The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.5+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2024
3  by David White <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * @file
18  * Routines related to game-maps, terrain, locations, directions. etc.
19  */
21 #include "map/map.hpp"
23 #include "config.hpp"
24 #include "game_config_manager.hpp"
25 #include "log.hpp"
26 #include "map/exception.hpp"
27 #include "serialization/parser.hpp"
29 #include "terrain/terrain.hpp"
30 #include "terrain/type_data.hpp"
31 #include "utils/general.hpp"
32 #include "wml_exception.hpp"
34 #include <algorithm>
35 #include <sstream>
36 #include <utility>
38 static lg::log_domain log_config("config");
39 #define ERR_CF LOG_STREAM(err, log_config)
40 #define LOG_G LOG_STREAM(info, lg::general())
41 #define DBG_G LOG_STREAM(debug, lg::general())
43 /** Gets the list of terrains. */
45 {
46  return tdata_->list();
47 }
49 /** Shortcut to get_terrain_info(get_terrain(loc)). */
51 {
52  return tdata_->get_terrain_info(get_terrain(loc));
53 }
56  { return underlying_mvt_terrain(get_terrain(loc)); }
58  { return underlying_def_terrain(get_terrain(loc)); }
60  { return underlying_union_terrain(get_terrain(loc)); }
61 std::string gamemap::get_terrain_string(const map_location& loc) const
62  { return get_terrain_string(get_terrain(loc)); }
63 std::string gamemap::get_terrain_editor_string(const map_location& loc) const
64  { return get_terrain_editor_string(get_terrain(loc)); }
66 bool gamemap::is_village(const map_location& loc) const
67  { return on_board(loc) && is_village(get_terrain(loc)); }
68 int gamemap::gives_healing(const map_location& loc) const
69  { return on_board(loc) ? gives_healing(get_terrain(loc)) : 0; }
70 bool gamemap::is_castle(const map_location& loc) const
71  { return on_board(loc) && is_castle(get_terrain(loc)); }
72 bool gamemap::is_keep(const map_location& loc) const
73  { return on_board(loc) && is_keep(get_terrain(loc)); }
76 /* Forwarded methods of tdata_ */
78  { return tdata_->underlying_mvt_terrain(terrain); }
80  { return tdata_->underlying_def_terrain(terrain); }
82  { return tdata_->underlying_union_terrain(terrain); }
83 std::string gamemap::get_terrain_string(const t_translation::terrain_code & terrain) const
84  { return tdata_->get_terrain_string(terrain); }
86  { return tdata_->get_terrain_editor_string(terrain); }
88  { return tdata_->get_underlying_terrain_string(terrain); }
90  { return tdata_->get_terrain_info(terrain).is_village(); }
92  { return tdata_->get_terrain_info(terrain).gives_healing(); }
94  { return tdata_->get_terrain_info(terrain).is_castle(); }
95 bool gamemap::is_keep(const t_translation::terrain_code & terrain) const
96  { return tdata_->get_terrain_info(terrain).is_keep(); }
99  { return tdata_->get_terrain_info(terrain); }
101 void gamemap::write_terrain(const map_location &loc, config& cfg) const
102 {
103  cfg["terrain"] = t_translation::write_terrain_code(get_terrain(loc));
104 }
106 gamemap::gamemap(const std::string& data):
107  gamemap_base(1, 1),
108  tdata_(),
109  villages_()
110 {
111  if(const auto* gcm = game_config_manager::get()) {
112  tdata_ = gcm->terrain_types();
113  } else {
114  // Should only be encountered in unit tests
115  tdata_ = std::make_shared<terrain_type_data>(game_config_view::wrap({}));
116  }
118  DBG_G << "loading map: '" << data << "'";
119  read(data);
120 }
123  : tiles_(w, h, t)
124  , starting_positions_()
125 {
127 }
130 {
131 }
133 void gamemap::read(const std::string& data, const bool allow_invalid)
134 {
136  villages_.clear();
137  special_locations().clear();
139  if(data.empty()) {
140  if(allow_invalid) return;
141  }
143  int offset = read_header(data);
145  const std::string& data_only = std::string(data, offset);
147  try {
150  } catch(const t_translation::error& e) {
151  // We re-throw the error but as map error.
152  // Since all codepaths test for this, it's the least work.
153  throw incorrect_map_format_error(e.message);
154  }
156  // Post processing on the map
157  VALIDATE((total_width() >= 1 && total_height() >= 1), "A map needs at least 1 tile, the map cannot be loaded.");
159  for(int x = 0; x < total_width(); ++x) {
160  for(int y = 0; y < total_height(); ++y) {
162  // Is the terrain valid?
164  if(tdata_->map().count(t) == 0) {
165  if(!tdata_->is_known(t)) {
166  std::stringstream ss;
167  ss << "Unknown tile in map: (" << t_translation::write_terrain_code(t)
168  << ") '" << t << "'";
169  throw incorrect_map_format_error(ss.str().c_str());
170  }
171  }
173  // Is it a village?
174  if(x >= border_size() && y >= border_size()
175  && x < total_width()- border_size() && y < total_height()- border_size()
176  && tdata_->is_village(tiles().get(x, y))) {
177  villages_.push_back(map_location(x - border_size(), y - border_size()));
178  }
179  }
180  }
181 }
183 int gamemap::read_header(const std::string& data)
184 {
185  // Test whether there is a header section
186  std::size_t header_offset = data.find("\n\n");
187  if(header_offset == std::string::npos) {
188  // For some reason Windows will fail to load a file with \r\n
189  // lineending properly no problems on Linux with those files.
190  // This workaround fixes the problem the copy later will copy
191  // the second \r\n to the map, but that's no problem.
192  header_offset = data.find("\r\n\r\n");
193  }
194  const std::size_t comma_offset = data.find(",");
195  // The header shouldn't contain commas, so if the comma is found
196  // before the header, we hit a \n\n inside or after a map.
197  // This is no header, so don't parse it as it would be.
199  if (!(!(header_offset == std::string::npos || comma_offset < header_offset)))
200  return 0;
202  std::string header_str(std::string(data, 0, header_offset + 1));
203  config header;
204  ::read(header, header_str);
206  return header_offset + 2;
207 }
210 std::string gamemap::write() const
211 {
213 }
215 void gamemap_base::overlay(const gamemap_base& m, map_location loc, const std::vector<overlay_rule>& rules, bool m_is_odd, bool ignore_special_locations)
216 {
217  int xpos = loc.wml_x();
218  int ypos = loc.wml_y();
220  const int xstart = std::max<int>(0, -xpos);
221  const int xend = std::min<int>(m.total_width(), total_width() - xpos);
222  const int xoffset = xpos;
224  const int ystart_even = std::max<int>(0, -ypos);
225  const int yend_even = std::min<int>(m.total_height(), total_height() - ypos);
226  const int yoffset_even = ypos;
228  const int ystart_odd = std::max<int>(0, -ypos +(xpos & 1) -(m_is_odd ? 1 : 0));
229  const int yend_odd = std::min<int>(m.total_height(), total_height() - ypos +(xpos & 1) -(m_is_odd ? 1 : 0));
230  const int yoffset_odd = ypos -(xpos & 1) + (m_is_odd ? 1 : 0);
232  for(int x1 = xstart; x1 != xend; ++x1) {
233  int ystart, yend, yoffset;
234  if(x1 & 1) {
235  ystart = ystart_odd;
236  yend = yend_odd;
237  yoffset = yoffset_odd;
238  }
239  else {
240  ystart = ystart_even;
241  yend = yend_even;
242  yoffset = yoffset_even;
243  }
244  for(int y1 = ystart; y1 != yend; ++y1) {
245  const int x2 = x1 + xoffset;
246  const int y2 = y1 + yoffset;
248  const t_translation::terrain_code t = m.get_terrain({x1,y1, wml_loc()});
249  const t_translation::terrain_code current = get_terrain({x2, y2, wml_loc()});
252  continue;
253  }
255  // See if there is a matching rule
256  const overlay_rule* rule = nullptr;
257  for(const overlay_rule& current_rule : rules)
258  {
259  if(!current_rule.old_.empty() && !t_translation::terrain_matches(current, current_rule.old_)) {
260  continue;
261  }
262  if(!current_rule.new_.empty() && !t_translation::terrain_matches(t, current_rule.new_)) {
263  continue;
264  }
265  rule = &current_rule;
266  break;
267  }
269  if (!rule) {
271  }
272  else if(!rule->use_old_) {
273  set_terrain(map_location(x2, y2, wml_loc()), rule->terrain_ ? *rule->terrain_ : t , rule->mode_, rule->replace_if_failed_);
274  }
275  }
276  }
278  if (!ignore_special_locations) {
279  for(auto& pair : m.special_locations().left) {
281  int x = pair.second.wml_x();
282  int y = pair.second.wml_y();
283  if(x & 1) {
284  if(x < xstart || x >= xend || y < ystart_odd || y >= yend_odd) {
285  continue;
286  }
287  }
288  else {
289  if(x < xstart || x >= xend || y < ystart_even || y >= yend_even) {
290  continue;
291  }
292  }
293  int x_new = x + xoffset;
294  int y_new = y + ((x & 1 ) ? yoffset_odd : yoffset_even);
295  map_location pos_new = map_location(x_new, y_new, wml_loc());
297  starting_positions_.left.erase(pair.first);
298  starting_positions_.insert(location_map::value_type(pair.first, t_translation::coordinate(pos_new.x, pos_new.y)));
299  }
300  }
301 }
303 {
305  if(on_board_with_border(loc)) {
306  return tiles_.get(loc.x + border_size(), loc.y + border_size());
307  }
310 }
312 map_location gamemap_base::special_location(const std::string& id) const
313 {
314  auto it = starting_positions_.left.find(id);
315  if (it != starting_positions_.left.end()) {
316  auto& coordinate = it->second;
318  }
319  else {
320  return map_location();
321  }
322 }
325 {
326  return special_location(std::to_string(n));
327 }
329 namespace {
330  bool is_number(const std::string& id) {
331  return std::find_if(id.begin(), id.end(), [](char c) { return !std::isdigit(c); }) == id.end();
332  }
333 }
336 {
337  int res = 0;
338  for (auto pair : starting_positions_) {
339  const std::string& id = pair.left;
340  if (is_number(id)) {
341  res = std::max(res, std::stoi(id));
342  }
343  }
344  return res;
345 }
348 {
349  if(const std::string* locName = is_special_location(loc)) {
350  if(is_number(*locName)) {
351  return std::stoi(*locName);
352  }
353  }
354  return 0;
355 }
357 const std::string* gamemap_base::is_special_location(const map_location& loc) const
358 {
359  auto it = starting_positions_.right.find(loc);
360  return it == starting_positions_.right.end() ? nullptr : &it->second;
361 }
363 void gamemap_base::set_special_location(const std::string& id, const map_location& loc)
364 {
365  bool valid = loc.valid();
366  auto it_left = starting_positions_.left.find(id);
367  if (it_left != starting_positions_.left.end()) {
368  if (valid) {
369  starting_positions_.left.replace_data(it_left, loc);
370  }
371  else {
372  starting_positions_.left.erase(it_left);
373  }
374  }
375  else {
376  starting_positions_.left.insert(it_left, std::pair(id, loc));
377  }
378 }
381 {
382  set_special_location(std::to_string(side), loc);
383 }
385 bool gamemap_base::on_board(const map_location& loc) const
386 {
387  return loc.valid() && loc.x < w() && loc.y < h();
388 }
391 {
392  return ! && // tiles_ is not empty when initialized.
393  loc.x >= -border_size() && loc.x < w() + border_size() &&
394  loc.y >= -border_size() && loc.y < h() + border_size();
395 }
397 void gamemap::set_terrain(const map_location& loc, const t_translation::terrain_code & terrain, const terrain_type_data::merge_mode mode, bool replace_if_failed) {
398  if(!on_board_with_border(loc)) {
399  DBG_G << "set_terrain: " << loc << " is not on the map.";
400  // off the map: ignore request
401  return;
402  }
404  t_translation::terrain_code new_terrain = tdata_->merge_terrains(get_terrain(loc), terrain, mode, replace_if_failed);
406  if(new_terrain == t_translation::NONE_TERRAIN) {
407  return;
408  }
410  if(on_board(loc)) {
411  const bool old_village = is_village(loc);
412  const bool new_village = tdata_->is_village(new_terrain);
414  if(old_village && !new_village) {
415  utils::erase(villages_, loc);
416  } else if(!old_village && new_village) {
417  villages_.push_back(loc);
418  }
419  }
421  (*this)[loc] = new_terrain;
422 }
424 std::vector<map_location> gamemap_base::parse_location_range(const std::string &x, const std::string &y,
425  bool with_border) const
426 {
427  std::vector<map_location> res;
428  const std::vector<std::string> xvals = utils::split(x);
429  const std::vector<std::string> yvals = utils::split(y);
430  int xmin = 1, xmax = w(), ymin = 1, ymax = h();
431  if (with_border) {
432  int bs = border_size();
433  xmin -= bs;
434  xmax += bs;
435  ymin -= bs;
436  ymax += bs;
437  }
439  for (unsigned i = 0; i < xvals.size() || i < yvals.size(); ++i)
440  {
441  std::pair<int,int> xrange, yrange;
443  if (i < xvals.size()) {
444  xrange = utils::parse_range(xvals[i]);
445  if (xrange.first < xmin) xrange.first = xmin;
446  if (xrange.second > xmax) xrange.second = xmax;
447  } else {
448  xrange.first = xmin;
449  xrange.second = xmax;
450  }
452  if (i < yvals.size()) {
453  yrange = utils::parse_range(yvals[i]);
454  if (yrange.first < ymin) yrange.first = ymin;
455  if (yrange.second > ymax) yrange.second = ymax;
456  } else {
457  yrange.first = ymin;
458  yrange.second = ymax;
459  }
461  for(int x2 = xrange.first; x2 <= xrange.second; ++x2) {
462  for(int y2 = yrange.first; y2 <= yrange.second; ++y2) {
463  res.emplace_back(x2-1,y2-1);
464  }
465  }
466  }
467  return res;
468 }
470 std::string gamemap_base::to_string() const
471 {
472  return t_translation::write_game_map(tiles_, starting_positions_, { 1, 1 }) + "\n";
473 }
475 const std::vector<map_location> gamemap_base::starting_positions() const {
477  std::vector<map_location> res;
478  for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
479  res.push_back(starting_position(i));
480  }
481  return res;
482 }
double t
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:172
static game_config_manager * get()
static game_config_view wrap(const config &cfg)
virtual ~gamemap_base()
Definition: map.cpp:129
terrain_code get_terrain(const map_location &loc) const
Looks up terrain at a particular location.
Definition: map.cpp:302
int w() const
Effective map width.
Definition: map.hpp:50
void set_starting_position(int side, const map_location &loc)
Manipulate starting positions of the different sides.
Definition: map.cpp:380
terrain_map & tiles()
Definition: map.hpp:157
void set_special_location(const std::string &id, const map_location &loc)
Definition: map.cpp:363
int h() const
Effective map height.
Definition: map.hpp:53
void overlay(const gamemap_base &m, map_location loc, const std::vector< overlay_rule > &rules=std::vector< overlay_rule >(), bool is_odd=false, bool ignore_special_locations=false)
Overlays another map onto this one at the given position.
Definition: map.cpp:215
map_location special_location(const std::string &id) const
Definition: map.cpp:312
std::vector< map_location > parse_location_range(const std::string &xvals, const std::string &yvals, bool with_border=false) const
Parses ranges of locations into a vector of locations, using this map's dimensions as bounds.
Definition: map.cpp:424
map_location starting_position(int side) const
Definition: map.cpp:324
virtual void set_terrain(const map_location &loc, const terrain_code &terrain, const terrain_type_data::merge_mode mode=terrain_type_data::BOTH, bool replace_if_failed=false)=0
Clobbers over the terrain at location 'loc', with the given terrain.
int total_width() const
Real width of the map, including borders.
Definition: map.hpp:59
std::string to_string() const
Definition: map.cpp:470
int num_valid_starting_positions() const
Counts the number of sides that have valid starting positions on this map.
Definition: map.cpp:335
bool on_board_with_border(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: map.cpp:390
int total_height() const
Real height of the map, including borders.
Definition: map.hpp:62
int is_starting_position(const map_location &loc) const
returns the side number of the side starting at position loc, 0 if no such side exists.
Definition: map.cpp:347
location_map starting_positions_
Definition: map.hpp:161
const std::string * is_special_location(const map_location &loc) const
returns the name of the special location at position loc, null if no such location exists.
Definition: map.cpp:357
int border_size() const
Size of the map border.
Definition: map.hpp:56
const std::vector< map_location > starting_positions() const
Definition: map.cpp:475
bool on_board(const map_location &loc) const
Tell if a location is on the map.
Definition: map.cpp:385
location_map & special_locations()
Definition: map.hpp:90
terrain_map tiles_
Definition: map.hpp:160
const t_translation::ter_list & underlying_union_terrain(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: map.cpp:59
bool is_village(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: map.cpp:66
std::string get_underlying_terrain_string(const t_translation::terrain_code &terrain) const
Definition: map.cpp:87
bool is_castle(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: map.cpp:70
void read(const std::string &data, const bool allow_invalid=true)
Definition: map.cpp:133
const t_translation::ter_list & underlying_mvt_terrain(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: map.cpp:55
const t_translation::ter_list & underlying_def_terrain(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: map.cpp:57
const t_translation::ter_list & get_terrain_list() const
Gets the list of terrains.
Definition: map.cpp:44
std::string write() const
Definition: map.cpp:210
std::vector< map_location > villages_
Definition: map.hpp:257
std::string get_terrain_editor_string(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: map.cpp:63
void write_terrain(const map_location &loc, config &cfg) const
Writes the terrain at loc to cfg.
Definition: map.cpp:101
gamemap(const std::string &data)
Loads a map.
Definition: map.cpp:106
bool is_keep(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: map.cpp:72
std::string get_terrain_string(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: map.cpp:61
std::shared_ptr< terrain_type_data > tdata_
Definition: map.hpp:254
const terrain_type & get_terrain_info(const t_translation::terrain_code &terrain) const
Definition: map.cpp:98
void set_terrain(const map_location &loc, const terrain_code &terrain, const terrain_type_data::merge_mode mode=terrain_type_data::BOTH, bool replace_if_failed=false) override
Clobbers over the terrain at location 'loc', with the given terrain.
Definition: map.cpp:397
int gives_healing(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: map.cpp:68
int read_header(const std::string &data)
Reads the header of a map which is saved in the deprecated map_data format.
Definition: map.cpp:183
Definitions for the interface to Wesnoth Markup Language (WML).
std::size_t i
Definition: function.cpp:1023
int w
T end(const std::pair< T, T > &p)
Standard logging facilities (interface).
#define DBG_G
Definition: map.cpp:41
static lg::log_domain log_config("config")
Definition: cursor.cpp:216
ter_map read_game_map(std::string_view str, starting_positions &starting_positions, coordinate border_offset)
Reads a gamemap string into a 2D vector.
std::string write_game_map(const ter_map &map, const starting_positions &starting_positions, coordinate border_offset)
Write a gamemap in to a vector string.
const terrain_code VOID_TERRAIN
VOID_TERRAIN is used for shrouded hexes.
bool terrain_matches(const terrain_code &src, const terrain_code &dest)
Tests whether a specific terrain matches an expression, for matching rules see above.
std::vector< terrain_code > ter_list
Definition: translation.hpp:77
map_location coordinate
Contains an x and y coordinate used for starting positions in maps.
std::string write_terrain_code(const terrain_code &tcode)
Writes a single terrain code to a string.
const terrain_code FOGGED
const terrain_code NONE_TERRAIN
Definition: translation.hpp:58
std::size_t erase(Container &container, const Value &value)
Convenience wrapper for using std::remove on a container.
Definition: general.hpp:111
std::pair< int, int > parse_range(const std::string &str)
Recognises the following patterns, and returns a {min, max} pair.
std::vector< std::string > split(const config_attribute_value &val)
std::string_view data
Definition: picture.cpp:178
terrain_type_data::merge_mode mode_
Definition: map.hpp:115
utils::optional< t_translation::terrain_code > terrain_
Definition: map.hpp:116
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:45
bool valid() const
Definition: location.hpp:110
int wml_y() const
Definition: location.hpp:184
static const map_location & null_location()
Definition: location.hpp:102
int wml_x() const
Definition: location.hpp:183
terrain_code & get(int x, int y)
Definition: translation.hpp:89
std::vector< terrain_code > data
Definition: translation.hpp:92
A terrain string which is converted to a terrain is a string with 1 or 2 layers the layers are separa...
Definition: translation.hpp:49
mock_char c
static map_location::direction n
Add a special kind of assert to validate whether the input from WML doesn't contain any problems that...
#define VALIDATE(cond, message)
The macro to use for the validation of WML.
#define e
#define h