The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.3+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2006 - 2024
3  by Joerg Hinrichs <>
4  Copyright (C) 2003 by David White <>
5  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
7  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10  (at your option) any later version.
11  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  See the COPYING file for more details.
15 */
17 /**
18  * @file
19  * Logic for single-player game.
20  */
24 #include "actions/undo.hpp"
25 #include "ai/manager.hpp"
26 #include "ai/testing.hpp"
27 #include "display_chat_manager.hpp"
28 #include "carryover_show_gold.hpp"
29 #include "formula/string_utils.hpp"
30 #include "game_end_exceptions.hpp"
31 #include "game_events/pump.hpp"
32 #include "gettext.hpp"
36 #include "log.hpp"
37 #include "map/label.hpp"
38 #include "map/map.hpp"
40 #include "replay_controller.hpp"
41 #include "replay_helper.hpp"
42 #include "resources.hpp"
43 #include "saved_game.hpp"
44 #include "savegame.hpp"
46 #include "sound.hpp"
47 #include "soundsource.hpp"
48 #include "synced_context.hpp"
49 #include "video.hpp"
51 #include "whiteboard/manager.hpp"
54 static lg::log_domain log_aitesting("ai/testing");
55 #define LOG_AIT LOG_STREAM(info, log_aitesting)
56 // If necessary, this define can be replaced with `#define LOG_AIT std::cout` to restore previous behavior
58 static lg::log_domain log_engine("engine");
59 #define ERR_NG LOG_STREAM(err, log_engine)
60 #define LOG_NG LOG_STREAM(info, log_engine)
61 #define DBG_NG LOG_STREAM(debug, log_engine)
63 static lg::log_domain log_enginerefac("enginerefac");
64 #define LOG_RG LOG_STREAM(info, log_enginerefac)
67  : play_controller(level, state_of_game)
68  , cursor_setter_(cursor::NORMAL)
69  , end_turn_requested_(false)
70  , ai_fallback_(false)
71  , replay_controller_()
72 {
73  // upgrade hotkey handler to the sp (whiteboard enabled) version
74  hotkey_handler_ = std::make_unique<hotkey_handler>(*this, saved_game_);
77  plugins_context_->set_accessor_string("level_result", std::bind(&playsingle_controller::describe_result, this));
78  plugins_context_->set_accessor_int("turn", std::bind(&play_controller::turn, this));
79 }
81 ///Defined here to reduce file includes.
86 {
87  if(!is_regular_game_end()) {
88  return "NONE";
89  } else if(get_end_level_data().is_victory) {
90  return "VICTORY";
91  } else {
92  return "DEFEAT";
93  }
94 }
97 {
98  LOG_NG << "Initializing GUI... " << (SDL_GetTicks() - ticks());
99  // If we are retarting replay from linger mode.
103  // Scroll to the starting position of the first team. If there is a
104  // human team, use that team; otherwise use team 1. If the map defines
105  // a starting position for the selected team, scroll to that tile. Note
106  // this often does not matter since many scenario start with messages,
107  // which will usually scroll to the speaker. Also note that the map
108  // does not necessarily define the starting positions. While usually
109  // best to use the map, the scenarion may explicitly set the positions,
110  // overriding those found in the map (if any).
111  if(map_start_.valid()) {
112  gui_->scroll_to_tile(map_start_, game_display::WARP, false);
113  LOG_NG << "Found good stored ui location " << map_start_;
114  } else {
116  int scroll_team = find_viewing_side();
117  if(scroll_team == 0) {
118  scroll_team = 1;
119  }
121  map_location loc(get_map().starting_position(scroll_team));
122  if((loc.x >= 0) && (loc.y >= 0)) {
123  gui_->scroll_to_tile(loc, game_display::WARP);
124  LOG_NG << "Found bad stored ui location " << map_start_ << " using side starting location " << loc;
125  } else {
126  LOG_NG << "Found bad stored ui location";
127  }
128  }
130  // Fade in
131  gui_->set_prevent_draw(false);
132  gui_->queue_repaint();
133  if(!video::headless() && !video::testing()) {
134  gui_->fade_to({0,0,0,0}, 500);
135  } else {
136  gui_->set_fade({0,0,0,0});
137  }
140 }
143 {
144  gui_->labels().read(level);
147  // Read sound sources
148  assert(soundsources_manager_ != nullptr);
149  for(const config& s : level.child_range("sound_source")) {
150  try {
152  soundsources_manager_->add(spec);
153  } catch(const bad_lexical_cast&) {
154  ERR_NG << "Error when parsing sound_source config: bad lexical cast.";
155  ERR_NG << "sound_source config was: " << s.debug();
156  ERR_NG << "Skipping this sound source...";
157  }
158  }
160  // At the beginning of the scenario, save a snapshot as replay_start
161  if(saved_game_.replay_start().empty()) {
163  }
165  fire_preload();
168  start_game();
169  gamestate_->player_number_ = skip_empty_sides(gamestate_->player_number_).side_num;
171  if(!get_teams().empty()) {
172  init_side_begin();
173  if(gamestate().in_phase(game_data::TURN_PLAYING)) {
174  init_side_end();
175  }
176  }
179  // This won't cause errors later but we should notify the user about it in case he didn't knew it.
181  // TODO: find a better title
182  _("Game Error"),
183  _("This multiplayer game uses an alternative random mode, if you don't know what this message means, then "
184  "most likely someone is cheating or someone reloaded a corrupt game."));
185  }
186 }
189 {
190  const int sides = static_cast<int>(get_teams().size());
191  const int max = side_num + sides;
193  for (; side_num != max; ++side_num) {
194  int side_num_mod = modulo(side_num, sides, 1);
195  if(!gamestate().board_.get_team(side_num_mod).is_empty()) {
196  return { side_num_mod, side_num_mod != side_num };
197  }
198  }
199  return { side_num, true };
200 }
203 {
204  //TODO: Its still unclear to me when end_turn_requested_ should be reset, i guess the idea is
205  // in particular that in rare cases when the player looses control at the same time
206  // as he presses "end turn" and then regains control back, the "end turn" should be discarded?
207  //One of the main reasonsy why this is here is probably also that play_controller has no access to it.
213  play_side();
214  assert(is_regular_game_end() || gamestate().in_phase(game_data::TURN_ENDED));
215  }
217  if (!is_regular_game_end() && gamestate().in_phase(game_data::TURN_ENDED)) {
219  }
221  if (is_regular_game_end() && !gamestate().in_phase(game_data::GAME_ENDED)) {
223  do_end_level();
225  }
227  if (gamestate().in_phase(game_data::GAME_ENDED)) {
229  maybe_linger();
230  }
231 }
234 {
235  do {
236  if(std::find_if(get_teams().begin(), get_teams().end(), [](const team& t) { return !t.is_empty(); }) == get_teams().end()){
237  throw game::game_error("The scenario has no (non-empty) sides defined");
238  }
242  if(is_regular_game_end()) {
243  return;
244  }
245  // This flag can be set by derived classes (in overridden functions).
246  player_type_changed_ = false;
249  play_side_impl();
251  if(is_regular_game_end()) {
252  return;
253  }
254  } while(player_type_changed_);
256  // Keep looping if the type of a team (human/ai/networked) has changed mid-turn
257  sync_end_turn();
258 }
261 {
262  if(is_regular_game_end()) {
263  return;
264  }
266  /// Make a copy, since the [end_turn] was already sent to to server any changes to
267  // next_player_number by wml would cause OOS otherwise.
268  int next_player_number_temp = gamestate_->next_player_number_;
269  whiteboard_manager_->on_finish_side_turn(current_side());
272  if(is_regular_game_end()) {
273  return;
274  }
276  auto [next_player_number, new_turn] = skip_empty_sides(next_player_number_temp);
278  if(new_turn) {
279  finish_turn();
280  if(is_regular_game_end()) {
281  return;
282  }
283  // Time has run out
284  check_time_over();
285  if(is_regular_game_end()) {
286  return;
287  }
288  did_tod_sound_this_turn_ = false;
289  }
291  gamestate_->player_number_ = next_player_number;
292  if(current_team().is_empty()) {
293  // We don't support this case (turn end events emptying the next sides controller) since the server cannot handle it.
294  throw game::game_error("Empty side after new turn events");
295  }
297  if(new_turn) {
298  whiteboard_manager_->on_gamestate_change();
299  gui_->new_turn();
300  gui_->invalidate_game_status();
301  }
304  did_autosave_this_turn_ = false;
305  end_turn_requested_ = false;
306  init_side_begin();
307 }
310 {
311  LOG_NG << "starting main loop\n" << (SDL_GetTicks() - ticks());
314  while(!(gamestate().in_phase(game_data::GAME_ENDED) && end_turn_requested_ )) {
315  try {
316  play_some();
317  } catch(const reset_gamestate_exception& ex) {
318  boost::dynamic_bitset<> local_players;
319  local_players.resize(get_teams().size(), true);
320  // Preserve side controllers, because we won't get the side controoller updates again when replaying.
321  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < local_players.size(); ++i) {
322  local_players[i] = get_teams()[i].is_local();
323  }
325  if(ex.stats_) {
326  // "Back to turn"
328  } else {
329  // "Reset Replay To start"
331  }
333  reset_gamestate(*ex.level, (*ex.level)["replay_pos"]);
335  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < local_players.size(); ++i) {
336  resources::gameboard->teams()[i].set_local(local_players[i]);
337  }
339  // TODO: we currently don't set the music to the initial playlist, should we?
343  if(replay_controller_ == nullptr) {
344  replay_controller_ = std::make_unique<replay_controller>(*this, false, ex.level, [this]() { on_replay_end(false); });
345  }
347  if(ex.start_replay) {
348  replay_controller_->play_replay();
349  }
350  }
351  } // end for loop
352 }
355 {
357  exit(0);
358  }
359  const bool is_victory = get_end_level_data().is_victory;
363  const end_level_data& end_level = get_end_level_data();
365  if(get_teams().empty()) {
366  // this is probably only a story scenario, i.e. has its endlevel in the prestart event
367  return;
368  }
371  pump().fire(is_victory ? "local_victory" : "local_defeat");
373  { // Block for set_scontext_synced_base
375  pump().fire(end_level.proceed_to_next_level ? level_result::victory : level_result::defeat);
376  pump().fire("scenario_end");
377  }
379  if(end_level.proceed_to_next_level) {
381  }
383  if(is_observer()) {
384  gui2::show_transient_message(_("Game Over"), _("The game is over."));
385  }
387  // If we're a player, and the result is victory/defeat, then send
388  // a message to notify the server of the reason for the game ending.
390  "info", config {
391  "type", "termination",
392  "condition", "game over",
393  "result", is_victory ? level_result::victory : level_result::defeat,
394  },
395  });
397  // Play victory music once all victory events
398  // are finished, if we aren't observers and the
399  // carryover dialog isn't disabled.
400  //
401  // Some scenario authors may use 'continue'
402  // result for something that is not story-wise
403  // a victory, so let them use [music] tags
404  // instead should they want special music.
405  const std::string& end_music = select_music(is_victory);
406  if((!is_victory || end_level.transient.carryover_report) && !end_music.empty()) {
408  sound::play_music_once(end_music);
409  }
414 }
417 {
418  LOG_NG << "in playsingle_controller::play_scenario()...";
420  // Start music.
421  for(const config& m : level.child_range("music")) {
422  sound::play_music_config(m, true);
423  }
428  // Combine all the [story] tags into a single config. Handle this here since
429  // storyscreen::controller doesn't have a default constructor.
430  config cfg;
431  for(const auto& iter : level.child_range("story")) {
432  cfg.append_children(iter);
433  }
435  if(!cfg.empty()) {
437  }
438  }
441  try {
443  // clears level config (the intention was probably just to save some ram),
444  // Note: this might clear 'level', so don't use level after this.
449  // TODO: would it be better if the is_networked_mp() check was done in is_observer() ?
450  if(is_networked_mp() && is_observer()) {
451  return level_result::type::observer_end;
452  }
453  return level_result::get_enum(get_end_level_data().test_result).value_or(get_end_level_data().is_victory ? level_result::type::victory : level_result::type::defeat);
454  } catch(const savegame::load_game_exception&) {
455  // Loading a new game is effectively a quit.
456  saved_game_.clear();
457  throw;
458  } catch(const wesnothd_error& e) {
459  scoped_savegame_snapshot snapshot(*this);
460  savegame::ingame_savegame save(saved_game_, prefs::get().save_compression_format());
461  if(e.message == "") {
463  _("A network disconnection has occurred, and the game cannot continue. Do you want to save the game?"),
465  } else {
467  _("This game has been ended.\nReason: ") + e.message + _("\nDo you want to save the game?"),
469  }
471  if(dynamic_cast<const ingame_wesnothd_error*>(&e) || dynamic_cast<const leavegame_wesnothd_error*>(&e)) {
472  return level_result::type::quit;
473  } else {
474  throw;
475  }
476  }
477 }
480 {
481  while(!should_return_to_play_side()) {
483  SDL_Delay(10);
484  }
485 }
488 {
489  if(replay_controller_.get() != nullptr) {
490  replay_controller_->play_side_impl();
493  replay_controller_.reset();
494  }
495  } else if((current_team().is_local_human() && current_team().is_proxy_human())) {
496  LOG_NG << "is human...";
497  // If a side is dead end the turn, but play at least side=1's
498  // turn in case all sides are dead
499  if(gamestate().board_.side_units(current_side()) == 0 && !(get_units().empty() && current_side() == 1)) {
501  }
504  if(!end_turn_requested_) {
506  play_human_turn();
507  }
511  }
513  LOG_NG << "human finished turn...";
514  } else if(current_team().is_local_ai() || (current_team().is_local_human() && current_team().is_droid())) {
515  play_ai_turn();
516  } else if(current_team().is_network()) {
518  } else if(current_team().is_local_human() && current_team().is_idle()) {
519  end_turn_enable(false);
524  play_idle_loop();
525  }
526  } else {
527  // we should have skipped over empty controllers before so this shouldn't be possible
528  ERR_NG << "Found invalid side controller " << side_controller::get_string(current_team().controller()) << " ("
529  << side_proxy_controller::get_string(current_team().proxy_controller()) << ") for side " << current_team().side();
530  }
531 }
534 {
535  log_scope("player turn");
536  assert(!is_linger_mode());
538  return;
539  }
541  if(!did_autosave_this_turn_ && !game_config::disable_autosave && prefs::get().auto_save_max() > 0) {
543  scoped_savegame_snapshot snapshot(*this);
544  savegame::autosave_savegame save(saved_game_, prefs::get().save_compression_format());
546  }
548  if(prefs::get().turn_bell()) {
550  }
551 }
554 {
555  if(prefs::get().turn_dialog() && !is_regular_game_end()) {
556  blindfold b(*gui_, true); // apply a blindfold for the duration of this dialog
557  gui_->queue_rerender();
558  std::string message = _("It is now $name|’s turn");
559  utils::string_map symbols;
560  symbols["name"] = gamestate().board_.get_team(current_side()).side_name();
561  message = utils::interpolate_variables_into_string(message, &symbols);
562  gui2::show_transient_message("", message);
563  }
564 }
567 {
569  return;
570  }
572  try {
574  } catch(const return_to_play_side_exception&) {
575  }
576 }
579 {
582  if(!prefs::get().disable_auto_moves()) {
583  execute_gotos();
584  }
586  end_turn_enable(true);
591  }
592 }
595 {
596  if(is_linger_mode()) {
597  // If we need to set the status depending on the completion state
598  // the key to it is here.
599  gui_->set_game_mode(game_display::LINGER);
600  // change the end-turn button text from "End Turn" to "End Scenario"
601  gui_->get_theme().refresh_title2("button-endturn", "title2");
603  if(get_end_level_data().transient.reveal_map) {
604  // Change the view of all players and observers
605  // to see the whole map regardless of shroud and fog.
606  update_gui_to_player(gui_->viewing_team_index(), true);
607  }
608  } else {
609  gui_->set_game_mode(game_display::RUNNING);
610  // change the end-turn button text from "End Scenario" to "End Turn"
611  gui_->get_theme().refresh_title2("button-endturn", "title");
612  }
613  // Also checcks whether the button can be pressed.
614  gui_->queue_rerender();
615 }
618 {
619  LOG_NG << "beginning end-of-scenario linger";
621  // Make all of the able-to-move units' orbs consistently red
626  try {
627  if(replay_controller_.get() != nullptr) {
628  replay_controller_->play_side_impl();
630  replay_controller_.reset();
631  }
632  }
633  while(!end_turn_requested_) {
634  play_slice();
635  }
636  } catch(const savegame::load_game_exception&) {
637  // Loading a new game is effectively a quit.
638  saved_game_.clear();
639  throw;
640  }
642  LOG_NG << "ending end-of-scenario linger";
643 }
646 {
647  // TODO: this is really only needed to refresh the visual state of the buttons on each turn.
648  // It looks like we can put it in play_side_impl, but it definitely should be removed from
649  // here since other code already takes care of actually enabling/disabling the end turn button.
651 }
654 {
655  // Clear moves from the GUI.
656  gui_->set_route(nullptr);
657  gui_->unhighlight_reach();
658 }
661 {
662  LOG_NG << "is ai...";
664  end_turn_enable(false);
666  const cursor::setter cursor_setter(cursor::WAIT);
668  // Correct an oddball case where a human could have left delayed shroud
669  // updates on before giving control to the AI. (The AI does not bother
670  // with the undo stack, so it cannot delay shroud updates.)
671  team& cur_team = current_team();
672  if(!cur_team.auto_shroud_updates()) {
673  // We just took control, so the undo stack is empty. We still need
674  // to record this change for the replay though.
676  }
678  undo_stack().clear();
680  try {
681  try {
684  }
685  } catch(const return_to_play_side_exception&) {
686  } catch(const fallback_ai_to_human_exception&) {
688  player_type_changed_ = true;
689  ai_fallback_ = true;
690  }
691  } catch(...) {
692  DBG_NG << "Caught exception playing ai turn: " << utils::get_unknown_exception_type();
693  throw;
694  }
698  }
699 }
701 /**
702  * Will handle sending a networked notification in descendent classes.
703  */
705 {
706  gui_->get_chat_manager().add_chat_message(std::time(nullptr), "Wesnoth", 0,
707  "This side is in an idle state. To proceed with the game, the host must assign it to another controller.",
709 }
711 /**
712  * Will handle networked turns in descendent classes.
713  */
715 {
716  // There should be no networked sides in single-player.
717  ERR_NG << "Networked team encountered by playsingle_controller.";
718 }
720 void playsingle_controller::handle_generic_event(const std::string& name)
721 {
722  if(name == "ai_user_interact") {
723  play_slice(false);
724  }
725 }
728 {
729  if(is_linger_mode()) {
730  end_turn_requested_ = true;
731  } else if(!is_browsing() && menu_handler_.end_turn(current_side())) {
733  }
734 }
737 {
739  end_turn_requested_ = true;
740 }
743 {
744  end_turn_requested_ = true;
745 }
748 {
749  if(!get_teams().empty()) {
750  const team& t = gui_->viewing_team();
752  if(!is_regular_game_end() && !is_browsing() && t.objectives_changed()) {
753  show_objectives();
754  }
755  }
756 }
759 {
760  // mouse_handler expects at least one team for linger mode to work.
761  assert(is_regular_game_end());
762  linger();
763  end_turn_requested_ = true;
764 }
767 {
768  // We cannot add [end_turn] to the recorder while executing another action.
771  if(!gamestate().in_phase(game_data::TURN_ENDED)) {
772  assert(end_turn_requested_);
773  assert(current_team().is_local());
774  assert(gamestate().in_phase(game_data::TURN_PLAYING));
775  // TODO: we should also send this immediately.
776  resources::recorder->end_turn(gamestate_->next_player_number_);
779  }
782  assert(gamestate().in_phase(game_data::TURN_ENDED));
784  if(ai_fallback_) {
785  current_team().make_ai();
786  ai_fallback_ = false;
787  }
788 }
790 bool playsingle_controller::is_team_visible(int team_num, bool observer) const
791 {
792  const team& t = gamestate().board_.get_team(team_num);
793  if(observer) {
794  return !t.get_disallow_observers() && !t.is_empty();
795  } else {
796  return t.is_local_human() && !t.is_idle();
797  }
798 }
801 {
802  const int num_teams = get_teams().size();
803  const bool observer = is_observer();
805  for(int i = 0; i < num_teams; i++) {
806  const int team_num = modulo(current_side() + i, num_teams, 1);
807  if(is_team_visible(team_num, observer)) {
808  return team_num;
809  }
810  }
812  return 0;
813 }
816 {
817  if(replay_controller_ && replay_controller_->is_controlling_view()) {
818  replay_controller_->update_viewing_player();
819  } else if(int side_num = find_viewing_side()) {
820  if(side_num != gui_->viewing_team().side() || gui_->show_everything()) {
821  update_gui_to_player(side_num - 1);
822  }
823  }
824 }
827 {
828  if(replay_controller_ && replay_controller_->allow_reset_replay()) {
829  replay_controller_->stop_replay();
830  throw reset_gamestate_exception(replay_controller_->get_reset_state(), {}, false);
831  } else {
832  ERR_NG << "received invalid reset replay";
833  }
834 }
837 {
838  replay_controller_ = std::make_unique<replay_controller>(
839  *this,
840  true,
841  std::make_shared<config>(saved_game_.get_replay_starting_point()),
842  std::bind(&playsingle_controller::on_replay_end, this, is_unit_test)
843  );
845  if(is_unit_test) {
846  replay_controller_->play_replay();
847  }
848 }
851 {
853  return true;
854  } else if(gamestate().in_phase(game_data::TURN_ENDED)) {
855  return true;
856  } else if((gamestate().in_phase(game_data::TURN_STARTING_WAITING) || end_turn_requested_) && replay_controller_.get() == 0 && current_team().is_local() && !current_team().is_idle()) {
857  // When we are a locally controlled side and havent done init_side yet also return to play_side
858  return true;
859  } else {
860  return false;
861  }
862 }
865 {
866  if(is_networked_mp()) {
867  // we are using the "Back to turn (replay)" feature
868  // And have reached the current gamestate: end the replay and continue normally.
870  } else if(is_unit_test) {
871  replay_controller_->return_to_play_side();
872  if(!is_regular_game_end()) {
874  e.proceed_to_next_level = false;
875  e.is_victory = false;
877  }
878  } else {
879  replay_controller_->stop_replay();
880  }
881 }
Managing the AIs lifecycle - headers TODO: Refactor history handling and internal commands.
double t
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
void carryover_show_gold(game_state &state, bool hidden, bool is_observer, bool is_test)
calculates the amount of gold carried over for each team, stores the data in the team object and show...
void clear()
Clears the stack of undoable (and redoable) actions.
Definition: undo.cpp:201
static manager & get_singleton()
Definition: manager.hpp:142
void play_turn(side_number side)
Plays a turn for the specified side using its active AI.
Definition: manager.cpp:722
static void log_game_end()
Definition: testing.cpp:101
static void log_game_start()
Definition: testing.cpp:90
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:159
void append_children(const config &cfg)
Adds children from cfg.
Definition: config.cpp:165
bool empty() const
Definition: config.cpp:852
virtual void play_slice(bool is_delay_enabled=true)
void execute_gotos(mouse_handler &mousehandler, int side_num)
bool end_turn(int side_num)
virtual const std::vector< team > & teams() const override
Definition: game_board.hpp:80
void heal_all_survivors()
Definition: game_board.cpp:95
team & get_team(int i)
Definition: game_board.hpp:92
void set_all_units_user_end_turn()
Definition: game_board.cpp:88
void set_end_turn_forced(bool v)
Definition: game_data.hpp:145
void set_phase(PHASE phase)
Definition: game_data.hpp:106
The game has ended and the user is observing the final state "lingering" The game can be saved here.
Definition: game_data.hpp:102
The User is controlling the game and invoking actions The game can be saved here.
Definition: game_data.hpp:93
The turn_end, side_turn_end etc [events] are fired next phase: TURN_STARTING_WAITING (default),...
Definition: game_data.hpp:96
we are waiting for the turn to start.
Definition: game_data.hpp:86
The victory etc.
Definition: game_data.hpp:99
static PHASE read_phase(const config &cfg)
Definition: game_data.cpp:177
bool end_turn_forced() const
Definition: game_data.hpp:146
no linger overlay, show fog and shroud.
pump_result_t fire(const std::string &event, const entity_location &loc1=entity_location::null_entity, const entity_location &loc2=entity_location::null_entity, const config &data=config())
Function to fire an event.
Definition: pump.cpp:399
game_board board_
Definition: game_state.hpp:44
game_data gamedata_
Definition: game_state.hpp:43
static void display(const std::string &scenario_name, const config &story)
const std::string & select_music(bool victory) const
config to_config() const
Builds the snapshot config from members and their respective configs.
std::vector< team > & get_teams()
std::unique_ptr< hotkey_handler > hotkey_handler_
virtual void init_gui()
std::unique_ptr< game_state > gamestate_
void show_objectives() const
events::menu_handler menu_handler_
void fire_preload()
preload events cannot be synced
bool is_linger_mode() const
actions::undo_list & undo_stack()
const unit_map & get_units() const
void set_end_level_data(const end_level_data &data)
bool is_observer() const
void reset_gamestate(const config &level, int replay_pos)
bool is_skipping_story() const
bool is_regular_game_end() const
saved_game & get_saved_game()
saved_game & saved_game_
game_state & gamestate()
hotkey::command_executor * get_hotkey_command_executor() override
Optionally get a command executor to handle context menu events.
std::unique_ptr< game_display > gui_
void maybe_do_init_side()
Called by turn_info::process_network_data() or init_side() to call do_init_side() if necessary.
bool is_browsing() const override
virtual void send_to_wesnothd(const config &, const std::string &="unknown") const
std::unique_ptr< soundsource::manager > soundsources_manager_
const end_level_data & get_end_level_data() const
int current_side() const
Returns the number of the side whose turn it is.
virtual bool is_networked_mp() const
bool is_skipping_replay() const
const gamemap & get_map() const
bool did_autosave_this_turn_
Whether we did init sides in this session (false = we did init sides before we reloaded the game).
bool is_replay() const
bool player_type_changed_
true when the controller of the currently playing side has changed.
std::size_t turn() const
map_location map_start_
void update_gui_to_player(const int team_index, const bool observe=false)
Changes the UI for this client to the passed side index.
events::mouse_handler mouse_handler_
std::unique_ptr< plugins_context > plugins_context_
game_events::wml_event_pump & pump()
void finish_side_turn_events()
persist_manager persist_
std::shared_ptr< wb::manager > whiteboard_manager_
virtual void check_time_over()
t_string get_scenario_name() const
void end_turn_enable(bool enable)
virtual void play_network_turn()
Will handle networked turns in descendent classes.
virtual void init_gui() override
void on_replay_end(bool is_unit_test)
std::string describe_result() const
std::unique_ptr< replay_controller > replay_controller_
non-null when replay mode in active, is used in singleplayer and for the "back to turn" feature in mu...
bool ai_fallback_
true when the current side is actually an ai side but was taken over by a human (usually for debuggin...
virtual void check_objectives() override
ses_result skip_empty_sides(int side_num)
Calculates the current side, starting at side_num that is non-empty.
bool is_team_visible(int team_num, bool observer) const
level_result::type play_scenario(const config &level)
virtual bool should_return_to_play_side() const override
Defined here to reduce file includes.
void update_viewing_player() override
playsingle_controller(const config &level, saved_game &state_of_game)
virtual void handle_generic_event(const std::string &name) override
virtual void do_idle_notification()
Will handle sending a networked notification in descendent classes.
bool end_turn_requested_
true iff the user has pressed the end turn button this turn.
int find_viewing_side() const override
returns 0 if no such team was found.
void play_scenario_init(const config &level)
void enable_replay(bool is_unit_test=false)
static prefs & get()
static config get_auto_shroud(bool turned_on)
Records that the player has toggled automatic shroud updates.
void end_turn(int next_player_number)
Definition: replay.cpp:305
Exception used to escape form the ai or ui code to playsingle_controller::play_side.
game_classification & classification()
Definition: saved_game.hpp:56
void clear()
Definition: saved_game.cpp:813
config & replay_start()
Definition: saved_game.hpp:128
void remove_snapshot()
Definition: saved_game.cpp:605
const config & get_replay_starting_point()
Definition: saved_game.cpp:616
statistics_record::campaign_stats_t & statistics()
Definition: saved_game.hpp:143
Class for autosaves.
Definition: savegame.hpp:281
void autosave(const bool disable_autosave, const int autosave_max, const int infinite_autosaves)
Definition: savegame.cpp:599
Class for "normal" midgame saves.
Definition: savegame.hpp:254
Exception used to signal that the user has decided to abortt a game, and to load another game instead...
Definition: savegame.hpp:85
bool save_game_interactive(const std::string &message, DIALOG_TYPE dialog_type)
Save a game interactively through the savegame dialog.
Definition: savegame.cpp:377
Sound source info class.
static bool run_and_store(const std::string &commandname, const config &data, bool use_undo=true, bool show=true, synced_command::error_handler_function error_handler=default_error_function)
This class stores all the data for a single 'side' (in game nomenclature).
Definition: team.hpp:74
const std::string & side_name() const
Definition: team.hpp:293
int side() const
Definition: team.hpp:174
bool auto_shroud_updates() const
Definition: team.hpp:324
void make_ai()
Definition: team.hpp:260
void make_human()
Definition: team.hpp:259
std::size_t i
Definition: function.cpp:965
Contains the exception interfaces used to signal completion of a scenario, campaign or turn.
static std::string _(const char *str)
Definition: gettext.hpp:93
An extension of play_controller::hotkey_handler, which has support for SP wesnoth features like white...
Standard logging facilities (interface).
#define log_scope(description)
Definition: log.hpp:278
constexpr T modulo(T num, int mod, T min=0)
Definition: math.hpp:62
Definition: cursor.hpp:28
Definition: cursor.hpp:28
std::string observer
std::string turn_bell
bool disable_autosave
Definition: game_config.cpp:89
bool exit_at_end
Definition: game_config.cpp:87
void show_transient_message(const std::string &title, const std::string &message, const std::string &image, const bool message_use_markup, const bool title_use_markup)
Shows a transient message to the user.
Definition: preferences.hpp:59
game_board * gameboard
Definition: resources.cpp:20
replay * recorder
Definition: resources.cpp:28
void empty_playlist()
Definition: sound.cpp:610
void play_music_config(const config &music_node, bool allow_interrupt_current_track, int i)
Definition: sound.cpp:713
void play_music_once(const std::string &file)
Definition: sound.cpp:601
void commit_music_changes()
Definition: sound.cpp:837
void play_bell(const std::string &files)
Definition: sound.cpp:1050
std::size_t size(const std::string &str)
Length in characters of a UTF-8 string.
Definition: unicode.cpp:85
std::string interpolate_variables_into_string(const std::string &str, const string_map *const symbols)
Function which will interpolate variables, starting with '$' in the string 'str' with the equivalent ...
std::string get_unknown_exception_type()
Utility function for finding the type of thing caught with catch(...).
Definition: general.cpp:23
std::map< std::string, t_string > string_map
bool headless()
The game is running headless.
Definition: video.cpp:141
bool testing()
The game is running unit tests.
Definition: video.cpp:146
static lg::log_domain log_engine("engine")
#define ERR_NG
static lg::log_domain log_aitesting("ai/testing")
static lg::log_domain log_enginerefac("enginerefac")
#define DBG_NG
#define LOG_NG
Define the game's event mechanism.
Thrown when a lexical_cast fails.
Additional information on the game outcome which can be provided by WML.
bool proceed_to_next_level
whether to proceed to the next scenario, equals is_victory in sp.
transient_end_level transient
Error used for any general game error, e.g.
Definition: game_errors.hpp:47
We received invalid data from wesnothd during a game This means we cannot continue with the game but ...
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:38
bool valid() const
Definition: location.hpp:89
std::shared_ptr< config > stats_
std::shared_ptr< config > level
void read(const config &cfg, bool append=false)
void clear_current_scenario()
Delete the current scenario from the stats.
static std::string get_string(enum_type key)
Converts a enum to its string equivalent.
Definition: enum_base.hpp:46
static constexpr utils::optional< enum_type > get_enum(const std::string_view value)
Converts a string into its enum equivalent.
Definition: enum_base.hpp:57
bool carryover_report
Should a summary of the scenario outcome be displayed?
bool linger_mode
Should linger mode be invoked?
An error occurred during when trying to communicate with the wesnothd server.
static map_location::DIRECTION s
Gather statistics important for AI testing and output them.
Various functions that implement the undoing (and redoing) of in-game commands.
#define e
#define b