Aethaeryn's Maps - Including Fortress Assault & Defense

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Aethaeryn's Maps - Including Fortress Assault & Defense

Post by Aethaeryn »

This thread is where I show my maps to the public. To get the latest version of my maps with WML included, go to the 1.3 add-on server and the download "Aethaeryn's Maps" mappack.

Fortress Assault - 0.5
This is my latest map, and I have been working on (and playing on) it all week. It has now reached version 0.5, where I think it is playable enough where it doesn't need a tweak after every game.

The concept is that p1 has 200g or 250g (depending on skill level) and has to defend three attackers who each start with 100g. Don't forget to set players 2-4 on the same team.

NOTE: The ? patches are each farmland patches with the new village type for 1.3.12 (windmill) next to them. I'm disappointed that the forum doesn't recognize them, especially since that's what makes the outside unique.

I'm pretty happy with my map because it can afford to be non-symmetrical since the teams are uneven, thus allowing a more realistic look for those who are tired of constantly playing on some kind of surreal map. So far the map itself is quite balanced but the gold for player one needs to change slightly based on skill level (or if p1 plays drakes, since they are very expensive and offensive).

EDIT: [map] removed as it is an extremely old version and takes ages to load. Get the new version from the add-on server.

EDIT (again): Title got cut off.
Last edited by Aethaeryn on February 12th, 2008, 6:58 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Aethaeryn »

Gladiator Arena - 0.2
This is an old map from 1.3.10. This is my attempt at adapting a miniature duel so that p1 didn't have a monstrous advantage in grabbing villages. The end result looks like a gladiator arena, in which both sides have a "base" where they recruit and have villages and an arena in the middle to do battle. I may modify this to contain the "seat" effect I have seen in a recent arena map.

EDIT: [map] removed as it is an extremely old version and takes ages to load. Get the new version from the add-on server.
Last edited by Aethaeryn on February 12th, 2008, 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Aethaeryn »

Chambers - 0.3
This is a surprisingly fun 4p FFA on a small map full of little "chambers" that is back from the 1.3.9 days. Version 0.3 is simply updating the map to work in 1.3.12, which I accomplished by loading the old map in the new editor and saving. Recommended starting gold of 75, but 100 does work. 1 gpv probably works best, but again 2 gpv does work.

EDIT: [map] removed as it is an extremely old version and takes ages to load. Get the new version from the add-on server.
Last edited by Aethaeryn on February 12th, 2008, 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Aethaeryn »

I have a new version of Gladiator Arena which makes water units usable and have a Fortress Assault 0.7 which has been expanded to the left with a gold mine and has a few more changes. Due to me now using WML with my maps, you can find my maps as "Aethaeryn's Maps" on the Add-On server. The add-on also includes a complete changelog.

Gladiator Arena - 0.3
EDIT: [map] removed as it is an extremely old version and takes ages to load. Get the new version from the add-on server.

Fortress Assault - 0.7
EDIT: [map] removed as it is an extremely old version and takes ages to load. Get the new version from the add-on server.

Warning: Fortress Assault also contains WML, so download the add-on "Aethaeryn's Map" to get a fully functional version of Fortress Assault.
Last edited by Aethaeryn on February 12th, 2008, 7:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by F8 Binds... »

Although these maps are better balanced than most, they seem to be a little... "patchy". There seems to be many clumps of certain types of terrains in groups of 3 or 2 without much diversity- it's kinda checkerboarded, if I could say it that way. Your terrain shouldn't be too spread out, yet it shouldn't be too clumped together. Typically terrain is better when it is more diverse- different types near each other... It almost seems like you were just trying to fill in empty space with hills and forest. This is pretty hard to explain, it's just that there's a balance of that in all good maps... you can look at THIS ONE: (one of mine...)


Notice the terrain flows, and makes a good asthetic. Although this isn't too similar to any of your maps, perhaps it's a good idea to look at what good terrain balance, mix, and flow is so you could apply it in your own map.
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Post by Aethaeryn »

For Fortress Assault I was trying to fill empty space on the attacker's side of the moat while trying to make it look good. If the battle winds up on the attacker's side of the moat, it is pretty much over for one side (defender suiciding or attacker has already lost).

Fortress Assault it nothing like a traditional symmetrical duel, I was aiming for more campaign-esque and asymmetry. You'll get a different experience for playing each side of the attacker. The purpose of the 1 vs 3 is to balance it team vs team and get a non-traditional map. That said, if you have any specific criticism on a part of the map I will try to fix it (and for Chambers, it probably is in need of some terrain modifications, I haven't updated it majorly since 1.3.9).

I made Fortress Assault 0.8 for Aethaeryn's Maps 0.1.1 on the new 1.3.14 server. (I was a bit disappointed all of Bob the Mighty's content pushes me off of what would otherwise be the front page :P). The changes are minor, I spaced out the defending keeps a bit now that the map has been stretched, and I gave p2 an extra village.

Fortress Assault 0.8
EDIT: [map] removed as it is an extremely old version and takes ages to load. Get the new version from the add-on server.
Last edited by Aethaeryn on February 12th, 2008, 7:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Aethaeryn »

Aethaeryn's Maps 0.2.0 released, now with Random Rumble and Fortress Defense survival. I'll also stop posting the maps here because it makes the thread image-heavy and I'm now using a lot more WML. It can be found on the add-on server for 1.3.14+ (and 1.4 when it is released).
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Post by Aethaeryn »

Aethaeryn's Maps version 0.2.1 released with a bug in Fortress Assault fixed (thanks Mythological) and Fortress Defense updated to hopefully be more doable. Changelog:

Code: Select all

VERSION 0.2.1 for Wesnoth 1.3.15 (9 Feb 2008)
 - Fortress Defense updated to 0.2
    - made the dragon a spawn instead of the leader so it has traits and can't recruit
    - reduced xp modifier to 80% to 70% (was typo)
    - redid the back area so retreat is now doable
    - clues are now given for the UD and elf ambushes via dialog
    - gave p1 a fake leader so they could still take villages
 - Fortress Assault updated to 1.0
    - fixed bug so that no message was displayed on defender's victory
    - Fortress Assault is now "complete" (for the moment at least)

VERSION 0.2.0 for Wesnoth 1.3.15 (1 Feb 2008)
 - Random Rumble created
 - Fortress Defense created

VERSION 0.1.4 for Wesnoth 1.3.14 (17 Jan 2008)
 - Chambers updated to 0.4
    - two villages added to center as incentive for more action there
    - terrain tweaked a little to fix known issues
    - half the chambers changed to savannah/jungle for variety
    - dirt changed to two types of roads

VERSION 0.1.3 for Wesnoth 1.3.14 (16 Jan 2008)
 - Gladiator Arena updated to 0.4
    - impassable mountain in center reduced to one hex to open map up a bit
    - back cave area opened up more on each side
    - mountains shifted to prevent p1 from advantage in mountain-holding
    - "seats" added on side of arena for better look
    - cave mushrooms replaced with dirt mushroom on south half

VERSION 0.1.2 for Wesnoth 1.3.14 (15 Jan 2008)
 - rerelease to work in 1.3.14
 - Fortress Assault updated to 0.9
    - windmills no longer can be villages, so windmill villages to regular villages
    - windmills added elsewhere to keep the feel of the map (and the new logo of the mappack)
    - borders tweaked since they can now be mountains/forests

VERSION 0.1.1 for Wesnoth 1.3.14 (15 Jan 2008)
 - Fortress Assault updated to 0.8
    - attacker's side of the map updated to space out castles more
    - p2 attacker given an extra village to compensate for no side village
 - mappack uploaded on new 1.4 add-ons server

VERSION 0.1.0 for Wesnoth 1.3.13 (12 Jan 2008)
 - Fortress Assault updated to 0.7
    - keep added to center of map
    - gold mine edited to look more like a mine
    - grass by the southeast desert changed to savannah
    - village by p4's keep changed to savannah village
 - mappack uploaded on add-ons server

VERSION 0.0.6 for Wesnoth 1.3.13 (7 Jan 2008)
 - WML added to all of the maps to prepare for release
 - Fortress Assault updated to 0.6
    - p1 now starts owning half the villages to mobilize defenses quicker
    - map expanded to the left so p3 attacker has more space and options
    - village by p3's keep moved one hex to the left
    - village added to expanded left area, similar to village below tunnel
    - gold mine cave added left of the fortress cave, gives 50g every 10 turns
    - labels added for the gold mine and each gate

VERSION 0.0.5 for Wesnoth 1.3.12 (21 Dec 2007)
 - Fortress Assault updated to 0.5
    - castle hex added south of bridge so attackers can defend from defender attacking
    - stream added to the east end of the map so p4 can mobilize water units quicker
    - default gold for p1 reduced from 250 to 200
 - Gladiator Arena updated to 0.3
    - two ford paths added so that water units can be mobilized
    - side entrance to back area added off of the side water area

VERSION 0.0.4 for Wesnoth 1.3.12 (21 Dec 2007)
 - Fortress Assault updated to 0.4
    - map expanded to the right and tunnel added
    - small castle for defender added where tunnel and fortress meet
    - one village moved outside cave to discourage bottleneck turtling
    - two villages added in tunnel and one village to mountain pass in front of tunnel
    - encampment castle hex on left side of map changed to ruined castle 
 - Chambers updated to 0.3
    - Chambers converted to 1.3.12-compatable map format (borders added)
 - Gladiator Arena updated to 0.2
    - middle chasm changed to impassable mountains to prevent drake advantage

VERSION 0.0.3 for Wesnoth 1.3.12 (20 Dec 2007)
 - Fortress Assault updated to 0.3
    - beach added to far left of map
    - coast above moat made more defendable with hills/forests/mountains
    - ruined castle above bridge reordered for easier defending

VERSION 0.0.2 for Wesnoth 1.3.12 (18 Dec 2007)
 - Fortress Assault updated to 0.2
    - water entrance to fortress added on the left
    - water path from attacker encampments to moat added
    - side path to the left accross the moat added
    - oasis added outside main gate to allow for more healing for attackers/defenders outside
    - attackers each get 3 villages now instead of 2
    - windmill villages and farmland patches added to left and center like the right
    - outside path changed from dirt to road

VERSION 0.0.1 for Wesnoth 1.3.12 (17 Dec 2007)
 - Fortress Assault updated to 0.1
    - defender castle size reduced
    - moat changed to look more natural and land inside moat but outside cave reduced
    - castle hexes on both sides of bridge removed
    - dirt path added from attackers to fortress entrance
    - terrain on attacker's side greatly changed to be more balanced

 - Fortress Assault created for Wesnoth 1.3.12 (16 Dec 2007) 
 - Gladiator Arena created for Wesnoth 1.3.10 (18 Nov 2007)
 - Chambers updated to 0.2 (7 Nov 2007)
    - center area changed to mushroom grove from snow
    - spacing added at bottom for outside void
 - Chambers created created for Wesnoth 1.3.9 (6 Nov 2007)
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Post by TL »

I won an offline game of the latest Fortress Defense versopm with a Drakes/Windsong/Elementals combo. This win should probably be taken with a grain of salt since Windsong is so crazy powerful in a survival scenario, and also because I looked ahead a bit in the scenario WML to see what was coming where. Still, I think it's safe to regard it as beatable now.

Being able to maintain a forward line at the river is a great help. Many of the most dangerous spawns won't necessarily be able to reach your side of the river the turn they spawn and will happily cede to you the privelege of attacking first. If you can hold the riverbank through the second round of human/orcish reinforcements you're really in the clear; the ogre and troll waves are both relatively easy, and once you defeat them you can simply hang out on the far side of the river. You don't even have to fight most of the final wave.

Of course, holding the river is easier said than done. Ultimately I found the human waves to be the biggest threat, with all the knights and mages hitting hard before you have a chance to attack. If you can pull through the first few waves of humans and orcs without too many casualties, the drakes and undead actually aren't that terrible in comparison.
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Post by Aethaeryn »

TL wrote:I won an offline game of the latest Fortress Defense versopm with a Drakes/Windsong/Elementals combo. This win should probably be taken with a grain of salt since Windsong is so crazy powerful in a survival scenario, and also because I looked ahead a bit in the scenario WML to see what was coming where. Still, I think it's safe to regard it as beatable now.

Being able to maintain a forward line at the river is a great help. Many of the most dangerous spawns won't necessarily be able to reach your side of the river the turn they spawn and will happily cede to you the privelege of attacking first. If you can hold the riverbank through the second round of human/orcish reinforcements you're really in the clear; the ogre and troll waves are both relatively easy, and once you defeat them you can simply hang out on the far side of the river. You don't even have to fight most of the final wave.

Of course, holding the river is easier said than done. Ultimately I found the human waves to be the biggest threat, with all the knights and mages hitting hard before you have a chance to attack. If you can pull through the first few waves of humans and orcs without too many casualties, the drakes and undead actually aren't that terrible in comparison.
Do you think the later waves need to be actually harder? For example, I think the last human wave could use a grand knight in the middle as the knights are the things that actually do damage - that wave might actually be easier than usual. Also, I'm questioning the effectiveness of the ogre wave altogether.

Oh, and I forgot to announce 0.2.2 of my mappack, which was to fix a few bugs/issues in Fortress Defense:

Code: Select all

VERSION 0.2.2 for Wesnoth 1.3.15 (9 Feb 2008)
 - Fortress Defense updated to 0.3
    - fixed critical bug where you didn't win at turn 55 if you didn't use map settings
    - expanded castles on both sides to 2 recruiting hexes
    - water village south of bridge turned into hut village
    - enemies (except bosses) now have random traits instead of strong,resilient
    - back area slightly tweaked
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Post by TL »

Aethaeryn wrote:Do you think the later waves need to be actually harder? For example, I think the last human wave could use a grand knight in the middle as the knights are the things that actually do damage - that wave might actually be easier than usual. Also, I'm questioning the effectiveness of the ogre wave altogether.
This is somewhat debatable. I did find the last human wave to be relatively easier than the earlier human waves (and the first "Human Reinforcements" wave in particular), as I had more experienced troops by that point--but it was still the hardest wave between the undead and the end. You still have to deal with a paladin in that wave, and the mage of light means serious pain for many factions. Loyalist foot soldiers are not exactly pushovers to fight during the day either (it's a good thing the AI is clueless about how to use the general's leadership).

There's no question that the ogres are completely ineffectual, though. Ogres are fairly decent as tanks but they have mediocre damage dealing capability; without support they are just walking bags of XP. (This probably won't matter much at present, though--if you survive long enough to reach the ogres while maintaining any sort of position to attack from, you're really not going to have much use for the extra XP.)

It might be interesting if, rather than scrapping the ogres altogether, you simply changed the ogre wave to be absolutely massive--on the order of three times as many ogres, minimum. They still would pose very little threat since the narrow bridges would bottleneck the ogres and prevent the extras from attacking, but the sheer mass of ogres (with troll reinforcements a few turns later) would be difficult to clear. In my test game I was able to clear out the ogres and the trolls very quickly, giving me ample time to rest and recover and letting me mount a defense on the far riverbank since the dragon and final army spawn on the south side of the map. A mass of heavy defensive units would be able to apply constant pressure against the defenders in the run-up to the final spawns (which you could possibly bump up by a turn or two, as well) and pin down defenders on the river.

Alternately, you could combine the ogre and troll spawns into one massive ogre + troll wave for a similar effect, and add a strong aquatic-based wave in the resulting gap. This combination could make the north part of the map untenable even for successful defenders, but in a way that does not make things much more hopeless for players who were forced back behind the mountains earlier.
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Post by Aethaeryn »

I agree with your idea to combine the ogre/troll wave and make a new aquatic wave. In fact, a strong aquatic presence is probably what my survival has been missing. I am now having a merpeople wave where the ogre wave was.
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Post by Aethaeryn »

I released version 0.2.3 of my mappack to fix these issues and some issues with Random Rumble.

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VERSION 0.2.3 for Wesnoth 1.3.16 (12 Feb 2008)
 - Random Rumble updated to 0.2
    - fixed major issue where the map border didn't change
    - snow mask added
    - tropical mask added
    - removed unused masks
 - Fortres Defense updated to 0.4
    - ogre and troll spawns merged
    - new merman spawn where ogre spawn used to be
    - added three units in the last spawn that reinforce the top
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Post by schedal »

Have you considered integrating the theory of adaptive-logic?

These survival maps [and others] can be programmed in such a way that the quantity, strength and types of waves are adaptive based on how well the player is doing. In this way, the game can always remain challenging no mater what your skill level. In principle the idea is to scale the AI to be progressively stronger but somewhat less than 1:1 ratio with your increase in skill, so the battle still encourages players to do well enough to win.
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Post by Aethaeryn »

schedal wrote:Have you considered integrating the theory of adaptive-logic?

These survival maps [and others] can be programmed in such a way that the quantity, strength and types of waves are adaptive based on how well the player is doing. In this way, the game can always remain challenging no mater what your skill level. In principle the idea is to scale the AI to be progressively stronger but somewhat less than 1:1 ratio with your increase in skill, so the battle still encourages players to do well enough to win.
That sounds like an interesting idea, but could be hard to do in Fortress Defense (might be easier to just have you change the income + for an easier/harder game, GPV to 2 makes it too easy). It might be easier to do that for a future survival as Fortress Defense is already kind of unique in terms of survivals - a team of three on a shared front where they must cooperate in order to hold it instead of the usual independent fronts. I'm curious as to how this would detect how the player is doing...
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