The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.8+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2024
3  by Jörg Hinrichs, David White <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
17 #include "savegame.hpp"
19 #include "cursor.hpp"
20 #include "formatter.hpp"
21 #include "formula/string_utils.hpp"
22 #include "game_config_manager.hpp"
23 #include "game_config_view.hpp"
24 #include "game_end_exceptions.hpp"
25 #include "game_errors.hpp"
26 #include "game_version.hpp"
27 #include "gettext.hpp"
31 #include "gui/dialogs/message.hpp"
33 #include "gui/widgets/retval.hpp"
34 #include "log.hpp"
35 #include "persist_manager.hpp"
37 #include "resources.hpp"
38 #include "save_index.hpp"
39 #include "saved_game.hpp"
42 #include "utils/optimer.hpp"
43 #include "video.hpp" // only for faked
45 #include <iomanip>
47 static lg::log_domain log_engine("engine");
48 #define LOG_SAVE LOG_STREAM(info, log_engine)
49 #define ERR_SAVE LOG_STREAM(err, log_engine)
51 static lg::log_domain log_enginerefac("enginerefac");
52 #define LOG_RG LOG_STREAM(info, log_enginerefac)
54 namespace savegame
55 {
56 bool save_game_exists(std::string name, compression::format compressed)
57 {
58  name += compression::format_extension(compressed);
59  auto manager = save_index_class::default_saves_dir();
60  return filesystem::file_exists(manager->dir() + "/" + name);
61 }
63 void clean_saves(const std::string& label)
64 {
65  const std::string prefix = label + "-" + _("Auto-Save");
66  LOG_SAVE << "Cleaning saves with prefix '" << prefix << "'";
68  auto manager = save_index_class::default_saves_dir();
69  for(const auto& save : manager->get_saves_list()) {
70  if(, prefix.length(), prefix) == 0) {
71  LOG_SAVE << "Deleting savegame '" << << "'";
72  manager->delete_game(;
73  }
74  }
75 }
77 loadgame::loadgame(const std::shared_ptr<save_index_class>& index, saved_game& gamestate)
78  : game_config_(game_config_manager::get()->game_config())
79  , gamestate_(gamestate)
80  , load_data_{index}
81 {
82 }
85 {
86  if(load_data_.summary["corrupt"].to_bool()) {
87  return false;
88  }
90  std::string campaign_id = load_data_.summary["campaign"];
92  for(const config& campaign : game_config_.child_range("campaign")) {
93  if(campaign["id"] != campaign_id) {
94  continue;
95  }
97  gui2::dialogs::campaign_difficulty difficulty_dlg(campaign);
99  // Return if canceled, since otherwise load_data_.difficulty will be set to 'CANCEL'
100  if(! {
101  return false;
102  }
104  load_data_.difficulty = difficulty_dlg.selected_difficulty();
107  // Exit loop
108  break;
109  }
111  return true;
112 }
114 // Called only by play_controller to handle in-game attempts to load. Instead of returning true,
115 // throws a "load_game_exception" to signal a resulting load game request.
117 {
118  if(video::headless()) {
119  return false;
120  }
123  return false;
124  }
126  if(load_data_.filename.empty()) {
127  return false;
128  }
131  if(!show_difficulty_dialog()) {
132  return false;
133  }
134  }
136  if(!load_data_.manager) {
137  ERR_SAVE << "Null pointer in save index";
138  return false;
139  }
143  // Confirm the integrity of the file before throwing the exception.
144  // Use the summary in the save_index for this.
145  const config& summary = load_data_.manager->get(load_data_.filename);
147  if(summary["corrupt"].to_bool(false)) {
148  gui2::show_error_message(_("The file you have tried to load is corrupt: '"));
149  return false;
150  }
152  if(!loadgame::check_version_compatibility(summary["version"].str())) {
153  return false;
154  }
156  throw load_game_exception(std::move(load_data_));
157 }
160 {
161  bool skip_version_check = true;
163  if(load_data_.filename.empty()) {
165  return false;
166  }
168  skip_version_check = false;
170  }
172  if(load_data_.filename.empty()) {
173  return false;
174  }
177  if(!show_difficulty_dialog()) {
178  return false;
179  }
180  }
182  if(!load_data_.manager) {
183  ERR_SAVE << "Null pointer in save index";
184  return false;
185  }
187  std::string error_log;
192  for(config& side : load_data_.load_config.child_range("side")) {
193  side.remove_attribute("is_local");
194  }
196  if(!error_log.empty()) {
197  try {
199  _("Warning: The file you have tried to load is corrupt. Loading anyway.\n") + error_log);
200  } catch(const utf8::invalid_utf8_exception&) {
201  gui2::show_error_message(_("Warning: The file you have tried to load is corrupt. Loading anyway.\n")
202  + std::string("(UTF-8 ERROR)"));
203  }
204  }
206  if(!load_data_.difficulty.empty()) {
208  }
209  // read classification to for loading the game_config config object.
212  if(skip_version_check) {
213  return true;
214  }
217 }
220 {
222 }
225 {
226  if(save_version == game_config::wesnoth_version) {
227  return true;
228  }
232  // Even minor version numbers indicate stable releases which are
233  // compatible with each other.
234  if(wesnoth_version.minor_version() % 2 == 0 && wesnoth_version.major_version() == save_version.major_version()
235  && wesnoth_version.minor_version() == save_version.minor_version()) {
236  return true;
237  }
239  // Do not load if too old. If either the savegame or the current
240  // game has the version 'test', load. This 'test' version is never
241  // supposed to occur, except when Soliton is testing MP servers.
242  if(save_version < game_config::min_savegame_version && save_version != game_config::test_version
244  const std::string message
245  = _("This save is from an old, unsupported version ($version_number|) and cannot be loaded.");
246  utils::string_map symbols;
247  symbols["version_number"] = save_version.str();
249  return false;
250  }
252  if(prefs::get().confirm_load_save_from_different_version()) {
253  const std::string message
254  = _("This save is from a different version of the game ($version_number|), and might not work with this "
255  "version.\n"
256  "\n"
257  "<b>Warning:</b> saves in the middle of campaigns are especially likely to fail, and you should either "
258  "use the old version or restart the campaign. Even when a saved game seems to load successfully, "
259  "subtler aspects like gameplay balance and story progression could be impacted. The difficulty, the "
260  "challenge, the <i>fun</i> may be missing.\n"
261  "\n"
262  "For example, the campaign may have been rebalanced with fewer enemies in the early scenarios, but "
263  "expecting your recall list to have correspondingly less experience in the late scenarios.\n"
264  "\n"
265  "Do you wish to continue?");
266  utils::string_map symbols;
267  symbols["version_number"] = save_version.str();
268  const int res = gui2::show_message(_("Load Game"), utils::interpolate_variables_into_string(message, &symbols),
270  return res == gui2::retval::OK;
271  }
273  return true;
274 }
277 {
279 }
282 {
284  return false;
285  }
288  if(load_data_.filename.empty()) {
289  return false;
290  }
292  if(!load_data_.manager) {
293  ERR_SAVE << "Null pointer in save index";
294  return false;
295  }
297  // read_save_file needs to be called before we can verify the classification so the data has
298  // been populated. Since we do that, we report any errors in that process first.
299  std::string error_log;
300  {
302  log_scope("load_game");
306  }
308  if(!error_log.empty()) {
309  gui2::show_error_message(_("The file you have tried to load is corrupt: '") + error_log);
310  return false;
311  }
314  gui2::show_transient_message(_("Load Game"), _("Replays are not supported in multiplayer mode."));
315  return false;
316  }
318  // We want to verify the game classification before setting the data, so we don't check on
319  // gamestate_.classification() and instead construct a game_classification object manually.
320  if(game_classification(load_data_.load_config).type != campaign_type::type::multiplayer) {
321  gui2::show_transient_error_message(_("This is not a multiplayer save."));
322  return false;
323  }
325  set_gamestate();
328 }
331 {
332  auto replay_start = cfg.optional_child("replay_start");
333  if(!replay_start) {
334  return;
335  }
337  auto era = replay_start->optional_child("era");
338  if(!era) {
339  return;
340  }
342  auto snapshot = cfg.optional_child("snapshot");
343  if(!snapshot) {
344  return;
345  }
347  snapshot->add_child("era", *era);
348 }
350 savegame::savegame(saved_game& gamestate, const compression::format compress_saves, const std::string& title)
351  : filename_()
352  , title_(title)
353  , save_index_manager_(save_index_class::default_saves_dir())
354  , gamestate_(gamestate)
355  , error_message_(_("The game could not be saved: "))
356  , show_confirmation_(false)
357  , compress_saves_(compress_saves)
358 {
359 }
361 bool savegame::save_game_automatic(bool ask_for_overwrite, const std::string& filename)
362 {
363  if(filename.empty()) {
364  filename_ = create_filename();
365  } else {
367  }
369  if(ask_for_overwrite) {
370  if(!check_overwrite()) {
371  return save_game_interactive("", savegame::OK_CANCEL);
372  }
373  }
375  return save_game();
376 }
378 bool savegame::save_game_interactive(const std::string& message, DIALOG_TYPE dialog_type)
379 {
380  show_confirmation_ = true;
381  filename_ = create_filename();
383  const int res = show_save_dialog(message, dialog_type);
385  if(res == 2) {
386  throw_quit_game_exception(); // Quit game
387  }
389  if(res == gui2::retval::OK && check_overwrite()) {
390  return save_game();
391  }
393  return false;
394 }
396 int savegame::show_save_dialog(const std::string& message, DIALOG_TYPE dialog_type)
397 {
398  int res = 0;
400  if(dialog_type == OK_CANCEL) {
401  gui2::dialogs::game_save dlg(filename_, title_);
403  res = dlg.get_retval();
404  } else if(dialog_type == YES_NO) {
405  gui2::dialogs::game_save_message dlg(filename_, title_, message);
407  res = dlg.get_retval();
408  }
410  if(!check_filename(filename_)) {
411  res = gui2::retval::CANCEL;
412  }
414  return res;
415 }
417 bool savegame::check_overwrite()
418 {
419  if(!save_game_exists(filename_, compress_saves_)) {
420  return true;
421  }
423  std::ostringstream message;
424  message << _("Save already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?") << "\n" << _("Name: ") << filename_;
425  const int res = gui2::show_message(_("Overwrite?"), message.str(), gui2::dialogs::message::yes_no_buttons);
426  return res == gui2::retval::OK;
427 }
429 bool savegame::check_filename(const std::string& filename)
430 {
432  gui2::show_error_message(_("Save names should not end with ‘.gz’ or ‘.bz2’. Please remove the extension."));
433  return false;
435  // This message is not all-inclusive. This is on purpose. Few people
436  // need to know about DOS device names or the 255 character limit.
437  gui2::show_error_message(_("Save names may not end with a dot, or contain two dots or any of the following characters:\n \" * / : < > ? \\ | ~"));
438  return false;
439  }
441  return true;
442 }
444 std::string savegame::create_filename(unsigned int turn_number) const
445 {
446  return create_initial_filename(turn_number);
447 }
449 void savegame::before_save()
450 {
451 }
453 bool savegame::save_game(const std::string& filename)
454 {
455  try {
456  utils::optional<const utils::ms_optimer> timer([this](const auto& timer) {
457  LOG_SAVE << "Milliseconds to save " << filename_ << ": " << timer;
458  });
460  if(filename_.empty()) {
462  }
464  before_save();
466  write_game_to_disk(filename_);
467  if(resources::persist != nullptr) {
470  }
472  // Create an entry in the save_index. Doing this here ensures all leader image paths
473  // sre expanded in a context-independent fashion and can appear in the Load Game dialog
474  // even if a campaign-specific sprite is used. This is because the image's full path is
475  // only available if the binary-path context its a part of is loaded. Without this, if
476  // a player saves a game and exits the game or reloads the cache, the leader image will
477  // only be available within that specific binary context (when playing another game from
478  // the came campaign, for example).
479  save_index_manager_->rebuild(filename_);
481  // Log time before showing the confirmation
482  timer.reset();
484  if(show_confirmation_) {
485  gui2::show_transient_message(_("Saved"), _("The game has been saved."));
486  }
488  return true;
489  } catch(const game::save_game_failed& e) {
490  ERR_SAVE << error_message_ << e.message;
491  gui2::show_error_message(error_message_ + e.message);
493  // do not bother retrying, since the user can just try to save the game again
494  // maybe show a yes-no dialog for "disable autosaves now"?
495  return false;
496  };
497 }
499 void savegame::write_game_to_disk(const std::string& filename)
500 {
501  LOG_SAVE << "savegame::save_game";
504  filename_ += compression::format_extension(compress_saves_);
506  std::stringstream ss;
507  {
508  config_writer out(ss, compress_saves_);
509  write_game(out);
510  finish_save_game(out);
511  }
513  filesystem::scoped_ostream os(open_save_game(filename_));
514  (*os) << ss.str();
516  if(!os->good()) {
517  throw game::save_game_failed(_("Could not write to file"));
518  }
519 }
521 void savegame::write_game(config_writer& out)
522 {
523  log_scope("write_game");
525  out.write_key_val("version", game_config::wesnoth_version.str());
527  gamestate_.write_general_info(out);
528 }
530 void savegame::finish_save_game(const config_writer& out)
531 {
532  try {
533  if(!out.good()) {
534  throw game::save_game_failed(_("Could not write to file"));
535  }
536  } catch(const filesystem::io_exception& e) {
537  throw game::save_game_failed(e.what());
538  }
539 }
541 // Throws game::save_game_failed
542 filesystem::scoped_ostream savegame::open_save_game(const std::string& label)
543 {
544  try {
545  return filesystem::ostream_file(save_index_manager_->dir() + "/" + label);
546  } catch(const filesystem::io_exception& e) {
547  throw game::save_game_failed(e.what());
548  }
549 }
552  : savegame(gamestate, compress_saves)
553 {
555 }
557 std::string scenariostart_savegame::create_initial_filename(unsigned int) const
558 {
559  return gamestate().classification().label;
560 }
563 {
565  gamestate().write_carryover(out);
566 }
569  : savegame(gamestate, compress_saves, _("Save Replay"))
570 {
571 }
573 std::string replay_savegame::create_initial_filename(unsigned int) const
574 {
575  time_t t = std::time(nullptr);
576  tm tm = *std::localtime(&t);
577  auto time = std::put_time(&tm, "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S");
579  // TRANSLATORS: This string is used as part of a filename, as in, "HttT-The Elves Besieged replay.gz"
580  return formatter() << gamestate().classification().label << " " << _("replay") << " " << time;
581 }
584 {
587  gamestate().write_carryover(out);
588  out.write_child("replay_start", gamestate().replay_start());
590  out.open_child("replay");
591  gamestate().get_replay().write(out);
592  out.close_child("replay");
593 }
596  : ingame_savegame(gamestate, compress_saves)
597 {
598  set_error_message(_("Could not auto save the game. Please save the game manually."));
599 }
601 void autosave_savegame::autosave(const bool disable_autosave, const int autosave_max, const int infinite_autosaves)
602 {
603  if(disable_autosave)
604  return;
608  auto manager = save_index_class::default_saves_dir();
609  manager->delete_old_auto_saves(autosave_max, infinite_autosaves);
610 }
612 std::string autosave_savegame::create_initial_filename(unsigned int turn_number) const
613 {
614  std::string filename;
615  if(gamestate().classification().label.empty()) {
616  filename = _("Auto-Save");
617  } else {
618  filename = gamestate().classification().label + "-" + _("Auto-Save") + std::to_string(turn_number);
619  }
621  return filename;
622 }
624 oos_savegame::oos_savegame(saved_game& gamestate, bool& ignore)
625  : ingame_savegame(gamestate, prefs::get().save_compression_format())
626  , ignore_(ignore)
627 {
628 }
630 int oos_savegame::show_save_dialog(const std::string& message, DIALOG_TYPE /*dialog_type*/)
631 {
632  int res = 0;
634  if(!ignore_) {
637  res = dlg.get_retval();
638  }
640  if(!check_filename(filename_)) {
641  res = gui2::retval::CANCEL;
642  }
644  return res;
645 }
648  : savegame(gamestate, compress_saves, _("Save Game"))
649 {
650 }
652 std::string ingame_savegame::create_initial_filename(unsigned int turn_number) const
653 {
654  return formatter() << gamestate().classification().label << " " << _("Turn") << " " << turn_number;
655 }
658 {
659  log_scope("write_game");
661  if(!gamestate().get_starting_point().validate_wml()) {
662  throw game::save_game_failed(_("Game state is corrupted"));
663  }
667  gamestate().write_carryover(out);
668  out.write_child("snapshot", gamestate().get_starting_point());
669  out.write_child("replay_start", gamestate().replay_start());
670  out.open_child("replay");
671  gamestate().get_replay().write(out);
672  out.close_child("replay");
673 }
675 // changes done during 1.11.0-dev
677 {
678  if(!cfg.has_child("snapshot")) {
679  return;
680  }
682  const config& snapshot = cfg.mandatory_child("snapshot");
683  const config& replay_start = cfg.mandatory_child("replay_start");
684  const config& replay = cfg.mandatory_child("replay");
686  if(!cfg.has_child("carryover_sides") && !cfg.has_child("carryover_sides_start")) {
688  // copy rng and menu items from toplevel to new carryover_sides
689  carryover["random_seed"] = cfg["random_seed"];
690  carryover["random_calls"] = cfg["random_calls"];
692  for(const config& menu_item : cfg.child_range("menu_item")) {
693  carryover.add_child("menu_item", menu_item);
694  }
696  carryover["difficulty"] = cfg["difficulty"];
697  carryover["random_mode"] = cfg["random_mode"];
698  // the scenario to be played is always stored as next_scenario in carryover_sides_start
699  carryover["next_scenario"] = cfg["scenario"];
701  config carryover_start = carryover;
703  // copy sides from either snapshot or replay_start to new carryover_sides
704  if(!snapshot.empty()) {
705  for(const config& side : snapshot.child_range("side")) {
706  carryover.add_child("side", side);
707  }
708  // for compatibility with old savegames that use player instead of side
709  for(const config& side : snapshot.child_range("player")) {
710  carryover.add_child("side", side);
711  }
712  // save the sides from replay_start in carryover_sides_start
713  for(const config& side : replay_start.child_range("side")) {
714  carryover_start.add_child("side", side);
715  }
716  // for compatibility with old savegames that use player instead of side
717  for(const config& side : replay_start.child_range("player")) {
718  carryover_start.add_child("side", side);
719  }
720  } else if(!replay_start.empty()) {
721  for(const config& side : replay_start.child_range("side")) {
722  carryover.add_child("side", side);
723  carryover_start.add_child("side", side);
724  }
725  // for compatibility with old savegames that use player instead of side
726  for(const config& side : replay_start.child_range("player")) {
727  carryover.add_child("side", side);
728  carryover_start.add_child("side", side);
729  }
730  }
732  // get variables according to old hierarchy and copy them to new carryover_sides
733  if(!snapshot.empty()) {
734  if(auto variables_from_snapshot = snapshot.optional_child("variables")) {
735  carryover.add_child("variables", *variables_from_snapshot);
736  carryover_start.add_child("variables", replay_start.child_or_empty("variables"));
737  } else if(auto variables_from_cfg = cfg.optional_child("variables")) {
738  carryover.add_child("variables", *variables_from_cfg);
739  carryover_start.add_child("variables", *variables_from_cfg);
740  }
741  } else if(!replay_start.empty()) {
742  if(auto variables = replay_start.optional_child("variables")) {
743  carryover.add_child("variables", *variables);
744  carryover_start.add_child("variables", *variables);
745  }
746  } else {
747  carryover.add_child("variables", cfg.mandatory_child("variables"));
748  carryover_start.add_child("variables", cfg.mandatory_child("variables"));
749  }
751  cfg.add_child("carryover_sides", carryover);
752  cfg.add_child("carryover_sides_start", carryover_start);
753  }
755  // if replay and snapshot are empty we've got a start of scenario save and don't want replay_start either
756  if(replay.empty() && snapshot.empty()) {
757  LOG_RG << "removing replay_start";
758  cfg.clear_children("replay_start");
759  }
761  // remove empty replay or snapshot so type of save can be detected more easily
762  if(replay.empty()) {
763  LOG_RG << "removing replay";
764  cfg.clear_children("replay");
765  }
767  if(snapshot.empty()) {
768  LOG_RG << "removing snapshot";
769  cfg.clear_children("snapshot");
770  }
771 }
772 // changes done during 1.13.0-dev
774 {
775  if(auto carryover_sides_start = cfg.optional_child("carryover_sides_start")) {
776  if(!carryover_sides_start->has_attribute("next_underlying_unit_id")) {
777  carryover_sides_start["next_underlying_unit_id"] = cfg["next_underlying_unit_id"];
778  }
779  }
781  if(cfg.child_or_empty("snapshot").empty()) {
782  cfg.clear_children("snapshot");
783  }
785  if(cfg.child_or_empty("replay_start").empty()) {
786  cfg.clear_children("replay_start");
787  }
789  if(auto snapshot = cfg.optional_child("snapshot")) {
790  // make [end_level] -> [end_level_data] since its alo called [end_level_data] in the carryover.
791  if(auto end_level = cfg.optional_child("end_level")) {
792  snapshot->add_child("end_level_data", *end_level);
793  snapshot->clear_children("end_level");
794  }
795  // if we have a snapshot then we already applied carryover so there is no reason to keep this data.
796  if(cfg.has_child("carryover_sides_start")) {
797  cfg.clear_children("carryover_sides_start");
798  }
799  }
801  if(!cfg.has_child("snapshot") && !cfg.has_child("replay_start")) {
802  cfg.clear_children("carryover_sides");
803  }
805  // This code is needed because for example otherwise it won't find the (empty) era
806  if(!cfg.has_child("multiplayer")) {
807  cfg.add_child("multiplayer",
808  config{
809  "mp_era",
810  "era_blank",
811  "mp_use_map_settings",
812  true,
813  });
814  }
815 }
817 // changes done during 1.13.0+dev
819 {
820  if(auto multiplayer = cfg.optional_child("multiplayer")) {
821  if(multiplayer["mp_era"] == "era_blank") {
822  multiplayer["mp_era"] = "era_default";
823  }
824  }
826  // This currently only fixes start-of-scenario saves.
827  if(auto carryover_sides_start = cfg.optional_child("carryover_sides_start")) {
828  for(config& side : carryover_sides_start->child_range("side")) {
829  for(config& unit : side.child_range("unit")) {
830  if(auto modifications = unit.optional_child("modifications")) {
831  for(config& advancement : modifications->child_range("advance")) {
832  modifications->add_child("advancement", advancement);
833  }
834  modifications->clear_children("advance");
835  }
836  }
837  }
838  }
840  for(config& snapshot : cfg.child_range("snapshot")) {
841  if(snapshot.has_attribute("used_items")) {
842  config used_items;
843  for(const std::string& item : utils::split(snapshot["used_items"])) {
844  used_items[item] = true;
845  }
847  snapshot.remove_attribute("used_items");
848  snapshot.add_child("used_items", used_items);
849  }
850  }
851 }
853 // changes done during 1.15.3+dev
855 {
856  if(cfg["era_id"].empty()) {
857  cfg["era_id"] = cfg.child_or_empty("multiplayer")["mp_era"];
858  }
860  if(cfg["active_mods"].empty()) {
861  cfg["active_mods"] = cfg.child_or_empty("multiplayer")["active_mods"];
862  }
863 }
866 {
867  version_info loaded_version(cfg["version"]);
868  if(loaded_version < version_info("1.12.0")) {
870  }
872  // '<= version_info("1.13.0")' doesn't work
873  // because version_info cannot handle 1.13.0-dev versions correctly.
874  if(loaded_version < version_info("1.13.1")) {
876  }
878  if(loaded_version <= version_info("1.13.1")) {
880  }
882  if(loaded_version < version_info("1.15.4")) {
884  }
886  LOG_RG << "cfg after conversion " << cfg;
887 }
889 } // namespace savegame
std::string filename_
Definition: action_wml.cpp:534
double t
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
Class for writing a config out to a file in pieces.
void close_child(const std::string &key)
bool good() const
void write_child(const std::string &key, const config &cfg)
void write_key_val(const std::string &key, const T &value)
This template function will work with any type that can be assigned to an attribute_value.
void open_child(const std::string &key)
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:158
const config & child_or_empty(config_key_type key) const
Returns the first child with the given key, or an empty config if there is none.
Definition: config.cpp:390
config & mandatory_child(config_key_type key, int n=0)
Returns the nth child with the given key, or throws an error if there is none.
Definition: config.cpp:362
void clear_children(T... keys)
Definition: config.hpp:602
bool has_child(config_key_type key) const
Determine whether a config has a child or not.
Definition: config.cpp:312
child_itors child_range(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:268
void remove_attribute(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:162
bool empty() const
Definition: config.cpp:845
optional_config_impl< config > optional_child(config_key_type key, int n=0)
Equivalent to mandatory_child, but returns an empty optional if the nth child was not found.
Definition: config.cpp:380
config & add_child(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:436
std::ostringstream wrapper.
Definition: formatter.hpp:40
std::string version
Version game was created with.
campaign_type::type type
std::string label
Name of the game (e.g.
config_array_view child_range(config_key_type key) const
std::string selected_difficulty() const
Returns the selected difficulty define after displaying.
static bool execute(const game_config_view &cache_config, savegame::load_game_metadata &data)
Definition: game_load.cpp:59
@ yes_no_buttons
Shows a yes and no button.
Definition: message.hpp:81
bool show(const unsigned auto_close_time=0)
Shows the window.
int get_retval()
Definition: window.hpp:402
static prefs & get()
void write(config_writer &out) const
bool empty() const
Definition: replay.cpp:641
game_classification & classification()
Definition: saved_game.hpp:56
replay_recorder_base & get_replay()
Definition: saved_game.hpp:140
void set_data(config &cfg)
destroys the passed config.
Definition: saved_game.cpp:783
void write_carryover(config_writer &out) const
Definition: saved_game.cpp:207
void autosave(const bool disable_autosave, const int autosave_max, const int infinite_autosaves)
Definition: savegame.cpp:601
autosave_savegame(saved_game &gamestate, const compression::format compress_saves)
Definition: savegame.cpp:595
virtual std::string create_initial_filename(unsigned int turn_number) const override
Create a filename for automatic saves.
Definition: savegame.cpp:612
Class for "normal" midgame saves.
Definition: savegame.hpp:254
ingame_savegame(saved_game &gamestate, const compression::format compress_saves)
Definition: savegame.cpp:647
void write_game(config_writer &out) override
Writing the savegame config to a file.
Definition: savegame.cpp:657
virtual std::string create_initial_filename(unsigned int turn_number) const override
Create a filename for automatic saves.
Definition: savegame.cpp:652
Exception used to signal that the user has decided to abortt a game, and to load another game instead...
Definition: savegame.hpp:85
void set_gamestate()
Generate the gamestate out of the loaded game config.
Definition: savegame.cpp:276
void copy_era(config &cfg)
Copy era information into the snapshot.
Definition: savegame.cpp:330
bool check_version_compatibility()
Call check_version_compatibility above, using the version of this savefile.
Definition: savegame.cpp:219
bool load_game_ingame()
Load a game without providing any information.
Definition: savegame.cpp:116
loadgame(const std::shared_ptr< save_index_class > &index, saved_game &gamestate)
Definition: savegame.cpp:77
static bool is_replay_save(const config &cfg)
Definition: savegame.hpp:127
load_game_metadata load_data_
Primary output information.
Definition: savegame.hpp:144
bool load_multiplayer_game()
Loading a game from within the multiplayer-create dialog.
Definition: savegame.cpp:281
bool show_difficulty_dialog()
Display the difficulty dialog.
Definition: savegame.cpp:84
bool load_game()
Load a game with pre-setting information for the load-game dialog.
Definition: savegame.cpp:159
const game_config_view & game_config_
Definition: savegame.hpp:140
saved_game & gamestate_
Definition: savegame.hpp:142
oos_savegame(saved_game &gamestate, bool &ignore)
Definition: savegame.cpp:624
virtual int show_save_dialog(const std::string &message, DIALOG_TYPE dialog_type) override
Display the save game dialog.
Definition: savegame.cpp:630
void write_game(config_writer &out) override
Writing the savegame config to a file.
Definition: savegame.cpp:583
virtual std::string create_initial_filename(unsigned int turn_number) const override
Create a filename for automatic saves.
Definition: savegame.cpp:573
replay_savegame(saved_game &gamestate, const compression::format compress_saves)
Definition: savegame.cpp:568
static std::shared_ptr< save_index_class > default_saves_dir()
Returns an instance for managing saves in filesystem::get_saves_dir()
Definition: save_index.cpp:209
The base class for all savegame stuff.
Definition: savegame.hpp:155
bool check_filename(const std::string &filename)
Check, if the filename contains illegal constructs like ".gz".
Definition: savegame.cpp:429
std::string filename_
Filename of the savegame file on disk.
Definition: savegame.hpp:212
bool save_game_automatic(bool ask_for_overwrite=false, const std::string &filename="")
Saves a game without user interaction, unless the file exists and it should be asked to overwrite it.
Definition: savegame.cpp:361
virtual void write_game(config_writer &out)
Writing the savegame config to a file.
Definition: savegame.cpp:521
std::string create_filename() const
Build the filename according to the specific savegame's needs.
Definition: savegame.hpp:181
const std::string & title() const
Definition: savegame.hpp:202
const std::string & filename() const
Definition: savegame.hpp:178
void set_error_message(const std::string &error_message)
Customize the standard error message.
Definition: savegame.hpp:200
const saved_game & gamestate() const
Definition: savegame.hpp:203
scenariostart_savegame(saved_game &gamestate, const compression::format compress_saves)
Definition: savegame.cpp:551
void write_game(config_writer &out) override
Writing the savegame config to a file.
Definition: savegame.cpp:562
virtual std::string create_initial_filename(unsigned int turn_number) const override
Create a filename for automatic saves.
Definition: savegame.cpp:557
This class represents a single unit of a specific type.
Definition: unit.hpp:133
Thrown by operations encountering invalid UTF-8 data.
Represents version numbers.
std::string str() const
Serializes the version number into string form.
unsigned int minor_version() const
Retrieves the minor version number (x2 in "x1.x2.x3").
unsigned int major_version() const
Retrieves the major version number (x1 in "x1.x2.x3").
Contains the exception interfaces used to signal completion of a scenario, campaign or turn.
void throw_quit_game_exception()
Interfaces for manipulating version numbers of engine, add-ons, etc.
static std::string _(const char *str)
Definition: gettext.hpp:93
std::string label
What to show in the filter's drop-down list.
Definition: manager.cpp:201
Standard logging facilities (interface).
#define log_scope(description)
Definition: log.hpp:276
std::string format_extension(format compression_format)
Definition: compression.hpp:24
Definition: cursor.cpp:216
Definition: cursor.hpp:28
static bool file_exists(const bfs::path &fpath)
Definition: filesystem.cpp:327
bool is_legal_user_file_name(const std::string &name, bool allow_whitespace=true)
Returns whether the given filename is a legal name for a user-created file.
bool is_compressed_file(const std::string &filename)
Definition: filesystem.hpp:294
filesystem::scoped_ostream ostream_file(const std::string &fname, std::ios_base::openmode mode, bool create_directory)
std::unique_ptr< std::ostream > scoped_ostream
Definition: filesystem.hpp:54
Game configuration data as global variables.
Definition: build_info.cpp:61
const version_info min_savegame_version(MIN_SAVEGAME_VERSION)
const version_info test_version("test")
const version_info wesnoth_version(VERSION)
bool disable_autosave
Definition: game_config.cpp:92
void show_transient_error_message(const std::string &message, const std::string &image, const bool message_use_markup)
Shows a transient error message to the user.
void show_transient_message(const std::string &title, const std::string &message, const std::string &image, const bool message_use_markup, const bool title_use_markup)
Shows a transient message to the user.
void show_error_message(const std::string &msg, bool message_use_markup)
Shows an error message to the user.
Definition: message.cpp:201
void show_message(const std::string &title, const std::string &msg, const std::string &button_caption, const bool auto_close, const bool message_use_markup, const bool title_use_markup)
Shows a message to the user.
Definition: message.cpp:148
@ OK
Dialog was closed with the OK button.
Definition: retval.hpp:35
Dialog was closed with the CANCEL button.
Definition: retval.hpp:38
persist_manager * persist
Definition: resources.cpp:26
game_classification * classification
Definition: resources.cpp:34
void clean_saves(const std::string &label)
Delete all autosaves of a certain scenario from the default save directory.
Definition: savegame.cpp:63
static void convert_old_saves_1_13_0(config &cfg)
Definition: savegame.cpp:773
bool save_game_exists(std::string name, compression::format compressed)
Returns true if there is already a savegame with this name, looking only in the default save director...
Definition: savegame.cpp:56
void convert_old_saves(config &cfg)
converts saves from older versions of wesnoth
Definition: savegame.cpp:865
static void convert_old_saves_1_11_0(config &cfg)
Definition: savegame.cpp:676
static void convert_old_saves_1_13_1(config &cfg)
Definition: savegame.cpp:818
void read_save_file(const std::string &dir, const std::string &name, config &cfg, std::string *error_log)
Read the complete config information out of a savefile.
Definition: save_index.cpp:311
static void convert_old_saves_1_15_3(config &cfg)
Definition: savegame.cpp:854
std::size_t index(std::string_view str, const std::size_t index)
Codepoint index corresponding to the nth character in a UTF-8 string.
Definition: unicode.cpp:70
std::string interpolate_variables_into_string(const std::string &str, const string_map *const symbols)
Function which will interpolate variables, starting with '$' in the string 'str' with the equivalent ...
std::map< std::string, t_string > string_map
std::vector< std::string > split(const config_attribute_value &val)
bool headless()
The game is running headless.
Definition: video.cpp:138
#define LOG_RG
Definition: savegame.cpp:52
#define LOG_SAVE
Definition: savegame.cpp:48
static lg::log_domain log_engine("engine")
static lg::log_domain log_enginerefac("enginerefac")
#define ERR_SAVE
Definition: savegame.cpp:49
std::string filename
An exception object used when an IO error occurs.
Definition: filesystem.hpp:67
Error used when game saving fails.
Definition: game_errors.hpp:39
std::string difficulty
The difficulty the save is meant to be loaded with.
Definition: savegame.hpp:61
std::string filename
Name of the savefile to be loaded (not including the directory).
Definition: savegame.hpp:58
config summary
Summary config of the save selected in the load game dialog.
Definition: savegame.hpp:73
bool show_replay
State of the "show_replay" checkbox in the load-game dialog.
Definition: savegame.hpp:64
std::shared_ptr< save_index_class > manager
There may be different instances of the index for different directories.
Definition: savegame.hpp:55
config load_config
Config information of the savefile to be loaded.
Definition: savegame.hpp:76
bool select_difficulty
State of the "change_difficulty" checkbox in the load-game dialog.
Definition: savegame.hpp:70
#define e