The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.2+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2014 - 2024
3  by Mark de Wever <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 #include "sdl/point.hpp"
17 #include "sdl/rect.hpp"
19 #include <ostream>
21 bool operator==(const SDL_Rect& a, const SDL_Rect& b)
22 {
23  return SDL_RectEquals(&a, &b) != SDL_FALSE;
24 }
26 bool operator!=(const SDL_Rect& a, const SDL_Rect& b)
27 {
28  return !operator==(a,b);
29 }
31 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const SDL_Rect& r)
32 {
33  s << '[' << r.x << ',' << r.y << '|' << r.w << ',' << r.h << ']';
34  return s;
35 }
37 bool rect::operator==(const rect& r) const
38 {
39  return SDL_RectEquals(this, &r) != SDL_FALSE;
40 }
42 bool rect::operator==(const SDL_Rect& r) const
43 {
44  return SDL_RectEquals(this, &r) != SDL_FALSE;
45 }
47 bool rect::empty() const
48 {
49  return SDL_RectEmpty(this);
50 }
52 bool rect::contains(int x, int y) const
53 {
54  SDL_Point p{x, y};
55  return SDL_PointInRect(&p, this) != SDL_FALSE;
56 }
58 bool rect::contains(const point& point) const
59 {
60  return SDL_PointInRect(&point, this) != SDL_FALSE;
61 }
63 bool rect::contains(const SDL_Rect& r) const
64 {
65  if(this->x > r.x) return false;
66  if(this->y > r.y) return false;
67  if(this->x + this->w < r.x + r.w) return false;
68  if(this->y + this->h < r.y + r.h) return false;
69  return true;
70 }
72 bool rect::overlaps(const SDL_Rect& r) const
73 {
74  return SDL_HasIntersection(this, &r);
75 }
77 rect rect::minimal_cover(const SDL_Rect& other) const
78 {
79  rect result;
80  SDL_UnionRect(this, &other, &result);
81  return result;
82 }
84 rect& rect::expand_to_cover(const SDL_Rect& other)
85 {
86  SDL_UnionRect(this, &other, this);
87  return *this;
88 }
90 rect rect::intersect(const SDL_Rect& other) const
91 {
92  rect result;
93  if(!SDL_IntersectRect(this, &other, &result)) {
94  return rect();
95  }
96  return result;
97 }
99 void rect::clip(const SDL_Rect& other)
100 {
101  *this = this->intersect(other);
102 }
104 void rect::shift(const point& other)
105 {
106  this->x += other.x;
107  this->y += other.y;
108 }
110 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const rect& r)
111 {
112  s << '[' << r.x << ',' << r.y << '|' << r.w << ',' << r.h << ']';
113  return s;
114 }
int w
bool operator==(const SDL_Rect &a, const SDL_Rect &b)
Definition: rect.cpp:21
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const SDL_Rect &r)
Definition: rect.cpp:31
bool operator!=(const SDL_Rect &a, const SDL_Rect &b)
Definition: rect.cpp:26
Contains the SDL_Rect helper code.
Holds a 2D point.
Definition: point.hpp:25
An abstract description of a rectangle with integer coordinates.
Definition: rect.hpp:47
bool empty() const
False if both w and h are > 0, true otherwise.
Definition: rect.cpp:47
rect & expand_to_cover(const SDL_Rect &r)
Minimally expand this rect to fully contain another.
Definition: rect.cpp:84
rect minimal_cover(const SDL_Rect &r) const
Calculates the minimal rectangle that completely contains both this rectangle and the given rectangle...
Definition: rect.cpp:77
constexpr rect()
Explicitly initialize rects to 0.
Definition: rect.hpp:50
bool contains(int x, int y) const
Whether the given point lies within the rectangle.
Definition: rect.cpp:52
bool operator==(const rect &r) const
Definition: rect.cpp:37
void clip(const SDL_Rect &r)
Clip this rectangle by the given rectangle.
Definition: rect.cpp:99
void shift(const point &p)
Shift the rectangle by the given relative position.
Definition: rect.cpp:104
rect intersect(const SDL_Rect &r) const
Calculates the intersection of this rectangle and another; that is, the maximal rectangle that is con...
Definition: rect.cpp:90
bool overlaps(const SDL_Rect &r) const
Whether the given rectangle and this rectangle overlap.
Definition: rect.cpp:72
mock_party p
static map_location::DIRECTION s
#define h
#define a
#define b