The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.2+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2024
3  by David White <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * @file
18  * Definitions for the interface to Wesnoth Markup Language (WML).
19  *
20  * This module defines the interface to Wesnoth Markup Language (WML). WML is
21  * a simple hierarchical text-based file format. The format is defined in
22  * Wiki, under BuildingScenariosWML
23  *
24  * All configuration files are stored in this format, and data is sent across
25  * the network in this format. It is thus used extensively throughout the
26  * game.
27  */
29 #pragma once
32 #include "exceptions.hpp"
33 #include "utils/const_clone.hpp"
36 #include <ctime>
37 #include <functional>
38 #include <iosfwd>
39 #include <iterator>
40 #include <map>
41 #include <memory>
42 #include <string>
43 #include <string_view>
44 #include <utility>
45 #include <vector>
47 #include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
49 using config_key_type = std::string_view;
50 enum class DEP_LEVEL : uint8_t;
52 class config;
54 template<class T>
56 {
57 public:
58  optional_config_impl() = default;
61  : opt_(&ref)
62  {
63  }
65  optional_config_impl(utils::nullopt_t)
66  : opt_()
67  {
68  }
70  T& value() const
71  {
72  if(opt_) {
73  return *opt_;
74  } else {
75  // We're going to drop this codepath once we can use optional::value anyway, but just
76  // noting we want this function to ultimately throw utils::bad_optional_access.
77  throw std::runtime_error("Optional reference has no value");
78  }
79  }
82  {
83  opt_ = &new_ref;
84  return *this;
85  }
87  bool has_value() const
88  {
89 #ifdef DEBUG_CONFIG
90  tested_ = true;
91 #endif
92  return opt_ != nullptr;
94  }
96  explicit operator bool() const
97  {
98  return has_value();
99  }
102  {
104  }
106  /** Returns a pointer to the referenced object or nullptr if no reference is held. */
107  T* ptr() const
108  {
109  if(opt_) {
110  return &value();
111  } else {
112  return nullptr;
113  }
114  }
116  T* operator->() const
117  {
118  assert(tested());
119  return &value();
120  }
122  T& operator*() const
123  {
124  assert(tested());
125  return value();
126  }
129  {
130  assert(tested());
131  return value()[key];
132  }
135  {
137  }
138  bool tested() const
139  {
140 #ifdef DEBUG_CONFIG
141  return tested_;
142 #else
143  return true;
144 #endif
145  }
146 private:
147  T* opt_;
148 #ifdef DEBUG_CONFIG
149  mutable bool tested_;
150 #endif
151 };
153 bool operator==(const config &, const config &);
154 inline bool operator!=(const config &a, const config &b) { return !operator==(a, b); }
155 std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &, const config &);
157 /** A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes. */
158 class config
159 {
160  friend bool operator==(const config& a, const config& b);
161 public:
162  // Create an empty node.
163  config();
165  config(const config &);
166  config &operator=(const config &);
168  config(config &&);
169  config &operator=(config &&);
171  /**
172  * Creates a config object with an empty child of name @a child.
173  */
174  explicit config(config_key_type child);
176  /**
177  * Creates a config with several attributes and children.
178  * Pass the keys/tags and values/children alternately.
179  * For example: config("key", 42, "value", config())
180  */
181  template<typename... T>
182  explicit config(config_key_type first, T&&... args);
184  ~config();
186  // Verifies that the string can be used as a tag name
187  static bool valid_tag(config_key_type name);
189  // Verifies that the string can be used as an attribute name
190  static bool valid_attribute(config_key_type name);
192  typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<config>> child_list;
193  typedef std::map<std::string, child_list, std::less<>> child_map;
195  struct const_child_iterator;
198  {
200  typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
201  typedef config *pointer;
202  typedef config &reference;
204  typedef Itor::difference_type difference_type;
206  explicit child_iterator(const Itor &i): i_(i) {}
208  child_iterator &operator++() { ++i_; return *this; }
210  child_iterator &operator--() { --i_; return *this; }
213  reference operator*() const { return **i_; }
214  pointer operator->() const { return &**i_; }
216  bool operator==(const child_iterator &i) const { return i_ == i.i_; }
217  bool operator!=(const child_iterator &i) const { return i_ != i.i_; }
218  bool operator==(const const_child_iterator &i) const { return i == *this; }
219  bool operator!=(const const_child_iterator &i) const { return i != *this; }
221  friend bool operator<(const this_type& a, const this_type& b) { return a.i_ < b.i_; }
222  friend bool operator<=(const this_type& a, const this_type& b) { return a.i_ <= b.i_; }
223  friend bool operator>=(const this_type& a, const this_type& b) { return a.i_ >= b.i_; }
224  friend bool operator>(const this_type& a, const this_type& b) { return a.i_ > b.i_; }
226  this_type& operator+=(Itor::difference_type n) { i_ += n; return *this; }
227  this_type& operator-=(Itor::difference_type n) { i_ -= n; return *this; }
229  config &operator[](Itor::difference_type n) const { return *i_[n]; }
230  friend Itor::difference_type operator-(const this_type& a, const this_type& b) { return a.i_ - b.i_; }
231  friend this_type operator-(const this_type& a, Itor::difference_type n) { return this_type(a.i_ - n); }
232  friend this_type operator+(const this_type& a, Itor::difference_type n) { return this_type(a.i_ + n); }
233  friend this_type operator+(Itor::difference_type n, const this_type& a) { return this_type(a.i_ + n); }
234  private:
236  friend struct const_child_iterator;
237  };
240  {
241  typedef const config value_type;
242  typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
243  typedef const config *pointer;
244  typedef const config &reference;
245  typedef child_list::const_iterator Itor;
246  typedef Itor::difference_type difference_type;
248  explicit const_child_iterator(const Itor &i): i_(i) {}
251  const_child_iterator &operator++() { ++i_; return *this; }
253  const_child_iterator &operator--() { --i_; return *this; }
256  reference operator*() const { return **i_; }
257  pointer operator->() const { return &**i_; }
259  bool operator==(const const_child_iterator &i) const { return i_ == i.i_; }
260  bool operator!=(const const_child_iterator &i) const { return i_ != i.i_; }
261  bool operator==(const child_iterator &i) const { return i_ == i.i_; }
262  bool operator!=(const child_iterator &i) const { return i_ != i.i_; }
264  friend bool operator<(const this_type& a, const this_type& b) { return a.i_ < b.i_; }
265  friend bool operator<=(const this_type& a, const this_type& b) { return a.i_ <= b.i_; }
266  friend bool operator>=(const this_type& a, const this_type& b) { return a.i_ >= b.i_; }
267  friend bool operator>(const this_type& a, const this_type& b) { return a.i_ > b.i_; }
269  this_type& operator+=(Itor::difference_type n) { i_ += n; return *this; }
270  this_type& operator-=(Itor::difference_type n) { i_ -= n; return *this; }
272  const config &operator[](Itor::difference_type n) const { return *i_[n]; }
273  friend Itor::difference_type operator-(const this_type& a, const this_type& b) { return a.i_ - b.i_; }
274  friend this_type operator-(const this_type& a, Itor::difference_type n) { return this_type(a.i_ - n); }
275  friend this_type operator+(const this_type& a, Itor::difference_type n) { return this_type(a.i_ + n); }
276  friend this_type operator+(Itor::difference_type n, const this_type& a) { return this_type(a.i_ + n); }
278  private:
280  };
282  typedef boost::iterator_range<child_iterator> child_itors;
283  typedef boost::iterator_range<const_child_iterator> const_child_itors;
285  /**
286  * Variant for storing WML attributes.
287  * The most efficient type is used when assigning a value. For instance,
288  * strings "yes", "no", "true", "false" will be detected and stored as boolean.
289  * @note The blank variant is only used when querying missing attributes.
290  * It is not stored in config objects.
291  */
294  typedef std::map<
295  std::string
297  , std::less<>
299  typedef attribute_map::value_type attribute;
303  {
305  typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
306  typedef attribute *pointer;
309  typedef Itor::difference_type difference_type;
310  explicit attribute_iterator(const Itor &i): i_(i) {}
312  attribute_iterator &operator++() { ++i_; return *this; }
314  attribute_iterator &operator--() { --i_; return *this; }
317  reference operator*() const { return *i_; }
318  pointer operator->() const { return &*i_; }
320  bool operator==(const attribute_iterator &i) const { return i_ == i.i_; }
321  bool operator!=(const attribute_iterator &i) const { return i_ != i.i_; }
322  bool operator==(const const_attribute_iterator &i) const { return i == *this; }
323  bool operator!=(const const_attribute_iterator &i) const { return i != *this; }
325  private:
328  };
331  {
332  typedef const attribute value_type;
333  typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
334  typedef const attribute *pointer;
335  typedef const attribute &reference;
336  typedef attribute_map::const_iterator Itor;
337  typedef Itor::difference_type difference_type;
338  explicit const_attribute_iterator(const Itor &i): i_(i) {}
341  const_attribute_iterator &operator++() { ++i_; return *this; }
344  const_attribute_iterator &operator--() { --i_; return *this; }
347  reference operator*() const { return *i_; }
348  pointer operator->() const { return &*i_; }
350  bool operator==(const const_attribute_iterator &i) const { return i_ == i.i_; }
351  bool operator!=(const const_attribute_iterator &i) const { return i_ != i.i_; }
352  bool operator==(const attribute_iterator &i) const { return i_ == i.i_; }
353  bool operator!=(const attribute_iterator &i) const { return i_ != i.i_; }
355  private:
357  };
359  typedef boost::iterator_range<const_attribute_iterator> const_attr_itors;
360  typedef boost::iterator_range<attribute_iterator> attr_itors;
364  std::size_t child_count(config_key_type key) const;
365  std::size_t all_children_count() const;
366  /** Count the number of non-blank attributes */
367  std::size_t attribute_count() const;
369  /**
370  * Determine whether a config has a child or not.
371  *
372  * @param key The key of the child to find.
373  *
374  * @returns Whether a child is available.
375  */
376  bool has_child(config_key_type key) const;
378  /**
379  * Returns the first child with the given @a key, or an empty config if there is none.
380  */
381  const config & child_or_empty(config_key_type key) const;
383  /**
384  * Returns the nth child with the given @a key, or
385  * throws an error if there is none.
386  * @note A negative @a n accesses from the end of the object.
387  * For instance, -1 is the index of the last child.
388  */
390  config& mandatory_child(config_key_type key, int n = 0);
391  /**
392  * Returns the nth child with the given @a key, or
393  * throws an error if there is none.
394  * @note A negative @a n accesses from the end of the object.
395  * For instance, -1 is the index of the last child.
396  */
397  const config& mandatory_child(config_key_type key, int n = 0) const;
399  /** Euivalent to @ref mandatory_child, but returns an empty optional if the nth child was not found. */
402  /** Euivalent to @ref mandatory_child, but returns an empty optional if the nth child was not found. */
405  /**
406  * Returns a mandatory child node.
407  *
408  * If the child is not found a @ref wml_exception is thrown.
409  *
410  * @pre parent[0] == '['
411  * @pre parent[parent.size() - 1] == ']'
412  *
413  * @param key The key of the child item to return.
414  * @param parent The section in which the child should reside.
415  * This is only used for error reporting.
416  *
417  * @returns The wanted child node.
418  */
419  config& mandatory_child(config_key_type key, const std::string& parent);
421  /**
422  * Returns a mandatory child node.
423  *
424  * If the child is not found a @ref wml_exception is thrown.
425  *
426  * @pre parent[0] == '['
427  * @pre parent[parent.size() - 1] == ']'
428  *
429  * @param key The key of the child item to return.
430  * @param parent The section in which the child should reside.
431  * This is only used for error reporting.
432  *
433  * @returns The wanted child node.
434  */
435  const config& mandatory_child(config_key_type key, const std::string& parent) const;
437  /**
438  * Get a deprecated child and log a deprecation message
439  * @param old_key The deprecated child to return if present
440  * @param in_tag The name of the tag this child appears in
441  * @param level The deprecation level
442  * @param message An explanation of the deprecation, possibly mentioning an alternative
443  * @note The deprecation message will be a level 3 deprecation.
444  */
445  optional_config_impl<const config> get_deprecated_child(config_key_type old_key, const std::string& in_tag, DEP_LEVEL level, const std::string& message) const;
447  /**
448  * Get a deprecated child range and log a deprecation message
449  * @param old_key The deprecated child to return if present
450  * @param in_tag The name of the tag this child appears in
451  * @param level The deprecation level
452  * @param message An explanation of the deprecation, possibly mentioning an alternative
453  * @note The deprecation message will be a level 3 deprecation.
454  */
455  const_child_itors get_deprecated_child_range(config_key_type old_key, const std::string& in_tag, DEP_LEVEL level, const std::string& message) const;
458  config& add_child(config_key_type key, const config& val);
459  /**
460  * @param key the tag name
461  * @param val the contents of the tag
462  * @param index is the index of the new child within all children of type key.
463  */
464  config& add_child_at(config_key_type key, const config &val, std::size_t index);
466  config &add_child(config_key_type key, config &&val);
468  /**
469  * Returns a reference to the attribute with the given @a key.
470  * Creates it if it does not exist.
471  */
474  /**
475  * Returns a reference to the attribute with the given @a key
476  * or to a dummy empty attribute if it does not exist.
477  */
478  const attribute_value& operator[](config_key_type key) const;
480  /**
481  * Returns a reference to the attribute with the given @a key.
482  * Creates it if it does not exist.
483  */
484  attribute_value& operator[](const std::string& key)
485  {
486  return operator[](config_key_type(key));
487  }
489  /**
490  * Returns a reference to the attribute with the given @a key
491  * or to a dummy empty attribute if it does not exist.
492  */
493  const attribute_value& operator[](const std::string& key) const
494  {
495  return operator[](config_key_type(key));
496  }
498  /**
499  * Returns a reference to the attribute with the given @a key.
500  * Creates it if it does not exist.
501  */
502  attribute_value& operator[](const char* key)
503  {
504  return operator[](config_key_type(key));
505  }
507  /**
508  * Returns a reference to the attribute with the given @a key
509  * or to a dummy empty attribute if it does not exist.
510  */
511  const attribute_value& operator[](const char* key) const
512  {
513  return operator[](config_key_type(key));
514  }
516  /**
517  * Returns a pointer to the attribute with the given @a key
518  * or nullptr if it does not exist.
519  */
520  const attribute_value *get(config_key_type key) const;
522  /**
523  * Chooses a value. If the value specified by @a key is
524  * blank, then @a default_key is chosen instead.
525  * If both values are blank or not set, then an empty value is returned.
526  */
527  const attribute_value& get_or(const config_key_type key, const config_key_type default_key) const;
529  /**
530  * Function to handle backward compatibility
531  * Get the value of key and if missing try old_key
532  * and log a deprecation message
533  * @param key The non-deprecated attribute to return
534  * @param old_key The deprecated attribute to return if @a key is missing
535  * @param in_tag The name of the tag these attributes appear in
536  * @param message An explanation of the deprecation, to be output if @a old_key is present.
537  * @note The deprecation message will be a level 1 deprecation.
538  */
539  const attribute_value &get_old_attribute(config_key_type key, const std::string &old_key, const std::string& in_tag, const std::string& message = "") const;
541  /**
542  * Get a deprecated attribute without a direct substitute,
543  * and log a deprecation message
544  * @param old_key The deprecated attribute to return if present
545  * @param in_tag The name of the tag this attribute appears in
546  * @param level The deprecation level
547  * @param message An explanation of the deprecation, possibly mentioning an alternative
548  */
549  const attribute_value& get_deprecated_attribute(config_key_type old_key, const std::string& in_tag, DEP_LEVEL level, const std::string& message) const;
551  /**
552  * Inserts an attribute into the config
553  * @param key The name of the attribute
554  * @param value The attribute value
555  */
556  template<typename T>
557  void insert(config_key_type key, T&& value)
558  {
559  operator[](key) = std::forward<T>(value);
560  }
562  /**
563  * Returns a reference to the first child with the given @a key.
564  * Creates the child if it does not yet exist.
565  */
568  bool has_attribute(config_key_type key) const;
571  void merge_attributes(const config &);
572  template<typename... T>
573  void remove_attributes(T... keys) {
574  for(const auto& key : {keys...}) {
575  remove_attribute(key);
576  }
577  }
579  /**
580  * Copies attributes that exist in the source config.
581  *
582  * @param from Source config to copy attributes from.
583  * @param keys Attribute names.
584  */
585  template<typename... T>
586  void copy_attributes(const config& from, T... keys)
587  {
588  for(const auto& key : {keys...}) {
589  auto* attr = from.get(key);
590  if(attr) {
591  (*this)[key] = *attr;
592  }
593  }
594  }
596  /**
597  * Copies or deletes attributes to match the source config.
598  *
599  * Attributes that do not exist in the source are fully erased rather than
600  * set to the unspecified/default attribute value.
601  *
602  * @param from Source config to copy attributes from.
603  * @param keys Attribute names.
604  */
605  template<typename... T>
606  void copy_or_remove_attributes(const config& from, T... keys)
607  {
608  for(const auto& key : {keys...}) {
609  if(from.has_attribute(key)) {
610  (*this)[key] = from[key];
611  } else {
612  remove_attribute(key);
613  }
614  }
615  }
620  /**
621  * Returns the first child of tag @a key with a @a name attribute
622  * containing @a value.
623  */
624  optional_config_impl<config> find_child(config_key_type key, const std::string &name,
625  const std::string &value);
628  const std::string &value) const
629  { return const_cast<config *>(this)->find_child(key, name, value); }
631  config& find_mandatory_child(config_key_type key, const std::string &name,
632  const std::string &value);
634  const config& find_mandatory_child(config_key_type key, const std::string &name,
635  const std::string &value) const;
638 private:
640 public:
641  template<typename... T>
642  void clear_children(T... keys) {
643  for(auto key : {keys...}) {
644  clear_children_impl(key);
645  }
646  }
648  /**
649  * Moves all the children with tag @a key from @a src to this.
650  */
651  void splice_children(config &src, const std::string &key);
653  void remove_child(config_key_type key, std::size_t index);
654  /**
655  * Removes all children with tag @a key for which @a p returns true.
656  */
657  void remove_children(config_key_type key, std::function<bool(const config&)> p = [](config){return true;});
660  void clear();
661  void clear_all_children();
662  void clear_attributes();
663  bool empty() const;
665  std::string debug() const;
666  std::string hash() const;
668  struct error : public game::error {
669  error(const std::string& message) : game::error(message) {}
670  };
672  struct child_pos
673  {
674  child_pos(child_map::iterator p, std::size_t i) : pos(p), index(i) {}
676  std::size_t index;
678  bool operator==(const child_pos& o) const { return pos == o.pos && index == o.index; }
679  bool operator!=(const child_pos& o) const { return !operator==(o); }
680  };
682  struct any_child
683  {
684  const child_map::key_type &key;
686  any_child(const child_map::key_type *k, config *c): key(*k), cfg(*c) {}
687  };
689  struct const_all_children_iterator;
692  {
694  {
697  const any_child *operator->() const { return &data; }
698  };
701  typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
705  typedef Itor::difference_type difference_type;
707  explicit all_children_iterator(const Itor &i): i_(i) {}
709  all_children_iterator &operator++() { ++i_; return *this; }
711  this_type &operator--() { --i_; return *this; }
712  this_type operator--(int) { return this_type(i_--); }
714  reference operator*() const;
715  pointer operator->() const { return *this; }
717  bool operator==(const all_children_iterator &i) const { return i_ == i.i_; }
718  bool operator!=(const all_children_iterator &i) const { return i_ != i.i_; }
719  bool operator==(const const_all_children_iterator &i) const { return i_ == i.i_; }
720  bool operator!=(const const_all_children_iterator &i) const { return i_ != i.i_; }
722  friend bool operator<(const this_type& a, const this_type& b) { return a.i_ < b.i_; }
723  friend bool operator<=(const this_type& a, const this_type& b) { return a.i_ <= b.i_; }
724  friend bool operator>=(const this_type& a, const this_type& b) { return a.i_ >= b.i_; }
725  friend bool operator>(const this_type& a, const this_type& b) { return a.i_ > b.i_; }
727  this_type& operator+=(difference_type n) { i_ += n; return *this; }
728  this_type& operator-=(difference_type n) { i_ -= n; return *this; }
730  reference operator[](difference_type n) const { return any_child(&i_[n].pos->first, i_[n].pos->second[i_->index].get()); }
731  friend difference_type operator-(const this_type& a, const this_type& b) { return a.i_ - b.i_; }
732  friend this_type operator-(const this_type& a, difference_type n) { return this_type(a.i_ - n); }
733  friend this_type operator+(const this_type& a, difference_type n) { return this_type(a.i_ + n); }
734  friend this_type operator+(difference_type n, const this_type& a) { return this_type(a.i_ + n); }
736  private:
739  friend class config;
741  };
744  {
746  {
749  const any_child *operator->() const { return &data; }
750  };
752  typedef const any_child value_type;
753  typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
754  typedef const arrow_helper pointer;
755  typedef const any_child reference;
756  typedef std::vector<child_pos>::const_iterator Itor;
757  typedef Itor::difference_type difference_type;
759  explicit const_all_children_iterator(const Itor &i): i_(i) {}
762  const_all_children_iterator &operator++() { ++i_; return *this; }
764  this_type &operator--() { --i_; return *this; }
765  this_type operator--(int) { return this_type(i_--); }
767  reference operator*() const;
768  pointer operator->() const { return *this; }
770  bool operator==(const const_all_children_iterator &i) const { return i_ == i.i_; }
771  bool operator!=(const const_all_children_iterator &i) const { return i_ != i.i_; }
772  bool operator==(const all_children_iterator &i) const { return i_ == i.i_; }
773  bool operator!=(const all_children_iterator &i) const { return i_ != i.i_; }
775  friend bool operator<(const this_type& a, const this_type& b) { return a.i_ < b.i_; }
776  friend bool operator<=(const this_type& a, const this_type& b) { return a.i_ <= b.i_; }
777  friend bool operator>=(const this_type& a, const this_type& b) { return a.i_ >= b.i_; }
778  friend bool operator>(const this_type& a, const this_type& b) { return a.i_ > b.i_; }
780  this_type& operator+=(difference_type n) { i_ += n; return *this; }
781  this_type& operator-=(difference_type n) { i_ -= n; return *this; }
783  reference operator[](difference_type n) const { return any_child(&i_[n].pos->first, i_[n].pos->second[i_->index].get()); }
784  friend difference_type operator-(const this_type& a, const this_type& b) { return a.i_ - b.i_; }
785  friend this_type operator-(const this_type& a, difference_type n) { return this_type(a.i_ - n); }
786  friend this_type operator+(const this_type& a, difference_type n) { return this_type(a.i_ + n); }
787  friend this_type operator+(difference_type n, const this_type& a) { return this_type(a.i_ + n); }
789  private:
792  friend class config;
793  };
795  /**
796  * @param key the tag name
797  * @param val the contents of the tag
798  * @param pos is the index of the new child in _all_ children.
799  */
800  config& add_child_at_total(config_key_type key, const config &val, std::size_t pos);
801  std::size_t find_total_first_of(config_key_type key, std::size_t start = 0);
803  typedef boost::iterator_range<all_children_iterator> all_children_itors;
804  typedef boost::iterator_range<const_all_children_iterator> const_all_children_itors;
806  /** In-order iteration over all children. */
818  /**
819  * A function to get the differences between this object,
820  * and 'c', as another config object.
821  * I.e. calling cfg2.apply_diff(cfg1.get_diff(cfg2))
822  * will make cfg2 identical to cfg1.
823  */
824  config get_diff(const config& c) const;
825  void get_diff(const config& c, config& res) const;
827  /**
828  * The name of the attribute used for tracking diff changes
829  */
830  static const char* diff_track_attribute;
832  /**
833  * A function to apply a diff config onto this config object.
834  *
835  * If the "track" parameter is true, the changes made will be marked in a
836  * magic attribute (defined above) of this and child nodes of this config,
837  * with "new" value indicating an added child, "modified" a modified one,
838  * and "deleted" for the deleted items, *which will not be actually
839  * deleted* (so calling code can easily see what they are).
840  * Use clear_diff_track with the same diff object to clear the tracking
841  * info and actually delete the nodes.
842  */
843  void apply_diff(const config& diff, bool track = false); //throw error
845  /**
846  * Clear any tracking info from a previous apply_diff call with tracking.
847  * This also removes the nodes that are to be deleted, in effect making
848  * apply_diff(c, true); clear_diff_tracking(c);
849  * equivalent to apply_diff(c, false);
850  */
851  void clear_diff_track(const config& diff);
853  /**
854  * Merge config 'c' into this config, overwriting this config's values.
855  */
856  void merge_with(const config& c);
858  /**
859  * Merge config 'c' into this config, preserving this config's values.
860  */
861  void inherit_from(const config& c);
862  /**
863  * Merge the attributes of config 'c' into this config, preserving this config's values.
864  */
865  void inherit_attributes(const config& c);
867  bool matches(const config &filter) const;
869  /**
870  * Append data from another config object to this one.
871  * Attributes in the latter config object will clobber attributes in this one.
872  */
873  void append(const config& cfg);
874  void append(config&& cfg);
876  /**
877  * Adds children from @a cfg.
878  */
879  void append_children(const config &cfg);
880  void append_children(config&& cfg);
882  /**
883  * Adds children from @a cfg.
884  */
885  void append_children(const config &cfg, const std::string& key);
887  /** Moves children with the given name from the given config to this one. */
888  void append_children_by_move(config& cfg, const std::string& key);
890  /**
891  * Adds attributes from @a cfg.
892  */
893  void append_attributes(const config &cfg);
895  /**
896  * All children with the given key will be merged
897  * into the first element with that key.
898  */
899  void merge_children(const std::string& key);
901  /**
902  * All children with the given key and with equal values
903  * of the specified attribute will be merged into the
904  * element with that key and that value of the attribute
905  */
906  void merge_children_by_attribute(const std::string& key, const std::string& attribute);
908  //this is a cheap O(1) operation
909  void swap(config& cfg);
911  /**
912  * Returns true if this object represents valid WML,
913  * i.e. can be saved to disk and again loaded by the WML parser.
914  */
915  bool validate_wml() const;
917 private:
918  /**
919  * Removes the child at position @a pos of @a l.
920  */
923  /** All the attributes of this node. */
926  /** A list of all children of this node. */
929  std::vector<child_pos> ordered_children;
930 };
935 /** Implement non-member swap function for std::swap (calls @ref config::swap). */
936 void swap(config& lhs, config& rhs);
938 namespace detail {
939  template<typename... T>
942  template<>
944  {
945  void visit(config&) {}
946  };
948  template<typename K, typename V, typename... Rest>
949  struct config_construct_unpacker<K, V, Rest...>
950  {
951  template<typename K2 = K, typename V2 = V>
952  void visit(config& cfg, K2&& key, V2&& val, Rest... fwd)
953  {
954  cfg.insert(std::forward<K>(key), std::forward<V>(val));
955  config_construct_unpacker<Rest...> unpack;
956  unpack.visit(cfg, std::forward<Rest>(fwd)...);
957  }
958  };
960  template<typename T, typename... Rest>
961  struct config_construct_unpacker<T, config, Rest...>
962  {
963  template<typename T2 = T, typename C = config>
964  void visit(config& cfg, T2&& tag, C&& child, Rest... fwd)
965  {
966  cfg.add_child(std::forward<T>(tag), std::forward<config>(child));
967  config_construct_unpacker<Rest...> unpack;
968  unpack.visit(cfg, std::forward<Rest>(fwd)...);
969  }
970  };
972  template<typename T, typename... Rest>
973  struct config_construct_unpacker<T, config&, Rest...>
974  {
975  template<typename T2 = T>
976  void visit(config& cfg, T2&& tag, config& child, Rest... fwd)
977  {
978  cfg.add_child(std::forward<T>(tag), std::forward<config>(child));
979  config_construct_unpacker<Rest...> unpack;
980  unpack.visit(cfg, std::forward<Rest>(fwd)...);
981  }
982  };
983 }
985 template<typename... T>
986 inline config::config(config_key_type first, T&&... args)
987 {
989  unpack.visit(*this, first, std::forward<T>(args)...);
990 }
Variant for storing WML attributes.
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:159
void copy_or_remove_attributes(const config &from, T... keys)
Copies or deletes attributes to match the source config.
Definition: config.hpp:606
const attribute_value & get_old_attribute(config_key_type key, const std::string &old_key, const std::string &in_tag, const std::string &message="") const
Function to handle backward compatibility Get the value of key and if missing try old_key and log a d...
Definition: config.cpp:710
optional_config_impl< const config > find_child(config_key_type key, const std::string &name, const std::string &value) const
Definition: config.hpp:627
void append(const config &cfg)
Append data from another config object to this one.
Definition: config.cpp:204
const attribute_value & get_or(const config_key_type key, const config_key_type default_key) const
Chooses a value.
Definition: config.cpp:693
void remove_attributes(T... keys)
Definition: config.hpp:573
all_children_iterator erase(const all_children_iterator &i)
Definition: config.cpp:640
const_all_children_iterator ordered_begin() const
Definition: config.cpp:867
boost::iterator_range< const_all_children_iterator > const_all_children_itors
Definition: config.hpp:804
const config & child_or_empty(config_key_type key) const
Returns the first child with the given key, or an empty config if there is none.
Definition: config.cpp:395
std::size_t attribute_count() const
Count the number of non-blank attributes.
Definition: config.cpp:312
config & mandatory_child(config_key_type key, int n=0)
Returns the nth child with the given key, or throws an error if there is none.
Definition: config.cpp:367
void copy_attributes(const config &from, T... keys)
Copies attributes that exist in the source config.
Definition: config.hpp:586
attribute_value & operator[](config_key_type key)
Returns a reference to the attribute with the given key.
Definition: config.cpp:699
void recursive_clear_value(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:605
bool matches(const config &filter) const
Definition: config.cpp:1198
attribute_value & operator[](const std::string &key)
Returns a reference to the attribute with the given key.
Definition: config.hpp:484
const attribute_value & operator[](const char *key) const
Returns a reference to the attribute with the given key or to a dummy empty attribute if it does not ...
Definition: config.hpp:511
void remove_child(config_key_type key, std::size_t index)
Definition: config.cpp:645
const_attr_itors attribute_range() const
Definition: config.cpp:763
config_attribute_value attribute_value
Variant for storing WML attributes.
Definition: config.hpp:292
std::size_t child_count(config_key_type key) const
Definition: config.cpp:297
attribute_map values_
All the attributes of this node.
Definition: config.hpp:924
bool validate_wml() const
Returns true if this object represents valid WML, i.e.
Definition: config.cpp:1352
optional_config_impl< const config > get_deprecated_child(config_key_type old_key, const std::string &in_tag, DEP_LEVEL level, const std::string &message) const
Get a deprecated child and log a deprecation message.
Definition: config.cpp:416
void merge_attributes(const config &)
Definition: config.cpp:744
const_all_children_iterator ordered_end() const
Definition: config.cpp:877
void merge_children(const std::string &key)
All children with the given key will be merged into the first element with that key.
Definition: config.cpp:240
boost::iterator_range< child_iterator > child_itors
Definition: config.hpp:282
config & add_child_at(config_key_type key, const config &val, std::size_t index)
Definition: config.cpp:467
config & find_mandatory_child(config_key_type key, const std::string &name, const std::string &value)
Definition: config.cpp:813
void append_children_by_move(config &cfg, const std::string &key)
Moves children with the given name from the given config to this one.
Definition: config.cpp:229
const attribute_value & get_deprecated_attribute(config_key_type old_key, const std::string &in_tag, DEP_LEVEL level, const std::string &message) const
Get a deprecated attribute without a direct substitute, and log a deprecation message.
Definition: config.cpp:732
void merge_children_by_attribute(const std::string &key, const std::string &attribute)
All children with the given key and with equal values of the specified attribute will be merged into ...
Definition: config.cpp:255
attribute_value & operator[](const char *key)
Returns a reference to the attribute with the given key.
Definition: config.hpp:502
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< config > > child_list
Definition: config.hpp:192
optional_config_impl< config > find_child(config_key_type key, const std::string &name, const std::string &value)
Returns the first child of tag key with a name attribute containing value.
Definition: config.cpp:787
static bool valid_tag(config_key_type name)
Definition: config.cpp:127
boost::iterator_range< attribute_iterator > attr_itors
Definition: config.hpp:360
const_all_children_iterator ordered_cbegin() const
Definition: config.cpp:872
void clear_children(T... keys)
Definition: config.hpp:642
bool has_child(config_key_type key) const
Determine whether a config has a child or not.
Definition: config.cpp:317
bool has_attribute(config_key_type key) const
Definition: config.cpp:155
void merge_with(const config &c)
Merge config 'c' into this config, overwriting this config's values.
Definition: config.cpp:1126
void clear_children_impl(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:568
std::map< std::string, child_list, std::less<> > child_map
Definition: config.hpp:193
const_child_itors get_deprecated_child_range(config_key_type old_key, const std::string &in_tag, DEP_LEVEL level, const std::string &message) const
Get a deprecated child range and log a deprecation message.
Definition: config.cpp:427
void clear_all_children()
Definition: config.cpp:839
void inherit_from(const config &c)
Merge config 'c' into this config, preserving this config's values.
Definition: config.cpp:1177
const_all_children_itors all_children_range() const
In-order iteration over all children.
Definition: config.cpp:887
static const char * diff_track_attribute
The name of the attribute used for tracking diff changes.
Definition: config.hpp:830
boost::iterator_range< all_children_iterator > all_children_itors
Definition: config.hpp:803
child_itors child_range(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:273
void append_attributes(const config &cfg)
Adds attributes from cfg.
Definition: config.cpp:190
config & child_or_add(config_key_type key)
Returns a reference to the first child with the given key.
Definition: config.cpp:406
boost::iterator_range< const_attribute_iterator > const_attr_itors
Definition: config.hpp:359
void apply_diff(const config &diff, bool track=false)
A function to apply a diff config onto this config object.
Definition: config.cpp:1029
Definition: config.cpp:97
std::size_t all_children_count() const
Definition: config.cpp:307
child_map children_
A list of all children of this node.
Definition: config.hpp:927
const_all_children_iterator ordered_cend() const
Definition: config.cpp:882
config & add_child_at_total(config_key_type key, const config &val, std::size_t pos)
Definition: config.cpp:513
void remove_attribute(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:160
static bool valid_attribute(config_key_type name)
Definition: config.cpp:150
config get_diff(const config &c) const
A function to get the differences between this object, and 'c', as another config object.
Definition: config.cpp:913
Definition: config.cpp:74
std::string debug() const
Definition: config.cpp:1244
attribute_map::value_type attribute
Definition: config.hpp:299
void inherit_attributes(const config &c)
Merge the attributes of config 'c' into this config, preserving this config's values.
Definition: config.cpp:1189
std::size_t find_total_first_of(config_key_type key, std::size_t start=0)
Definition: config.cpp:499
std::vector< child_pos > ordered_children
Definition: config.hpp:929
void remove_children(config_key_type key, std::function< bool(const config &)> p=[](config){return true;})
Removes all children with tag key for which p returns true.
Definition: config.cpp:656
void clear_diff_track(const config &diff)
Clear any tracking info from a previous apply_diff call with tracking.
Definition: config.cpp:1090
std::map< std::string, attribute_value, std::less<> > attribute_map
Definition: config.hpp:298
void swap(config &cfg)
Definition: config.cpp:1340
boost::iterator_range< const_child_iterator > const_child_itors
Definition: config.hpp:283
void append_children(const config &cfg)
Adds children from cfg.
Definition: config.cpp:165
const attribute_value & operator[](const std::string &key) const
Returns a reference to the attribute with the given key or to a dummy empty attribute if it does not ...
Definition: config.hpp:493
void clear_attributes()
Definition: config.cpp:846
void insert(config_key_type key, T &&value)
Inserts an attribute into the config.
Definition: config.hpp:557
void splice_children(config &src, const std::string &key)
Moves all the children with tag key from src to this.
Definition: config.cpp:581
bool empty() const
Definition: config.cpp:852
void clear()
Definition: config.cpp:831
const attribute_value * get(config_key_type key) const
Returns a pointer to the attribute with the given key or nullptr if it does not exist.
Definition: config.cpp:687
std::string hash() const
Definition: config.cpp:1287
friend bool operator==(const config &a, const config &b)
Definition: config.cpp:1366
optional_config_impl< config > optional_child(config_key_type key, int n=0)
Euivalent to mandatory_child, but returns an empty optional if the nth child was not found.
Definition: config.cpp:385
config & operator=(const config &)
Definition: config.cpp:102
config & add_child(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:441
T * operator->() const
Definition: config.hpp:116
Definition: config.hpp:65
utils::const_clone_t< config_attribute_value, T > & operator[](config_key_type key)
Definition: config.hpp:128
bool has_value() const
Definition: config.hpp:87
optional_config_impl< T > & operator=(T &new_ref)
Definition: config.hpp:81
T & operator*() const
Definition: config.hpp:122
T * ptr() const
Returns a pointer to the referenced object or nullptr if no reference is held.
Definition: config.hpp:107
optional_config_impl(T &ref)
Definition: config.hpp:60
bool tested() const
Definition: config.hpp:138
T & value() const
Definition: config.hpp:70
A simple wrapper class for optional reference types.
std::string_view config_key_type
Definition: config.hpp:49
bool operator!=(const config &a, const config &b)
Definition: config.hpp:154
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, const config &)
Definition: config.cpp:1251
void swap(config &lhs, config &rhs)
Implement non-member swap function for std::swap (calls config::swap).
Definition: config.cpp:1347
bool operator==(const config &, const config &)
Definition: config.cpp:1366
Definitions for the interface to Wesnoth Markup Language (WML).
See for more info.
Definition: deprecation.hpp:21
std::size_t i
Definition: function.cpp:968
EXIT_STATUS start(bool clear_id, const std::string &filename, bool take_screenshot, const std::string &screenshot_filename)
Main interface for launching the editor from the title screen.
std::size_t index(const std::string &str, const std::size_t index)
Codepoint index corresponding to the nth character in a UTF-8 string.
Definition: unicode.cpp:70
typename const_clone< D, S >::type const_clone_t
Definition: const_clone.hpp:60
std::string::const_iterator iterator
Definition: tokenizer.hpp:25
const any_child * operator->() const
Definition: config.hpp:697
arrow_helper(const all_children_iterator &i)
Definition: config.hpp:696
friend difference_type operator-(const this_type &a, const this_type &b)
Definition: config.hpp:731
all_children_iterator this_type
Definition: config.hpp:706
pointer operator->() const
Definition: config.hpp:715
std::vector< child_pos >::iterator Itor
Definition: config.hpp:704
all_children_iterator & operator++()
Definition: config.hpp:709
reference operator[](difference_type n) const
Definition: config.hpp:730
reference operator*() const
Definition: config.cpp:857
bool operator==(const all_children_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:717
friend this_type operator-(const this_type &a, difference_type n)
Definition: config.hpp:732
this_type operator--(int)
Definition: config.hpp:712
this_type & operator-=(difference_type n)
Definition: config.hpp:728
bool operator==(const const_all_children_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:719
std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category
Definition: config.hpp:701
friend bool operator>=(const this_type &a, const this_type &b)
Definition: config.hpp:724
friend bool operator>(const this_type &a, const this_type &b)
Definition: config.hpp:725
friend this_type operator+(const this_type &a, difference_type n)
Definition: config.hpp:733
this_type & operator+=(difference_type n)
Definition: config.hpp:727
friend bool operator<=(const this_type &a, const this_type &b)
Definition: config.hpp:723
friend bool operator<(const this_type &a, const this_type &b)
Definition: config.hpp:722
bool operator!=(const all_children_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:718
all_children_iterator(const Itor &i)
Definition: config.hpp:707
bool operator!=(const const_all_children_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:720
all_children_iterator operator++(int)
Definition: config.hpp:710
friend this_type operator+(difference_type n, const this_type &a)
Definition: config.hpp:734
Itor::difference_type difference_type
Definition: config.hpp:705
any_child(const child_map::key_type *k, config *c)
Definition: config.hpp:686
const child_map::key_type & key
Definition: config.hpp:684
config & cfg
Definition: config.hpp:685
attribute_iterator & operator--()
Definition: config.hpp:314
bool operator!=(const attribute_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:321
attribute_iterator operator--(int)
Definition: config.hpp:315
std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category
Definition: config.hpp:305
bool operator==(const attribute_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:320
bool operator!=(const const_attribute_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:323
reference operator*() const
Definition: config.hpp:317
Itor::difference_type difference_type
Definition: config.hpp:309
pointer operator->() const
Definition: config.hpp:318
bool operator==(const const_attribute_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:322
attribute_map::iterator Itor
Definition: config.hpp:308
attribute_iterator operator++(int)
Definition: config.hpp:313
attribute_iterator(const Itor &i)
Definition: config.hpp:310
attribute_iterator & operator++()
Definition: config.hpp:312
friend Itor::difference_type operator-(const this_type &a, const this_type &b)
Definition: config.hpp:230
std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category
Definition: config.hpp:200
friend this_type operator-(const this_type &a, Itor::difference_type n)
Definition: config.hpp:231
child_iterator & operator++()
Definition: config.hpp:208
bool operator==(const const_child_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:218
Itor::difference_type difference_type
Definition: config.hpp:204
bool operator==(const child_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:216
this_type & operator-=(Itor::difference_type n)
Definition: config.hpp:227
child_list::iterator Itor
Definition: config.hpp:203
child_iterator(const Itor &i)
Definition: config.hpp:206
reference operator*() const
Definition: config.hpp:213
bool operator!=(const const_child_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:219
pointer operator->() const
Definition: config.hpp:214
child_iterator operator--(int)
Definition: config.hpp:211
config & operator[](Itor::difference_type n) const
Definition: config.hpp:229
friend this_type operator+(Itor::difference_type n, const this_type &a)
Definition: config.hpp:233
friend this_type operator+(const this_type &a, Itor::difference_type n)
Definition: config.hpp:232
child_iterator operator++(int)
Definition: config.hpp:209
friend bool operator>=(const this_type &a, const this_type &b)
Definition: config.hpp:223
friend bool operator>(const this_type &a, const this_type &b)
Definition: config.hpp:224
this_type & operator+=(Itor::difference_type n)
Definition: config.hpp:226
bool operator!=(const child_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:217
friend bool operator<=(const this_type &a, const this_type &b)
Definition: config.hpp:222
friend bool operator<(const this_type &a, const this_type &b)
Definition: config.hpp:221
child_iterator & operator--()
Definition: config.hpp:210
child_iterator this_type
Definition: config.hpp:205
bool operator==(const child_pos &o) const
Definition: config.hpp:678
std::size_t index
Definition: config.hpp:676
bool operator!=(const child_pos &o) const
Definition: config.hpp:679
child_pos(child_map::iterator p, std::size_t i)
Definition: config.hpp:674
child_map::iterator pos
Definition: config.hpp:675
arrow_helper(const const_all_children_iterator &i)
Definition: config.hpp:748
const_all_children_iterator this_type
Definition: config.hpp:758
friend difference_type operator-(const this_type &a, const this_type &b)
Definition: config.hpp:784
const_all_children_iterator(const all_children_iterator &i)
Definition: config.hpp:760
const_all_children_iterator(const Itor &i)
Definition: config.hpp:759
const_all_children_iterator operator++(int)
Definition: config.hpp:763
Itor::difference_type difference_type
Definition: config.hpp:757
reference operator[](difference_type n) const
Definition: config.hpp:783
std::vector< child_pos >::const_iterator Itor
Definition: config.hpp:756
bool operator==(const const_all_children_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:770
friend this_type operator-(const this_type &a, difference_type n)
Definition: config.hpp:785
std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category
Definition: config.hpp:753
bool operator!=(const const_all_children_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:771
this_type & operator+=(difference_type n)
Definition: config.hpp:780
bool operator!=(const all_children_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:773
bool operator==(const all_children_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:772
friend bool operator>=(const this_type &a, const this_type &b)
Definition: config.hpp:777
friend bool operator>(const this_type &a, const this_type &b)
Definition: config.hpp:778
friend this_type operator+(const this_type &a, difference_type n)
Definition: config.hpp:786
friend bool operator<=(const this_type &a, const this_type &b)
Definition: config.hpp:776
friend bool operator<(const this_type &a, const this_type &b)
Definition: config.hpp:775
const_all_children_iterator & operator++()
Definition: config.hpp:762
friend this_type operator+(difference_type n, const this_type &a)
Definition: config.hpp:787
this_type & operator-=(difference_type n)
Definition: config.hpp:781
bool operator==(const attribute_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:352
const_attribute_iterator & operator++()
Definition: config.hpp:341
const_attribute_iterator operator--(int)
Definition: config.hpp:345
const_attribute_iterator operator++(int)
Definition: config.hpp:342
Itor::difference_type difference_type
Definition: config.hpp:337
const_attribute_iterator & operator--()
Definition: config.hpp:344
const attribute & reference
Definition: config.hpp:335
const_attribute_iterator(const Itor &i)
Definition: config.hpp:338
const_attribute_iterator(attribute_iterator &i)
Definition: config.hpp:339
const attribute * pointer
Definition: config.hpp:334
reference operator*() const
Definition: config.hpp:347
attribute_map::const_iterator Itor
Definition: config.hpp:336
std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category
Definition: config.hpp:333
bool operator!=(const attribute_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:353
bool operator!=(const const_attribute_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:351
bool operator==(const const_attribute_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:350
this_type & operator-=(Itor::difference_type n)
Definition: config.hpp:270
friend Itor::difference_type operator-(const this_type &a, const this_type &b)
Definition: config.hpp:273
const_child_iterator(const Itor &i)
Definition: config.hpp:248
friend this_type operator-(const this_type &a, Itor::difference_type n)
Definition: config.hpp:274
bool operator==(const const_child_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:259
std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category
Definition: config.hpp:242
pointer operator->() const
Definition: config.hpp:257
const_child_iterator operator++(int)
Definition: config.hpp:252
const_child_iterator this_type
Definition: config.hpp:247
bool operator==(const child_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:261
const_child_iterator operator--(int)
Definition: config.hpp:254
const config & operator[](Itor::difference_type n) const
Definition: config.hpp:272
Itor::difference_type difference_type
Definition: config.hpp:246
const_child_iterator(const child_iterator &i)
Definition: config.hpp:249
const_child_iterator & operator++()
Definition: config.hpp:251
const_child_iterator & operator--()
Definition: config.hpp:253
friend this_type operator+(Itor::difference_type n, const this_type &a)
Definition: config.hpp:276
friend this_type operator+(const this_type &a, Itor::difference_type n)
Definition: config.hpp:275
const config * pointer
Definition: config.hpp:243
bool operator!=(const child_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:262
friend bool operator>=(const this_type &a, const this_type &b)
Definition: config.hpp:266
friend bool operator>(const this_type &a, const this_type &b)
Definition: config.hpp:267
const config & reference
Definition: config.hpp:244
reference operator*() const
Definition: config.hpp:256
bool operator!=(const const_child_iterator &i) const
Definition: config.hpp:260
friend bool operator<=(const this_type &a, const this_type &b)
Definition: config.hpp:265
this_type & operator+=(Itor::difference_type n)
Definition: config.hpp:269
friend bool operator<(const this_type &a, const this_type &b)
Definition: config.hpp:264
child_list::const_iterator Itor
Definition: config.hpp:245
error(const std::string &message)
Definition: config.hpp:669
void visit(config &cfg, K2 &&key, V2 &&val, Rest... fwd)
Definition: config.hpp:952
void visit(config &cfg, T2 &&tag, C &&child, Rest... fwd)
Definition: config.hpp:964
void visit(config &cfg, T2 &&tag, config &child, Rest... fwd)
Definition: config.hpp:976
Base class for all the errors encountered by the engine.
Definition: exceptions.hpp:29
std::string message
Definition: exceptions.hpp:30
mock_char c
mock_party p
static map_location::DIRECTION n
#define a
#define b