The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.5+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2014 - 2024
3  by David White <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * @file
18  * Handle movement types.
19  */
21 #include "movetype.hpp"
23 #include "game_config_manager.hpp"
24 #include "log.hpp"
25 #include "terrain/translation.hpp"
27 static lg::log_domain log_config("config");
28 #define ERR_CF LOG_STREAM(err, log_config)
29 #define WRN_CF LOG_STREAM(warn, log_config)
32 /* *** parameters *** */
35 namespace { // Some functions for use with parameters::eval.
37  /** Converts config defense values to a "max" value. */
38  int config_to_max(int value)
39  {
40  return value < 0 ? -value : value;
41  }
43  /** Converts config defense values to a "min" value. */
44  int config_to_min(int value)
45  {
46  return value < 0 ? -value : 0;
47  }
48 }
51 /** The parameters used when calculating a terrain-based value. */
53 {
54  /** The smallest allowable value. */
55  int min_value;
56  /** The largest allowable value. */
57  int max_value;
58  /** The default value (if no data is available). */
61  /** Converter for values taken from a config. May be nullptr. */
62  int (*eval)(int);
64  /** Whether to look at underlying movement or defense terrains. */
65  bool use_move;
66  /** Whether we are looking for highest or lowest (unless inverted by the underlying terrain). */
69  parameters(int min, int max, int (*eval_fun)(int)=nullptr, bool move=true, bool high=false) :
70  min_value(min), max_value(max), default_value(high ? min : max),
71  eval(eval_fun), use_move(move), high_is_good(high)
72  {}
73 };
76 /** Limits for movement, vision and jamming */
81  movetype::terrain_defense::params_min_(0, 100, config_to_min, false, true);
83  movetype::terrain_defense::params_max_(0, 100, config_to_max, false, false);
86 /* *** data *** */
90 {
91 public:
92  /**
93  * Constructor.
94  * @a params must be long-lived (typically a static variable).
95  */
96  explicit data(const parameters & params) :
97  cfg_(), cache_(), params_(params)
98  {}
99  /**
100  * Constructor.
101  * @a params must be long-lived (typically a static variable).
102  */
103  data(const config & cfg, const parameters & params) :
104  cfg_(cfg), cache_(), params_(params)
105  {}
107  // The copy constructor does not bother copying the cache since
108  // typically the cache will be cleared shortly after the copy.
109  data(const data & that) :
110  cfg_(that.cfg_), cache_(), params_(that.params_)
111  {}
113  /** Clears the cached data (presumably our fallback has changed). */
114  void clear_cache() const;
115  /** Tests if merging @a new_values would result in changes. */
116  bool config_has_changes(const config & new_values, bool overwrite) const;
117  /** Tests for no data in this object. */
118  bool empty() const { return cfg_.empty(); }
119  /** Merges the given config over the existing costs. */
120  void merge(const config & new_values, bool overwrite);
121  /** Read-only access to our parameters. */
122  const parameters & params() const { return params_; }
123  /** Returns the value associated with the given terrain. */
124  int value(const t_translation::terrain_code & terrain,
125  const terrain_info * fallback) const
126  { return value(terrain, fallback, 0); }
127  /** If there is data, writes it to the config. */
128  void write(config & out_cfg, const std::string & child_name) const;
129  /** If there is (merged) data, writes it to the config. */
130  void write(config & out_cfg, const std::string & child_name,
131  const terrain_info * fallback) const;
133 private:
134  /** Calculates the value associated with the given terrain. */
135  int calc_value(const t_translation::terrain_code & terrain,
136  const terrain_info * fallback, unsigned recurse_count) const;
137  /** Returns the value associated with the given terrain (possibly cached). */
138  int value(const t_translation::terrain_code & terrain,
139  const terrain_info * fallback, unsigned recurse_count) const;
141 private:
142  typedef std::map<t_translation::terrain_code, int> cache_t;
144  /** Config describing the terrain values. */
146  /** Cache of values based on the config. */
147  mutable cache_t cache_;
148  /** Various parameters used when calculating values. */
150 };
153 /**
154  * Clears the cached data (presumably our fallback has changed).
155  */
157 {
158  cache_.clear();
159 }
162 /**
163  * Tests if merging @a new_values would result in changes.
164  * This allows the shared data to actually work, as otherwise each unit created
165  * via WML (including unstored units) would "overwrite" its movement data with
166  * a usually identical copy and thus break the sharing.
167  */
169  bool overwrite) const
170 {
171  if ( overwrite ) {
172  for (const auto& [key, value] : new_values.attribute_range())
173  if ( value != cfg_[key] )
174  return true;
175  }
176  else {
177  for(const auto& [_, value] : new_values.attribute_range())
178  if ( value.to_int() != 0 )
179  return true;
180  }
182  // If we make it here, new_values has no changes for us.
183  return false;
184 }
187 /**
188  * Merges the given config over the existing costs.
189  *
190  * After calling this function, the caller must call clear_cache on any
191  * terrain_info that uses this one as a fallback.
192  *
193  * @param[in] new_values The new values.
194  * @param[in] overwrite If true, the new values overwrite the old.
195  * If false, the new values are added to the old.
196  */
197 void movetype::terrain_info::data::merge(const config & new_values, bool overwrite)
198 {
199  if ( overwrite )
200  // We do not support child tags here, so do not copy any that might
201  // be in the input. (If in the future we need to support child tags,
202  // change "merge_attributes" to "merge_with".)
203  cfg_.merge_attributes(new_values);
204  else {
205  for(const auto& [new_key, new_value] : new_values.attribute_range()) {
206  config::attribute_value & dest = cfg_[new_key];
207  int old = dest.to_int(params_.max_value);
209  // The new value is the absolute value of the old plus the
210  // provided value, capped between minimum and maximum, then
211  // given the sign of the old value.
212  // (Think defenses for why we might have negative values.)
213  int value = std::abs(old) + new_value.to_int(0);
214  value = std::max(params_.min_value, std::min(value, params_.max_value));
215  if ( old < 0 )
216  value = -value;
218  dest = value;
219  }
220  }
222  // The new data has invalidated the cache.
223  clear_cache();
224 }
227 /**
228  * If there is data, writes it to a config.
229  * @param[out] out_cfg The config that will receive the data.
230  * @param[in] child_name If not empty, create and write to a child config with this tag.
231  * This child will *not* be created if there is no data to write.
232  */
234  config & out_cfg, const std::string & child_name) const
235 {
236  if ( cfg_.empty() )
237  return;
239  if ( child_name.empty() )
240  out_cfg.merge_with(cfg_);
241  else
242  out_cfg.add_child(child_name, cfg_);
243 }
246 /**
247  * Writes merged data to a config.
248  * @param[out] out_cfg The config that will receive the data.
249  * @param[in] child_name If not empty, create and write to a child config with this tag.
250  * This *will* be created even if there is no data to write.
251  * @param[in] fallback If not nullptr, its data will be merged with ours for the write.
252  */
254  config & out_cfg, const std::string & child_name, const terrain_info * fallback) const
255 {
256  // Get a place to write to.
257  config & merged = child_name.empty() ? out_cfg : out_cfg.add_child(child_name);
259  if ( fallback )
260  fallback->write(merged, "", true);
261  merged.merge_with(cfg_);
262 }
265 /**
266  * Calculates the value associated with the given terrain.
267  * This is separate from value() to separate the calculating of the
268  * value from the caching of it.
269  * @param[in] terrain The terrain whose value is requested.
270  * @param[in] fallback Consulted if we are missing data.
271  * @param[in] recurse_count Detects (probable) infinite recursion.
272  */
274  const t_translation::terrain_code & terrain,
275  const terrain_info * fallback,
276  unsigned recurse_count) const
277 {
278  // Infinite recursion detection:
279  if ( recurse_count > 100 ) {
280  ERR_CF << "infinite terrain_info recursion on "
281  << (params_.use_move ? "movement" : "defense") << ": "
283  << " depth " << recurse_count;
284  return params_.default_value;
285  }
287  std::shared_ptr<terrain_type_data> tdata;
289  tdata = game_config_manager::get()->terrain_types(); //This permits to get terrain info in unit help pages from the help in title screen, even if there is no residual gamemap object
290  }
291  assert(tdata);
293  // Get a list of underlying terrains.
294  const t_translation::ter_list & underlying = params_.use_move ?
295  tdata->underlying_mvt_terrain(terrain) :
296  tdata->underlying_def_terrain(terrain);
298  if (terrain_type::is_indivisible(terrain, underlying))
299  {
300  // This is not an alias; get the value directly.
301  int result = params_.default_value;
303  const std::string & id = tdata->get_terrain_info(terrain).id();
304  if (const config::attribute_value *val = cfg_.get(id)) {
305  // Read the value from our config.
306  result = val->to_int(params_.default_value);
307  if ( params_.eval != nullptr )
308  result = params_.eval(result);
309  }
310  else if ( fallback != nullptr ) {
311  // Get the value from our fallback.
312  result = fallback->value(terrain);
313  }
315  // Validate the value.
316  if ( result < params_.min_value ) {
317  WRN_CF << "Terrain '" << terrain << "' has evaluated to " << result
318  << " (" << (params_.use_move ? "cost" : "defense")
319  << "), which is less than " << params_.min_value
320  << "; resetting to " << params_.min_value << ".";
321  result = params_.min_value;
322  }
323  if ( result > params_.max_value ) {
324  WRN_CF << "Terrain '" << terrain << "' has evaluated to " << result
325  << " (" << (params_.use_move ? "cost" : "defense")
326  << "), which is more than " << params_.max_value
327  << "; resetting to " << params_.max_value << ".";
328  result = params_.max_value;
329  }
331  return result;
332  }
333  else
334  {
335  // This is an alias; select the best of all underlying terrains.
336  bool prefer_high = params_.high_is_good;
337  int result = params_.default_value;
338  if ( underlying.front() == t_translation::MINUS )
339  // Use the other value as the initial value.
340  result = result == params_.max_value ? params_.min_value :
341  params_.max_value;
343  // Loop through all underlying terrains.
344  t_translation::ter_list::const_iterator i;
345  for ( i = underlying.begin(); i != underlying.end(); ++i )
346  {
347  if ( *i == t_translation::PLUS ) {
348  // Prefer what is good.
349  prefer_high = params_.high_is_good;
350  }
351  else if ( *i == t_translation::MINUS ) {
352  // Prefer what is bad.
353  prefer_high = !params_.high_is_good;
354  }
355  else {
356  // Test the underlying terrain's value against the best so far.
357  const int num = value(*i, fallback, recurse_count + 1);
359  if ( ( prefer_high && num > result) ||
360  (!prefer_high && num < result) )
361  result = num;
362  }
363  }
365  return result;
366  }
367 }
370 /**
371  * Returns the value associated with the given terrain (possibly cached).
372  * @param[in] terrain The terrain whose value is requested.
373  * @param[in] fallback Consulted if we are missing data.
374  * @param[in] recurse_count Detects (probable) infinite recursion.
375  */
377  const t_translation::terrain_code & terrain,
378  const terrain_info * fallback,
379  unsigned recurse_count) const
380 {
381  // Check the cache.
382  std::pair<cache_t::iterator, bool> cache_it =
383  cache_.emplace(terrain, -127); // Bogus value that should never be seen.
384  if ( cache_it.second )
385  // The cache did not have an entry for this terrain, so calculate the value.
386  cache_it.first->second = calc_value(terrain, fallback, recurse_count);
388  return cache_it.first->second;
389 }
392 /* *** terrain_info *** */
395 /**
396  * Constructor.
397  * @param[in] params The parameters to use when calculating values.
398  * This is stored as a reference, so it must be long-lived (typically a static variable).
399  * @param[in] fallback Used as a backup in case we are asked for data we do not have (think vision costs falling back to movement costs).
400  */
402  const terrain_info * fallback) :
403  unique_data_(new data(params)),
404  fallback_(fallback)
405 {
406 }
409 /**
410  * Constructor.
411  * @param[in] cfg An initial data set.
412  * @param[in] params The parameters to use when calculating values.
413  * This is stored as a reference, so it must be long-lived (typically a static variable).
414  * @param[in] fallback Used as a backup in case we are asked for data we do not have (think vision costs falling back to movement costs).
415  */
417  const terrain_info * fallback) :
418  unique_data_(new data(cfg, params)),
419  fallback_(fallback)
420 {
421 }
423 /**
424  * Reverse of terrain_costs::write. Never returns nullptr.
425  * @param[in] cfg An initial data set
426  */
427 std::unique_ptr<movetype::terrain_costs> movetype::read_terrain_costs(const config & cfg)
428 {
429  return std::make_unique<terrain_info> (cfg, movetype::mvj_params_, nullptr);
430 }
432 /**
433  * Copy constructor for callers that handle the fallback and cascade. This is
434  * intended for terrain_defense or movetype's copy constructors, where a
435  * similar set of terrain_infos will be created, complete with the same
436  * relationships between parts of the set.
437  *
438  * @param[in] that The terrain_info to copy.
439  * @param[in] fallback Used as a backup in case we are asked for data we do not have (think vision costs falling back to movement costs).
440  */
442  const terrain_info * fallback) :
443  fallback_(fallback)
444 {
445  assert(fallback ? !! that.fallback_ : ! that.fallback_);
446  copy_data(that);
447 }
450  const terrain_info * fallback) :
451  fallback_(fallback)
452 {
453  assert(fallback ? !! that.fallback_ : ! that.fallback_);
454  swap_data(that);
455 }
457 /**
458  * Destructor
459  *
460  * While this is simply the default destructor, it needs
461  * to be defined in this file so that it knows about ~data(), which
462  * is called from the smart pointers' destructor.
463  */
466 /**
467  * This is only expected to be called either when
468  * 1) both this and @a that have no siblings, as happens when terrain_defense is copied, or
469  * 2) all of the siblings are being copied, as happens when movetype is copied.
470  */
472 {
473  that.make_data_shareable();
474  this->unique_data_.reset();
475  this->shared_data_ = that.shared_data_;
476 }
478 /**
479  * Swap function for the terrain_info class
480  *
481  * This is only expected to be called either when
482  * 1) both this and @a that have no siblings, as happens when swapping two terrain_defenses, or
483  * 2) all of the siblings are being swapped, as happens when two movetypes are swapped.
484  */
486 {
487  // It doesn't matter whether they're both unique, both shared, or
488  // one unique with the other shared.
489  std::swap(this->unique_data_, that.unique_data_);
490  std::swap(this->shared_data_, that.shared_data_);
491 }
492 /**
493  * Swap function for the terrain_defense class
494  *
495  * This relies on all of the terrain_infos having no fallback and no cascade,
496  * an assumption which is provided by terrain_defense's constructors.
497  */
499 {
500  a.min_.swap_data(b.min_);
501  a.max_.swap_data(b.max_);
502 }
504 /**
505  * Swap function for the movetype class, including its terrain_info members
506  *
507  * This relies on the two sets of the terrain_infos having their movement,
508  * vision and jamming cascaded in the same way. This assumption is provided by
509  * movetype's constructors.
510  */
511 void swap(movetype & a, movetype & b)
512 {
513  a.movement_.swap_data(b.movement_);
514  a.vision_.swap_data(b.vision_);
515  a.jamming_.swap_data(b.jamming_);
516  swap(a.defense_, b.defense_);
517  std::swap(a.resist_, b.resist_);
518  std::swap(a.flying_, b.flying_);
519  std::swap(a.special_notes_, b.special_notes_);
520 }
523 {
524  movetype m(that);
525  swap(*this, m);
526  return *this;
527 }
530 {
531  swap(*this, that);
532  return *this;
533 }
535 /**
536  * Returns whether or not our data is empty.
537  */
539 {
540  return get_data().empty();
541 }
544 /**
545  * Merges the given config over the existing values.
546  * @param[in] new_values The new values.
547  * @param[in] overwrite If true, the new values overwrite the old.
548  * If false, the new values are added to the old.
549  * @param[in] dependants Other instances that use this as a fallback.
550  */
551 void movetype::terrain_info::merge(const config & new_values, bool overwrite,
552  const std::vector<movetype::terrain_info * > & dependants)
553 {
554  if ( !get_data().config_has_changes(new_values, overwrite) )
555  // Nothing will change, so skip the copy-on-write.
556  return;
558  // Copy-on-write.
559  //
560  // We also need to make our cascade writeable, because changes to this
561  // instance will change data that they receive when using this as their
562  // fallback. However, it's no problem for a writable instance to have a
563  // shareable instance as its fallback.
564  make_data_writable();
565  for (auto & dependant : dependants) {
566  // This will automatically clear the dependant's cache
567  dependant->make_data_writable();
568  }
570  unique_data_->merge(new_values, overwrite);
571 }
574 /**
575  * Returns the value associated with the given terrain.
576  */
578 {
579  return get_data().value(terrain, fallback_);
580 }
582 /**
583  * Writes our data to a config.
584  * @param[out] cfg The config that will receive the data.
585  * @param[in] child_name If not empty, create and write to a child config with this tag.
586  * @param[in] merged If true, our data will be merged with our fallback's, and it is possible an empty child will be created.
587  * If false, data will not be merged, and an empty child will not be created.
588  */
589 void movetype::terrain_info::write(config & cfg, const std::string & child_name,
590  bool merged) const
591 {
592  if ( !merged )
593  get_data().write(cfg, child_name);
594  else
595  get_data().write(cfg, child_name, fallback_);
596 }
599 /**
600  * Does a sufficiently deep copy so that the returned object's lifespan
601  * is independent of other objects' lifespan. Never returns nullptr.
602  *
603  * This implements terrain_costs's virtual method for getting an instance that
604  * doesn't depend on the lifespan of a terrain_defense or movetype object.
605  * This will do a deep copy of the data (with fallback_ already merged) if
606  * needed.
607  */
608 std::unique_ptr<movetype::terrain_costs> movetype::terrain_info::make_standalone() const
609 {
610  std::unique_ptr<terrain_costs> t;
611  if(!fallback_) {
612  // Call the copy constructor, which will make_data_shareable().
613  t = std::make_unique<terrain_info>(*this, nullptr);
614  }
615  else if(get_data().empty()) {
616  // Pure fallback.
617  t = fallback_->make_standalone();
618  }
619  else {
620  // Need to merge data.
621  config merged;
622  write(merged, "", true);
623  t = std::make_unique<terrain_info>(merged, get_data().params(), nullptr);
624  }
625  return t;
626 }
629 {
630  assert(unique_data_ || shared_data_);
631  assert(! (unique_data_ && shared_data_));
632  if(unique_data_)
633  return *unique_data_;
634  return *shared_data_;
635 }
637 /**
638  * Copy the immutable data back to unique_data_, no-op if the data
639  * is already in unique_data_.
640  *
641  * Ensures our data is not shared, and therefore that changes only
642  * affect this instance of terrain_info (and any instances using it
643  * as a fallback).
644  *
645  * This does not need to affect the fallback - it's no problem if a
646  * writable instance has a fallback to a shareable instance, although
647  * a shareable instance must not fallback to a writable instance.
648  */
650 {
651  if(!unique_data_)
652  {
653  // Const hack because this is not really changing the data.
654  auto t = const_cast<terrain_info *>(this);
655  t->unique_data_.reset(new data(*shared_data_));
656  t->shared_data_.reset();
657  }
659  // As we're about to write data, invalidate the cache
660  unique_data_->clear_cache();
661 }
663 /**
664  * Move data to an immutable copy in shared_data_, no-op if the data
665  * is already in shared_data_.
666  *
667  * This is recursive on the fallback chain, because if the data shouldn't be
668  * writable then the data shouldn't be writable via the fallback either.
669  */
671 {
672  if(!unique_data_)
673  return;
675  if(fallback_)
676  fallback_->make_data_shareable();
678  // Const hack because this is not really changing the data.
679  auto t = const_cast<terrain_info *>(this);
680  t->shared_data_ = std::move(t->unique_data_);
681 }
683 /* *** terrain_defense *** */
686  min_(that.min_, nullptr),
687  max_(that.max_, nullptr)
688 {
689 }
692  min_(std::move(that.min_), nullptr),
693  max_(std::move(that.max_), nullptr)
694 {
695 }
698 {
699  min_.copy_data(that.min_);
700  max_.copy_data(that.max_);
701  return *this;
702 }
705 {
706  min_.swap_data(that.min_);
707  max_.swap_data(that.max_);
708  return *this;
709 }
710 /**
711  * Merges the given config over the existing costs.
712  * (Not overwriting implies adding.)
713  */
714 void movetype::terrain_defense::merge(const config & new_data, bool overwrite)
715 {
716  min_.merge(new_data, overwrite, {});
717  max_.merge(new_data, overwrite, {});
718 }
720 /* *** resistances *** */
723 /**
724  * Returns a map from damage types to resistances.
725  */
727 {
728  utils::string_map_res result;
730  for(const auto& [key, value] : cfg_.attribute_range()) {
731  result[key] = value;
732  }
734  return result;
735 }
737 /**
738  * Returns the resistance against the indicated damage type.
739  */
740 int movetype::resistances::resistance_against(const std::string & damage_type) const
741 {
742  return cfg_[damage_type].to_int(100);
743 }
746 /**
747  * Merges the given config over the existing costs.
748  * If @a overwrite is false, the new values will be added to the old.
749  */
750 void movetype::resistances::merge(const config & new_data, bool overwrite)
751 {
752  if ( overwrite )
753  // We do not support child tags here, so do not copy any that might
754  // be in the input. (If in the future we need to support child tags,
755  // change "merge_attributes" to "merge_with".)
756  cfg_.merge_attributes(new_data);
757  else
758  for(const auto& [key, value] : new_data.attribute_range()) {
759  config::attribute_value & dest = cfg_[key];
760  dest = std::max(0, dest.to_int(100) + value.to_int(0));
761  }
762 }
765 /**
766  * Writes our data to a config, as a child if @a child_name is specified.
767  * (No child is created if there is no data.)
768  */
769 void movetype::resistances::write(config & out_cfg, const std::string & child_name) const
770 {
771  if ( cfg_.empty() )
772  return;
774  if ( child_name.empty() )
775  out_cfg.merge_with(cfg_);
776  else
777  out_cfg.add_child(child_name, cfg_);
778 }
781 /* *** movetype *** */
784 /**
785  * Default constructor
786  */
788  movement_(mvj_params_, nullptr),
791  defense_(),
792  resist_(),
793  flying_(false),
795 {
796 }
799 /**
800  * Constructor from a config
801  */
803  movement_(cfg.child_or_empty("movement_costs"), mvj_params_, nullptr),
804  vision_(cfg.child_or_empty("vision_costs"), mvj_params_, &movement_),
805  jamming_(cfg.child_or_empty("jamming_costs"), mvj_params_, &vision_),
806  defense_(cfg.child_or_empty("defense")),
807  resist_(cfg.child_or_empty("resistance")),
808  flying_(cfg["flies"].to_bool(false))
809 {
810  // 1.15 will support both "flying" and "flies", with "flies" being deprecated
811  flying_ = cfg["flying"].to_bool(flying_);
813  for(const config& sn : cfg.child_range("special_note")) {
814  special_notes_.push_back(sn["note"]);
815  }
816 }
819 /**
820  * Copy constructor
821  */
823  movement_(that.movement_, nullptr),
824  vision_(that.vision_, &movement_),
825  jamming_(that.jamming_, &vision_),
826  defense_(that.defense_),
827  resist_(that.resist_),
828  flying_(that.flying_),
829  special_notes_(that.special_notes_)
830 {
831 }
833 /**
834  * Move constructor.
835  */
837  movement_(std::move(that.movement_), nullptr),
838  vision_(std::move(that.vision_), &movement_),
839  jamming_(std::move(that.jamming_), &vision_),
840  defense_(std::move(that.defense_)),
841  resist_(std::move(that.resist_)),
842  flying_(std::move(that.flying_)),
843  special_notes_(std::move(that.special_notes_))
844 {
845 }
847 /**
848  * Checks if we have a defense cap (nontrivial min value) for any of the given terrain types.
849  */
850 bool movetype::has_terrain_defense_caps(const std::set<t_translation::terrain_code> & ts) const {
851  for (const t_translation::terrain_code & t : ts) {
852  if (defense_.capped(t))
853  return true;
854  }
855  return false;
856 }
858 void movetype::merge(const config & new_cfg, bool overwrite)
859 {
860  for (const auto & applies_to : movetype::effects) {
861  for (const config & child : new_cfg.child_range(applies_to)) {
862  merge(child, applies_to, overwrite);
863  }
864  }
866  // "flies" is used when WML defines a movetype.
867  // "flying" is used when WML defines a unit.
868  // It's easier to support both than to track which case we are in.
869  // Note: in 1.15 "flies" is deprecated, with "flying" preferred in movetype too.
870  flying_ = new_cfg["flies"].to_bool(flying_);
871  flying_ = new_cfg["flying"].to_bool(flying_);
872 }
874 void movetype::merge(const config & new_cfg, const std::string & applies_to, bool overwrite)
875 {
876  if(applies_to == "movement_costs") {
877  movement_.merge(new_cfg, overwrite, {&vision_, &jamming_});
878  }
879  else if(applies_to == "vision_costs") {
880  vision_.merge(new_cfg, overwrite, {&jamming_});
881  }
882  else if(applies_to == "jamming_costs") {
883  jamming_.merge(new_cfg, overwrite, {});
884  }
885  else if(applies_to == "defense") {
886  defense_.merge(new_cfg, overwrite);
887  }
888  else if(applies_to == "resistance") {
889  resist_.merge(new_cfg, overwrite);
890  }
891  else {
892  ERR_CF << "movetype::merge with unknown applies_to: " << applies_to;
893  }
894 }
896 /**
897  * The set of strings defining effects which apply to movetypes.
898  */
899 const std::set<std::string> movetype::effects {"movement_costs",
900  "vision_costs", "jamming_costs", "defense", "resistance"};
902 void movetype::write(config& cfg, bool include_notes) const
903 {
904  movement_.write(cfg, "movement_costs", false);
905  vision_.write(cfg, "vision_costs", false);
906  jamming_.write(cfg, "jamming_costs", false);
907  defense_.write(cfg, "defense");
908  resist_.write(cfg, "resistance");
910  if(flying_)
911  cfg["flying"] = true;
913  if(include_notes) {
914  for(const auto& note : special_notes_) {
915  cfg.add_child("special_note", config{"note", note});
916  }
917  }
918 }
double t
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
Variant for storing WML attributes.
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:172
const_attr_itors attribute_range() const
Definition: config.cpp:760
void merge_with(const config &c)
Merge config 'c' into this config, overwriting this config's values.
Definition: config.cpp:1123
child_itors child_range(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:272
bool empty() const
Definition: config.cpp:849
config & add_child(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:440
static game_config_manager * get()
const std::shared_ptr< terrain_type_data > & terrain_types() const
int resistance_against(const std::string &damage_type) const
Returns the vulnerability to the indicated damage type (higher means more damage).
Definition: movetype.cpp:740
void merge(const config &new_data, bool overwrite)
Merges the given config over the existing costs.
Definition: movetype.cpp:750
utils::string_map_res damage_table() const
Returns a map from damage types to resistances.
Definition: movetype.cpp:726
void write(config &out_cfg, const std::string &child_name="") const
Writes our data to a config, as a child if child_name is specified.
Definition: movetype.cpp:769
Stores a set of defense levels.
Definition: movetype.hpp:178
terrain_defense & operator=(const terrain_defense &that)
Definition: movetype.cpp:697
void write(config &cfg, const std::string &child_name="") const
Writes our data to a config, as a child if child_name is specified.
Definition: movetype.hpp:207
bool capped(const t_translation::terrain_code &terrain) const
Returns whether there is a defense cap associated to this terrain.
Definition: movetype.hpp:196
static const terrain_info::parameters params_max_
Definition: movetype.hpp:180
static const terrain_info::parameters params_min_
Definition: movetype.hpp:179
void merge(const config &new_data, bool overwrite)
Merges the given config over the existing costs.
Definition: movetype.cpp:714
bool config_has_changes(const config &new_values, bool overwrite) const
Tests if merging new_values would result in changes.
Definition: movetype.cpp:168
const parameters & params() const
Read-only access to our parameters.
Definition: movetype.cpp:122
void write(config &out_cfg, const std::string &child_name) const
If there is data, writes it to the config.
Definition: movetype.cpp:233
data(const config &cfg, const parameters &params)
Definition: movetype.cpp:103
config cfg_
Config describing the terrain values.
Definition: movetype.cpp:145
std::map< t_translation::terrain_code, int > cache_t
Definition: movetype.cpp:142
bool empty() const
Tests for no data in this object.
Definition: movetype.cpp:118
void merge(const config &new_values, bool overwrite)
Merges the given config over the existing costs.
Definition: movetype.cpp:197
cache_t cache_
Cache of values based on the config.
Definition: movetype.cpp:147
void clear_cache() const
Clears the cached data (presumably our fallback has changed).
Definition: movetype.cpp:156
int calc_value(const t_translation::terrain_code &terrain, const terrain_info *fallback, unsigned recurse_count) const
Calculates the value associated with the given terrain.
Definition: movetype.cpp:273
int value(const t_translation::terrain_code &terrain, const terrain_info *fallback) const
Returns the value associated with the given terrain.
Definition: movetype.cpp:124
data(const parameters &params)
Definition: movetype.cpp:96
data(const data &that)
Definition: movetype.cpp:109
const parameters & params_
Various parameters used when calculating values.
Definition: movetype.cpp:149
Stores a set of data based on terrain, in some cases with raw pointers to other instances of terrain_...
Definition: movetype.hpp:103
void make_data_writable() const
Copy the immutable data back to unique_data_, no-op if the data is already in unique_data_.
Definition: movetype.cpp:649
const data & get_data() const
Returns either *unique_data_ or *shared_data_, choosing the one that currently holds the data.
Definition: movetype.cpp:628
std::unique_ptr< terrain_costs > make_standalone() const override
Does a sufficiently deep copy so that the returned object's lifespan is independent of other objects'...
Definition: movetype.cpp:608
std::shared_ptr< const data > shared_data_
Definition: movetype.hpp:164
void swap_data(movetype::terrain_info &that)
Swap function for the terrain_info class.
Definition: movetype.cpp:485
void copy_data(const movetype::terrain_info &that)
This is only expected to be called either when 1) both this and that have no siblings,...
Definition: movetype.cpp:471
bool empty() const
Returns whether or not our data is empty.
Definition: movetype.cpp:538
terrain_info(const parameters &params, const terrain_info *fallback)
Definition: movetype.cpp:401
void write(config &cfg, const std::string &child_name="", bool merged=true) const override
Writes our data to a config.
Definition: movetype.cpp:589
int value(const t_translation::terrain_code &terrain) const override
Returns the value associated with the given terrain.
Definition: movetype.cpp:577
~terrain_info() override
void make_data_shareable() const
Move data to an immutable copy in shared_data_, no-op if the data is already in shared_data_.
Definition: movetype.cpp:670
const terrain_info *const fallback_
Definition: movetype.hpp:165
void merge(const config &new_values, bool overwrite, const std::vector< movetype::terrain_info * > &dependants)
Merges the given config over the existing values.
Definition: movetype.cpp:551
std::unique_ptr< data > unique_data_
Definition: movetype.hpp:163
The basic "size" of the unit - flying, small land, large land, etc.
Definition: movetype.hpp:44
static const int UNREACHABLE
Magic value that signifies a hex is unreachable.
Definition: movetype.hpp:174
void write(config &cfg, bool include_notes) const
Writes the movement type data to the provided config.
Definition: movetype.cpp:902
Default constructor.
Definition: movetype.cpp:787
static const std::set< std::string > effects
The set of applicable effects for movement types.
Definition: movetype.hpp:340
void merge(const config &new_cfg, bool overwrite=true)
Merges the given config over the existing data, the config should have zero or more children named "m...
Definition: movetype.cpp:858
bool has_terrain_defense_caps(const std::set< t_translation::terrain_code > &ts) const
Returns whether or not there are any terrain caps with respect to a set of terrains.
Definition: movetype.cpp:850
resistances resist_
Definition: movetype.hpp:368
terrain_info movement_
Definition: movetype.hpp:364
movetype & operator=(const movetype &that)
Definition: movetype.cpp:522
bool flying_
Definition: movetype.hpp:370
terrain_defense defense_
Definition: movetype.hpp:367
static const terrain_info::parameters mvj_params_
Limits for movement, vision and jamming.
Definition: movetype.hpp:240
static std::unique_ptr< terrain_costs > read_terrain_costs(const config &cfg)
Reverse of terrain_costs::write.
Definition: movetype.cpp:427
friend void swap(movetype &a, movetype &b)
Swap function for the movetype class, including its terrain_info members.
Definition: movetype.cpp:511
std::vector< t_string > special_notes_
Definition: movetype.hpp:371
terrain_info jamming_
Definition: movetype.hpp:366
terrain_info vision_
Definition: movetype.hpp:365
bool is_indivisible() const
Returns true if this terrain has no underlying types other than itself.
Definition: terrain.hpp:110
const formula_callable * fallback_
Definition: function.cpp:811
std::size_t i
Definition: function.cpp:1023
static std::string _(const char *str)
Definition: gettext.hpp:93
Standard logging facilities (interface).
void swap(movetype::terrain_defense &a, movetype::terrain_defense &b)
Swap function for the terrain_defense class.
Definition: movetype.cpp:498
#define ERR_CF
Definition: movetype.cpp:28
#define WRN_CF
Definition: movetype.cpp:29
static lg::log_domain log_config("config")
const terrain_code MINUS
std::vector< terrain_code > ter_list
Definition: translation.hpp:77
const terrain_code PLUS
std::string write_terrain_code(const terrain_code &tcode)
Writes a single terrain code to a string.
std::map< std::string, t_string, res_compare > string_map_res
std::string_view data
Definition: picture.cpp:178
The parameters used when calculating a terrain-based value.
Definition: movetype.cpp:53
int default_value
The default value (if no data is available).
Definition: movetype.cpp:59
bool use_move
Whether to look at underlying movement or defense terrains.
Definition: movetype.cpp:65
parameters(int min, int max, int(*eval_fun)(int)=nullptr, bool move=true, bool high=false)
Definition: movetype.cpp:69
int max_value
The largest allowable value.
Definition: movetype.cpp:57
bool high_is_good
Whether we are looking for highest or lowest (unless inverted by the underlying terrain).
Definition: movetype.cpp:67
int(* eval)(int)
Converter for values taken from a config.
Definition: movetype.cpp:62
int min_value
The smallest allowable value.
Definition: movetype.cpp:55
A terrain string which is converted to a terrain is a string with 1 or 2 layers the layers are separa...
Definition: translation.hpp:49
#define b