock_
Reference counted "lock" to prevent the building of the unit map at certain times.
Definition: manager.hpp:224
void set_real_unit_map()
Restore the regular unit map.
Definition: manager.cpp:1195
bool can_enable_execution_hotkeys() const
Used to ask the whiteboard if its action execution hotkeys should be available to the user.
Definition: manager.cpp:249
static bool current_side_has_actions()
Whether the current side has actions in the first turn of its planned actions queue.
Definition: manager.cpp:437
void draw_hex(const map_location &hex)
Called from the display when drawing hexes, to allow the whiteboard to add visual elements.
Definition: manager.cpp:567
std::size_t temp_move_unit_underlying_id_
Definition: manager.hpp:234
void save_temp_attack(const map_location &attacker_loc, const map_location &defender_loc, int weapon_choice)
Creates an attack or attack-move action for the current side.
Definition: manager.cpp:826
std::shared_ptr< highlighter > highlighter_
Definition: manager.hpp:228
void process_network_data(const config &)
Called by turn_info::process_network_data() when network data needs to be processed.
Definition: manager.cpp:649
void validate_actions_if_needed()
Definition: manager.cpp:1214
void options_dlg()
Displays the whiteboard options dialog.
Definition: manager.cpp:1110
void set_invert_behavior(bool invert)
Called by the key that temporarily toggles the activated state when held.
Definition: manager.cpp:199
void on_change_controller(int side, const team &t)
Definition: manager.cpp:401
void print_help_once()
Definition: manager.cpp:104
bool planned_unit_map_active_
Definition: manager.hpp:211
friend struct real_map
Definition: manager.hpp:47
bool preparing_to_end_turn_
true if we're in the process of executing all action and should end turn once finished.
Definition: manager.hpp:217
void pre_delete_action(action_ptr action)
Handles various cleanup right before removing an action from the queue.
Definition: manager.cpp:336
bool can_modify_game_state() const
Determine whether the game is initialized and the current side has control of the game i....
Definition: manager.cpp:144
void post_draw()
Called from the display after drawing.
Definition: manager.cpp:555
bool can_enable_reorder_hotkeys() const
Used to ask the whiteboard if its action reordering hotkeys should be available to the user.
Definition: manager.cpp:260
bool save_recall(const unit &unit, int side_num, const map_location &recall_hex)
Creates a recall action for the current side.
Definition: manager.cpp:904
void update_plan_hiding()
Definition: manager.cpp:390
std::vector< config > net_buffer_
net_buffer_[i] = whiteboard network data to be sent "from" teams[i].
Definition: manager.hpp:241
void contextual_delete()
Deletes last action in the queue for current side.
Definition: manager.cpp:1034
void create_temp_move()
Creates a temporary visual arrow, that follows the cursor, for move creation purposes.
Definition: manager.cpp:668
bool can_enable_modifier_hotkeys() const
Used to ask the whiteboard if hotkeys affecting the action queue should be available to the user.
Definition: manager.cpp:255
void send_network_data()
Called by replay_network_sender to add whiteboard data to the outgoing network packets.
Definition: manager.cpp:625
void save_temp_move()
Creates a move action for the current side, and erases the temp move.
Definition: manager.cpp:783
bool should_clear_undo() const
Determines whether or not the undo_stack should be cleared.
Definition: manager.cpp:1105
void validate_viewer_actions()
Validates all actions of the current viewing side.
Definition: manager.cpp:447
bool unit_has_actions(unit const *unit) const
Checks whether the specified unit has at least one planned action.
Definition: manager.cpp:1090
void on_init_side()
The on_* methods below inform the whiteboard of specific events.
Definition: manager.cpp:308
bool save_recruit(const std::string &name, int side_num, const map_location &recruit_hex)
Creates a recruit action for the current side.
Definition: manager.cpp:876
void on_gamestate_change()
Definition: manager.cpp:613
bool inverted_behavior_
Definition: manager.hpp:205
void on_mouseover_change(const map_location &hex)
Definition: manager.cpp:593
void erase_temp_move()
Erase the temporary arrow.
Definition: manager.cpp:770
boost::dynamic_bitset team_plans_hidden_
team_plans_hidden_[i] = whether or not to hide actions from teams[i].
Definition: manager.hpp:244
bool self_activate_once_
Definition: manager.hpp:206
bool execute_all_actions()
Executes all actions for the current turn in sequence.
Definition: manager.cpp:982
void pre_draw()
Called from the display before drawing.
Definition: manager.cpp:539
void contextual_execute()
Executes first action in the queue for current side.
Definition: manager.cpp:940
unit_map::iterator get_temp_move_unit() const
Definition: manager.cpp:821
std::unique_ptr< pathfind::marked_route > route_
Definition: manager.hpp:230
bool has_actions() const
Checks whether the whiteboard has any planned action on any team.
Definition: manager.cpp:1084
std::vector< arrow_ptr > move_arrows_
Definition: manager.hpp:232
Class that collects and applies unit_map modifications from the actions it visits and reverts all cha...
Definition: mapbuilder.hpp:39
A planned move, represented on the map by an arrow and a ghosted unit in the destination hex.
Definition: move.hpp:36
virtual fake_unit_ptr get_fake_unit()
Definition: move.hpp:61
map_location const get_recall_hex() const
Definition: recall.hpp:70
map_location const get_recruit_hex() const
Definition: recruit.hpp:75
This internal whiteboard class holds the planned action queues for a team, and offers many utility me...
std::size_t team_index()
Returns the team index this action queue belongs to.
iterator queue_move(std::size_t turn_num, unit &mover, const pathfind::marked_route &route, arrow_ptr arrow, fake_unit_ptr fake_unit)
Queues a move to be executed last.
iterator queue_recruit(std::size_t turn_num, const std::string &unit_name, const map_location &recruit_hex)
Queues a recruit to be executed last.
iterator queue_recall(std::size_t turn_num, const unit &unit, const map_location &recall_hex)
Queues a recall to be executed last.
std::size_t num_turns() const
Returns the number of turns that have plans.
iterator find_last_action_of(const unit &unit, iterator start_position)
Finds the last action that belongs to this unit, starting the search backwards from the specified pos...
iterator queue_suppose_dead(std::size_t turn_num, unit &curr_unit, const map_location &loc)
Queues a suppose_dead to be executed last.
std::size_t get_turn_num_of(const unit &) const
Determines the appropriate turn number for the next action planned for this unit.
void get_numbers(const map_location &hex, numbers_t &result)
Gets called when display is drawing a hex to determine which numbers to draw on it.
net_cmd make_net_cmd_clear() const
container::iterator iterator
bool hidden() const
void clear()
Empties the action queue.
iterator end()
Returns the iterator for the position after the last executed action within the actions queue.
iterator queue_attack(std::size_t turn_num, unit &mover, const map_location &target_hex, int weapon_choice, const pathfind::marked_route &route, arrow_ptr arrow, fake_unit_ptr fake_unit)
Queues an attack or attack-move to be executed last.
std::pair< iterator, iterator > range_t
Finalizer class to help with exception safety sets variable to value on destruction.
Definition: utility.hpp:90
@ actions_numbering
Move numbering for the whiteboard.
@ selected_hex
Image on the selected unit.
#define VGETTEXT(msgid,...)
Handy wrappers around interpolate_variables_into_string and gettext.
std::size_t i
Definition: function.cpp:1023
int w
static std::string _(const char *str)
Definition: gettext.hpp:93
const std::string & id() const
Gets this unit's id.
Definition: unit.hpp:380
int side() const
The side this unit belongs to.
Definition: unit.hpp:343
std::size_t underlying_id() const
This unit's unique internal ID.
Definition: unit.hpp:392
#define log_scope2(domain, description)
Definition: log.hpp:279
std::string path
Definition: filesystem.cpp:90
static bool is_active(const widget *wgt)
Definition: window.cpp:1267
const hotkey_ptr get_hotkey(const SDL_Event &event)
Iterate through the list of hotkeys and return a hotkey that matches the SDL_Event and the current ke...
game_board * gameboard
Definition: resources.cpp:20
fake_unit_manager * fake_units
Definition: resources.cpp:30
actions::undo_list * undo_stack
Definition: resources.cpp:32
play_controller * controller
Definition: resources.cpp:21
filter_context * filter_con
Definition: resources.cpp:23
std::shared_ptr< wb::manager > whiteboard
Definition: resources.cpp:33
static std::string at(const std::string &file, int line)
void move_unit(const std::vector< map_location > &path, unit_ptr u, bool animate, map_location::direction dir, bool force_scroll)
Display a unit moving along a given path.
Definition: udisplay.cpp:505
std::size_t size(const std::string &str)
Length in characters of a UTF-8 string.
Definition: unicode.cpp:85
std::map< std::string, t_string > string_map
Definition: display.hpp:45
side_actions_ptr current_side_actions()
Definition: utility.cpp:48
static void hide_all_plans()
Definition: manager.cpp:360
std::shared_ptr< recruit > recruit_ptr
Definition: typedefs.hpp:72
void for_each_action(std::function< void(action *)> function, team_filter team_filter)
Apply a function to all the actions of the whiteboard.
Definition: utility.cpp:176
void ghost_owner_unit(unit *unit)
Definition: utility.cpp:149
std::shared_ptr< suppose_dead > suppose_dead_ptr
Definition: typedefs.hpp:76
std::shared_ptr< recall const > recall_const_ptr
Definition: typedefs.hpp:75
std::shared_ptr< move > move_ptr
Definition: typedefs.hpp:68
unit * find_recruiter(std::size_t team_index, const map_location &hex)
Definition: utility.cpp:70
int viewer_side()
Definition: utility.cpp:37
std::shared_ptr< action > action_ptr
Definition: typedefs.hpp:62
unit * future_visible_unit(map_location hex, int viewer_side)
Applies the future unit map and.
Definition: utility.cpp:99
std::shared_ptr< side_actions > side_actions_ptr
Definition: typedefs.hpp:66
std::shared_ptr< recruit const > recruit_const_ptr
Definition: typedefs.hpp:73
std::shared_ptr< arrow > arrow_ptr
Definition: typedefs.hpp:60
unit_const_ptr find_backup_leader(const unit &leader)
For a given leader on a keep, find another leader on another keep in the same castle.
Definition: utility.cpp:55
side_actions_ptr viewer_actions()
Definition: utility.cpp:42
bool has_actions()
Return whether the whiteboard has actions.
Definition: utility.cpp:161
static void draw_numbers(const map_location &hex, side_actions::numbers_t numbers)
Definition: manager.cpp:459
std::shared_ptr< action const > action_const_ptr
Definition: typedefs.hpp:63
void unghost_owner_unit(unit *unit)
Definition: utility.cpp:155
std::shared_ptr< recall > recall_ptr
Definition: typedefs.hpp:74
std::string::const_iterator iterator
Definition: tokenizer.hpp:25
This module contains various pathfinding functions and utilities.
std::shared_ptr< attack_type > attack_ptr
Definition: ptr.hpp:33
std::shared_ptr< unit > unit_ptr
Definition: ptr.hpp:26
This file contains object "key", which is used to store information about keys while annotation parsi...
The basic class for representing 8-bit RGB or RGBA colour values.
Definition: color.hpp:59
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:45
Structure which holds a single route and marks for special events.
Definition: pathfind.hpp:142
std::vector< map_location > & steps
Definition: pathfind.hpp:187
bool valid() const
Definition: map.hpp:273
Applies the planned unit map for the duration of the struct's life.
Definition: manager.hpp:253
bool initial_planned_unit_map_
Definition: manager.hpp:256
bool initial_planned_unit_map_
Definition: manager.hpp:287
std::set< std::size_t > secondary_numbers
std::vector< int > numbers_to_draw
std::vector< std::size_t > team_numbers
#define WRN_WB
Definition: typedefs.hpp:26
static lg::log_domain log_whiteboard("whiteboard")
#define ERR_WB
Definition: typedefs.hpp:25
#define DBG_WB
Definition: typedefs.hpp:28
#define LOG_WB
Definition: typedefs.hpp:27
Display units performing various actions: moving, attacking, and dying.
Various functions that implement the undoing (and redoing) of in-game commands.