The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.2+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2016 - 2024
3  by Sergey Popov <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
18 #include "config.hpp"
19 #include "hash.hpp"
20 #include "log.hpp"
21 #include "filesystem.hpp"
22 #include "utils/scope_exit.hpp"
24 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
25 #include "config.h"
26 #endif
29 #include <sys/sendfile.h>
30 #endif
32 #ifdef _WIN32
33 #include <windows.h>
34 #include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
35 #endif
37 #include <boost/asio/ip/v6_only.hpp>
38 #include <boost/asio/read.hpp>
39 #ifndef _WIN32
40 #include <boost/asio/read_until.hpp>
41 #endif
43 #include <queue>
44 #include <string>
45 #include <iostream>
48 static lg::log_domain log_server("server");
49 #define ERR_SERVER LOG_STREAM(err, log_server)
50 #define WRN_SERVER LOG_STREAM(warn, log_server)
51 #define LOG_SERVER LOG_STREAM(info, log_server)
52 #define DBG_SERVER LOG_STREAM(debug, log_server)
54 static lg::log_domain log_config("config");
55 #define ERR_CONFIG LOG_STREAM(err, log_config)
56 #define WRN_CONFIG LOG_STREAM(warn, log_config)
58 bool dump_wml = false;
60 server_base::server_base(unsigned short port, bool keep_alive)
61  : port_(port)
62  , keep_alive_(keep_alive)
63  , io_service_()
64  , acceptor_v6_(io_service_)
65  , acceptor_v4_(io_service_)
66  , handshake_response_()
67 #ifndef _WIN32
68  , input_(io_service_)
69  , sighup_(io_service_, SIGHUP)
70 #endif
71 {
72 }
75 {
76  boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint_v6(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v6(), port_);
77  boost::asio::spawn(io_service_, [this, endpoint_v6](boost::asio::yield_context yield) { serve(yield, acceptor_v6_, endpoint_v6); });
79  boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint_v4(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), port_);
80  boost::asio::spawn(io_service_, [this, endpoint_v4](boost::asio::yield_context yield) { serve(yield, acceptor_v4_, endpoint_v4); });
82  handshake_response_ = htonl(42);
84 #ifndef _WIN32
85  sighup_.async_wait(
86  [=](const boost::system::error_code& error, int sig)
87  { this->handle_sighup(error, sig); });
88 #endif
89 }
91 void server_base::serve(boost::asio::yield_context yield, boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor& acceptor, boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint)
92 {
93  try {
94  if(!acceptor.is_open()) {
96  acceptor.set_option(boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor::reuse_address(true));
97  acceptor.set_option(boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor::keep_alive(keep_alive_));
98  if(endpoint.protocol() == boost::asio::ip::tcp::v6())
99  acceptor.set_option(boost::asio::ip::v6_only(true));
100  acceptor.bind(endpoint);
101  acceptor.listen();
102  }
103  } catch(const boost::system::system_error& e) {
104  ERR_SERVER << "Exception when trying to bind port: " << e.code().message();
105  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(server_shutdown("Port binding failed", e.code()));
106  }
108  socket_ptr socket = std::make_shared<socket_ptr::element_type>(io_service_);
110  boost::system::error_code error;
111  acceptor.async_accept(socket->lowest_layer(), yield[error]);
112  if(error && accepting_connections()) {
113  ERR_SERVER << "Accept failed: " << error.message();
114  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(server_shutdown("Accept failed", error));
115  }
117  if(accepting_connections()) {
118  boost::asio::spawn(io_service_, [this, &acceptor, endpoint](boost::asio::yield_context yield) { serve(yield, acceptor, endpoint); });
119  } else {
120  return;
121  }
123  if(keep_alive_) {
124  int timeout = 30;
125 #ifdef __linux__
126  int cnt = 10;
127  int interval = 30;
128  setsockopt(socket->native_handle(), SOL_TCP, TCP_KEEPIDLE, &timeout, sizeof(timeout));
129  setsockopt(socket->native_handle(), SOL_TCP, TCP_KEEPCNT, &cnt, sizeof(cnt));
130  setsockopt(socket->native_handle(), SOL_TCP, TCP_KEEPINTVL, &interval, sizeof(interval));
131 #elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
132  setsockopt(socket->native_handle(), IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPALIVE, &timeout, sizeof(timeout));
133 #elif defined(_WIN32)
134  // these are in milliseconds for windows
135  DWORD timeout_ms = timeout * 1000;
136  setsockopt(socket->native_handle(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&timeout_ms), sizeof(timeout_ms));
137  setsockopt(socket->native_handle(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&timeout_ms), sizeof(timeout_ms));
138 #endif
139  }
141 #ifdef __linux__
142  fcntl(socket->native_handle(), F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
143 #endif
145  DBG_SERVER << client_address(socket) << "\tnew connection tentatively accepted";
147  uint32_t protocol_version;
148  uint32_t handshake_response;
150  any_socket_ptr final_socket;
152  async_read(*socket, boost::asio::buffer(reinterpret_cast<std::byte*>(&protocol_version), 4), yield[error]);
153  if(check_error(error, socket))
154  return;
156  switch(ntohl(protocol_version)) {
157  case 0:
158  async_write(*socket, boost::asio::buffer(reinterpret_cast<std::byte*>(&handshake_response_), 4), yield[error]);
159  if(check_error(error, socket)) return;
160  final_socket = socket;
161  break;
162  case 1:
163  if(!tls_enabled_) {
164  ERR_SERVER << client_address(socket) << "\tTLS requested by client but not enabled on server";
165  handshake_response = 0xFFFFFFFFU;
166  } else {
167  handshake_response = 0x00000000;
168  }
170  async_write(*socket, boost::asio::buffer(reinterpret_cast<const std::byte*>(&handshake_response), 4), yield[error]);
171  if(check_error(error, socket)) return;
172  if(!tls_enabled_) { // continue with unencrypted connection if TLS disabled
173  final_socket = socket;
174  break;
175  }
177  final_socket = tls_socket_ptr { new tls_socket_ptr::element_type(std::move(*socket), tls_context_) };
178  utils::get<tls_socket_ptr>(final_socket)->async_handshake(boost::asio::ssl::stream_base::server, yield[error]);
179  if(error) {
180  ERR_SERVER << "TLS handshake failed: " << error.message();
181  return;
182  }
184  break;
185  default:
186  ERR_SERVER << client_address(socket) << "\tincorrect handshake";
187  return;
188  }
190  utils::visit([this](auto&& socket) {
191  const std::string ip = client_address(socket);
193  const std::string reason = is_ip_banned(ip);
194  if (!reason.empty()) {
195  LOG_SERVER << ip << "\trejected banned user. Reason: " << reason;
196  async_send_error(socket, "You are banned. Reason: " + reason);
197  return;
198  } else if (ip_exceeds_connection_limit(ip)) {
199  LOG_SERVER << ip << "\trejected ip due to excessive connections";
200  async_send_error(socket, "Too many connections from your IP.");
201  return;
202  } else {
203  if constexpr (utils::decayed_is_same<tls_socket_ptr, decltype(socket)>) {
204  DBG_SERVER << ip << "\tnew encrypted connection fully accepted";
205  } else {
206  DBG_SERVER << ip << "\tnew connection fully accepted";
207  }
208  this->handle_new_client(socket);
209  }
210  }, final_socket);
211 }
213 #ifndef _WIN32
215  async_read_until(input_,
216  admin_cmd_, '\n',
217  [=](const boost::system::error_code& error, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
218  { this->handle_read_from_fifo(error, bytes_transferred); }
219  );
220 }
221 #endif
224  for(;;) {
225  try {
227  LOG_SERVER << "Server has shut down because event loop is out of work";
228  return 1;
229  } catch(const server_shutdown& e) {
230  LOG_SERVER << "Server has been shut down: " << e.what();
231  return;
232  } catch(const boost::system::system_error& e) {
233  ERR_SERVER << "Caught system error exception from handler: " << e.code().message();
234  } catch(const std::exception& e) {
235  ERR_SERVER << "Caught exception from handler: " << e.what() << "\n" << boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information();
236  }
237  }
238 }
240 template<class SocketPtr> std::string client_address(SocketPtr socket)
241 {
242  boost::system::error_code error;
243  std::string result = socket->lowest_layer().remote_endpoint(error).address().to_string();
244  if(error)
245  return "<unknown address>";
246  else
247  return result;
248 }
250 template<class SocketPtr> bool check_error(const boost::system::error_code& error, SocketPtr socket)
251 {
252  if(error) {
253  if(error == boost::asio::error::eof)
254  LOG_SERVER << log_address(socket) << "\tconnection closed";
255  else
256  ERR_SERVER << log_address(socket) << "\t" << error.message();
257  return true;
258  }
259  return false;
260 }
261 template bool check_error<tls_socket_ptr>(const boost::system::error_code& error, tls_socket_ptr socket);
263 namespace {
265 void info_table_into_simple_wml(simple_wml::document& doc, const std::string& parent_name, const server_base::info_table& info)
266 {
267  if(info.empty()) {
268  return;
269  }
271  auto& node = doc.child(parent_name.c_str())->add_child("data");
272  for(const auto& kv : info) {
273  node.set_attr_dup(kv.first.c_str(), kv.second.c_str());
274  }
275 }
277 }
279 /**
280  * Send a WML document from within a coroutine
281  * @param socket
282  * @param doc
283  * @param yield The function will suspend on write operation using this yield context
284  */
285 template<class SocketPtr> void server_base::coro_send_doc(SocketPtr socket, simple_wml::document& doc, boost::asio::yield_context yield)
286 {
287  if(dump_wml) {
288  std::cout << "Sending WML to " << log_address(socket) << ": \n" << doc.output() << std::endl;
289  }
291  try {
294  union DataSize
295  {
296  uint32_t size;
297  char buf[4];
298  } data_size {};
299  data_size.size = htonl(s.size());
301  std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> buffers {
302  { data_size.buf, 4 },
303  { s.begin(), std::size_t(s.size()) }
304  };
306  boost::system::error_code ec;
307  async_write(*socket, buffers, yield[ec]);
308  if(check_error(ec, socket)) {
309  socket->lowest_layer().close();
310  return;
311  }
312  } catch (simple_wml::error& e) {
313  WRN_CONFIG << __func__ << ": simple_wml error: " << e.message;
314  throw;
315  }
316 }
317 template void server_base::coro_send_doc<socket_ptr>(socket_ptr socket, simple_wml::document& doc, boost::asio::yield_context yield);
318 template void server_base::coro_send_doc<tls_socket_ptr>(tls_socket_ptr socket, simple_wml::document& doc, boost::asio::yield_context yield);
320 template<class SocketPtr> void coro_send_file_userspace(SocketPtr socket, const std::string& filename, boost::asio::yield_context yield)
321 {
322  std::size_t filesize { std::size_t(filesystem::file_size(filename)) };
323  union DataSize
324  {
325  uint32_t size;
326  char buf[4];
327  } data_size {};
328  data_size.size = htonl(filesize);
330  boost::system::error_code ec;
331  async_write(*socket, boost::asio::buffer(data_size.buf), yield[ec]);
332  if(check_error(ec, socket)) {
333  socket->lowest_layer().close();
334  return;
335  }
337  auto ifs { filesystem::istream_file(filename) };
338  ifs->seekg(0);
339  while(ifs->good()) {
340  char buf[16384];
341  ifs->read(buf, sizeof(buf));
342  async_write(*socket, boost::asio::buffer(buf, ifs->gcount()), yield[ec]);
343  if(check_error(ec, socket)) {
344  socket->lowest_layer().close();
345  return;
346  }
347  }
348 }
350 #ifdef HAVE_SENDFILE
352 void server_base::coro_send_file(tls_socket_ptr socket, const std::string& filename, boost::asio::yield_context yield)
353 {
354  // We fallback to userspace if using TLS socket because sendfile is not aware of TLS state
355  // TODO: keep in mind possibility of using KTLS instead. This seem to be available only in openssl3 branch for now
356  coro_send_file_userspace(socket, filename, yield);
357 }
359 void server_base::coro_send_file(socket_ptr socket, const std::string& filename, boost::asio::yield_context yield)
360 {
361  std::size_t filesize { std::size_t(filesystem::file_size(filename)) };
362  int in_file { open(filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY) };
363  ON_SCOPE_EXIT(in_file) { close(in_file); };
364  off_t offset { 0 };
365  //std::size_t total_bytes_transferred { 0 };
367  union DataSize
368  {
369  uint32_t size;
370  char buf[4];
371  } data_size {};
372  data_size.size = htonl(filesize);
374  boost::system::error_code ec;
375  async_write(*socket, boost::asio::buffer(data_size.buf), yield[ec]);
376  if(check_error(ec, socket)) return;
378  // Put the underlying socket into non-blocking mode.
379  if(!socket->native_non_blocking()) {
380  socket->native_non_blocking(true, ec);
381  if(check_error(ec, socket)) return;
382  }
384  for(;;)
385  {
386  // Try the system call.
387  errno = 0;
388  int n = ::sendfile(socket->native_handle(), in_file, &offset, 65536);
389  ec = boost::system::error_code(n < 0 ? errno : 0,
390  boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
391  //total_bytes_transferred += *(yield.ec_) ? 0 : n;
393  // Retry operation immediately if interrupted by signal.
394  if(ec == boost::asio::error::interrupted)
395  continue;
397  // Check if we need to run the operation again.
398  if (ec == boost::asio::error::would_block
399  || ec == boost::asio::error::try_again)
400  {
401  // We have to wait for the socket to become ready again.
402  socket->async_write_some(boost::asio::null_buffers(), yield[ec]);
403  if(check_error(ec, socket)) return;
404  continue;
405  }
407  if (ec || n == 0)
408  {
409  // An error occurred, or we have reached the end of the file.
410  // Either way we must exit the loop.
411  break;
412  }
414  // Loop around to try calling sendfile again.
415  }
416 }
418 #elif defined(_WIN32)
420 void server_base::coro_send_file(tls_socket_ptr socket, const std::string& filename, boost::asio::yield_context yield)
421 {
422  coro_send_file_userspace(socket, filename, yield);
423 }
425 void server_base::coro_send_file(socket_ptr socket, const std::string& filename, boost::asio::yield_context yield)
426 {
427  OVERLAPPED overlap;
428  std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> buffers;
430  SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS);
432  std::size_t filesize = filesystem::file_size(filename);
433  std::wstring filename_ucs2 = unicode_cast<std::wstring>(filename);
434  HANDLE in_file = CreateFileW(filename_ucs2.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING,
436  if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS)
437  {
438  throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open the file");
439  }
440  BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT_ALL(in_file) {
441  CloseHandle(&in_file);
442  };
444  HANDLE event = CreateEvent(nullptr, TRUE, TRUE, nullptr);
445  if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS)
446  {
447  throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create an event");
448  }
449  BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT_ALL(&overlap) {
450  CloseHandle(overlap.hEvent);
451  };
453  overlap.hEvent = event;
455  union DataSize
456  {
457  uint32_t size;
458  char buf[4];
459  } data_size {};
460  data_size.size = htonl(filesize);
462  async_write(*socket, boost::asio::buffer(data_size.buf, 4), yield);
464  BOOL success = TransmitFile(socket->native_handle(), in_file, 0, 0, &overlap, nullptr, 0);
465  if(!success) {
466  if(WSAGetLastError() == WSA_IO_PENDING) {
467  while(true) {
468  // The request is pending. Wait until it completes.
469  socket->async_write_some(boost::asio::null_buffers(), yield);
471  DWORD win_ec = GetLastError();
472  if (win_ec != ERROR_IO_PENDING && win_ec != ERROR_SUCCESS)
473  throw std::runtime_error("TransmitFile failed");
475  if(HasOverlappedIoCompleted(&overlap)) break;
476  }
477  } else {
478  throw std::runtime_error("TransmitFile failed");
479  }
480  }
481 }
483 #else
485 void server_base::coro_send_file(tls_socket_ptr socket, const std::string& filename, boost::asio::yield_context yield)
486 {
487  coro_send_file_userspace(socket, filename, yield);
488 }
490 void server_base::coro_send_file(socket_ptr socket, const std::string& filename, boost::asio::yield_context yield)
491 {
492  coro_send_file_userspace(socket, filename, yield);
493 }
495 #endif
497 template<class SocketPtr> std::unique_ptr<simple_wml::document> server_base::coro_receive_doc(SocketPtr socket, boost::asio::yield_context yield)
498 {
499  union DataSize
500  {
501  uint32_t size;
502  char buf[4];
503  } data_size {};
504  boost::system::error_code ec;
505  async_read(*socket, boost::asio::buffer(data_size.buf, 4), yield[ec]);
506  if(check_error(ec, socket)) return {};
507  uint32_t size = ntohl(data_size.size);
509  if(size == 0) {
510  ERR_SERVER <<
511  log_address(socket) <<
512  "\treceived invalid packet with payload size 0";
513  return {};
514  }
516  ERR_SERVER <<
517  log_address(socket) <<
518  "\treceived packet with payload size over size limit";
519  return {};
520  }
522  boost::shared_array<char> buffer{ new char[size] };
523  async_read(*socket, boost::asio::buffer(buffer.get(), size), yield[ec]);
524  if(check_error(ec, socket)) return {};
526  try {
527  simple_wml::string_span compressed_buf(buffer.get(), size);
528  return std::make_unique<simple_wml::document>(compressed_buf);
529  } catch (simple_wml::error& e) {
530  ERR_SERVER <<
531  log_address(socket) <<
532  "\tsimple_wml error in received data: " << e.message;
533  async_send_error(socket, "Invalid WML received: " + e.message);
534  return {};
535  }
536 }
537 template std::unique_ptr<simple_wml::document> server_base::coro_receive_doc<socket_ptr>(socket_ptr socket, boost::asio::yield_context yield);
538 template std::unique_ptr<simple_wml::document> server_base::coro_receive_doc<tls_socket_ptr>(tls_socket_ptr socket, boost::asio::yield_context yield);
540 template<class SocketPtr> void server_base::send_doc_queued(SocketPtr socket, std::unique_ptr<simple_wml::document>& doc_ptr, boost::asio::yield_context yield)
541 {
542  static std::map<SocketPtr, std::queue<std::unique_ptr<simple_wml::document>>> queues;
544  queues[socket].push(std::move(doc_ptr));
545  if(queues[socket].size() > 1) {
546  return;
547  }
549  ON_SCOPE_EXIT(socket) { queues.erase(socket); };
551  while(queues[socket].size() > 0) {
552  coro_send_doc(socket, *(queues[socket].front()), yield);
553  ON_SCOPE_EXIT(socket) { queues[socket].pop(); };
554  }
555 }
557 template<class SocketPtr> void server_base::async_send_doc_queued(SocketPtr socket, simple_wml::document& doc)
558 {
559  boost::asio::spawn(
560  io_service_, [this, doc_ptr = doc.clone(), socket](boost::asio::yield_context yield) mutable {
561  send_doc_queued(socket, doc_ptr, yield);
562  }
563  );
564 }
566 template<class SocketPtr> void server_base::async_send_error(SocketPtr socket, const std::string& msg, const char* error_code, const info_table& info)
567 {
569  doc.root().add_child("error").set_attr_dup("message", msg.c_str());
570  if(*error_code != '\0') {
571  doc.child("error")->set_attr("error_code", error_code);
572  }
573  info_table_into_simple_wml(doc, "error", info);
575  async_send_doc_queued(socket, doc);
576 }
577 template void server_base::async_send_error<socket_ptr>(socket_ptr socket, const std::string& msg, const char* error_code, const info_table& info);
578 template void server_base::async_send_error<tls_socket_ptr>(tls_socket_ptr socket, const std::string& msg, const char* error_code, const info_table& info);
580 template<class SocketPtr> void server_base::async_send_warning(SocketPtr socket, const std::string& msg, const char* warning_code, const info_table& info)
581 {
583  doc.root().add_child("warning").set_attr_dup("message", msg.c_str());
584  if(*warning_code != '\0') {
585  doc.child("warning")->set_attr("warning_code", warning_code);
586  }
587  info_table_into_simple_wml(doc, "warning", info);
589  async_send_doc_queued(socket, doc);
590 }
591 template void server_base::async_send_warning<socket_ptr>(socket_ptr socket, const std::string& msg, const char* warning_code, const info_table& info);
592 template void server_base::async_send_warning<tls_socket_ptr>(tls_socket_ptr socket, const std::string& msg, const char* warning_code, const info_table& info);
595 {
596  tls_enabled_ = cfg["tls_enabled"].to_bool(false);
597  if(!tls_enabled_) return;
599  tls_context_.set_options(
600  boost::asio::ssl::context::default_workarounds
601  | boost::asio::ssl::context::no_sslv2
602  | boost::asio::ssl::context::no_sslv3
603  | boost::asio::ssl::context::single_dh_use
604  );
606  tls_context_.use_certificate_chain_file(cfg["tls_fullchain"].str());
607  tls_context_.use_private_key_file(cfg["tls_private_key"].str(), boost::asio::ssl::context::pem);
608  if(!cfg["tls_dh"].str().empty()) tls_context_.use_tmp_dh_file(cfg["tls_dh"].str());
609 }
611 std::string server_base::hash_password(const std::string& pw, const std::string& salt, const std::string& username)
612 {
613  if(salt.length() < 12) {
614  ERR_SERVER << "Bad salt found for user: " << username;
615  return "";
616  }
618  std::string password = pw;
620  // Apparently HTML key-characters are passed to the hashing functions of phpbb in this escaped form.
621  // I will do closer investigations on this, for now let's just hope these are all of them.
623  // Note: we must obviously replace '&' first, I wasted some time before I figured that out... :)
624  for(std::string::size_type pos = 0; (pos = password.find('&', pos)) != std::string::npos; ++pos) {
625  password.replace(pos, 1, "&amp;");
626  }
627  for(std::string::size_type pos = 0; (pos = password.find('\"', pos)) != std::string::npos; ++pos) {
628  password.replace(pos, 1, "&quot;");
629  }
630  for(std::string::size_type pos = 0; (pos = password.find('<', pos)) != std::string::npos; ++pos) {
631  password.replace(pos, 1, "&lt;");
632  }
633  for(std::string::size_type pos = 0; (pos = password.find('>', pos)) != std::string::npos; ++pos) {
634  password.replace(pos, 1, "&gt;");
635  }
637  if(utils::md5::is_valid_prefix(salt)) {
638  std::string hash = utils::md5(password, utils::md5::get_salt(salt), utils::md5::get_iteration_count(salt)).base64_digest();
639  return salt+hash;
640  } else if(utils::bcrypt::is_valid_prefix(salt)) {
641  try {
642  auto bcrypt_salt = utils::bcrypt::from_salted_salt(salt);
643  auto hash = utils::bcrypt::hash_pw(password, bcrypt_salt);
644  return hash.base64_digest();
645  } catch(const utils::hash_error& err) {
646  ERR_SERVER << "bcrypt hash failed for user " << username << ": " << err.what();
647  return "";
648  }
649  } else {
650  ERR_SERVER << "Unable to determine how to hash the password for user: " << username;
651  return "";
652  }
653 }
655 // This is just here to get it to build without the deprecation_message function
656 #include "deprecation.hpp"
658 std::string deprecated_message(const std::string&, DEP_LEVEL, const version_info&, const std::string&) {return "";}
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:159
std::string hash_password(const std::string &pw, const std::string &salt, const std::string &username)
Handles hashing the password provided by the player before comparing it to the hashed password in the...
void coro_send_file(socket_ptr socket, const std::string &filename, boost::asio::yield_context yield)
Send contents of entire file directly to socket from within a coroutine.
virtual void handle_read_from_fifo(const boost::system::error_code &error, std::size_t bytes_transferred)=0
boost::asio::signal_set sighup_
uint32_t handshake_response_
boost::asio::streambuf admin_cmd_
void async_send_error(SocketPtr socket, const std::string &msg, const char *error_code="", const info_table &info={})
virtual void handle_new_client(socket_ptr socket)=0
std::unique_ptr< simple_wml::document > coro_receive_doc(SocketPtr socket, boost::asio::yield_context yield)
Receive WML document from a coroutine.
boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor_v4_
void async_send_doc_queued(SocketPtr socket, simple_wml::document &doc)
High level wrapper for sending a WML document.
std::map< std::string, std::string > info_table
void send_doc_queued(SocketPtr socket, std::unique_ptr< simple_wml::document > &doc_ptr, boost::asio::yield_context yield)
void coro_send_doc(SocketPtr socket, simple_wml::document &doc, boost::asio::yield_context yield)
Send a WML document from within a coroutine.
unsigned short port_
virtual void handle_sighup(const boost::system::error_code &error, int signal_number)=0
void async_send_warning(SocketPtr socket, const std::string &msg, const char *warning_code="", const info_table &info={})
void read_from_fifo()
virtual bool ip_exceeds_connection_limit(const std::string &) const
boost::asio::io_service io_service_
virtual bool accepting_connections() const
virtual std::string is_ip_banned(const std::string &)
server_base(unsigned short port, bool keep_alive)
Definition: server_base.cpp:60
void start_server()
Definition: server_base.cpp:74
boost::asio::posix::stream_descriptor input_
void serve(boost::asio::yield_context yield, boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor &acceptor, boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint)
Definition: server_base.cpp:91
void load_tls_config(const config &cfg)
boost::asio::ssl::context tls_context_
boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor_v6_
const char * output()
std::unique_ptr< document > clone()
static std::size_t document_size_limit
Definition: simple_wml.hpp:290
node * child(const char *name)
Definition: simple_wml.hpp:261
string_span output_compressed(bool bzip2=false)
node & add_child(const char *name)
Definition: simple_wml.cpp:466
node & set_attr(const char *key, const char *value)
Definition: simple_wml.cpp:413
node & set_attr_dup(const char *key, const char *value)
Definition: simple_wml.cpp:429
static bool is_valid_prefix(const std::string &hash)
Definition: hash.cpp:169
static bcrypt from_salted_salt(const std::string &input)
Definition: hash.cpp:139
static bcrypt hash_pw(const std::string &password, bcrypt &salt)
Definition: hash.cpp:160
static bool is_valid_prefix(const std::string &hash)
Definition: hash.cpp:95
virtual std::string base64_digest() const override
Definition: hash.cpp:125
static std::string get_salt(const std::string &hash)
Definition: hash.cpp:91
static int get_iteration_count(const std::string &hash)
Definition: hash.cpp:87
Represents version numbers.
See for more info.
Definition: deprecation.hpp:21
Declarations for File-IO.
Standard logging facilities (interface).
filesystem::scoped_istream istream_file(const std::string &fname, bool treat_failure_as_error)
int file_size(const std::string &fname)
Returns the size of a file, or -1 if the file doesn't exist.
logger & err()
Definition: log.cpp:304
logger & info()
Definition: log.cpp:316
std::size_t size(const std::string &str)
Length in characters of a UTF-8 string.
Definition: unicode.cpp:85
constexpr bool decayed_is_same
Equivalent to as std::is_same_v except both types are passed through std::decay first.
Definition: general.hpp:33
static void msg(const char *act, debug_info &i, const char *to="", const char *result="")
Definition: debugger.cpp:109
#define ON_SCOPE_EXIT(...)
Run some arbitrary code (a lambda) when the current scope exits The lambda body follows this header,...
Definition: scope_exit.hpp:43
template bool check_error< tls_socket_ptr >(const boost::system::error_code &error, tls_socket_ptr socket)
void coro_send_file_userspace(SocketPtr socket, const std::string &filename, boost::asio::yield_context yield)
bool check_error(const boost::system::error_code &error, SocketPtr socket)
#define DBG_SERVER
Definition: server_base.cpp:52
#define LOG_SERVER
Definition: server_base.cpp:51
std::string client_address(SocketPtr socket)
bool dump_wml
Definition: server_base.cpp:58
std::string deprecated_message(const std::string &, DEP_LEVEL, const version_info &, const std::string &)
#define ERR_SERVER
Definition: server_base.cpp:49
#define WRN_CONFIG
Definition: server_base.cpp:56
static lg::log_domain log_server("server")
static lg::log_domain log_config("config")
Base class for servers using Wesnoth's WML over TCP protocol.
std::shared_ptr< boost::asio::ssl::stream< socket_ptr::element_type > > tls_socket_ptr
Definition: server_base.hpp:51
std::string log_address(SocketPtr socket)
utils::variant< socket_ptr, tls_socket_ptr > any_socket_ptr
Definition: server_base.hpp:52
std::shared_ptr< boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket > socket_ptr
Definition: server_base.hpp:48
static map_location::DIRECTION n
static map_location::DIRECTION s
#define e