The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.2+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2024
3  by Bartosz Waresiak <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 #include <queue>
17 #include <set>
18 #include <utility>
19 #include <vector>
21 #include "ai/formula/ai.hpp"
25 #include "ai/default/contexts.hpp"
28 #include "attack_prediction.hpp"
29 #include "filesystem.hpp"
30 #include "game_board.hpp"
31 #include "global.hpp"
32 #include "display.hpp"
33 #include "log.hpp"
34 #include "map/label.hpp"
35 #include "map/map.hpp"
36 #include "pathfind/teleport.hpp"
37 #include "replay.hpp"
38 #include "resources.hpp"
39 #include "color.hpp"
40 #include "terrain/filter.hpp"
41 #include "units/unit.hpp"
42 #include "units/types.hpp"
43 #include "pathfind/pathfind.hpp"
45 static lg::log_domain log_formula_ai("ai/engine/fai");
46 #define LOG_AI LOG_STREAM(info, log_formula_ai)
47 #define WRN_AI LOG_STREAM(warn, log_formula_ai)
48 #define ERR_AI LOG_STREAM(err, log_formula_ai)
50 namespace wfl {
51 using ai::formula_ai;
53 namespace {
55 /*
56  * unit adapters let us treat unit and unit_type the same if we want to get access to attacks or movement cost
57  */
58 class unit_adapter {
59  public:
60  unit_adapter(const variant& arg) : unit_type_(), unit_() {
61  auto unit = arg.try_convert<unit_callable>();
63  if (unit) {
64  unit_ = &unit->get_unit();
65  } else {
66  unit_type_ = &(arg.convert_to<unit_type_callable>()->get_unit_type());
67  }
68  }
70  /**
71  * Estimates the damage this unit or unit_type would take from a single strike of an attack.
72  *
73  * Many details aren't taken into account here, for example abilities that are only active
74  * on offense, or on particular terrain. For unit_type, abilities aren't considered at all.
75  */
76  int damage_from(const attack_type& attack) const {
77  if(unit_type_ != nullptr) {
78  std::pair<std::string, std::string> types = attack.damage_type();
79  int res = unit_type_->movement_type().resistance_against(types.first);
80  if(!(types.second).empty()){
81  // max not min, resistance_against() returns the percentage taken, so higher means more damage
82  res = std::max(res, unit_type_->movement_type().resistance_against(types.second));
83  }
84  return res;
85  } else {
86  return unit_->damage_from(attack, false, map_location());
87  }
88  }
90  const_attack_itors attacks() const {
91  if(unit_type_ != nullptr) {
92  return unit_type_->attacks();
93  } else {
94  return unit_->attacks();
95  }
96  }
98  int movement_cost(const t_translation::terrain_code & terrain) const {
99  if(unit_type_ != nullptr) {
100  return unit_type_->movement_type().movement_cost(terrain);
101  } else {
102  return unit_->movement_cost(terrain);
103  }
104  }
106  private:
108  const unit* unit_;
109 };
111 #define DEFINE_FAI_FUNCTION(name, min_args, max_args) \
112  class name##_function : public function_expression \
113  { \
114  public: \
115  explicit name##_function(const args_list& args, const formula_ai& ai) \
116  : function_expression(#name, args, min_args, max_args), ai_(ai) \
117  { \
118  } \
119  \
120  private: \
121  const formula_ai& ai_; \
122  variant execute(const formula_callable& variables, formula_debugger* fdb) const; \
123  }; \
124  \
125  variant name##_function::execute(const formula_callable& variables, formula_debugger* fdb) const
127 DEFINE_FAI_FUNCTION(distance_to_nearest_unowned_village, 1, 1)
128 {
129  const map_location loc = args()[0]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 0, "distance_to_nearest_unowned_village:location")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
130  int best = 1000000;
131  const std::vector<map_location>& villages = resources::gameboard->map().villages();
132  const std::set<map_location>& my_villages = ai_.current_team().villages();
133  for(std::vector<map_location>::const_iterator i = villages.begin(); i != villages.end(); ++i) {
134  int distance = distance_between(loc, *i);
135  if(distance < best) {
136  if(my_villages.count(*i) == 0) {
137  best = distance;
138  }
139  }
140  }
142  return variant(best);
143 }
145 static unsigned search_counter;
147 namespace {
148  struct indexer {
149  int w, h;
150  indexer(int a, int b) : w(a), h(b) { }
151  int operator()(const map_location& loc) const {
152  return loc.y * w + loc.x;
153  }
154  };
156  struct node {
160  /**
161  * If equal to search_counter, the node is off the list.
162  * If equal to search_counter + 1, the node is on the list.
163  * Otherwise it is outdated.
164  */
165  unsigned in;
167  node(int moves, const map_location &loc)
168  : movement_cost_(moves)
169  , loc_(loc)
170  , in(0)
171  {
172  }
174  node()
175  : movement_cost_(0)
176  , loc_()
177  , in(0)
178  {
179  }
181  bool operator<(const node& o) const {
182  return movement_cost_ < o.movement_cost_;
183  }
184  };
186  struct comp {
187  const std::vector<node>& nodes;
188  comp(const std::vector<node>& n) : nodes(n) { }
189  bool operator()(int l, int r) const {
190  return nodes[r] < nodes[l];
191  }
192  };
194  void find_movemap(const unit_adapter& u, const map_location& loc,
195  std::vector<int>& scores, bool allow_teleport, const formula_ai& ai_)
196  {
197  const std::set<map_location>& teleports = allow_teleport ? ai_.current_team().villages() : std::set<map_location>();
199  const gamemap& map = resources::gameboard->map();
201  std::vector<map_location> locs(6 + teleports.size());
202  std::copy(teleports.begin(), teleports.end(), locs.begin() + 6);
204  search_counter += 2;
205  if (search_counter == 0) search_counter = 2;
207  static std::vector<node> nodes;
208  nodes.resize(static_cast<size_t>(map.w()) * map.h());
210  indexer index(map.w(), map.h());
211  comp node_comp(nodes);
213  nodes[index(loc)] = node(0, loc);
214  std::vector<int> pq;
215  pq.push_back(index(loc));
216  while (!pq.empty()) {
217  node& n = nodes[pq.front()];
218  std::pop_heap(pq.begin(), pq.end(), node_comp);
219  pq.pop_back();
220 = search_counter;
222  get_adjacent_tiles(n.loc_,;
223  for (int i = teleports.count(n.loc_) ? locs.size() : 6; i-- > 0;) {
224  if (!locs[i].valid(map.w(), map.h())) continue;
226  node& next = nodes[index(locs[i])];
227  bool next_visited = - search_counter <= 1u;
229  // test if the current path to locs[i] is better than this one could possibly be.
230  // we do this a couple more times below
231  if (next_visited && !(n < next)) continue;
232  const int move_cost = u.movement_cost(map[locs[i]]);
234  node t = node(n.movement_cost_ + move_cost, locs[i]);
236  if (next_visited && !(t < next)) continue;
238  bool in_list = == search_counter + 1;
239 = search_counter + 1;
240  next = t;
242  // if already in the priority queue then we just update it, else push it.
243  if (in_list) {
244  std::push_heap(pq.begin(), std::find(pq.begin(), pq.end(), index(locs[i])) + 1, node_comp);
245  }
246  else {
247  pq.push_back(index(locs[i]));
248  std::push_heap(pq.begin(), pq.end(), node_comp);
249  }
250  }
251  }
253  for (int x = 0; x < map.w(); ++x) {
254  for (int y = 0; y < map.h(); ++y)
255  {
256  int i = y * map.w() + x;
257  const node &n = nodes[i];
258  scores[i] = scores[i] + n.movement_cost_;
259  //std::cout << x << "," << y << ":" << n.movement_cost << std::endl;
260  }
261  }
262  }
263 }
265 DEFINE_FAI_FUNCTION(calculate_map_ownership, 2, 5)
266 {
267  int w = resources::gameboard->map().w();
268  int h = resources::gameboard->map().h();
270  const variant units_input = args()[0]->evaluate(variables,fdb);
271  const variant leaders_input = args()[1]->evaluate(variables,fdb);
273  int enemy_tolerance = 3;
274  if( args().size() > 2 )
275  enemy_tolerance = args()[2]->evaluate(variables,fdb).as_int();
277  int enemy_border_tolerance = 5;
278  if( args().size() > 3 )
279  enemy_border_tolerance = args()[3]->evaluate(variables,fdb).as_int();
281  int ally_tolerance = 3;
282  if( args().size() > 4 )
283  ally_tolerance = args()[4]->evaluate(variables,fdb).as_int();
285  if( !units_input.is_list() )
286  return variant();
288  std::size_t number_of_teams = units_input.num_elements();
290  std::vector< std::vector<int>> scores( number_of_teams );
292  for( std::size_t i = 0; i< number_of_teams; ++i)
293  scores[i].resize(static_cast<size_t>(w)*h);
295  /* // TODO: Do we need this?
296  for(unit_map::const_iterator i = resources::gameboard->units().begin(); i != resources::gameboard->units().end(); ++i) {
297  unit_counter[i->second.side()-1]++;
298  unit_adapter unit(i->second);
299  find_movemap( resources::gameboard->map(), resources::gameboard->units(), unit, i->first, scores[i->second.side()-1], ai_.resources::gameboard->teams() , true );
300  }
301  */
303  for(std::size_t side = 0 ; side < units_input.num_elements() ; ++side) {
304  if( leaders_input[side].is_empty() )
305  continue;
307  const map_location loc = leaders_input[side][0].convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
308  const variant units_of_side = units_input[side];
310  for(std::size_t unit_it = 0 ; unit_it < units_of_side.num_elements() ; ++unit_it) {
311  unit_adapter unit(units_of_side[unit_it]);
312  find_movemap( unit, loc, scores[side], true, ai_ );
313  }
314  }
316  std::size_t index = 0;
317  for( std::vector< std::vector<int>>::iterator i = scores.begin() ; i != scores.end() ; ++i) {
318  for( std::vector<int>::iterator j = i->begin() ; j != i->end() ; ++j ) {
319  if(units_input[index].num_elements() != 0) {
320  *j /= units_input[index].num_elements();
321  } else {
322  *j = 0;
323  }
324  }
326  ++index;
327  }
328  //std::vector<variant> res;
329  std::map<variant, variant> res;
331  std::size_t current_side = ai_.get_side() - 1 ;
333  std::vector<int> enemies;
334  std::vector<int> allies;
336  for(std::size_t side = 0 ; side < units_input.num_elements() ; ++side) {
337  if( side == current_side)
338  continue;
340  if( ai_.current_team().is_enemy(side+1) ) {
341  if( !leaders_input[side].is_empty() )
342  enemies.push_back(side);
343  } else {
344  if( !leaders_input[side].is_empty() )
345  allies.push_back(side);
346  }
347  }
349  //calculate_map_ownership( recruits_of_side, map(units_of_side, 'units', map( filter(units, leader), loc) ) )
350  //map(, debug_label(key,value))
351  for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
352  for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
353  {
354  int i = y * w + x;
355  bool valid = true;
356  bool enemy_border = false;
358  if( scores[current_side][i] > 98 )
359  continue;
361  for (int side : enemies) {
362  int diff = scores[current_side][i] - scores[side][i];
363  if ( diff > enemy_tolerance) {
364  valid = false;
365  break;
366  } else if( std::abs(diff) < enemy_border_tolerance )
367  enemy_border = true;
368  }
370  if( valid ) {
371  for (int side : allies) {
372  if ( scores[current_side][i] - scores[side][i] > ally_tolerance ) {
373  valid = false;
374  break;
375  }
376  }
377  }
379  if( valid ) {
380  if( enemy_border )
381  res.emplace(variant(std::make_shared<location_callable>(map_location(x, y))), variant(scores[0][i] + 10000));
382  else
383  res.emplace(variant(std::make_shared<location_callable>(map_location(x, y))), variant(scores[0][i]));
384  }
385  }
386  }
387  return variant(res);
388 }
390 DEFINE_WFL_FUNCTION(nearest_loc, 2, 2)
391 {
392  const map_location loc = args()[0]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 0, "nearest_loc:location")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
393  variant items = args()[1]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,1,"nearest_loc:locations"));
394  int best = 1000000;
395  int best_i = -1;
397  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < items.num_elements(); ++i) {
399  const map_location move_loc = items[i].convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
400  int distance = distance_between(loc, move_loc);
402  if(distance < best) {
403  best = distance;
404  best_i = i;
405  }
406  }
408  if( best_i != -1)
409  return variant(std::make_shared<location_callable>(items[best_i].convert_to<location_callable>()->loc()));
410  else
411  return variant();
412 }
414 /** FormulaAI function to run fai script from file. Usable from in-game console.
415 * arguments[0] - required file name, follows the usual wml convention
416 */
417 DEFINE_FAI_FUNCTION(run_file, 1, 1)
418 {
419  const args_list& arguments = args();
420  const variant var0 = arguments[0]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,0,"run_file:file"));
421  const std::string filename = var0.string_cast();
423  //NOTE: get_wml_location also filters file path to ensure it doesn't contain things like "../../top/secret"
424  auto path = filesystem::get_wml_location(filename);
425  if(!path) {
426  ERR_AI << "run_file : not found [" << filename <<"]";
427  return variant(); //no suitable file
428  }
430  std::string formula_string = filesystem::read_file(path.value());
431  //need to get function_table from somewhere or delegate to someone who has access to it
432  formula_ptr parsed_formula = ai_.create_optional_formula(formula_string);
433  if(parsed_formula == formula_ptr()) {
434  ERR_AI << "run_file : unable to create formula";
435  return variant(); //was unable to create a formula from file
436  }
437  return parsed_formula->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,-1,"run_file:formula_from_file"));
438 }
440 DEFINE_WFL_FUNCTION(castle_locs, 1, 1)
441 {
442  const map_location starting_loc = args()[0]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 0, "castle_locs:location")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
444  //looks like reimplementing a generic graph search algorithm to me
445  std::set< map_location > visited_locs;
446  std::queue< map_location > queued_locs;
448  queued_locs.push(starting_loc);
450  while( !queued_locs.empty() ) {
451  const map_location loc = queued_locs.front();
452  queued_locs.pop();
454  if ( visited_locs.find( loc ) != visited_locs.end() )
455  continue;
457  visited_locs.insert(loc);
459  for(const map_location& adj : get_adjacent_tiles(loc)) {
460  if (resources::gameboard->map().on_board(adj) && visited_locs.find( adj ) == visited_locs.end() ) {
461  if (resources::gameboard->map().get_terrain_info(adj).is_keep() ||
462  resources::gameboard->map().get_terrain_info(adj).is_castle() ) {
463  queued_locs.push(adj);
464  }
465  }
466  }
467  }
469  if ( !resources::gameboard->map().get_terrain_info(starting_loc).is_keep() &&
470  !resources::gameboard->map().get_terrain_info(starting_loc).is_castle() )
471  visited_locs.erase(starting_loc);
473  std::vector<variant> res;
474  for (const map_location& ml : visited_locs) {
475  res.emplace_back(std::make_shared<location_callable>( ml ));
476  }
478  return variant(res);
479 }
481 /**
482  * timeofday_modifer formula function. Returns combat modifier, taking
483  * alignment, illuminate, time of day and fearless trait into account.
484  * 'leadership' and 'slowed' are not taken into account.
485  * arguments[0] - unit
486  * arguments[1] - location (optional, defaults to unit's current location.
487  */
488 DEFINE_WFL_FUNCTION(timeofday_modifier, 1, 2)
489 {
490  variant u = args()[0]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,0,"timeofday_modifier:unit"));
492  if( u.is_null() ) {
493  return variant();
494  }
496  auto u_call = u.try_convert<unit_callable>();
498  if(!u_call) {
499  return variant();
500  }
502  const unit& un = u_call->get_unit();
504  map_location loc;
506  if(args().size()==2) {
507  loc = args()[1]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 1, "timeofday_modifier:location")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
508  }
510  if(!loc.valid()) {
511  loc = u_call->get_location();
512  }
514  return variant(combat_modifier(resources::gameboard->units(), resources::gameboard->map(), loc, un.alignment(), un.is_fearless()));
515 }
517 DEFINE_FAI_FUNCTION(nearest_keep, 1, 1)
518 {
519  const map_location loc = args()[0]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 0, "nearest_keep:location")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
520  int best = 1000000;
521  int best_i = -1;
523  ai_.get_keeps();
526  for( int i = 0 ; i < size; ++i) {
527  int distance = distance_between(loc, ai_.get_keeps_cache()[i].convert_to<location_callable>()->loc() );
528  if(distance < best)
529  {
530  best = distance;
531  best_i = i;
532  }
533  }
535  if( best_i != -1)
536  return variant(std::make_shared<location_callable>(ai_.get_keeps_cache()[best_i].convert_to<location_callable>()->loc()));
537  else
538  return variant();
539 }
541 /**
542 * Find suitable keep for unit at location
543 * arguments[0] - location for unit on which the suitable keep is to be found
544 */
545 DEFINE_FAI_FUNCTION(suitable_keep, 1, 1)
546 {
547  const map_location loc = args()[0]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 0, "suitable_keep:location")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
548  const unit_map& units = resources::gameboard->units();
549  const unit_map::const_iterator u = units.find(loc);
550  if (u == units.end()){
551  return variant();
552  }
553  const pathfind::paths unit_paths(*u, false, true, ai_.current_team());
554  return variant(std::make_shared<location_callable>(ai_.suitable_keep(loc,unit_paths)));
555 }
557 DEFINE_FAI_FUNCTION(find_shroud, 0, 1)
558 {
559  std::vector<variant> vars;
560  int w,h;
562  if(args().size()==1) {
563  const gamemap& m = args()[0]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 0, "find_shroud:gamemap")).convert_to<gamemap_callable>()->get_gamemap();
564  w = m.w();
565  h = m.h();
566  } else {
567  w = resources::gameboard->map().w();
568  h = resources::gameboard->map().h();
569  }
571  for(int i = 0; i < w; ++i)
572  for(int j = 0; j < h; ++j) {
574  vars.emplace_back(std::make_shared<location_callable>(map_location(i, j)));
575  }
577  return variant(vars);
578 }
580 DEFINE_FAI_FUNCTION(close_enemies, 2, 2)
581 {
582  std::vector<variant> vars;
583  const map_location loc = args()[0]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 0, "close_enemies:location")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
584  int range_s = args()[1]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,1,"close_enemies:distance")).as_int();
585  if (range_s < 0) {
586  WRN_AI << "close_enemies_function: range is negative (" << range_s << ")";
587  range_s = 0;
588  }
589  std::size_t range = static_cast<std::size_t>(range_s);
592  while (un != end) {
593  if (distance_between(loc, un->get_location()) <= range) {
594  if (un->side() != ai_.get_side()) {//fixme: ignores allied units
595  vars.emplace_back(std::make_shared<unit_callable>(*un));
596  }
597  }
598  ++un;
599  }
600  return variant(vars);
601 }
603 DEFINE_WFL_FUNCTION(calculate_outcome, 3, 4)
604 {
605  std::vector<variant> vars;
606  int weapon;
607  if (args().size() > 3) weapon = args()[3]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,3,"calculate_outcome:weapon")).as_int();
608  else weapon = -1;
610  const unit_map& units = resources::gameboard->units();
611  map_location attacker_location =
612  args()[0]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 0, "calculate_outcome:attacker_current_location")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
613  if(units.count(attacker_location) == 0) {
614  ERR_AI << "Performing calculate_outcome() with non-existent attacker at (" <<
615  attacker_location.wml_x() << "," << attacker_location.wml_y() << ")";
616  return variant();
617  }
619  map_location defender_location =
620  args()[2]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb, 2, "calculate_outcome:defender_location")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
621  if(units.count(defender_location) == 0) {
622  ERR_AI << "Performing calculate_outcome() with non-existent defender at (" <<
623  defender_location.wml_x() << "," << defender_location.wml_y() << ")";
624  return variant();
625  }
627  battle_context bc(units, args()[1]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 1, "calculate_outcome:attacker_attack_location")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc(),
628  defender_location, weapon, -1, 1.0, nullptr, units.find(attacker_location).get_shared_ptr());
629  std::vector<double> hp_dist = bc.get_attacker_combatant().hp_dist;
630  std::vector<double>::iterator it = hp_dist.begin();
631  int i = 0;
632  std::vector<variant> hitLeft;
633  std::vector<variant> prob;
634  while (it != hp_dist.end()) {
635  if (*it != 0) {
636  hitLeft.emplace_back(i);
637  prob.emplace_back(static_cast<int>(*it*10000));
638  }
639  ++it;
640  ++i;
641  }
642  std::vector<variant> status;
643  if (bc.get_attacker_combatant().poisoned != 0)
644  status.emplace_back("Poisoned");
645  if (bc.get_attacker_combatant().slowed != 0)
646  status.emplace_back("Slowed");
647  if (bc.get_defender_stats().petrifies && static_cast<unsigned int>(hitLeft[0].as_int()) != bc.get_attacker_stats().hp)
648  status.emplace_back("Stoned");
649  if (bc.get_defender_stats().plagues && hitLeft[0].as_int() == 0)
650  status.emplace_back("Zombiefied");
651  vars.emplace_back(std::make_shared<outcome_callable>(hitLeft, prob, status));
652  hitLeft.clear();
653  prob.clear();
654  status.clear();
655  hp_dist = bc.get_defender_combatant().hp_dist;
656  it = hp_dist.begin();
657  i = 0;
658  while (it != hp_dist.end()) {
659  if (*it != 0) {
660  hitLeft.emplace_back(i);
661  prob.emplace_back(static_cast<int>(*it*10000));
662  }
663  ++it;
664  ++i;
665  }
666  if (bc.get_defender_combatant().poisoned != 0)
667  status.emplace_back("Poisoned");
668  if (bc.get_defender_combatant().slowed != 0)
669  status.emplace_back("Slowed");
670  if (bc.get_attacker_stats().petrifies && static_cast<unsigned int>(hitLeft[0].as_int()) != bc.get_defender_stats().hp)
671  status.emplace_back("Stoned");
672  if (bc.get_attacker_stats().plagues && hitLeft[0].as_int() == 0)
673  status.emplace_back("Zombiefied");
674  vars.emplace_back(std::make_shared<outcome_callable>(hitLeft, prob, status));
675  return variant(vars);
676 }
678 DEFINE_WFL_FUNCTION(outcomes, 1, 1)
679 {
680  variant attack = args()[0]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,0,"outcomes:attack"));
681  auto analysis = attack.convert_to<ai::attack_analysis>();
682  //unit_map units_with_moves(resources::gameboard->units());
683  //typedef std::pair<map_location, map_location> mv;
684  //for(const mv &m : analysis->movements) {
685  // units_with_moves.move(m.first, m.second);
686  //}
688  std::vector<variant> vars;
689  if(analysis->chance_to_kill > 0.0) {
690  //unit_map units(units_with_moves);
691  //units.erase(analysis->target);
692  vars.emplace_back(std::make_shared<position_callable>(/*&units,*/ static_cast<int>(analysis->chance_to_kill*100)));
694  }
696  if(analysis->chance_to_kill < 1.0) {
697  //unit_map units(units_with_moves);
698  vars.emplace_back(std::make_shared<position_callable>(/*&units,*/ static_cast<int>(100 - analysis->chance_to_kill*100)));
699  }
701  return variant(vars);
702 }
704 DEFINE_FAI_FUNCTION(rate_action, 1, 1)
705 {
706  variant act = args()[0]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,0,"rate_action:action"));
707  auto analysis = act.convert_to<ai::attack_analysis>();
709  return variant(analysis->rating(ai_.get_aggression(),ai_)*1000,variant::DECIMAL_VARIANT);
710 }
712 DEFINE_WFL_FUNCTION(recall, 1, 2)
713 {
714  const std::string id = args()[0]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,0,"recall:id")).as_string();
715  map_location loc;
716  if(args().size() >= 2) {
717  loc = args()[1]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 1, "recall:location")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
718  }
720  return variant(std::make_shared<recall_callable>(loc, id));
721 }
723 DEFINE_WFL_FUNCTION(recruit, 1, 2)
724 {
725  const std::string type = args()[0]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,0,"recruit:type")).as_string();
726  map_location loc;
727  if(args().size() >= 2) {
728  loc = args()[1]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 1, "recruit:location")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
729  }
731  return variant(std::make_shared<recruit_callable>(loc, type));
732 }
734 DEFINE_FAI_FUNCTION(shortest_path, 2, 3)
735 {
737  std::vector<variant> locations;
739  const map_location src = args()[0]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 0, "shortest_path:src")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
740  const map_location dst = args()[1]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 1, "shortest_path:dst")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
741  map_location unit_loc;
743  if( src == dst )
744  return variant(locations);
746  if(args().size() > 2)
747  unit_loc = args()[2]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,2,"shortest_path:unit_location")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
748  else
749  unit_loc = src;
751  unit_map::iterator unit_it = resources::gameboard->units().find(unit_loc);
753  if( unit_it == resources::gameboard->units().end() ) {
754  std::ostringstream str;
755  str << "shortest_path function: expected unit at location (" << (unit_loc.wml_x()) << "," << (unit_loc.wml_y()) << ")";
756  throw formula_error( str.str(), "", "", 0);
757  }
759  pathfind::teleport_map allowed_teleports = ai_.get_allowed_teleports(unit_it);
761  pathfind::plain_route route = ai_.shortest_path_calculator( src, dst, unit_it, allowed_teleports );
763  if( route.steps.size() < 2 ) {
764  return variant(locations);
765  }
767  for (std::vector<map_location>::const_iterator loc_iter = route.steps.begin() + 1 ; loc_iter !=route.steps.end(); ++loc_iter) {
768  locations.emplace_back(std::make_shared<location_callable>(*loc_iter));
769  }
771  return variant(locations);
772 }
774 DEFINE_FAI_FUNCTION(simplest_path, 2, 3)
775 {
776  std::vector<variant> locations;
778  const map_location src = args()[0]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 0, "simplest_path:src")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
779  const map_location dst = args()[1]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 1, "simplest_path:dst")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
780  map_location unit_loc;
782  if( src == dst )
783  return variant(locations);
785  if(args().size() > 2)
786  unit_loc = args()[2]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 2, "simplest_path:unit_location")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
787  else
788  unit_loc = src;
790  unit_map::iterator unit_it = resources::gameboard->units().find(unit_loc);
792  if( unit_it == resources::gameboard->units().end() ) {
793  std::ostringstream str;
794  str << "simplest_path function: expected unit at location (" << (unit_loc.wml_x()) << "," << (unit_loc.wml_y()) << ")";
795  throw formula_error( str.str(), "", "", 0);
796  }
798  pathfind::teleport_map allowed_teleports = ai_.get_allowed_teleports(unit_it);
802  pathfind::plain_route route = pathfind::a_star_search(src, dst, 1000.0, em_calc, resources::gameboard->map().w(), resources::gameboard->map().h(), &allowed_teleports);
804  if( route.steps.size() < 2 ) {
805  return variant(locations);
806  }
808  for (std::vector<map_location>::const_iterator loc_iter = route.steps.begin() + 1 ; loc_iter !=route.steps.end(); ++loc_iter) {
809  if(unit_it->movement_cost(static_cast<const game_board*>(resources::gameboard)->map()[*loc_iter]) < movetype::UNREACHABLE) {
810  locations.emplace_back(std::make_shared<location_callable>(*loc_iter));
811  } else {
812  break;
813  }
814  }
816  return variant(locations);
817 }
819 DEFINE_FAI_FUNCTION(next_hop, 2, 3)
820 {
822  const map_location src = args()[0]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 0, "next_hop:src")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
823  const map_location dst = args()[1]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 1, "next_hop:dst")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
824  map_location unit_loc;
826  if( src == dst )
827  return variant();
829  if(args().size() > 2)
830  unit_loc = args()[2]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 2, "next_hop:unit_location")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
831  else
832  unit_loc = src;
834  unit_map::iterator unit_it = resources::gameboard->units().find(unit_loc);
836  if( unit_it == resources::gameboard->units().end() ) {
837  std::ostringstream str;
838  str << "next_hop function: expected unit at location (" << (unit_loc.wml_x()) << "," << (unit_loc.wml_y()) << ")";
839  throw formula_error( str.str(), "", "", 0);
840  }
842  pathfind::teleport_map allowed_teleports = ai_.get_allowed_teleports(unit_it);
844  pathfind::plain_route route = ai_.shortest_path_calculator( src, dst, unit_it, allowed_teleports );
846  if( route.steps.size() < 2 ) {
847  return variant();
848  }
851  const ai::moves_map &possible_moves = ai_.get_possible_moves();
852  const ai::moves_map::const_iterator& p_it = possible_moves.find(unit_loc);
853  if (p_it==possible_moves.end() ) {
854  return variant();
855  }
857  for (std::vector<map_location>::const_iterator loc_iter = route.steps.begin() + 1 ; loc_iter !=route.steps.end(); ++loc_iter) {
859  if (p_it->second.destinations.find(*loc_iter) != p_it->second.destinations.end() ) {
860  loc = *loc_iter;
861  } else {
862  break;
863  }
864  }
865  if (loc==map_location::null_location()) {
866  return variant();
867  }
868  return variant(std::make_shared<location_callable>(loc));
869 }
871 DEFINE_WFL_FUNCTION(move, 2, 2)
872 {
873  const map_location src = args()[0]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 0, "move:src")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
874  const map_location dst = args()[1]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 1, "move:dst")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
875  LOG_AI << "move(): " << src << ", " << dst << ")";
876  return variant(std::make_shared<move_callable>(src, dst));
877 }
879 DEFINE_WFL_FUNCTION(move_partial, 2, 2)
880 {
881  const map_location src = args()[0]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 0, "move_partial:src")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
882  const map_location dst = args()[1]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 1, "move_partial:dst")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
883  LOG_AI << "move_partial(): " << src << ", " << dst << ")";
884  return variant(std::make_shared<move_partial_callable>(src, dst));
885 }
887 DEFINE_WFL_FUNCTION(set_unit_var, 3, 3)
888 {
889  return variant(std::make_shared<set_unit_var_callable>(args()[0]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,0,"set_unit_var:key")).as_string(), args()[1]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,1,"set_unit_var:value")), args()[2]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,2,"set_unit_var:unit_location")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc()));
890 }
892 DEFINE_WFL_FUNCTION(fallback, 0, 1)
893 {
894  UNUSED(fdb);
895  // The parameter is not used, but is accepted for legacy compatibility
896  if(args().size() == 1 && args()[0]->evaluate(variables).as_string() != "human")
897  return variant();
898  return variant(std::make_shared<fallback_callable>());
899 }
901 DEFINE_WFL_FUNCTION(attack, 3, 4)
902 {
903  const map_location move_from = args()[0]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 0, "attack:move_from")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
904  const map_location src = args()[1]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 1, "attack:src")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
905  const map_location dst = args()[2]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 2, "attack:dst")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
906  const int weapon = args().size() == 4 ? args()[3]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,3,"attack:weapon")).as_int() : -1;
907  if(resources::gameboard->units().count(move_from) == 0 || resources::gameboard->units().count(dst) == 0) {
908  ERR_AI << "AI ERROR: Formula produced illegal attack: " << move_from << " -> " << src << " -> " << dst;
909  return variant();
910  }
911  return variant(std::make_shared<attack_callable>(move_from, src, dst, weapon));
912 }
914 DEFINE_FAI_FUNCTION(debug_label, 2, 2)
915 {
916  const args_list& arguments = args();
917  const variant var0 = arguments[0]->evaluate(variables,fdb);
918  const variant var1 = arguments[1]->evaluate(variables,fdb);
920  const map_location location = var0.convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
921  std::string text;
922  if( var1.is_string() )
923  text = var1.as_string();
924  else
925  text = var1.to_debug_string();
928  std::string team_name;
932  const terrain_label *res;
933  res = gui->labels().set_label(location, text, ai_.get_side() - 1, team_name, color);
934  if (res && resources::recorder)
937  std::vector<variant> result;
938  result.push_back(var0);
939  result.push_back(var1);
940  return variant(result);
941 }
943 DEFINE_WFL_FUNCTION(is_village, 2, 3)
944 {
945  const gamemap& m = args()[0]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 0, "is_village:map")).convert_to<gamemap_callable>()->get_gamemap();
947  map_location loc;
948  if(args().size() == 2) {
949  loc = args()[1]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 1, "is_village:location")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
950  } else {
951  loc = map_location( args()[1]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,1,"is_village:x")).as_int(),
952  args()[2]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,2,"is_village:y")).as_int(), wml_loc());
953  }
954  return variant(m.is_village(loc));
955 }
957 DEFINE_FAI_FUNCTION(is_unowned_village, 2, 3)
958 {
960  const gamemap& m = args()[0]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 0, "is_unowned_village:map")).convert_to<gamemap_callable>()->get_gamemap();
961  const std::set<map_location>& my_villages = ai_.current_team().villages();
963  map_location loc;
964  if(args().size() == 2) {
965  loc = args()[1]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 1, "is_unowned_village:location")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
966  } else {
967  loc = map_location( args()[1]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,1,"is_unowned_village:x")).as_int(),
968  args()[2]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,2,"is_unowned_village:y")).as_int(), wml_loc());
969  }
971  if(m.is_village(loc) && (my_villages.count(loc)==0) ) {
972  return variant(true);
973  } else {
974  return variant(false);
975  }
976 }
979 {
980  variant res = args()[0]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,0,"unit_moves:unit_location"));
981  std::vector<variant> vars;
982  if(res.is_null()) {
983  return variant(vars);
984  }
986  const map_location& loc = res.convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
987  const ai::move_map& srcdst = ai_.get_srcdst();
988  typedef ai::move_map::const_iterator Itor;
989  std::pair<Itor,Itor> range = srcdst.equal_range(loc);
991  for(Itor i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) {
992  vars.emplace_back(std::make_shared<location_callable>(i->second));
993  }
995  return variant(vars);
996 }
998 DEFINE_WFL_FUNCTION(units_can_reach, 2, 2)
999 {
1000  std::vector<variant> vars;
1001  variant dstsrc_var = args()[0]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,0,"units_can_reach:possible_move_list"));
1002  const ai::move_map& dstsrc = dstsrc_var.convert_to<move_map_callable>()->dstsrc();
1003  std::pair<ai::move_map::const_iterator,ai::move_map::const_iterator> range =
1004  dstsrc.equal_range(args()[1]->evaluate(variables, add_debug_info(fdb, 1, "units_can_reach:possible_move_list")).convert_to<location_callable>()->loc());
1005  while(range.first != range.second) {
1006  unit_map::const_iterator un = resources::gameboard->units().find(range.first->second);
1007  assert(un != resources::gameboard->units().end());
1008  vars.emplace_back(std::make_shared<unit_callable>(*un));
1009  ++range.first;
1010  }
1012  return variant(vars);
1013 }
1015 DEFINE_FAI_FUNCTION(is_avoided_location, 1, 1)
1016 {
1017  variant res = args()[0]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,0,"is_avoided_location:location"));
1018  if(res.is_null()) {
1019  return variant();
1020  }
1021  const map_location& loc = res.convert_to<location_callable>()->loc();
1022  return variant(ai_.get_avoid().match(loc));
1023 }
1025 DEFINE_WFL_FUNCTION(max_possible_damage, 2, 2)
1026 {
1027  variant u1 = args()[0]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,0,"max_possible_damage:unit1"));
1028  variant u2 = args()[1]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,1,"max_possible_damage:unit2"));
1029  if(u1.is_null() || u2.is_null()) {
1030  return variant();
1031  }
1033  unit_adapter u_attacker(u1), u_defender(u2);
1034  int best = 0;
1035  for(const attack_type& atk : u_attacker.attacks()) {
1036  const int dmg = round_damage(atk.damage(), u_defender.damage_from(atk), 100) * atk.num_attacks();
1037  if(dmg > best)
1038  best = dmg;
1039  }
1040  return variant(best);
1041 }
1043 namespace {
1044  std::pair<int, int> best_melee_and_ranged_attacks(unit_adapter attacker, unit_adapter defender) {
1045  int highest_melee_damage = 0;
1046  int highest_ranged_damage = 0;
1048  for (const attack_type &attack : attacker.attacks()) {
1049  const int dmg = round_damage(attack.damage(), defender.damage_from(attack), 100) * attack.num_attacks();
1050  if (attack.range() == "melee") {
1051  highest_melee_damage = std::max(highest_melee_damage, dmg);
1052  } else {
1053  highest_ranged_damage = std::max(highest_ranged_damage, dmg);
1054  }
1055  }
1057  return std::pair(highest_melee_damage, highest_ranged_damage);
1058  }
1059 }
1061 DEFINE_WFL_FUNCTION(max_possible_damage_with_retaliation, 2, 2)
1062 {
1063  variant u1 = args()[0]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,0,"max_possible_damage_with_retaliation:unit1"));
1064  variant u2 = args()[1]->evaluate(variables,add_debug_info(fdb,1,"max_possible_damage_with_retaliation:unit2"));
1066  if(u1.is_null() || u2.is_null()) {
1067  return variant();
1068  }
1070  unit_adapter attacker(u1);
1071  unit_adapter defender(u2);
1073  // find max damage inflicted by attacker and by defender to the attacker
1074  std::pair<int, int> best_attacker_attacks = best_melee_and_ranged_attacks(attacker, defender);
1075  std::pair<int, int> best_defender_attacks = best_melee_and_ranged_attacks(defender, attacker);
1077  std::vector<variant> vars;
1078  vars.emplace_back(best_attacker_attacks.first);
1079  vars.emplace_back(best_attacker_attacks.second);
1080  vars.emplace_back(best_defender_attacks.first);
1081  vars.emplace_back(best_defender_attacks.second);
1083  return variant(vars);
1084 }
1086 template<typename T>
1087 class ai_formula_function : public formula_function {
1088 protected:
1089  formula_ai& ai_;
1090 public:
1091  ai_formula_function(const std::string& name, ai::formula_ai& ai) : formula_function(name), ai_(ai) {}
1092  function_expression_ptr generate_function_expression(const std::vector<expression_ptr>& args) const {
1093  return std::make_shared<T>(args, ai_);
1094  }
1095 };
1097 }
1099 // This macro is for functions taking an additional formula_ai argument.
1100 // Functions using the other macro could potentially be made core.
1101 #define DECLARE_FAI_FUNCTION(name) \
1102  add_function(#name, std::make_shared<ai_formula_function<name##_function>>(#name, ai))
1106 {
1107  function_symbol_table& functions_table = *this;
1108  DECLARE_WFL_FUNCTION(outcomes);
1109  //DECLARE_FAI_FUNCTION(evaluate_for_position);
1111  DECLARE_WFL_FUNCTION(move_partial);
1113  DECLARE_FAI_FUNCTION(rate_action);
1115  DECLARE_WFL_FUNCTION(recruit);
1116  DECLARE_FAI_FUNCTION(is_avoided_location);
1117  DECLARE_WFL_FUNCTION(is_village);
1118  DECLARE_FAI_FUNCTION(is_unowned_village);
1120  DECLARE_WFL_FUNCTION(set_unit_var);
1121  DECLARE_WFL_FUNCTION(fallback);
1122  DECLARE_WFL_FUNCTION(units_can_reach);
1123  DECLARE_FAI_FUNCTION(debug_label);
1124  DECLARE_WFL_FUNCTION(max_possible_damage);
1125  DECLARE_WFL_FUNCTION(max_possible_damage_with_retaliation);
1126  DECLARE_FAI_FUNCTION(next_hop);
1127  DECLARE_WFL_FUNCTION(castle_locs);
1128  DECLARE_WFL_FUNCTION(timeofday_modifier);
1129  DECLARE_FAI_FUNCTION(distance_to_nearest_unowned_village);
1130  DECLARE_FAI_FUNCTION(shortest_path);
1131  DECLARE_FAI_FUNCTION(simplest_path);
1132  DECLARE_FAI_FUNCTION(nearest_keep);
1133  DECLARE_FAI_FUNCTION(suitable_keep);
1134  DECLARE_WFL_FUNCTION(nearest_loc);
1135  DECLARE_FAI_FUNCTION(find_shroud);
1136  DECLARE_FAI_FUNCTION(close_enemies);
1137  DECLARE_WFL_FUNCTION(calculate_outcome);
1138  DECLARE_FAI_FUNCTION(run_file);
1139  DECLARE_FAI_FUNCTION(calculate_map_ownership);
1140 }
1143 }
int combat_modifier(const unit_map &units, const gamemap &map, const map_location &loc, unit_alignments::type alignment, bool is_fearless)
Returns the amount that a unit's damage should be multiplied by due to the current time of day.
Definition: attack.cpp:1596
double t
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
boost::iterator_range< boost::indirect_iterator< attack_list::const_iterator > > const_attack_itors
const wfl::variant & get_keeps_cache() const
Definition: ai.hpp:114
pathfind::teleport_map get_allowed_teleports(unit_map::iterator &unit_it) const
Definition: ai.cpp:248
wfl::formula_ptr create_optional_formula(const std::string &formula_string) const
Create a new formula from the string, using the symbol table which is stored in the AI.
Definition: ai.cpp:133
wfl::variant get_keeps() const
Definition: ai.cpp:616
pathfind::plain_route shortest_path_calculator(const map_location &src, const map_location &dst, unit_map::iterator &unit_it, pathfind::teleport_map &allowed_teleports) const
Definition: ai.cpp:194
virtual const map_location & suitable_keep(const map_location &leader_location, const pathfind::paths &leader_paths) const override
get most suitable keep for leader - nearest free that can be reached in 1 turn, if none - return near...
Definition: contexts.hpp:856
virtual const team & current_team() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:450
virtual const terrain_filter & get_avoid() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:586
virtual const move_map & get_srcdst() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:716
virtual double get_aggression() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:546
virtual const moves_map & get_possible_moves() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:676
virtual side_number get_side() const override
Get the side number.
Definition: contexts.hpp:396
std::pair< std::string, std::string > damage_type() const
return a modified damage type and/or add a secondary_type for hybrid use if special is active.
Definition: abilities.cpp:1242
Computes the statistics of a battle between an attacker and a defender unit.
Definition: attack.hpp:167
Sort-of-Singleton that many classes, both GUI and non-GUI, use to access the game data.
Definition: display.hpp:88
static display * get_singleton()
Returns the display object if a display object exists.
Definition: display.hpp:102
Game board class.
Definition: game_board.hpp:47
virtual const unit_map & units() const override
Definition: game_board.hpp:107
virtual const gamemap & map() const override
Definition: game_board.hpp:97
int w() const
Effective map width.
Definition: map.hpp:50
int h() const
Effective map height.
Definition: map.hpp:53
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: map.hpp:172
bool is_village(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: map.cpp:65
const std::vector< map_location > & villages() const
Return a list of the locations of villages on the map.
Definition: map.hpp:237
static const int UNREACHABLE
Magic value that signifies a hex is unreachable.
Definition: movetype.hpp:174
int resistance_against(const std::string &damage_type) const
Returns the vulnerability to the indicated damage type (higher means takes more damage).
Definition: movetype.hpp:292
int movement_cost(const t_translation::terrain_code &terrain, bool slowed=false) const
Returns the cost to move through the indicated terrain.
Definition: movetype.hpp:278
void add_label(const terrain_label *)
Definition: replay.cpp:273
bool is_enemy(int n) const
Definition: team.hpp:229
const std::set< map_location > & villages() const
Definition: team.hpp:170
bool shrouded(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: team.cpp:650
static color_t get_side_color(int side)
Definition: team.cpp:959
To store label data Class implements logic for rendering.
Definition: label.hpp:111
Container associating units to locations.
Definition: map.hpp:98
unit_iterator end()
Definition: map.hpp:428
std::size_t count(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: map.hpp:413
unit_iterator find(std::size_t id)
Definition: map.cpp:302
unit_iterator begin()
Definition: map.hpp:418
A single unit type that the player may recruit.
Definition: types.hpp:43
const movetype & movement_type() const
Definition: types.hpp:189
const_attack_itors attacks() const
Definition: types.cpp:543
This class represents a single unit of a specific type.
Definition: unit.hpp:133
ai_function_symbol_table(ai::formula_ai &ai)
std::size_t num_elements() const
Definition: variant.cpp:267
Definition: variant.hpp:31
std::shared_ptr< T > convert_to() const
Definition: variant.hpp:100
Default AI contexts.
map_display and display: classes which take care of displaying the map and game-data on the screen.
Declarations for File-IO.
Defines formula ai.
std::size_t i
Definition: function.cpp:968
#define DEFINE_WFL_FUNCTION(name, min_args, max_args)
Helper macro to declare an associated class for a WFL function.
Definition: function.hpp:27
Declares a function name in the local function table functions_table.
Definition: function.hpp:47
#define ERR_AI
const unit * unit_
formula_ai & ai_
static lg::log_domain log_formula_ai("ai/engine/fai")
int h
map_location loc_
#define LOG_AI
#define WRN_AI
#define DEFINE_FAI_FUNCTION(name, min_args, max_args)
int movement_cost_
const unit_type * unit_type_
const std::vector< node > & nodes
int w
unsigned in
If equal to search_counter, the node is off the list.
static bool operator<(const placing_info &a, const placing_info &b)
Definition: game_state.cpp:108
#define UNUSED(x)
Definition: global.hpp:31
unit_alignments::type alignment() const
The alignment of this unit.
Definition: unit.hpp:475
int damage_from(const attack_type &attack, bool attacker, const map_location &loc, const_attack_ptr weapon=nullptr) const
Calculates the damage this unit would take from a certain attack.
Definition: unit.hpp:972
attack_itors attacks()
Gets an iterator over this unit's attacks.
Definition: unit.hpp:927
int movement_cost(const t_translation::terrain_code &terrain) const
Get the unit's movement cost on a particular terrain.
Definition: unit.hpp:1481
bool is_fearless() const
Gets whether this unit is fearless - ie, unaffected by time of day.
Definition: unit.hpp:1288
T end(const std::pair< T, T > &p)
void get_adjacent_tiles(const map_location &a, map_location *res)
Function which, given a location, will place all adjacent locations in res.
Definition: location.cpp:474
std::size_t distance_between(const map_location &a, const map_location &b)
Function which gives the number of hexes between two tiles (i.e.
Definition: location.cpp:545
Standard logging facilities (interface).
constexpr int round_damage(int base_damage, int bonus, int divisor)
round (base_damage * bonus / divisor) to the closest integer, but up or down towards base_damage
Definition: math.hpp:80
A small explanation about what's going on here: Each action has access to two game_info objects First...
Definition: actions.cpp:59
std::multimap< map_location, map_location > move_map
The standard way in which a map of possible moves is recorded.
Definition: game_info.hpp:43
std::map< map_location, pathfind::paths > moves_map
The standard way in which a map of possible movement routes to location is recorded.
Definition: game_info.hpp:46
utils::optional< std::string > get_wml_location(const std::string &filename, const std::string &current_dir)
Returns a complete path to the actual WML file or directory, if either exists.
std::string read_file(const std::string &fname)
Basic disk I/O - read file.
std::string path
Definition: filesystem.cpp:89
General purpose widgets.
plain_route a_star_search(const map_location &src, const map_location &dst, double stop_at, const cost_calculator &calc, const std::size_t width, const std::size_t height, const teleport_map *teleports, bool border)
game_board * gameboard
Definition: resources.cpp:20
replay * recorder
Definition: resources.cpp:28
std::size_t index(const std::string &str, const std::size_t index)
Codepoint index corresponding to the nth character in a UTF-8 string.
Definition: unicode.cpp:70
std::size_t size(const std::string &str)
Length in characters of a UTF-8 string.
Definition: unicode.cpp:85
std::string::const_iterator iterator
Definition: tokenizer.hpp:25
Definition: contexts.hpp:43
formula_debugger * add_debug_info(formula_debugger *fdb, int arg_number, const std::string &f_name)
std::shared_ptr< formula > formula_ptr
Definition: formula_fwd.hpp:22
std::shared_ptr< function_expression > function_expression_ptr
Definition: function.hpp:172
This module contains various pathfinding functions and utilities.
Replay control code.
static config unit_moves(const reports::context &rc, const unit *u, bool is_visible_unit)
Definition: reports.cpp:667
The basic class for representing 8-bit RGB or RGBA colour values.
Definition: color.hpp:59
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:38
bool valid() const
Definition: location.hpp:89
int wml_y() const
Definition: location.hpp:154
static const map_location & null_location()
Definition: location.hpp:81
int wml_x() const
Definition: location.hpp:153
Function which only uses terrain, ignoring shroud, enemies, etc.
Definition: pathfind.hpp:242
Object which contains all the possible locations a unit can move to, with associated best routes to t...
Definition: pathfind.hpp:73
Structure which holds a single route between one location and another.
Definition: pathfind.hpp:133
std::vector< map_location > steps
Definition: pathfind.hpp:135
A terrain string which is converted to a terrain is a string with 1 or 2 layers the layers are separa...
Definition: translation.hpp:49
pointer get_shared_ptr() const
This is exactly the same as operator-> but it's slightly more readable, and can replace &*iter syntax...
Definition: map.hpp:217
static map_location::DIRECTION n
static const unit_type & get_unit_type(const std::string &type_id)
Converts a string ID to a unit_type.
Definition: unit.cpp:207
#define a
#define b