The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.8+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2008 - 2024
3  by Tomasz Sniatowski <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 #define GETTEXT_DOMAIN "wesnoth-editor"
18 #include "editor/action/action.hpp"
19 #include "editor/toolkit/brush.hpp"
23 #include "gettext.hpp"
26 namespace editor {
29 {
30  return false;
31 }
34 {
35  if (hex == previous_move_hex_) {
36  return;
37  }
39  update_brush_highlights(disp, hex);
40  previous_move_hex_ = hex;
41 }
44 {
45  disp.set_brush_locs(affected_hexes(disp, hex));
46 }
48 std::set<map_location> mouse_action::affected_hexes(
49  editor_display& /*disp*/, const map_location& hex)
50 {
51  std::set<map_location> res;
52  res.insert(hex);
53  return res;
54 }
56 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> mouse_action::drag_left(editor_display& /*disp*/,
57  int /*x*/, int /*y*/, bool& /*partial*/, editor_action* /*last_undo*/)
58 {
59  return nullptr;
60 }
62 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> mouse_action::drag_right(editor_display& /*disp*/,
63  int /*x*/, int /*y*/, bool& /*partial*/, editor_action* /*last_undo*/)
64 {
65  return nullptr;
66 }
68 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> mouse_action::drag_end_left(
69  editor_display& /*disp*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/)
70 {
71  return nullptr;
72 }
74 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> mouse_action::drag_end_right(
75  editor_display& /*disp*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/)
76 {
77  return nullptr;
78 }
80 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> mouse_action::up_right(
81  editor_display& /*disp*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/)
82 {
83  return nullptr;
84 }
86 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> mouse_action::up_left(
87  editor_display& /*disp*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/)
88 {
89  return nullptr;
90 }
92 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> mouse_action::key_event(
93  editor_display& disp, const SDL_Event& event)
94 {
95  if (!has_alt_modifier() && (event.key.keysym.sym >= '1' && event.key.keysym.sym <= '9')) {
96  int side = event.key.keysym.sym - '0';
97  if (side >= 1 && side <= gamemap::MAX_PLAYERS) {
98  map_location pos = disp.get_map().starting_position(side);
99  if (pos.valid()) {
100  disp.scroll_to_tile(pos, display::WARP);
101  }
102  }
103  return nullptr;
104  }
105  if (!disp.get_map().on_board(previous_move_hex_) || event.type != SDL_KEYUP) {
106  return nullptr;
107  }
108  std::unique_ptr<editor_action> a;
109  if ((has_alt_modifier() && (event.key.keysym.sym >= '1' && event.key.keysym.sym <= '9'))
110  || event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_DELETE) {
111  int res = event.key.keysym.sym - '0';
112  if (res > gamemap::MAX_PLAYERS || event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_DELETE) res = 0;
113  const std::string* old_id = disp.get_map().is_special_location(previous_move_hex_);
114  if (res == 0 && old_id != nullptr) {
115  a = std::make_unique<editor_action_starting_position>(map_location(), *old_id);
116  } else if (res > 0 && (old_id == nullptr || *old_id == std::to_string(res))) {
117  a = std::make_unique<editor_action_starting_position>(previous_move_hex_, std::to_string(res));
118  }
119  }
120  return a;
121 }
124 {
126 }
129 {
130  return key_[SDLK_RALT] || key_[SDLK_LALT];
131 }
134 {
135  return key_[SDLK_RSHIFT] || key_[SDLK_LSHIFT];
136 }
139 {
140 #ifdef __APPLE__
141  return key_[SDLK_RGUI] || key_[SDLK_LGUI];
142 #else
143  return key_[SDLK_RCTRL] || key_[SDLK_LCTRL];
144 #endif
145 }
148  editor_display& disp,
149  const t_translation::terrain_code & fg,
150  const t_translation::terrain_code & bg)
151 {
152  const std::string fg_path = disp.get_map().get_terrain_info(fg).editor_image();
153  const std::string bg_path = disp.get_map().get_terrain_info(bg).editor_image();
154  const std::string blank_hex = "misc/blank-hex.png";
156  if (!image::exists(fg_path) || !image::exists(bg_path)) {
157  ERR_ED << "Missing terrain icon";
159  return;
160  }
162  // For efficiency the size of the tile is cached.
163  // We assume all tiles are of the same size.
164  // The zoom factor can change, so it's not cached.
165  // NOTE: when zooming and not moving the mouse, there are glitches.
166  // Since the optimal alpha factor is unknown, it has to be calculated
167  // on the fly, and caching the surfaces makes no sense yet.
168  static const int size = image::get_size(blank_hex).x;
169  static const int half_size = size / 2;
170  static const int quarter_size = size / 4;
171  static const int offset = 2;
172  static const int new_size = half_size - 2;
174  // Inserting scaled FG and BG hexes via IPF.
175  std::stringstream path;
176  // "hex~BLIT(fg~SCALE(ns,ns),2,qs)~BLIT(bg~SCALE(ns,ns),hs,qs)"
177  path << blank_hex
178  << "~BLIT(" << fg_path << "~SCALE(" << new_size << "," << new_size
179  << ")," << offset << "," << quarter_size << ")"
180  << "~BLIT(" << bg_path << "~SCALE(" << new_size << "," << new_size
181  << ")," << half_size << "," << quarter_size << ")";
183  // Set as mouseover overlay.
185 }
188  editor_display& /*disp*/, const map_location& hex)
189 {
190  return get_brush().project(hex);
191 }
193 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> brush_drag_mouse_action::click_left(editor_display& disp, int x, int y)
194 {
195  map_location hex = disp.hex_clicked_on(x, y);
196  previous_drag_hex_ = hex;
197  return click_perform_left(disp, affected_hexes(disp, hex));
198 }
200 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> brush_drag_mouse_action::click_right(editor_display& disp, int x, int y)
201 {
202  map_location hex = disp.hex_clicked_on(x, y);
203  previous_drag_hex_ = hex;
204  return click_perform_right(disp, affected_hexes(disp, hex));
205 }
207 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> brush_drag_mouse_action::drag_left(editor_display& disp,
208  int x, int y, bool& partial, editor_action* last_undo)
209 {
210  return drag_generic<&brush_drag_mouse_action::click_perform_left>(disp, x, y, partial, last_undo);
211 }
213 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> brush_drag_mouse_action::drag_right(editor_display& disp,
214  int x, int y, bool& partial, editor_action* last_undo)
215 {
216  return drag_generic<&brush_drag_mouse_action::click_perform_right>(disp, x, y, partial, last_undo);
217 }
219 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> brush_drag_mouse_action::drag_end(
220  editor_display& /*disp*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/)
221 {
222  return nullptr;
223 }
225 template <std::unique_ptr<editor_action> (brush_drag_mouse_action::*perform_func)(editor_display&, const std::set<map_location>&)>
226 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> brush_drag_mouse_action::drag_generic(editor_display& disp, int x, int y, bool& partial, editor_action* last_undo)
227 {
228  map_location hex = disp.hex_clicked_on(x, y);
229  move(disp, hex);
230  if (hex != previous_drag_hex_) {
231  editor_action_extendable* last_undo_x = dynamic_cast<editor_action_extendable*>(last_undo);
232  LOG_ED << "Last undo is " << last_undo << " and as x " << last_undo_x;
233  partial = true;
234  auto a = (this->*perform_func)(disp, affected_hexes(disp, hex));
235  previous_drag_hex_ = hex;
236  return a;
237  } else {
238  return nullptr;
239  }
240 }
243 {
244  assert(brush_);
245  assert(*brush_);
246  return **brush_;
247 }
250 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> mouse_action_paint::click_left(editor_display& disp, int x, int y)
251 {
252  if (has_ctrl_modifier()) {
253  map_location hex = disp.hex_clicked_on(x, y);
255  return nullptr;
256  } else {
257  return brush_drag_mouse_action::click_left(disp, x, y);
258  }
259 }
261 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> mouse_action_paint::click_right(editor_display& disp, int x, int y)
262 {
263  if (has_ctrl_modifier()) {
264  map_location hex = disp.hex_clicked_on(x, y);
266  return nullptr;
267  } else {
268  return brush_drag_mouse_action::click_right(disp, x, y);
269  }
270 }
272 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> mouse_action_paint::click_perform_left(
273  editor_display& /*disp*/, const std::set<map_location>& hexes)
274 {
275  if (has_ctrl_modifier()) return nullptr;
276  // \todo why is this a chain and not an individual action? I guess that mouse drags were meant
277  // to be optimised with one undo for multiple hexes, but it seems that was never added.
278  auto chain = std::make_unique<editor_action_chain>();
279  chain->append_action(std::make_unique<editor_action_paint_area>(
281  return chain;
282 }
284 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> mouse_action_paint::click_perform_right(
285  editor_display& /*disp*/, const std::set<map_location>& hexes)
286 {
287  if (has_ctrl_modifier()) return nullptr;
288  // \todo why is this a chain and not an individual action?
289  auto chain = std::make_unique<editor_action_chain>();
290  chain->append_action(std::make_unique<editor_action_paint_area>(
292  return chain;
293 }
296 {
299 }
306 {
307  return true;
308 }
310 std::set<map_location> mouse_action_paste::affected_hexes(
311  editor_display& /*disp*/, const map_location& hex)
312 {
313  return paste_.get_offset_area(hex);
314 }
316 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> mouse_action_paste::click_left(editor_display& disp, int x, int y)
317 {
318  map_location hex = disp.hex_clicked_on(x, y);
319  return std::make_unique<editor_action_paste>(paste_, hex);
320 }
322 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> mouse_action_paste::click_right(editor_display& /*disp*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/)
323 {
324  return nullptr;
325 }
328 {
331  // center 60px icon on blank hex template
333  "misc/blank-hex.png",
334  "~BLIT(icons/action/editor-paste_60.png,6,6)"
335  )
336  )
337  );
338 }
340 std::set<map_location> mouse_action_fill::affected_hexes(
341  editor_display& disp, const map_location& hex)
342 {
343  return disp.get_map().get_contiguous_terrain_tiles(hex);
344 }
346 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> mouse_action_fill::click_left(editor_display& disp, int x, int y)
347 {
348  map_location hex = disp.hex_clicked_on(x, y);
349  if (has_ctrl_modifier()) {
351  return nullptr;
352  } else {
353  /** @todo only take the base terrain into account when searching for contiguous terrain when painting base only */
354  //or use a different key modifier for that
355  return std::make_unique<editor_action_fill>(hex, terrain_palette_.selected_fg_item(),
357  }
358 }
360 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> mouse_action_fill::click_right(editor_display& disp, int x, int y)
361 {
362  map_location hex = disp.hex_clicked_on(x, y);
363  if (has_ctrl_modifier()) {
365  return nullptr;
366  } else {
367  /** @todo only take the base terrain into account when searching for contiguous terrain when painting base only */
368  //or use a different key modifier for that
369  return std::make_unique<editor_action_fill>(hex, terrain_palette_.selected_bg_item(),
371  }
372 }
375 {
378 }
380 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> mouse_action_starting_position::up_left(editor_display& disp, int x, int y)
381 {
382  if (!click_) return nullptr;
383  click_ = false;
384  map_location hex = disp.hex_clicked_on(x, y);
385  if (!disp.get_map().on_board(hex)) {
386  return nullptr;
387  }
388  auto player_starting_at_hex = disp.get_map().is_special_location(hex);
390  if (has_ctrl_modifier()) {
391  if (player_starting_at_hex) {
392  location_palette_.add_item(*player_starting_at_hex);
393  }
394  return nullptr;
395  }
397  std::string new_player_at_hex = location_palette_.selected_item();
398  std::unique_ptr<editor_action> a;
400  if(!player_starting_at_hex || new_player_at_hex != *player_starting_at_hex) {
401  // Set a starting position
402  a = std::make_unique<editor_action_starting_position>(hex, new_player_at_hex);
403  }
404  else {
405  // Erase current starting position
406  a = std::make_unique<editor_action_starting_position>(map_location(), *player_starting_at_hex);
407  }
409  update_brush_highlights(disp, hex);
411  return a;
412 }
414 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> mouse_action_starting_position::click_left(editor_display& /*disp*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/)
415 {
416  click_ = true;
417  return nullptr;
418 }
420 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> mouse_action_starting_position::up_right(editor_display& disp, int x, int y)
421 {
422  map_location hex = disp.hex_clicked_on(x, y);
423  auto player_starting_at_hex = disp.get_map().is_special_location(hex);
424  if (player_starting_at_hex != nullptr) {
425  return std::make_unique<editor_action_starting_position>(map_location(), *player_starting_at_hex);
426  } else {
427  return nullptr;
428  }
429 }
431 std::unique_ptr<editor_action> mouse_action_starting_position::click_right(editor_display& /*disp*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/)
432 {
433  return nullptr;
434 }
437 {
440  // center 60px icon on blank hex template
442  "misc/blank-hex.png",
443  "~BLIT(icons/action/editor-tool-starting-position_60.png,6,6)"
444  )
445  )
446  );
447 }
450 } //end namespace editor
void scroll_to_tile(const map_location &loc, SCROLL_TYPE scroll_type=ONSCREEN, bool check_fogged=true, bool force=true)
Scroll such that location loc is on-screen.
Definition: display.cpp:1985
map_location hex_clicked_on(int x, int y) const
given x,y co-ordinates of an onscreen pixel, will return the location of the hex that this pixel corr...
Definition: display.cpp:540
A brush-drag mouse action base class which adds brush and drag processing to a basic mouse action.
std::unique_ptr< editor_action > click_left(editor_display &disp, int x, int y)
Calls click_perform_left()
std::unique_ptr< editor_action > drag_right(editor_display &disp, int x, int y, bool &partial, editor_action *last_undo)
Calls click_perform for every new hex the mouse is dragged into.
const brush *const *const brush_
Current brush handle.
virtual std::unique_ptr< editor_action > click_perform_right(editor_display &disp, const std::set< map_location > &hexes)=0
The actual action function which is called by click() and drag().
const brush & get_brush()
Brush accessor.
std::unique_ptr< editor_action > drag_left(editor_display &disp, int x, int y, bool &partial, editor_action *last_undo)
Calls click_perform() for every new hex the mouse is dragged into.
std::unique_ptr< editor_action > drag_end(editor_display &disp, int x, int y)
End of dragging.
std::unique_ptr< editor_action > drag_generic(editor_display &disp, int x, int y, bool &partial, editor_action *last_undo)
Template helper gathering actions common for both drag_right and drag_left.
map_location previous_drag_hex_
The previous hex dragged into.
std::set< map_location > affected_hexes(editor_display &disp, const map_location &hex)
The affected hexes of a brush action are the result of projecting the current brush on the mouseover ...
virtual std::unique_ptr< editor_action > click_perform_left(editor_display &disp, const std::set< map_location > &hexes)=0
The actual action function which is called by click() and drag().
std::unique_ptr< editor_action > click_right(editor_display &disp, int x, int y)
Calls click_perform_right()
The brush class represents a single brush – a set of relative locations around a "hotspot",...
Definition: brush.hpp:27
std::set< map_location > project(const map_location &hotspot) const
Get a set of locations affected (i.e.
Definition: brush.cpp:61
Base class for actions that: 1) operate on an area 2) can be used as undo for a click-drag operation ...
Definition: action.hpp:61
Base class for all editor actions.
Definition: action_base.hpp:42
void set_mouseover_hex_overlay(const texture &image)
Sets texture to be drawn in hex under the mouse's location.
void set_brush_locs(const std::set< map_location > &hexes)
const editor_map & get_map() const
std::set< map_location > get_contiguous_terrain_tiles(const map_location &start) const
Get a contiguous set of tiles having the same terrain as the starting location.
Definition: editor_map.cpp:115
const std::string & selected_item() const
Return the currently selected item.
void add_item(const std::string &id)
std::set< map_location > get_offset_area(const map_location &offset) const
Get the area covered by this map fragment, shifted by an offset.
terrain_palette & terrain_palette_
std::set< map_location > affected_hexes(editor_display &disp, const map_location &hex) override
Tiles that will be painted to, possibly use modifier keys here.
std::unique_ptr< editor_action > click_left(editor_display &disp, int x, int y) override
Left / right click fills with the respective terrain.
std::unique_ptr< editor_action > click_right(editor_display &disp, int x, int y) override
Left / right click fills with the respective terrain.
virtual void set_mouse_overlay(editor_display &disp) override
Set the mouse overlay for this action.
std::unique_ptr< editor_action > click_perform_right(editor_display &disp, const std::set< map_location > &hexes) override
Create an appropriate editor_action and return it.
std::unique_ptr< editor_action > click_right(editor_display &disp, int x, int y) override
Handle terrain sampling before calling generic handler.
terrain_palette & terrain_palette_
void set_mouse_overlay(editor_display &disp) override
Set the mouse overlay for this action.
std::unique_ptr< editor_action > click_left(editor_display &disp, int x, int y) override
Handle terrain sampling before calling generic handler.
std::unique_ptr< editor_action > click_perform_left(editor_display &disp, const std::set< map_location > &hexes) override
Create an appropriate editor_action and return it.
virtual bool has_context_menu() const override
std::set< map_location > affected_hexes(editor_display &disp, const map_location &hex) override
Show an outline of where the paste will go.
std::unique_ptr< editor_action > click_left(editor_display &disp, int x, int y) override
Return a paste with offset action.
virtual void set_mouse_overlay(editor_display &disp) override
Set the mouse overlay for this action.
std::unique_ptr< editor_action > click_right(editor_display &disp, int x, int y) override
Right click does nothing for now.
const map_fragment & paste_
Reference to the buffer used for pasting (e.g.
std::unique_ptr< editor_action > up_right(editor_display &disp, int x, int y) override
Right click only erases the starting position if there is one.
std::unique_ptr< editor_action > up_left(editor_display &disp, int x, int y) override
Left click displays a player-number-selector dialog and then creates an action or returns nullptr if ...
std::unique_ptr< editor_action > click_right(editor_display &disp, int x, int y) override
A click, possibly the beginning of a drag.
std::unique_ptr< editor_action > click_left(editor_display &disp, int x, int y) override
A click, possibly the beginning of a drag.
virtual void set_mouse_overlay(editor_display &disp) override
Set the mouse overlay for this action.
bool has_shift_modifier() const
void update_brush_highlights(editor_display &disp, const map_location &hex)
Unconditionally update the brush highlights for the current tool when hex is the center location.
virtual std::unique_ptr< editor_action > drag_end_right(editor_display &disp, int x, int y)
virtual bool has_context_menu() const
void set_terrain_mouse_overlay(editor_display &disp, const t_translation::terrain_code &fg, const t_translation::terrain_code &bg)
Helper function for derived classes that need a active-terrain mouse overlay.
virtual std::set< map_location > affected_hexes(editor_display &disp, const map_location &hex)
Locations that would be affected by a click, used by move to update highlights.
virtual std::unique_ptr< editor_action > up_left(editor_display &disp, int x, int y)
bool has_ctrl_modifier() const
const CKey & key_
Key presses, used for modifiers (alt, shift) in some operations.
map_location previous_move_hex_
The hex previously used in move operations.
virtual void move(editor_display &disp, const map_location &hex)
Mouse move (not a drag).
virtual std::unique_ptr< editor_action > up_right(editor_display &disp, int x, int y)
virtual std::unique_ptr< editor_action > key_event(editor_display &disp, const SDL_Event &e)
Function called by the controller on a key event for the current mouse action.
virtual std::unique_ptr< editor_action > drag_left(editor_display &disp, int x, int y, bool &partial, editor_action *last_undo)
Drag operation.
virtual std::unique_ptr< editor_action > drag_right(editor_display &disp, int x, int y, bool &partial, editor_action *last_undo)
Drag operation.
virtual void set_mouse_overlay(editor_display &disp)
Set the mouse overlay for this action.
bool has_alt_modifier() const
virtual std::unique_ptr< editor_action > drag_end_left(editor_display &disp, int x, int y)
The end of dragging.
void select_fg_item(const t_translation::terrain_code &terrain)
const t_translation::terrain_code & selected_bg_item() const
const t_translation::terrain_code & selected_fg_item() const
void select_bg_item(const t_translation::terrain_code &terrain)
terrain_code get_terrain(const map_location &loc) const
Looks up terrain at a particular location.
Definition: map.cpp:302
static const int MAX_PLAYERS
Maximum number of players supported.
Definition: map.hpp:45
map_location starting_position(int side) const
Definition: map.cpp:324
const std::string * is_special_location(const map_location &loc) const
returns the name of the special location at position loc, null if no such location exists.
Definition: map.cpp:357
bool on_board(const map_location &loc) const
Tell if a location is on the map.
Definition: map.cpp:385
const terrain_type & get_terrain_info(const t_translation::terrain_code &terrain) const
Definition: map.cpp:98
Generic locator abstracting the location of an image.
Definition: picture.hpp:59
const std::string & editor_image() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:47
Editor action classes.
#define LOG_ED
#define ERR_ED
Manage the empty-palette in the editor.
Definition: action.cpp:31
std::string path
Definition: filesystem.cpp:92
bool exists(const image::locator &i_locator)
Returns true if the given image actually exists, without loading it.
Definition: picture.cpp:820
texture get_texture(const image::locator &i_locator, TYPE type, bool skip_cache)
Returns an image texture suitable for hardware-accelerated rendering.
Definition: picture.cpp:922
point get_size(const locator &i_locator, bool skip_cache)
Returns the width and height of an image.
Definition: picture.cpp:779
std::size_t size(std::string_view str)
Length in characters of a UTF-8 string.
Definition: unicode.cpp:85
@ partial
There are still moves and/or attacks possible, but the unit doesn't fit in the "unmoved" status.
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:45
bool valid() const
Definition: location.hpp:110
A terrain string which is converted to a terrain is a string with 1 or 2 layers the layers are separa...
Definition: translation.hpp:49