Wesnoth 0.8.7 released

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Wesnoth 0.8.7 released

Post by cedric »


Une étoile brille haut dans le ciel à l'heure de notre rencontre.

Lapin Puissant a sollicité le Grand Principe Universel d'Égalité des Peuples sous le soleil de Wesnoth, et nous avons décidé d'honorer sa requête. C'est pourquoi cette annonce est en français, comme jadis elle fut en suédois. La traduction anglaise est à suivre.

0.8.6 n'a jamais vu le jour pour cause de bugs découverts tardivement dans le processus de sortie. Cette version, 0.8.7, aura sans nul doute sa part belle de bugs, et nous comptons sur votre aide pour leur faire une chasse impitoyable. Que la force soit avec vous dans cette quête.
LapinPuissant wrote:Je n'ai jamais vu de lapins aussi dégénérés que les lapins français ! Saboter une version complète de Wesnoth, juste afin de gagner le temps nécessaire à bouter les suédois de leur trône, si ça n'est pas faire montre d'un esprit tordu ! Jamais je ne partagerai mon terrier avec cette engeance. Jamais !
Les nouveautés de cette version sont: Ré-équilibrage des campagnes « L'héritier du trône » et « L'invasion occidentale ». Amélioration de l'interface graphique : des ombres ont été ajoutées sous les labels pour améliorer leur visibilité sur tout type de terrain, le système d'aide en ligne a été amélioré. Améliorations des graphismes : terrains et transitions, images et animations des unités, portraits, carte de l'île verte. Ré-équilibrage des unités : les fantômes sont désormais plus vulnérables aux attaques sacrées et moins vulnérables aux attaques physiques. Ajout de 18 nouvelles unités. Ajout de la traduction slovène. Mise à jour de 17 traductions. Améliorations du jeu multi-joueurs : nouveau « vestibule », marqueur identifiant le chef d'une armée, améliorations du générateur de cartes aléatoires, et ajout de variantes pour celui-ci (Désert, Hiver, Marais), description des cartes, carte « le pont détruit ». Amélioration diverses du système de logs, support du threading pour wesnothd, détection et avertissement en cas de perte de synchronisation. Préparations pour le support de la résolution 320x240. Nettoyage des images, du code, et des données. Nombreuses corrections de bugs. Voir les détails sur http://changelog.wesnoth.org (ne pas oublier de regarder les changements relatifs à version 0.8.6, jamais sortie).

L'état des traductions peut être trouvé sur http://gettext.wesnoth.org

Chargements :

http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wesn ... z?download
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wesn ... 5?download
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wesn ... e?download

Wesnoth-lite est un Wesnoth pur jus, mais débarrassé des matières grasses (musique et scènes graphiques) pour plus de rapidité de chargement :

http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wesn ... z?download
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wesn ... 5?download

Vous pouvez aussi obtenir les fichiers ici : http://files.wesnoth.org, mais uniquement comme solution de secours. Vous devriez d'abord essayer sur SourceForge afin de nous aider à économiser de la bande passante.

devsrv.wesnoth.org peut être utilisé pour les parties multi-joueurs de cette nouvelle version de Wesnoth.

Les instructions pour rapporter des bugs peuvent être trouvées ici : http://wesnoth.slack.it/?ReportingBugs.

Les empaqueteurs de chez Debian GNU/Linux, Mandrakelinux, Mac OS X, BeOS et Microsoft Windows ont été informés.


- Ayin & Cédric

PS: Thanks to our eternal release manager, miyo, for inspiration. And to sanna, for french proofreading and swedish teasing.
Last edited by cedric on November 2nd, 2004, 9:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sanna »

Elen síla lúmenn' omentielmo.

Den mäktiga kaninen har åberopat den storslagna Principen om Folkens Jämlikhet under Wesnoths sol, och vi har beviljat denna begäran. Därför görs detta tillkännagivande om ny version först på franska, precis som den tidigare har släppts på svenska. En engelsk översättning kommer senare.

0.8.6 släpptes aldrig, då det upptäcktes buggar sent i arbetet med att släppa den versionen. Denna version, 0.8.7, har säkerligen även den ett antal buggar, och vi behöver er hjälp för att finna dem. Må Kraften vara med er i ert speltestande.
MäktigaKaninen wrote:Jag har aldrig sett kaniner så vridna som de franska! De saboterar släppandet av en _hel_ version enbart för att få tid till att stjäla svenskarnas position i täten, det är ren och skär ondska! Aldrig kommer jag att låta någon av deras sort komma ner i min kaninhåla.
Versionens höjdpunkter: Kampanjerna Tronarvingen och Invasionen i Öst har fått scenarier balanserade. Förbättringar av användargränssnittet: etiketter är numera skuggade, så att de kan ses tydligt mot bakgrund av alla sorters terräng, och hjälpsystemet i spelet har förbättrats. Grafiska förbättringar: terränger och övergångar, truppbilder och animeringar, porträtt, karta över den Gröna ön. Truppbalansering: spöken är numera mer sårbara för heliga vapen, och mindre sårbara för fysiska attacker. 18 nya truppslag har lagts till. Översättning till ett nytt språk, slovenska, och 17 uppdaterade översättningar. Gruppspelsförbättringar: ombyggd lobby, angivelse av ledare, förbättringar och variationer (Öken, Vinter och Sumpmark) av slumpkartor, kartan Trasiga bron. Diverse förbättringar av loggsystemet, trådat nätverk för wesnothd, upptäckt och rapportering av osynkroniserade spel. Förberedelser för stöd av upplösningen 320x240. Upprensning av bilder, data och kod. Många buggfixar - se alla detaljer på http://changelog.wesnoth.org (och glöm inte bort att kontrollera förändringarna för den aldrig släppta versionen 0.8.6).

Översättningsstatus kan kontrolleras på http://gettext.wesnoth.org

Ladda ner:

http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wesn ... z?download
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wesn ... 5?download
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wesn ... e?download

Wesnoth-lite är en fullt fungerande Wesnoth, men utan musik och bilder till scenariointroduktionerna (och är därför mindre och snabbare att ladda ner):

http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wesn ... z?download
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wesn ... 5?download

Om du har problem med att hämta filerna från ovanstående, så kan du som reserv använda dig av http://files.wesnoth.org/ - men försök först med SourceForge, och hjälp oss att spara bandbredd.

devsrv.wesnoth.org använder sig av 0.8.7 och kan användas för flerspelarspel.

Information om hur du rapporterar in buggar finns på http://wesnoth.slack.it/?ReportingBugs

Vi har meddelat ansvariga för portning till GNU/Linux, Mandrakelinux, Mac OS X, BeOS och Microsoft Windows.


- Ayin & Cédric
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Post by miyo »


Elen síla lúmenn' omentielmo.

MightyRabbit invoked the Universal Grand Principle of People Equality under the Wesnoth sun, and we decided to honor his request. Therefore this announcement is in French, like it has been in Swedish in days gone by. English translation will follow later.

0.8.6 was never released due bugs found late in the release process. This release, 0.8.7, will most likely have it's fair share of bugs and we need your help to get them hunted down. May the force be with you when you are playtesting.
MightyRabbit wrote:I had never seen rabbits as twisted as french ones! Sabotaging a _whole_ release, just for the sake of earning enough delay to steal swedish's pole position, I call that evil! Never ever will I share my burrow with one of their kind. No way!
Highlights for the release: Scenario balancing for 'Heir to the Throne' and 'The Eastern Invasion' campaigns. User interface improvements: shadows for labels to make them visible on each type of terrain and in-game help system improvements. Graphics improvements: terrains and transitions, unit images and animations, portraits, The Green Isle map. Unit balancing: ghosts are now more vulnerable to holy and less vulnerable to "physical" attacks. 18 new units added. Slovenian as new translation, 17 updated translations. Multiplayer improvements: renewed lobby, leader indicator, random map generator improvements and variations (Desert, Winter, Marsh), map descriptions, Broken Bridge map. Various improvements for logging system, wesnothd network threading, Out of Sync detection and reporting. Preparations for 320x240 resolution support. Image, data and code cleanups. Lots of bug fixes - see all details at http://changelog.wesnoth.org (don't forget to check the never released 0.8.6 changes).

Translation statuses can be checked at http://gettext.wesnoth.org


http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wesn ... z?download
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wesn ... 5?download
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wesn ... e?download

Wesnoth-lite should be fully working Wesnoth, it just lacks music and story images (making it smaller and therefore faster to download):

http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wesn ... z?download
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wesn ... 5?download

As a fallback you can also get files from http://files.wesnoth.org/ - you should first try to get files through SourceForge to help us save bandwidth.

devsrv.wesnoth.org is running 0.8.7 and can be used for multiplayer games.

Instructions for bug reporting can be found - http://wesnoth.slack.it/?ReportingBugs

Debian GNU/Linux, Mandrakelinux, Mac OS X, BeOS and Microsoft Windows packagers have been informed.


- Ayin & Cedric

PS: Oh, don't you try to escape from your future responsibilities, you signed release announcement so release coordination is now your job *evil grin*
Last edited by miyo on November 2nd, 2004, 9:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dave »

Just a note: there is a known out-of-sync bug in this version. We are trying to solve it. Any information which anyone could find on it would be very much appreciated (e.g. if anyone can find precise steps to reproduce it, or a good description of exactly when it occurs).

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Post by Mkgego »

Juppi 0.8.7 !!!

I cant download the windows exe...all binaries are wrong or soemthing else :( :( :(
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Post by miyo »

Mkgego wrote:I cant download the windows exe...all binaries are wrong or soemthing else
Where did you try to download from? http://files.wesnoth.org ?

- Miyo
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Post by Mkgego »

miyo wrote:
Mkgego wrote:I cant download the windows exe...all binaries are wrong or soemthing else
Where did you try to download from? http://files.wesnoth.org ?

- Miyo

Hey from there it works perfectly...thx Miyo


Wath in the hell has happened to the languages???
Wich language is that ???In mutiplayer i cant understand anything...is that russian???

It is funny...it seems to be that my wesnoth is full of strange languages that i cant understand :shock: ...Some parts are in spanish others seem to be vaske others russish...others i dont know...

Funny version :D


Ok. After desintaling wesnoth and reeinstalling it the languages seems to be all right now :D...Altought there are big mistakes wich arent in other campaings...I dont know but somethimes next turn button apears in spanish language and sometimes in other wich i dont know wich it is :D...

As i said very strange...but i can live with it...
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Post by scott »

Your release announcement should remind people that sourceforge may need a couple of days for the binary distributions to filter down to all the mirrors. Especially the :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: guy.
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Post by lilepo2023 »

i tried to download the OS X binary and it said it wasn't on any of the servers, are they out of sync, on a side note i can't load the wiki page anymore...
im sinning but im winning at the same time/took a couple shots from a coward tryin ta take mine/back in the hood wit a chopper an a tech nine... im doin 100 on the hi way/u doin the speed limit then get the f*ck outta my way...
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Post by scott »

lilepo2023 wrote:i tried to download the OS X binary and it said it wasn't on any of the servers, are they out of sync, on a side note i can't load the wiki page anymore...
And this guy.
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Post by miyo »

lilepo2023 wrote:i tried to download the OS X binary and it said it wasn't on any of the servers, are they out of sync

- Miyo
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Post by miyo »

lilepo2023 wrote:on a side note i can't load the wiki page anymore...
Wiki is down, we know... we have informed Jaramir of this and he will surely fix the issue as soon as he can.

- Miyo
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Post by darksteel »

miyo your files.wesnoth.org......... well i can get ito it but when i download the 8.7 file the konrad icon is missing
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Re: help

Post by turin »

darksteel wrote:miyo your files.wesnoth.org......... well i can get ito it but when i download the 8.7 file the konrad icon is missing
do you think you've said this enough? :roll:
For I am Turin Turambar - Master of Doom, by doom mastered. On permanent Wesbreak. Will not respond to private messages. Sorry!
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Post by Burnsaber »

Next one better be in finnish.... *grin*

Also do speakers of 1337 have equal place under "wesnoth sun"? :P
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