The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.7+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2024
3  by David White <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * @file
18  * Team-management, allies, setup at start of scenario.
19  */
21 #include "team.hpp"
23 #include "ai/manager.hpp"
24 #include "color.hpp"
25 #include "formula/string_utils.hpp" // for VGETTEXT
26 #include "game_data.hpp"
27 #include "game_events/pump.hpp"
28 #include "lexical_cast.hpp"
29 #include "map/map.hpp"
30 #include "play_controller.hpp"
32 #include "resources.hpp"
33 #include "serialization/chrono.hpp"
35 #include "synced_context.hpp"
36 #include "units/types.hpp"
39 static lg::log_domain log_engine("engine");
40 #define DBG_NG LOG_STREAM(debug, log_engine)
41 #define LOG_NG LOG_STREAM(info, log_engine)
42 #define WRN_NG LOG_STREAM(warn, log_engine)
43 #define ERR_NG LOG_STREAM(err, log_engine)
45 static lg::log_domain log_engine_enemies("engine/enemies");
46 #define DBG_NGE LOG_STREAM(debug, log_engine_enemies)
47 #define LOG_NGE LOG_STREAM(info, log_engine_enemies)
48 #define WRN_NGE LOG_STREAM(warn, log_engine_enemies)
50 // Update this list of attributes if you change what is used to define a side
51 // (excluding those attributes used to define the side's leader).
52 const std::set<std::string> team::attributes {
53  "ai_config",
54  "carryover_add",
55  "carryover_percentage",
56  "color",
57  "controller",
58  "current_player",
59  "defeat_condition",
60  "flag",
61  "flag_icon",
62  "fog",
63  "fog_data",
64  "gold",
65  "hidden",
66  "income",
67  "no_leader",
68  "objectives",
69  "objectives_changed",
70  "persistent",
71  "lost",
72  "recall_cost",
73  "recruit",
74  "previous_recruits",
75  "save_id",
76  "scroll_to_leader",
77  "share_vision",
78  "share_maps",
79  "share_view",
80  "shroud",
81  "shroud_data",
82  "start_gold",
83  "suppress_end_turn_confirmation",
84  "team_name",
85  "user_team_name",
86  "side_name",
87  "village_gold",
88  "village_support",
89  "is_local",
90  // Multiplayer attributes.
91  "player_id",
92  "is_host",
93  "action_bonus_count",
94  "allow_changes",
95  "allow_player",
96  "color_lock",
97  "countdown_time",
98  "disallow_observers",
99  "faction",
100  "faction_from_recruit",
101  "faction_name",
102  "faction_lock",
103  "gold_lock",
104  "income_lock",
105  "leader_lock",
106  "random_leader",
107  "team_lock",
108  "terrain_liked",
109  "user_description",
110  "controller_lock",
111  "chose_random",
112  "disallow_shuffle",
113  "description"
114 };
116 // Update this list of child tags if you change what is used to define a side
117 // (excluding those attributes used to define the side's leader).
118 const std::set<std::string> team::tags {
119  "ai",
120  "leader",
121  "unit",
122  "variables",
123  "village"
124 };
126  : gold(0)
127  , start_gold(0)
128  , income(0)
129  , income_per_village(0)
130  , support_per_village(1)
131  , minimum_recruit_price(0)
132  , recall_cost(0)
133  , can_recruit()
134  , team_name()
135  , user_team_name()
136  , side_name()
137  , faction()
138  , faction_name()
139  , save_id()
140  , current_player()
141  , countdown_time()
142  , action_bonus_count(0)
143  , flag()
144  , flag_icon()
145  , id()
146  , scroll_to_leader(true)
147  , objectives()
148  , objectives_changed(false)
149  , controller()
150  , is_local(true)
151  , defeat_cond(defeat_condition::type::no_leader_left)
152  , proxy_controller(side_proxy_controller::type::human)
153  , share_vision(team_shared_vision::type::all)
154  , disallow_observers(false)
155  , allow_player(false)
156  , chose_random(false)
157  , no_leader(true)
158  , hidden(true)
159  , no_turn_confirmation(false)
160  , color()
161  , side(1)
162  , persistent(false)
163  , lost(false)
164  , carryover_percentage(game_config::gold_carryover_percentage)
165  , carryover_add(false)
166  , carryover_bonus(0)
167  , carryover_gold(0)
168 {
169 }
172 {
173  gold = cfg["gold"].to_int();
174  income = cfg["income"].to_int();
175  team_name = cfg["team_name"].str();
176  user_team_name = cfg["user_team_name"];
177  side_name = cfg["side_name"];
178  faction = cfg["faction"].str();
179  faction_name = cfg["faction_name"];
180  save_id = cfg["save_id"].str();
181  current_player = cfg["current_player"].str();
182  countdown_time = cfg["countdown_time"].str();
183  action_bonus_count = cfg["action_bonus_count"].to_int();
184  flag = cfg["flag"].str();
185  flag_icon = cfg["flag_icon"].str();
186  id = cfg["id"].str();
187  scroll_to_leader = cfg["scroll_to_leader"].to_bool(true);
188  objectives = cfg["objectives"];
189  objectives_changed = cfg["objectives_changed"].to_bool();
190  disallow_observers = cfg["disallow_observers"].to_bool();
191  allow_player = cfg["allow_player"].to_bool(true);
192  chose_random = cfg["chose_random"].to_bool(false);
193  no_leader = cfg["no_leader"].to_bool();
194  defeat_cond = defeat_condition::get_enum(cfg["defeat_condition"].str()).value_or(defeat_condition::type::no_leader_left);
195  lost = cfg["lost"].to_bool(false);
196  hidden = cfg["hidden"].to_bool();
197  no_turn_confirmation = cfg["suppress_end_turn_confirmation"].to_bool();
198  side = cfg["side"].to_int(1);
199  carryover_percentage = cfg["carryover_percentage"].to_int(game_config::gold_carryover_percentage);
200  carryover_add = cfg["carryover_add"].to_bool(false);
201  carryover_bonus = cfg["carryover_bonus"].to_double(1);
202  carryover_gold = cfg["carryover_gold"].to_int(0);
203  variables = cfg.child_or_empty("variables");
204  is_local = cfg["is_local"].to_bool(true);
208  // If starting new scenario override settings from [ai] tags
213  if(cfg.has_attribute("ai_config")) {
214  ai::manager::get_singleton().add_ai_for_side_from_file(side, cfg["ai_config"], true);
215  } else {
217  }
218  }
220  std::vector<std::string> recruits = utils::split(cfg["recruit"]);
221  can_recruit.insert(recruits.begin(), recruits.end());
223  // at the start of a scenario "start_gold" is not set, we need to take the
224  // value from the gold setting (or fall back to the gold default)
225  if(!cfg["start_gold"].empty()) {
226  start_gold = cfg["start_gold"].to_int();
227  } else {
228  start_gold = gold;
229  }
231  if(team_name.empty()) {
232  team_name = cfg["side"].str();
233  }
235  if(save_id.empty()) {
236  save_id = id;
237  }
239  income_per_village = cfg["village_gold"].to_int(game_config::village_income);
240  recall_cost = cfg["recall_cost"].to_int(game_config::recall_cost);
242  const std::string& village_support = cfg["village_support"];
243  if(village_support.empty()) {
244  support_per_village = game_config::village_support;
245  } else {
246  support_per_village = lexical_cast_default<int>(village_support, game_config::village_support);
247  }
249  controller = side_controller::get_enum(cfg["controller"].str()).value_or(side_controller::type::ai);
251  // TODO: Why do we read disallow observers differently when controller is empty?
252  if(controller == side_controller::type::none) {
253  disallow_observers = cfg["disallow_observers"].to_bool(true);
254  }
256  // override persistence flag if it is explicitly defined in the config
257  // by default, persistence of a team is set depending on the controller
258  persistent = cfg["persistent"].to_bool(this->controller == side_controller::type::human);
260  //========================================================
263  // Share_view and share_maps can't both be enabled,
264  // so share_view overrides share_maps.
265  share_vision = team_shared_vision::get_enum(cfg["share_vision"].str()).value_or(team_shared_vision::type::all);
268  LOG_NG << "team_info::team_info(...): team_name: " << team_name << ", share_vision: " << team_shared_vision::get_string(share_vision) << ".";
269 }
272 {
273  if(cfg.has_attribute("share_view") || cfg.has_attribute("share_maps")) {
274  if(cfg["share_view"].to_bool()) {
275  share_vision = team_shared_vision::type::all;
276  } else if(cfg["share_maps"].to_bool(true)) {
277  share_vision = team_shared_vision::type::shroud;
278  } else {
279  share_vision = team_shared_vision::type::none;
280  }
281  }
282 }
285 {
286  cfg["gold"] = gold;
287  cfg["start_gold"] = start_gold;
288  cfg["income"] = income;
289  cfg["team_name"] = team_name;
290  cfg["user_team_name"] = user_team_name;
291  cfg["side_name"] = side_name;
292  cfg["faction"] = faction;
293  cfg["faction_name"] = faction_name;
294  cfg["save_id"] = save_id;
295  cfg["current_player"] = current_player;
296  cfg["flag"] = flag;
297  cfg["flag_icon"] = flag_icon;
298  cfg["id"] = id;
299  cfg["objectives"] = objectives;
300  cfg["objectives_changed"] = objectives_changed;
301  cfg["countdown_time"] = countdown_time;
302  cfg["action_bonus_count"] = action_bonus_count;
303  cfg["village_gold"] = income_per_village;
304  cfg["village_support"] = support_per_village;
305  cfg["recall_cost"] = recall_cost;
306  cfg["disallow_observers"] = disallow_observers;
307  cfg["allow_player"] = allow_player;
308  cfg["chose_random"] = chose_random;
309  cfg["no_leader"] = no_leader;
310  cfg["defeat_condition"] = defeat_condition::get_string(defeat_cond);
311  cfg["hidden"] = hidden;
312  cfg["suppress_end_turn_confirmation"] = no_turn_confirmation;
313  cfg["scroll_to_leader"] = scroll_to_leader;
314  cfg["controller"] = side_controller::get_string(controller);
315  cfg["recruit"] = utils::join(can_recruit);
316  cfg["share_vision"] = team_shared_vision::get_string(share_vision);
318  cfg["color"] = color;
319  cfg["persistent"] = persistent;
320  cfg["lost"] = lost;
321  cfg["carryover_percentage"] = carryover_percentage;
322  cfg["carryover_add"] = carryover_add;
323  cfg["carryover_bonus"] = carryover_bonus;
324  cfg["carryover_gold"] = carryover_gold;
326  if(!variables.empty()) {
327  cfg.add_child("variables", variables);
328  }
331 }
334  : villages_()
335  , shroud_()
336  , fog_()
337  , fog_clearer_()
338  , auto_shroud_updates_(true)
339  , info_()
340  , countdown_time_(0)
342  , recall_list_()
343  , last_recruit_()
344  , enemies_()
345  , ally_shroud_()
346  , ally_fog_()
347  , planned_actions_()
348 {
349 }
352 {
353 }
355 void team::build(const config& cfg, const gamemap& map)
356 {
359  fog_.set_enabled(cfg["fog"].to_bool());
361  shroud_.set_enabled(cfg["shroud"].to_bool());
363  auto_shroud_updates_ = cfg["auto_shroud"].to_bool(auto_shroud_updates_);
365  LOG_NG << "team::team(...): team_name: " << info_.team_name << ", shroud: " << uses_shroud()
366  << ", fog: " << uses_fog() << ".";
368  // Load the WML-cleared fog.
369  auto fog_override = cfg.optional_child("fog_override");
370  if(fog_override) {
371  const std::vector<map_location> fog_vector
372  = map.parse_location_range(fog_override["x"], fog_override["y"], true);
373  fog_clearer_.insert(fog_vector.begin(), fog_vector.end());
374  }
376  // Load in the villages the side controls at the start
377  for(const config& v : cfg.child_range("village")) {
378  map_location loc(v);
379  if(map.is_village(loc)) {
380  villages_.insert(loc);
381  } else {
382  WRN_NG << "[side] " << current_player() << " [village] points to a non-village location " << loc;
383  }
384  }
386  countdown_time_ = chrono::parse_duration<std::chrono::milliseconds>(cfg["countdown_time"]);
387  action_bonus_count_ = cfg["action_bonus_count"].to_int();
389  planned_actions_.reset(new wb::side_actions());
390  planned_actions_->set_team_index(info_.side - 1);
391 }
393 void team::write(config& cfg) const
394 {
395  info_.write(cfg);
396  cfg["auto_shroud"] = auto_shroud_updates_;
397  cfg["shroud"] = uses_shroud();
398  cfg["fog"] = uses_fog();
400  // Write village locations
401  for(const map_location& loc : villages_) {
402  loc.write(cfg.add_child("village"));
403  }
405  cfg["shroud_data"] = shroud_.write();
406  cfg["fog_data"] = fog_.write();
407  if(!fog_clearer_.empty())
408  write_location_range(fog_clearer_, cfg.add_child("fog_override"));
410  cfg["countdown_time"] = countdown_time_;
411  cfg["action_bonus_count"] = action_bonus_count_;
412 }
414 void team::fix_villages(const gamemap &map)
415 {
416  for (auto it = villages_.begin(); it != villages_.end(); ) {
417  if (map.is_village(*it)) {
418  ++it;
419  }
420  else {
421  it = villages_.erase(it);
422  }
423  }
424 }
427 {
428  villages_.insert(loc);
431  if(gamedata) {
432  config::attribute_value var_owner_side;
433  var_owner_side = owner_side;
434  std::swap(var_owner_side, gamedata->get_variable("owner_side"));
436  // During team building, game_events pump is not guaranteed to exist yet. (At current revision.) We skip capture
437  // events in this case.
439  res = resources::game_events->pump().fire("capture", loc);
440  }
442  if(var_owner_side.blank()) {
443  gamedata->clear_variable("owner_side");
444  } else {
445  std::swap(var_owner_side, gamedata->get_variable("owner_side"));
446  }
447  }
449  return res;
450 }
453 {
454  const std::set<map_location>::const_iterator vil = villages_.find(loc);
455  assert(vil != villages_.end());
456  villages_.erase(vil);
457 }
459 void team::set_recruits(const std::set<std::string>& recruits)
460 {
463  // this method gets called from the editor, which obviously has no AI present
466  }
467 }
469 void team::add_recruit(const std::string& recruit)
470 {
471  info_.can_recruit.insert(recruit);
474 }
477 {
480  }
481  int min = 20;
482  for(std::string recruit : info_.can_recruit) {
483  const unit_type* ut = unit_types.find(recruit);
484  if(!ut) {
485  continue;
486  } else {
487  if(ut->cost() < min) {
488  min = ut->cost();
489  }
490  }
491  }
496 }
498 void team::calculate_enemies(std::size_t index) const
499 {
500  if(!resources::gameboard || index >= resources::gameboard->teams().size()) {
501  return;
502  }
504  while(enemies_.size() <= index) {
505  enemies_.push_back(calculate_is_enemy(enemies_.size()));
506  }
507 }
509 bool team::calculate_is_enemy(std::size_t index) const
510 {
511  // We're not enemies of ourselves
512  if(&resources::gameboard->teams()[index] == this) {
513  return false;
514  }
516  // We are friends with anyone who we share a teamname with
517  std::vector<std::string> our_teams = utils::split(info_.team_name);
518  std::vector<std::string> their_teams = utils::split(resources::gameboard->teams()[index].info_.team_name);
520  LOG_NGE << "team " << info_.side << " calculates if it has enemy in team " << index + 1 << "; our team_name ["
521  << info_.team_name << "], their team_name is [" << resources::gameboard->teams()[index].info_.team_name
522  << "]" << std::endl;
524  for(const std::string& t : our_teams) {
525  if(std::find(their_teams.begin(), their_teams.end(), t) != their_teams.end()) {
526  LOG_NGE << "team " << info_.side << " found same team name [" << t << "] in team " << index + 1;
527  return false;
528  } else {
529  LOG_NGE << "team " << info_.side << " not found same team name [" << t << "] in team " << index + 1;
530  }
531  }
533  LOG_NGE << "team " << info_.side << " has enemy in team " << index + 1;
534  return true;
535 }
537 namespace
538 {
539 class controller_server_choice : public synced_context::server_choice
540 {
541 public:
542  controller_server_choice(side_controller::type new_controller, const team& team)
543  : new_controller_(new_controller)
544  , team_(team)
545  {
546  }
548  /** We are in a game with no mp server and need to do this choice locally */
549  virtual config local_choice() const
550  {
551  return config{"controller", side_controller::get_string(new_controller_), "is_local", true};
552  }
554  /** The request which is sent to the mp server. */
555  virtual config request() const
556  {
557  return config{
558  "new_controller", side_controller::get_string(new_controller_), "old_controller", side_controller::get_string(team_.controller()), "side", team_.side(),
559  };
560  }
562  virtual const char* name() const
563  {
564  return "change_controller_wml";
565  }
567 private:
568  side_controller::type new_controller_;
569  const team& team_;
570 };
571 } // end anon namespace
573 void team::change_controller_by_wml(const std::string& new_controller_string)
574 {
575  auto new_controller = side_controller::get_enum(new_controller_string);
576  if(!new_controller) {
577  WRN_NG << "ignored attempt to change controller to " << new_controller_string;
578  return;
579  }
581  if(new_controller == side_controller::type::none && resources::controller->current_side() == this->side()) {
582  WRN_NG << "ignored attempt to change the currently playing side's controller to 'null'";
583  return;
584  }
586  config choice = synced_context::ask_server_choice(controller_server_choice(*new_controller, *this));
587  if(!side_controller::get_enum(choice["controller"].str())) {
588  WRN_NG << "Received an invalid controller string from the server" << choice["controller"];
589  } else {
590  new_controller = side_controller::get_enum(choice["controller"].str());
591  }
593  if(!resources::controller->is_replay()) {
594  set_local(choice["is_local"].to_bool());
595  }
598  if(pc->current_side() == side() && new_controller != controller()) {
599  pc->set_player_type_changed();
600  }
601  }
603  change_controller(*new_controller);
604 }
606 void team::change_team(const std::string& name, const t_string& user_name)
607 {
608  info_.team_name = name;
610  if(!user_name.empty()) {
611  info_.user_team_name = user_name;
612  } else {
613  info_.user_team_name = name;
614  }
616  clear_caches();
617 }
620 {
621  // Reset the cache of allies for all teams
623  for(auto& t : resources::gameboard->teams()) {
624  t.enemies_.clear();
625  t.ally_shroud_.clear();
626  t.ally_fog_.clear();
627  }
628  }
629 }
631 void team::set_objectives(const t_string& new_objectives, bool silently)
632 {
633  info_.objectives = new_objectives;
635  if(!silently) {
636  info_.objectives_changed = true;
637  }
638 }
640 bool team::shrouded(const map_location& loc) const
641 {
642  if(!resources::gameboard) {
643  return shroud_.value(loc.wml_x(), loc.wml_y());
644  }
647 }
649 bool team::fogged(const map_location& loc) const
650 {
651  if(shrouded(loc)) {
652  return true;
653  }
655  // Check for an override of fog.
656  if(fog_clearer_.count(loc) > 0) {
657  return false;
658  }
660  if(!resources::gameboard) {
661  return fog_.value(loc.wml_x(), loc.wml_y());
662  }
665 }
667 const std::vector<const shroud_map*>& team::ally_shroud(const std::vector<team>& teams) const
668 {
669  if(ally_shroud_.empty()) {
670  for(const team& t : teams) {
671  if(!is_enemy(t.side()) && (&t == this || t.share_view() || t.share_maps())) {
672  ally_shroud_.push_back(&t.shroud_);
673  }
674  }
675  }
677  return ally_shroud_;
678 }
680 const std::vector<const shroud_map*>& team::ally_fog(const std::vector<team>& teams) const
681 {
682  if(ally_fog_.empty()) {
683  for(const team& t : teams) {
684  if(!is_enemy(t.side()) && (&t == this || t.share_view())) {
685  ally_fog_.push_back(&t.fog_);
686  }
687  }
688  }
690  return ally_fog_;
691 }
693 bool team::knows_about_team(std::size_t index) const
694 {
695  const team& t = resources::gameboard->teams()[index];
697  // We know about our own team
698  if(this == &t) {
699  return true;
700  }
702  // If we aren't using shroud or fog, then we know about everyone
703  if(!uses_shroud() && !uses_fog()) {
704  return true;
705  }
707  // We don't know about enemies
708  if(is_enemy(index + 1)) {
709  return false;
710  }
712  // We know our human allies.
713  if(t.is_human()) {
714  return true;
715  }
717  // We know about allies we're sharing maps with
718  if(share_maps() && t.uses_shroud()) {
719  return true;
720  }
722  // We know about allies we're sharing view with
723  if(share_view() && (t.uses_fog() || t.uses_shroud())) {
724  return true;
725  }
727  return false;
728 }
730 /**
731  * Removes the record of hexes that were cleared of fog via WML.
732  * @param[in] hexes The hexes to no longer keep clear.
733  */
734 void team::remove_fog_override(const std::set<map_location>& hexes)
735 {
736  // Take a set difference.
737  std::vector<map_location> result(fog_clearer_.size());
739  std::set_difference(fog_clearer_.begin(), fog_clearer_.end(), hexes.begin(), hexes.end(), result.begin());
741  // Put the result into fog_clearer_.
742  fog_clearer_.clear();
743  fog_clearer_.insert(result.begin(), result_end);
744 }
746 void validate_side(int side)
747 {
748  if(!resources::gameboard) {
749  return;
750  }
752  if(side < 1 || side > static_cast<int>(resources::gameboard->teams().size())) {
753  throw game::game_error("invalid side(" + std::to_string(side) + ") found in unit definition");
754  }
755 }
757 int shroud_map::width() const
758 {
759  return data_.size();
760 }
763 {
764  if(data_.size() == 0) return 0;
765  return std::max_element(data_.begin(), data_.end(), [](const auto& a, const auto& b) {
766  return a.size() < b.size();
767  })->size();
768 }
770 bool shroud_map::clear(int x, int y)
771 {
772  if(enabled_ == false || x < 0 || y < 0) {
773  return false;
774  }
776  if(x >= static_cast<int>(data_.size())) {
777  data_.resize(x + 1);
778  }
780  if(y >= static_cast<int>(data_[x].size())) {
781  data_[x].resize(y + 1);
782  }
784  if(data_[x][y] == false) {
785  data_[x][y] = true;
786  return true;
787  }
789  return false;
790 }
792 void shroud_map::place(int x, int y)
793 {
794  if(enabled_ == false || x < 0 || y < 0) {
795  return;
796  }
798  if(x >= static_cast<int>(data_.size())) {
799  DBG_NG << "Couldn't place shroud on invalid x coordinate: (" << x << ", " << y
800  << ") - max x: " << data_.size() - 1;
801  } else if(y >= static_cast<int>(data_[x].size())) {
802  DBG_NG << "Couldn't place shroud on invalid y coordinate: (" << x << ", " << y
803  << ") - max y: " << data_[x].size() - 1;
804  } else {
805  data_[x][y] = false;
806  }
807 }
810 {
811  if(enabled_ == false) {
812  return;
813  }
815  for(auto& i : data_) {
816  std::fill(i.begin(), i.end(), false);
817  }
818 }
820 bool shroud_map::value(int x, int y) const
821 {
822  if(!enabled_) {
823  return false;
824  }
826  // Locations for which we have no data are assumed to still be covered.
827  if(x < 0 || x >= static_cast<int>(data_.size())) {
828  return true;
829  }
831  if(y < 0 || y >= static_cast<int>(data_[x].size())) {
832  return true;
833  }
835  // data_ stores whether or not a location has been cleared, while
836  // we want to return whether or not a location is covered.
837  return !data_[x][y];
838 }
840 bool shroud_map::shared_value(const std::vector<const shroud_map*>& maps, int x, int y) const
841 {
842  if(!enabled_) {
843  return false;
844  }
846  // A quick abort:
847  if(x < 0 || y < 0) {
848  return true;
849  }
851  // A tile is uncovered if it is uncovered on any shared map.
852  for(const shroud_map* const shared_map : maps) {
853  if(shared_map->enabled_ && !shared_map->value(x, y)) {
854  return false;
855  }
856  }
858  return true;
859 }
861 std::string shroud_map::write() const
862 {
863  std::stringstream shroud_str;
864  for(const auto& sh : data_) {
865  shroud_str << '|';
867  for(bool i : sh) {
868  shroud_str << (i ? '1' : '0');
869  }
871  shroud_str << '\n';
872  }
874  return shroud_str.str();
875 }
877 void shroud_map::read(const std::string& str)
878 {
879  data_.clear();
881  for(const char sh : str) {
882  if(sh == '|') {
883  data_.resize(data_.size() + 1);
884  }
886  if(data_.empty() == false) {
887  if(sh == '1') {
888  data_.back().push_back(true);
889  } else if(sh == '0') {
890  data_.back().push_back(false);
891  }
892  }
893  }
894 }
896 void shroud_map::merge(const std::string& str)
897 {
898  int x = 0, y = 0;
899  for(std::size_t i = 1; i < str.length(); ++i) {
900  if(str[i] == '|') {
901  y = 0;
902  x++;
903  } else if(str[i] == '1') {
904  clear(x, y);
905  y++;
906  } else if(str[i] == '0') {
907  y++;
908  }
909  }
910 }
912 bool shroud_map::copy_from(const std::vector<const shroud_map*>& maps)
913 {
914  if(enabled_ == false) {
915  return false;
916  }
918  bool cleared = false;
919  for(const shroud_map* m : maps) {
920  if(m->enabled_ == false) {
921  continue;
922  }
924  const std::vector<std::vector<bool>>& v = m->data_;
925  for(std::size_t x = 0; x != v.size(); ++x) {
926  for(std::size_t y = 0; y != v[x].size(); ++y) {
927  if(v[x][y]) {
928  cleared |= clear(x, y);
929  }
930  }
931  }
932  }
934  return cleared;
935 }
938 {
939  std::string index = get_side_color_id(side);
940  auto gp = game_config::team_rgb_range.find(index);
942  if(gp != game_config::team_rgb_range.end()) {
943  return (gp->second);
944  }
946  return color_range({255, 0, 0}, {255, 255, 255}, {0, 0, 0}, {255, 0, 0});
947 }
950 {
951  return get_side_color_range(side).mid();
952 }
955 {
956  // Note: use mid() instead of rep() unless
957  // high contrast is needed over a map or minimap!
958  return get_side_color_range(side).rep();
959 }
961 std::string team::get_side_color_id(unsigned side)
962 {
963  try {
964  const unsigned index = side - 1;
966  // If no gameboard (and by extension, team list) is available, use the default side color.
967  if(!resources::gameboard) {
969  }
971  // Else, try to fetch the color from the side's config.
972  const std::string& side_color = resources::gameboard->teams().at(index).color();
974  if(!side_color.empty()) {
975  return side_color;
976  }
978  // If the side color data was empty, fall back to the default color. This should only
979  // happen if the side data hadn't been initialized yet, which is the case if this function
980  // is being called to set up said side data. :P
982  } catch(const std::out_of_range&) {
983  // Side index was invalid! Coloring will fail!
984  return "";
985  }
986 }
989 {
990  const std::string& color_id = team::get_side_color_id(side);
991  const auto& rgb_name = game_config::team_rgb_name[color_id];
992  if(rgb_name.empty())
993  // TRANSLATORS: $color_id is the internal identifier of a side color, for example, 'lightred'.
994  // Translate the quotation marks only; leave "color_id" untranslated, as it's a variable name.
995  return VGETTEXT("“$color_id”", {{ "color_id", color_id }});
996  else
997  return rgb_name;
998 }
1001 {
1002  const config::attribute_value& c = cfg["color"];
1004  // If no color key or value was provided, use the given color for that side.
1005  // If outside a game context (ie, where a list of teams has been constructed),
1006  // this will just be the side's default color.
1007  if(c.blank() || c.empty()) {
1008  return get_side_color_id(cfg["side"].to_unsigned());
1009  }
1011  // Do the same as above for numeric color key values.
1012  if(unsigned side = c.to_unsigned()) {
1013  return get_side_color_id(side);
1014  }
1016  // Else, we should have a color id at this point. Return it.
1017  return c.str();
1018 }
1020 std::string team::get_side_highlight_pango(int side)
1021 {
1023 }
1026 {
1027  LOG_NG << "Adding recruitable units:";
1028  for(const std::string& recruit : info_.can_recruit) {
1029  LOG_NG << recruit;
1030  }
1032  LOG_NG << "Added all recruitable units";
1033 }
1036 {
1037  config cfg;
1038  config& result = cfg.add_child("side");
1039  write(result);
1040  return result;
1041 }
1043 std::string team::allied_human_teams() const
1044 {
1045  std::vector<int> res;
1046  for(const team& t : resources::gameboard->teams()) {
1047  if(!t.is_enemy(this->side()) && t.is_human()) {
1048  res.push_back(t.side());
1049  }
1050  }
1052  return utils::join(res);
1053 }
map_location loc
Definition: move.cpp:172
Managing the AIs lifecycle - headers TODO: Refactor history handling and internal commands.
double t
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
bool add_ai_for_side_from_config(side_number side, const config &cfg, bool replace=true)
Adds active AI for specified side from cfg.
Definition: manager.cpp:632
static manager & get_singleton()
Definition: manager.hpp:140
static bool has_manager()
Definition: manager.hpp:146
bool add_ai_for_side_from_file(side_number side, const std::string &file, bool replace=true)
Adds active AI for specified side from file.
Definition: manager.cpp:622
void raise_recruit_list_changed()
Notifies all observers of 'ai_recruit_list_changed' event.
Definition: manager.cpp:460
A color range definition is made of four reference RGB colors, used for calculating conversions from ...
Definition: color_range.hpp:49
color_t rep() const
High-contrast shade, intended for the minimap markers.
Definition: color_range.hpp:94
color_t mid() const
Average color shade.
Definition: color_range.hpp:85
Variant for storing WML attributes.
bool blank() const
Tests for an attribute that was never set.
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:158
const config & child_or_empty(config_key_type key) const
Returns the first child with the given key, or an empty config if there is none.
Definition: config.cpp:394
bool has_attribute(config_key_type key) const
Definition: config.cpp:157
child_itors child_range(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:272
bool empty() const
Definition: config.cpp:849
optional_config_impl< config > optional_child(config_key_type key, int n=0)
Equivalent to mandatory_child, but returns an empty optional if the nth child was not found.
Definition: config.cpp:384
config & add_child(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:440
virtual const std::vector< team > & teams() const override
Definition: game_board.hpp:80
game_events::wml_event_pump & pump()
Definition: manager.cpp:253
pump_result_t fire(const std::string &event, const entity_location &loc1=entity_location::null_entity, const entity_location &loc2=entity_location::null_entity, const config &data=config())
Function to fire an event.
Definition: pump.cpp:399
std::vector< map_location > parse_location_range(const std::string &xvals, const std::string &yvals, bool with_border=false) const
Parses ranges of locations into a vector of locations, using this map's dimensions as bounds.
Definition: map.cpp:424
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: map.hpp:172
bool is_village(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: map.cpp:66
bool copy_from(const std::vector< const shroud_map * > &maps)
Definition: team.cpp:912
int height() const
Definition: team.cpp:762
void read(const std::string &shroud_data)
Definition: team.cpp:877
void set_enabled(bool enabled)
Definition: team.hpp:61
std::vector< std::vector< bool > > data_
Definition: team.hpp:67
void place(int x, int y)
Definition: team.cpp:792
int width() const
Definition: team.cpp:757
bool shared_value(const std::vector< const shroud_map * > &maps, int x, int y) const
Definition: team.cpp:840
void merge(const std::string &shroud_data)
Definition: team.cpp:896
bool value(int x, int y) const
Definition: team.cpp:820
std::string write() const
Definition: team.cpp:861
void reset()
Definition: team.cpp:809
bool enabled_
Definition: team.hpp:66
bool clear(int x, int y)
Definition: team.cpp:770
virtual config request() const =0
The request which is sent to the mp server.
virtual const char * name() const =0
virtual config local_choice() const =0
We are in a game with no mp server and need to do this choice locally.
static config ask_server_choice(const server_choice &)
If we are in a mp game, ask the server, otherwise generate the answer ourselves.
static t_string from_serialized(const std::string &string)
Definition: tstring.hpp:162
bool translatable() const
Definition: tstring.hpp:202
bool empty() const
Definition: tstring.hpp:195
This class stores all the data for a single 'side' (in game nomenclature).
Definition: team.hpp:75
static std::string get_side_highlight_pango(int side)
Definition: team.cpp:1020
bool uses_shroud() const
Definition: team.hpp:308
int carryover_gold() const
Definition: team.hpp:352
const std::string & color() const
Definition: team.hpp:247
static color_t get_minimap_color(int side)
Definition: team.cpp:954
void build(const config &cfg, const gamemap &map)
Definition: team.cpp:355
bool no_turn_confirmation() const
Definition: team.hpp:356
void fix_villages(const gamemap &map)
Definition: team.cpp:414
config & variables()
Definition: team.hpp:353
const std::string & side_name() const
Definition: team.hpp:298
recall_list_manager recall_list_
Definition: team.hpp:423
int side() const
Definition: team.hpp:180
game_events::pump_result_t get_village(const map_location &, const int owner_side, game_data *fire_event)
Acquires a village from owner_side.
Definition: team.cpp:426
const std::string & faction() const
Definition: team.hpp:301
int village_support() const
Definition: team.hpp:191
std::vector< const shroud_map * > ally_shroud_
Definition: team.hpp:431
int recall_cost() const
Definition: team.hpp:185
static const color_range get_side_color_range(int side)
Definition: team.cpp:937
void set_local(bool local)
Definition: team.hpp:263
const std::string & current_player() const
Definition: team.hpp:225
void set_recruits(const std::set< std::string > &recruits)
Definition: team.cpp:459
const std::string & team_name() const
Definition: team.hpp:287
bool objectives_changed() const
Definition: team.hpp:232
bool is_local() const
Definition: team.hpp:252
static std::string get_side_color_id_from_config(const config &cfg)
Definition: team.cpp:1000
std::chrono::milliseconds countdown_time_
Definition: team.hpp:420
bool no_leader() const
Definition: team.hpp:332
bool is_enemy(int n) const
Definition: team.hpp:234
config to_config() const
Definition: team.cpp:1035
team_shared_vision::type share_vision() const
Definition: team.hpp:382
int action_bonus_count() const
Definition: team.hpp:204
shroud_map fog_
Definition: team.hpp:412
bool calculate_is_enemy(std::size_t index) const
Definition: team.cpp:509
bool knows_about_team(std::size_t index) const
Definition: team.cpp:693
const t_string & objectives() const
Definition: team.hpp:231
void change_team(const std::string &name, const t_string &user_name)
Definition: team.cpp:606
int gold() const
Definition: team.hpp:181
static const t_string get_side_color_name_for_UI(unsigned side)
Definition: team.cpp:988
Definition: team.cpp:333
const t_string & faction_name() const
Definition: team.hpp:302
defeat_condition::type defeat_cond() const
Definition: team.hpp:333
void set_objectives(const t_string &new_objectives, bool silently=false)
Definition: team.cpp:631
bool carryover_add() const
Definition: team.hpp:348
static const std::set< std::string > tags
Stores the child tags recognized by [side].
Definition: team.hpp:160
void handle_legacy_share_vision(const config &cfg)
Definition: team.hpp:394
int carryover_percentage() const
Definition: team.hpp:346
void write(config &cfg) const
Definition: team.cpp:393
static std::string get_side_color_id(unsigned side)
Definition: team.cpp:961
std::vector< const shroud_map * > ally_fog_
Definition: team.hpp:431
team_info info_
Definition: team.hpp:418
const std::string & save_id() const
Definition: team.hpp:222
void calculate_enemies(std::size_t index) const
Definition: team.cpp:498
void add_recruit(const std::string &)
Definition: team.cpp:469
side_controller::type controller() const
Definition: team.hpp:246
int minimum_recruit_price() const
Definition: team.cpp:476
double carryover_bonus() const
Definition: team.hpp:350
void change_controller(const std::string &new_controller)
Definition: team.hpp:266
virtual ~team()
Definition: team.cpp:351
static void clear_caches()
clear the shroud, fog, and enemies cache for all teams
Definition: team.cpp:619
bool auto_shroud_updates_
Definition: team.hpp:416
bool share_maps() const
Definition: team.hpp:380
std::set< map_location > fog_clearer_
Stores hexes that have been cleared of fog via WML.
Definition: team.hpp:414
std::string allied_human_teams() const
Definition: team.cpp:1043
int action_bonus_count_
Definition: team.hpp:421
bool shrouded(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: team.cpp:640
std::set< map_location > villages_
Definition: team.hpp:410
std::chrono::milliseconds countdown_time() const
Definition: team.hpp:202
int start_gold() const
Definition: team.hpp:182
const std::string & flag_icon() const
Definition: team.hpp:292
shroud_map shroud_
Definition: team.hpp:412
const std::vector< const shroud_map * > & ally_fog(const std::vector< team > &teams) const
Definition: team.cpp:680
bool uses_fog() const
Definition: team.hpp:309
static color_t get_side_color(int side)
Definition: team.cpp:949
static const std::set< std::string > attributes
Stores the attributes recognized by [side].
Definition: team.hpp:155
bool persistent() const
Definition: team.hpp:340
const std::string & flag() const
Definition: team.hpp:291
bool hidden() const
Definition: team.hpp:338
std::string last_recruit_
Definition: team.hpp:424
std::shared_ptr< wb::side_actions > planned_actions_
Whiteboard planned actions for this team.
Definition: team.hpp:436
bool share_view() const
Definition: team.hpp:381
const std::set< std::string > & recruits() const
Definition: team.hpp:214
const t_string & user_team_name() const
Definition: team.hpp:288
void lose_village(const map_location &)
Definition: team.cpp:452
boost::dynamic_bitset enemies_
Definition: team.hpp:429
void remove_fog_override(const std::set< map_location > &hexes)
Removes the record of hexes that were cleared of fog via WML.
Definition: team.cpp:734
bool fogged(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: team.cpp:649
bool lost() const
Definition: team.hpp:343
void change_controller_by_wml(const std::string &new_controller)
Definition: team.cpp:573
bool chose_random() const
Definition: team.hpp:400
void log_recruitable() const
Definition: team.cpp:1025
const std::vector< const shroud_map * > & ally_shroud(const std::vector< team > &teams) const
Definition: team.cpp:667
const unit_type * find(const std::string &key, unit_type::BUILD_STATUS status=unit_type::FULL) const
Finds a unit_type by its id() and makes sure it is built to the specified level.
Definition: types.cpp:1265
A single unit type that the player may recruit.
Definition: types.hpp:43
int cost() const
Definition: types.hpp:172
This internal whiteboard class holds the planned action queues for a team, and offers many utility me...
void swap(config &lhs, config &rhs)
Implement non-member swap function for std::swap (calls config::swap).
Definition: config.cpp:1343
#define VGETTEXT(msgid,...)
Handy wrappers around interpolate_variables_into_string and gettext.
std::size_t i
Definition: function.cpp:1029
std::string id
Text to match against addon_info.tags()
Definition: manager.cpp:199
New lexcical_cast header.
void write_location_range(const std::set< map_location > &locs, config &cfg)
Write a set of locations into a config using ranges, adding keys x=x1,..,xn and y=y1a-y1b,...
Definition: location.cpp:403
void fill(const SDL_Rect &rect, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)
Fill an area with the given colour.
Definition: draw.cpp:50
std::string flag_icon
Game configuration data as global variables.
Definition: build_info.cpp:61
std::map< std::string, color_range, std::less<> > team_rgb_range
Colors defined by WML [color_range] tags.
std::map< std::string, t_string, std::less<> > team_rgb_name
int village_income
Definition: game_config.cpp:41
const int gold_carryover_percentage
Default percentage gold carried over to the next scenario.
Definition: game_config.cpp:50
std::vector< std::string > default_colors
int village_support
Definition: game_config.cpp:42
std::tuple< bool, bool > pump_result_t
Definition: fwd.hpp:29
game_board * gameboard
Definition: resources.cpp:20
game_events::manager * game_events
Definition: resources.cpp:24
play_controller * controller
Definition: resources.cpp:21
std::size_t size(std::string_view str)
Length in characters of a UTF-8 string.
Definition: unicode.cpp:85
std::size_t index(std::string_view str, const std::size_t index)
Codepoint index corresponding to the nth character in a UTF-8 string.
Definition: unicode.cpp:70
std::string join(const T &v, const std::string &s=",")
Generates a new string joining container items in a list.
std::vector< std::string > split(const config_attribute_value &val)
auto * find(Container &container, const Value &value)
Convenience wrapper for using find on a container without needing to comare to end()
Definition: general.hpp:140
std::string::const_iterator iterator
Definition: tokenizer.hpp:25
Define the game's event mechanism.
The basic class for representing 8-bit RGB or RGBA colour values.
Definition: color.hpp:59
std::string to_hex_string() const
Returns the stored color in rrggbb hex format.
Definition: color.cpp:88
Error used for any general game error, e.g.
Definition: game_errors.hpp:47
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:45
int wml_y() const
Definition: location.hpp:184
int wml_x() const
Definition: location.hpp:183
void write(config &cfg) const
Definition: location.cpp:225
The base template for associating string values with enum values.
Definition: enum_base.hpp:33
static std::string get_string(enum_type key)
Converts a enum to its string equivalent.
Definition: enum_base.hpp:46
static constexpr utils::optional< enum_type > get_enum(const std::string_view value)
Converts a string into its enum equivalent.
Definition: enum_base.hpp:57
std::string team_name
Definition: team.hpp:90
void read(const config &cfg)
Definition: team.cpp:171
t_string user_team_name
Definition: team.hpp:91
int minimum_recruit_price
Definition: team.hpp:87
void handle_legacy_share_vision(const config &cfg)
Definition: team.cpp:271
t_string objectives
Definition: team.hpp:108
void write(config &cfg) const
Definition: team.cpp:284
std::set< std::string > can_recruit
Definition: team.hpp:89
bool objectives_changed
< Team's objectives for the current level.
Definition: team.hpp:113
#define WRN_NG
Definition: team.cpp:42
#define LOG_NGE
Definition: team.cpp:47
static lg::log_domain log_engine("engine")
static lg::log_domain log_engine_enemies("engine/enemies")
#define DBG_NG
Definition: team.cpp:40
void validate_side(int side)
Definition: team.cpp:746
#define LOG_NG
Definition: team.cpp:41
const std::string & gamedata
mock_char c
unit_type_data unit_types
Definition: types.cpp:1504
#define b