This is the complete list of members for game_events::entity_location, including all inherited members.
add(int x_diff, int y_diff) | map_location | inline |
DEFAULT enum value | map_location | |
default_dirs() | map_location | static |
DIRECTION enum name | map_location | |
do_compare(const map_location &a) const | map_location | inline |
entity_location(const map_location &loc, std::size_t id=0) | game_events::entity_location | |
entity_location(const map_location &loc, std::size_t id, const map_location &filter_loc) | game_events::entity_location | |
entity_location(const unit &) | game_events::entity_location | explicit |
entity_location(const unit &u, const map_location &filter_loc) | game_events::entity_location | |
filter_loc() const | game_events::entity_location | inline |
filter_loc_ | game_events::entity_location | private |
get_direction(DIRECTION dir, unsigned int n=1u) const | map_location | |
get_direction(DIRECTION dir, signed int n) const | map_location | inline |
get_in_basis_N_NE() const | map_location | |
get_opposite_dir(DIRECTION d) | map_location | inlinestatic |
get_relative_dir(const map_location &loc, map_location::RELATIVE_DIR_MODE mode) const | map_location | |
get_relative_dir(const map_location &loc) const | map_location | |
get_unit() const | game_events::entity_location | |
id_ | game_events::entity_location | private |
map_location() | map_location | inline |
map_location(int x, int y) | map_location | inline |
map_location(int x, int y, wml_loc) | map_location | inline |
map_location(const config &cfg, const variable_set *variables=nullptr) | map_location | |
matches_range(const std::string &xloc, const std::string &yloc) const | map_location | |
matches_unit(const unit_map::const_iterator &un_it) const | game_events::entity_location | |
matches_unit_filter(const unit_map::const_iterator &un_it, const unit_filter &filter) const | game_events::entity_location | |
NDIRECTIONS enum value | map_location | |
NORTH enum value | map_location | |
NORTH_EAST enum value | map_location | |
NORTH_WEST enum value | map_location | |
null_entity | game_events::entity_location | static |
null_location() | map_location | inlinestatic |
operator!=(const map_location &a) const | map_location | inline |
operator<(const map_location &a) const | map_location | inline |
operator==(const map_location &a) const | map_location | inline |
parse_direction(const std::string &str) | map_location | static |
parse_directions(const std::string &str) | map_location | static |
plus(int x_diff, int y_diff) const | map_location | inline |
RADIAL_SYMMETRY enum value | map_location | |
RELATIVE_DIR_MODE enum name | map_location | |
rotate_right(DIRECTION d, unsigned int k=1u) | map_location | inlinestatic |
rotate_right(DIRECTION d, signed int k) | map_location | inlinestatic |
rotate_right_around_center(const map_location ¢er, int k) const | map_location | |
set_wml_x(int v) | map_location | inline |
set_wml_y(int v) | map_location | inline |
SOUTH enum value | map_location | |
SOUTH_EAST enum value | map_location | |
SOUTH_WEST enum value | map_location | |
valid() const | map_location | inline |
valid(const int parWidth, const int parHeight) const | map_location | inline |
valid(const int parWidth, const int parHeight, const int border) const | map_location | inline |
vector_difference_assign(const map_location &a) | map_location | inline |
vector_negation() const | map_location | inline |
vector_sum(const map_location &a) const | map_location | inline |
vector_sum_assign(const map_location &a) | map_location | inline |
wml_x() const | map_location | inline |
wml_y() const | map_location | inline |
write(config &cfg) const | map_location | |
write_direction(DIRECTION dir) | map_location | static |
write_translated_direction(DIRECTION dir) | map_location | static |
x | map_location | |
y | map_location | |
ZERO() | map_location | inlinestatic |