The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.5+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2008 - 2024
3  by Tomasz Sniatowski <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 #define GETTEXT_DOMAIN "wesnoth-editor"
20 #include "display.hpp"
21 #include "editor/action/action.hpp"
22 #include "filesystem.hpp"
23 #include "formula/string_utils.hpp"
24 #include "gettext.hpp"
25 #include "gui/dialogs/message.hpp"
27 #include "map/label.hpp"
30 #include "serialization/parser.hpp"
32 #include "team.hpp"
33 #include "units/unit.hpp"
34 #include "game_config_view.hpp"
36 #include <boost/regex.hpp>
38 namespace editor
39 {
41  : side(t.side())
42  , id(t.team_name())
43  , name(t.user_team_name())
44  , recruit_list(utils::join(t.recruits(), ","))
45  , gold(
46  , income(t.base_income())
47  , village_income(t.village_gold())
49  , fog(t.uses_fog())
50  , shroud(t.uses_shroud())
51  , share_vision(t.share_vision())
53  , no_leader(t.no_leader())
54  , hidden(t.hidden())
55 {
56 }
58 const std::size_t map_context::max_action_stack_size_ = 100;
60 map_context::map_context(const editor_map& map, bool pure_map, const config& schedule, const std::string& addon_id)
61  : filename_()
62  , map_data_key_()
63  , embedded_(false)
64  , pure_map_(pure_map)
65  , map_(map)
66  , undo_stack_()
67  , redo_stack_()
68  , actions_since_save_(0)
69  , starting_position_label_locs_()
70  , needs_reload_(false)
71  , needs_terrain_rebuild_(false)
72  , needs_labels_reset_(false)
73  , changed_locations_()
74  , everything_changed_(false)
75  , addon_id_(addon_id)
76  , previous_cfg_()
77  , scenario_id_()
78  , scenario_name_()
79  , scenario_description_()
80  , xp_mod_()
81  , victory_defeated_(true)
82  , random_time_(false)
83  , active_area_(-1)
84  , labels_(nullptr)
85  , units_()
86  , teams_()
87  , tod_manager_(new tod_manager(schedule))
88  , mp_settings_()
89  , game_classification_()
90  , music_tracks_()
91 {
92 }
94 static std::string get_map_location(const std::string& file_contents, const std::string& attr)
95 {
96  std::size_t attr_name_start = file_contents.find(attr);
97  if(attr_name_start == std::string::npos) return "";
99  std::size_t attr_value_start = file_contents.find("=", attr_name_start);
100  std::size_t line_end = file_contents.find("\n", attr_name_start);
101  if(line_end < attr_value_start) return "";
103  attr_value_start++;
104  std::string attr_value = file_contents.substr(attr_value_start, line_end - attr_value_start);
105  std::string_view v2 = attr_value;
106  utils::trim(v2);
108  return std::string(v2);
109 }
111 map_context::map_context(const game_config_view& game_config, const std::string& filename, const std::string& addon_id)
113  , map_data_key_()
114  , embedded_(false)
115  , pure_map_(false)
116  , map_()
117  , undo_stack_()
118  , redo_stack_()
119  , actions_since_save_(0)
120  , starting_position_label_locs_()
121  , needs_reload_(false)
122  , needs_terrain_rebuild_(false)
123  , needs_labels_reset_(false)
124  , changed_locations_()
125  , everything_changed_(false)
126  , addon_id_(addon_id)
127  , previous_cfg_()
128  , scenario_id_()
129  , scenario_name_()
130  , scenario_description_()
131  , xp_mod_()
132  , victory_defeated_(true)
133  , random_time_(false)
134  , active_area_(-1)
135  , labels_(nullptr)
136  , units_()
137  , teams_()
138  , tod_manager_(new tod_manager(game_config.find_mandatory_child("editor_times", "id", "empty")))
139  , mp_settings_()
140  , game_classification_()
141  , music_tracks_()
142 {
143  /*
144  * Overview of situations possibly found in the file:
145  *
146  * embedded_ - the map data is directly in the scenario file
147  * pure_map_ - the map data is in its own separate file (map_file, map_data+macro inclusion) or this is a .map file
148  *
149  * an editor-generated file uses neither of these and is its own thing - it's not embedded (since the editor now saves using map_file) and it's not a pure map since there's also scenario data involved
150  *
151  * 0. Not a scenario or map file.
152  * 0.1 File not found
153  * 0.2 Map file empty
154  * 0.3 Not a .map or .cfg file
155  * 1. It's a .map file.
156  * * embedded_ = false
157  * * pure_map_ = true
158  * 2. A scenario embedding the map
159  * * embedded_ = true
160  * * pure_map_ = true
161  * The scenario-test.cfg for example.
162  * The map is written back to the file.
163  * 3. The map file is referenced by map_data={MACRO_ARGUEMENT}.
164  * * embedded_ = false
165  * * pure_map_ = true
166  * 4. The file contains an editor generated scenario file.
167  * * embedded_ = false
168  * * pure_map_ = false
169  * 5. The file is using map_file.
170  * 5.1 The file doesn't contain a macro and so can be loaded by the editor as a scenario
171  * * embedded_ = false
172  * * pure_map_ = false
173  * 5.2 The file contains a macro and so can't be loaded by the editor as a scenario
174  * * embedded_ = false
175  * * pure_map_ = true
176  */
178  log_scope2(log_editor, "Loading file " + filename);
180  // 0.1 File not found
182  throw editor_map_load_exception(filename, _("File not found"));
183  }
185  std::string file_string = filesystem::read_file(filename);
187  // 0.2 Map file empty
188  if(file_string.empty()) {
189  std::string message = _("Empty file");
190  throw editor_map_load_exception(filename, message);
191  }
193  // 0.3 Not a .map or .cfg file
197  {
198  std::string message = _("File does not have .map, .cfg, or .mask extension");
199  throw editor_map_load_exception(filename, message);
200  }
202  // 1.0 Pure map data
205  LOG_ED << "Loading map or mask file";
206  map_ = editor_map::from_string(file_string); // throws on error
207  pure_map_ = true;
210  } else {
211  // 4.0 old-style editor generated scenario which lacks a top-level tag
212  if(file_string.find("[multiplayer]") == std::string::npos &&
213  file_string.find("[scenario]") == std::string::npos &&
214  file_string.find("[test]") == std::string::npos) {
215  LOG_ED << "Loading generated scenario file";
216  try {
217  load_scenario();
218  } catch(const std::exception& e) {
219  throw editor_map_load_exception("load_scenario: old-style scenario", e.what());
220  }
222  } else {
223  std::string map_data_loc = get_map_location(file_string, "map_data");
224  std::string map_file_loc = get_map_location(file_string, "map_file");
226  if(!map_data_loc.empty()) {
227  if(map_data_loc.find("\"{") == std::string::npos) {
228  // 2.0 Embedded pure map
229  LOG_ED << "Loading embedded map file";
230  embedded_ = true;
231  pure_map_ = true;
232  std::size_t start = file_string.find(map_data_loc)+1;
233  std::size_t length = file_string.find("\"", start)-start;
234  std::string map_data = file_string.substr(start, length);
235  map_ = editor_map::from_string(map_data);
237  } else {
238  // 3.0 Macro referenced pure map
239  const std::string& macro_argument = map_data_loc.substr(2, map_data_loc.size()-4);
240  LOG_ED << "Map looks like a scenario, trying {" << macro_argument << "}";
244  if(!new_filename) {
245  std::string message = _("The map file looks like a scenario, but the map_data value does not point to an existing file")
246  + std::string("\n") + macro_argument;
247  throw editor_map_load_exception(filename, message);
248  }
250  LOG_ED << "New filename is: " << new_filename.value();
252  filename_ = new_filename.value();
253  file_string = filesystem::read_file(filename_);
254  map_ = editor_map::from_string(file_string);
255  pure_map_ = true;
258  }
259  } else if(!map_file_loc.empty()) {
260  // 5.0 The file is using map_file.
261  try {
262  // 5.1 The file can be loaded by the editor as a scenario
263  if(file_string.find("<<") != std::string::npos) {
264  throw editor_map_load_exception(filename, _("Found the characters ‘<<’ indicating inline lua is present — aborting"));
265  }
266  load_scenario();
267  } catch(const std::exception&) {
268  // 5.2 The file can't be loaded by the editor as a scenario, so try to just load the map
269  gui2::show_message(_("Error"), _("Failed to load the scenario, attempting to load only the map."), gui2::dialogs::message::auto_close);
271  // NOTE: this means that loading the map file from a scenario where the maps are in nested directories under maps/ will not work
272  // this is done to address mainline scenarios referencing their maps as "multiplayer/maps/<map_file>.map"
273  // otherwise this results in the "multiplayer/maps/" part getting duplicated in the path and then not being found
274  std::string new_filename = filesystem::get_current_editor_dir(addon_id_) + "/maps/" + filesystem::base_name(map_file_loc);
275  if(!filesystem::file_exists(new_filename)) {
276  std::string message = _("The map file looks like a scenario, but the map_file value does not point to an existing file")
277  + std::string("\n") + new_filename;
278  throw editor_map_load_exception(filename, message);
279  }
281  LOG_ED << "New filename is: " << new_filename;
283  filename_ = new_filename;
284  file_string = filesystem::read_file(filename_);
285  map_ = editor_map::from_string(file_string);
286  pure_map_ = true;
287  }
290  } else {
291  throw editor_map_load_exception(filename, _("Unable to parse file to find map data"));
292  }
293  }
294  }
295 }
298 {
299  undo_stack_.clear();
300  redo_stack_.clear();
301 }
304 {
305  teams_.emplace_back();
307  config cfg;
308  cfg["side"] = teams_.size(); // side is 1-indexed, so we can just use size()
309  cfg["hidden"] = false;
311  teams_.back().build(cfg, map());
314 }
317 {
318  assert(teams_.size() >= static_cast<unsigned int>(info.side));
320  team& t = teams_[info.side - 1];
321  t.change_team(,;
322  t.set_recruits(utils::split_set(info.recruit_list, ','));
323  t.have_leader(!info.no_leader);
324  t.change_controller(info.controller);
325  t.set_gold(;
326  t.set_base_income(info.income);
327  t.set_hidden(info.hidden);
328  t.set_fog(info.fog);
329  t.set_shroud(info.shroud);
330  t.set_share_vision(info.share_vision);
331  t.set_village_gold(info.village_income);
332  t.set_village_support(info.village_support);
335 }
337 void map_context::set_scenario_setup(const std::string& id,
338  const std::string& name,
339  const std::string& description,
340  int turns,
341  int xp_mod,
342  bool victory_defeated,
343  bool random_time)
344 {
345  scenario_id_ = id;
346  scenario_name_ = name;
347  scenario_description_ = description;
348  random_time_ = random_time;
350  tod_manager_->set_number_of_turns(turns);
351  xp_mod_ = xp_mod;
353 }
356 {
357  tod_manager_->set_current_time(time);
358  if(!pure_map_) {
360  }
361 }
364 {
365  tod_manager_->remove_time_area(index);
366  active_area_--;
368 }
370 void map_context::replace_schedule(const std::vector<time_of_day>& schedule)
371 {
372  tod_manager_->replace_schedule(schedule);
373  if(!pure_map_) {
375  }
376 }
378 void map_context::replace_local_schedule(const std::vector<time_of_day>& schedule)
379 {
380  tod_manager_->replace_local_schedule(schedule, active_area_);
381  if(!pure_map_) {
383  }
384 }
387 {
388  config cfg;
389  config& multiplayer = cfg.add_child("multiplayer");
390  multiplayer.append_attributes(old_scenario);
391  std::string map_data = multiplayer["map_data"];
392  std::string separate_map_file = filesystem::get_current_editor_dir(addon_id_) + "/maps/" + filesystem::base_name(filename_, true) + filesystem::map_extension;
394  // check that there's embedded map data, since that's how the editor used to save scenarios
395  if(!map_data.empty()) {
396  // check if a .map file already exists as a separate standalone .map in the editor folders or if a .map file already exists in the add-on
397  if(filesystem::file_exists(separate_map_file)) {
399  }
400  multiplayer["id"] = filesystem::base_name(separate_map_file, true);
402  filesystem::write_file(separate_map_file, map_data);
403  multiplayer.remove_attribute("map_data");
404  multiplayer["map_file"] = filesystem::base_name(separate_map_file);
405  } else {
406  ERR_ED << "Cannot convert " << filename_ << " due to missing map_data attribute.";
407  throw editor_map_load_exception("load_scenario: no embedded map_data attribute found in old-style scenario", filename_);
408  }
410  config& event = multiplayer.add_child("event");
411  event["name"] = "prestart";
412  event["id"] = "editor_event-prestart";
414  // for all children that aren't [side] or [time], move them to an event
415  // for [side]:
416  // keep all attributes in [side]
417  // also keep any [village]s in [side]
418  // move all other children to the start [event]
419  // if [unit], set the unit's side
420  // for [time]:
421  // keep under [multiplayer]
422  for(const auto [child_key, child_cfg]: old_scenario.all_children_view()) {
423  if(child_key != "side" && child_key != "time") {
424  config& c = event.add_child(child_key);
425  c.append_attributes(child_cfg);
426  c.append_children(child_cfg);
427  } else if(child_key == "side") {
428  config& c = multiplayer.add_child("side");
429  c.append_attributes(child_cfg);
430  for(const auto [side_key, side_cfg] : child_cfg.all_children_view()) {
431  if(side_key == "village") {
432  config& c1 = c.add_child("village");
433  c1.append_attributes(side_cfg);
434  } else {
435  config& c1 = event.add_child(side_key);
436  c1.append_attributes(side_cfg);
437  if(side_key == "unit") {
438  c1["side"] = child_cfg["side"];
439  }
440  }
441  }
442  } else if(child_key == "time") {
443  config& c = multiplayer.add_child("time");
444  c.append_attributes(child_cfg);
445  }
446  }
448  return cfg;
449 }
452 {
453  config scen;
454  read(scen, *(preprocess_file(filename_)));
456  config scenario;
457  if(scen.has_child("scenario")) {
458  scenario = scen.mandatory_child("scenario");
459  } else if(scen.has_child("multiplayer")) {
460  scenario = scen.mandatory_child("multiplayer");
461  } else if(scen.has_child("test")) {
462  scenario = scen.mandatory_child("test");
463  } else {
464  ERR_ED << "Found no [scenario], [multiplayer], or [test] tag in " << filename_ << ", assuming old-style editor scenario and defaulting to [multiplayer]";
465  scen = convert_scenario(scen);
466  scenario = scen.mandatory_child("multiplayer");
467  }
469  scenario_id_ = scenario["id"].str();
470  scenario_name_ = scenario["name"].str();
471  scenario_description_ = scenario["description"].str();
473  if(const config::attribute_value* experience_modifier = scenario.get("experience_modifier")) {
474  xp_mod_ = experience_modifier->to_int();
475  }
476  victory_defeated_ = scenario["victory_when_enemies_defeated"].to_bool(true);
477  random_time_ = scenario["random_start_time"].to_bool(false);
479  if(!scenario["map_data"].str().empty()) {
480  map_ = editor_map::from_string(scenario["map_data"]); // throws on error
481  } else if(!scenario["map_file"].str().empty()) {
483  } else {
484  throw editor_map_load_exception("load_scenario: no map_file or map_data attribute found", filename_);
485  }
487  for(config& side : scenario.child_range("side")) {
488  teams_.emplace_back();
489  teams_.back().build(side, map_);
490  if(!side["recruit"].str().empty()) {
491  teams_.back().set_recruits(utils::split_set(side["recruit"].str(), ','));
492  }
493  }
495  tod_manager_.reset(new tod_manager(scenario));
497  auto event = scenario.find_child("event", "id", "editor_event-start");
498  if(!event) {
499  event = scenario.find_child("event", "id", "editor_event-prestart");
500  }
501  if(event) {
502  config& evt = event.value();
506  for(const config& time_area : evt.child_range("time_area")) {
507  tod_manager_->add_time_area(map_, time_area);
508  }
510  for(const config& item : evt.child_range("item")) {
511  const map_location loc(item);
512  overlays_[loc].push_back(overlay(item));
513  }
515  for(const config& music : evt.child_range("music")) {
516  music_tracks_.emplace(music["name"], sound::music_track(music));
517  }
519  for(config& a_unit : evt.child_range("unit")) {
520  units_.insert(unit::create(a_unit, true));
521  }
522  }
524  previous_cfg_ = scen;
525 }
528 {
529  return map_.set_selection(tod_manager_->get_area_by_index(index));
530 }
532 void map_context::draw_terrain(const t_translation::terrain_code& terrain, const map_location& loc, bool one_layer_only)
533 {
534  t_translation::terrain_code full_terrain = one_layer_only
535  ? terrain
538  draw_terrain_actual(full_terrain, loc, one_layer_only);
539 }
542  const t_translation::terrain_code& terrain, const map_location& loc, bool one_layer_only)
543 {
544  if(!map_.on_board_with_border(loc)) {
545  // requests for painting off the map are ignored in set_terrain anyway,
546  // but ideally we should not have any
547  LOG_ED << "Attempted to draw terrain off the map (" << loc << ")";
548  return;
549  }
551  t_translation::terrain_code old_terrain = map_.get_terrain(loc);
553  if(terrain != old_terrain) {
554  if(terrain.base == t_translation::NO_LAYER) {
556  } else if(one_layer_only) {
558  } else {
559  map_.set_terrain(loc, terrain);
560  }
563  }
564 }
567  const t_translation::terrain_code& terrain, const std::set<map_location>& locs, bool one_layer_only)
568 {
569  t_translation::terrain_code full_terrain = one_layer_only
570  ? terrain
573  for(const map_location& loc : locs) {
574  draw_terrain_actual(full_terrain, loc, one_layer_only);
575  }
576 }
579 {
580  everything_changed_ = false;
581  changed_locations_.clear();
582 }
585 {
586  if(!everything_changed()) {
587  changed_locations_.insert(loc);
588  }
589 }
591 void map_context::add_changed_location(const std::set<map_location>& locs)
592 {
593  if(!everything_changed()) {
594  changed_locations_.insert(locs.begin(), locs.end());
595  }
596 }
599 {
600  everything_changed_ = true;
601 }
604 {
605  return everything_changed_;
606 }
609 {
610  disp.labels().clear_all();
612 }
615 {
616  std::set<map_location> new_label_locs = map_.set_starting_position_labels(disp);
617  starting_position_label_locs_.insert(new_label_locs.begin(), new_label_locs.end());
618 }
621 {
624  set_needs_labels_reset(false);
625 }
628 {
629  config scen;
631  // Textdomain
632  std::string current_textdomain = "wesnoth-"+addon_id_;
634  // the state of the previous scenario cfg
635  // if it exists, alter specific parts of it (sides, times, and editor events) rather than replacing it entirely
636  if(previous_cfg_) {
637  scen = *previous_cfg_;
638  }
640  // if this has [multiplayer], use [multiplayer]
641  // else if this has [scenario], use [scenario]
642  // else if this has [test], use [test]
643  // else if none, add a [multiplayer]
644  config& scenario = scen.has_child("multiplayer")
645  ? scen.mandatory_child("multiplayer")
646  : scen.has_child("scenario")
647  ? scen.mandatory_child("scenario")
648  : scen.has_child("test")
649  ? scen.mandatory_child("test")
650  : scen.add_child("multiplayer");
652  scenario.remove_children("side");
653  scenario.remove_children("event", [](const config& cfg) {
654  return cfg["id"].str() == "editor_event-start" || cfg["id"].str() == "editor_event-prestart";
655  });
657  scenario["id"] = scenario_id_;
658  scenario["name"] = t_string(scenario_name_, current_textdomain);
659  scenario["description"] = t_string(scenario_description_, current_textdomain);
661  if(xp_mod_) {
662  scenario["experience_modifier"] = *xp_mod_;
663  }
664  if(victory_defeated_) {
665  scenario["victory_when_enemies_defeated"] = *victory_defeated_;
666  }
667  scenario["random_start_time"] = random_time_;
669  // write out the map data
670  scenario["map_file"] = scenario_id_ + filesystem::map_extension;
673  // find or add the editor's start event
674  config& event = scenario.add_child("event");
675  event["name"] = "prestart";
676  event["id"] = "editor_event-prestart";
677  event["priority"] = 1000;
679  // write out all the scenario data below
681  // [time]s and [time_area]s
682  // put the [time_area]s into the event to keep as much editor-specific stuff separated in its own event as possible
683  config times = tod_manager_->to_config(current_textdomain);
684  times.remove_attribute("turn_at");
685  times.remove_attribute("it_is_a_new_turn");
686  if(scenario["turns"].to_int() == -1) {
687  times.remove_attribute("turns");
688  } else {
689  scenario["turns"] = times["turns"];
690  }
692  for(const config& time : times.child_range("time")) {
693  config& t = scenario.add_child("time");
694  t.append(time);
695  }
696  for(const config& time_area : times.child_range("time_area")) {
697  config& t = event.add_child("time_area");
698  t.append(time_area);
699  }
701  // [label]s
702  labels_.write(event);
704  // [item]s
705  for(const auto& overlay_pair : overlays_) {
706  for(const overlay& o : overlay_pair.second) {
707  config& item = event.add_child("item");
709  // Write x,y location
710  overlay_pair.first.write(item);
712  // These should always have a value
713  item["image"] = o.image;
714  item["visible_in_fog"] = o.visible_in_fog;
716  // Optional keys
717  item["id"].write_if_not_empty(;
718  item["name"].write_if_not_empty(t_string(, current_textdomain));
719  item["team_name"].write_if_not_empty(o.team_name);
720  item["halo"].write_if_not_empty(o.halo);
721  if(o.submerge) {
722  item["submerge"] = o.submerge;
723  }
724  }
725  }
727  // [music]s
728  for(const music_map::value_type& track : music_tracks_) {
729  track.second.write(event, true);
730  }
732  // [unit]s
733  config traits;
735  read(traits, *(preprocess_file(game_config::path+"/data/core/macros/traits.cfg", &traits_map)));
737  for(const auto& unit : units_) {
738  config& u = event.add_child("unit");
740  unit.get_location().write(u);
742  u["side"] = unit.side();
743  u["type"] = unit.type_id();
744  u["name"].write_if_not_empty(t_string(, current_textdomain));
745  u["facing"] = map_location::write_direction(unit.facing());
747  if(!boost::regex_match(, boost::regex(".*-[0-9]+"))) {
748  u["id"] =;
749  }
751  if(unit.can_recruit()) {
752  u["canrecruit"] = unit.can_recruit();
753  }
755  if(unit.unrenamable()) {
756  u["unrenamable"] = unit.unrenamable();
757  }
759  if(unit.loyal()) {
760  config trait_loyal;
761  read(trait_loyal, traits_map["TRAIT_LOYAL"].value);
762  u.append(trait_loyal);
763  }
764  //TODO this entire block could also be replaced by unit.write(u, true)
765  //however, the resultant config is massive and contains many attributes we don't need.
766  //need to find a middle ground here.
767  }
769  // [side]s
770  for(const auto& team : teams_) {
771  config& side = scenario.add_child("side");
773  side["side"] = scenario.child_count("side");
774  side["hidden"] = team.hidden();
776  side["controller"] = side_controller::get_string(team.controller());
777  side["no_leader"] = team.no_leader();
779  side["team_name"] = team.team_name();
780  side["user_team_name"].write_if_not_empty(t_string(team.user_team_name(), current_textdomain));
781  if(team.recruits().size() > 0) {
782  side["recruit"] = utils::join(team.recruits(), ",");
783  side["faction"] = "Custom";
784  }
786  side["fog"] = team.uses_fog();
787  side["shroud"] = team.uses_shroud();
788  side["share_vision"] = team_shared_vision::get_string(team.share_vision());
790  side["gold"] =;
791  side["income"] = team.base_income();
793  for(const map_location& village : team.villages()) {
794  village.write(side.add_child("village"));
795  }
796  }
798  previous_cfg_ = scen;
799  return scen;
800 }
802 void map_context::save_schedule(const std::string& schedule_id, const std::string& schedule_name)
803 {
804  // Textdomain
805  std::string current_textdomain = "wesnoth-"+addon_id_;
807  // Path to schedule.cfg
808  std::string schedule_path = filesystem::get_current_editor_dir(addon_id_) + "/utils/schedule.cfg";
810  // Create schedule config
811  config schedule;
812  try {
813  if (filesystem::file_exists(schedule_path)) {
814  /* If exists, read the schedule.cfg
815  * and insert [editor_times] block at correct place */
817  editor_map["EDITOR"] = preproc_define("true");
818  read(schedule, *(preprocess_file(schedule_path, &editor_map)));
819  }
820  } catch(const filesystem::io_exception& e) {
821  utils::string_map symbols;
822  symbols["msg"] = e.what();
823  const std::string msg = VGETTEXT("Could not save time schedule: $msg", symbols);
825  }
827  config& editor_times = schedule.add_child("editor_times");
829  editor_times["id"] = schedule_id;
830  editor_times["name"] = t_string(schedule_name, current_textdomain);
831  config times = tod_manager_->to_config(current_textdomain);
832  for(const config& time : times.child_range("time")) {
833  config& t = editor_times.add_child("time");
834  t.append(time);
835  }
837  // Write to file
838  try {
839  std::stringstream wml_stream;
841  wml_stream
842  << "#textdomain " << current_textdomain << "\n"
843  << "#\n"
844  << "# This file was generated using the scenario editor.\n"
845  << "#\n"
846  << "#ifdef EDITOR\n";
848  {
849  config_writer out(wml_stream, false);
850  out.write(schedule);
851  }
853  wml_stream << "#endif";
855  if(!wml_stream.str().empty()) {
856  filesystem::write_file(schedule_path, wml_stream.str());
857  gui2::show_transient_message("", _("Time schedule saved."));
858  }
860  } catch(const filesystem::io_exception& e) {
861  utils::string_map symbols;
862  symbols["msg"] = e.what();
863  const std::string msg = VGETTEXT("Could not save time schedule: $msg", symbols);
865  }
866 }
869 {
870  assert(!is_embedded());
872  if(scenario_id_.empty()) {
874  }
876  if(scenario_name_.empty()) {
878  }
880  try {
881  std::stringstream wml_stream;
882  wml_stream
883  << "# This file was generated using the scenario editor.\n"
884  << "#\n"
885  << "# If you edit this file by hand, then do not use macros.\n"
886  << "# The editor doesn't support macros, and so using them will result in only being able to edit the map.\n"
887  << "# Additionally, the contents of all [side] and [time] tags as well as any events that have an id starting with 'editor_event-' are replaced entirely.\n"
888  << "# Any manual changes made to those will be lost.\n"
889  << "\n";
890  {
891  config_writer out(wml_stream, false);
892  out.write(to_config());
893  }
895  if(!wml_stream.str().empty()) {
896  filesystem::write_file(get_filename(), wml_stream.str());
897  }
899  clear_modified();
900  } catch(const filesystem::io_exception& e) {
901  utils::string_map symbols;
902  symbols["msg"] = e.what();
903  const std::string msg = VGETTEXT("Could not save the scenario: $msg", symbols);
906  }
908  // After saving the map as a scenario, it's no longer a pure map.
909  pure_map_ = false;
910 }
913 {
914  std::string map_data = map_.write();
916  try {
917  if(!is_embedded()) {
919  } else {
920  std::string map_string = filesystem::read_file(get_filename());
922  boost::regex rexpression_map_data(R"((.*map_data\s*=\s*")(.+?)(".*))");
923  boost::smatch matched_map_data;
925  if(boost::regex_search(map_string, matched_map_data, rexpression_map_data,
926  boost::regex_constants::match_not_dot_null)) {
927  std::stringstream ss;
928  ss << matched_map_data[1];
929  ss << map_data;
930  ss << matched_map_data[3];
933  } else {
934  throw editor_map_save_exception(_("Could not save into scenario"));
935  }
936  }
940  clear_modified();
941  } catch(const filesystem::io_exception& e) {
942  utils::string_map symbols;
943  symbols["msg"] = e.what();
944  const std::string msg = VGETTEXT("Could not save the map: $msg", symbols);
947  }
948 }
951 {
952  if(map_.h() != map.h() || map_.w() != map.w()) {
954  } else {
956  }
958  map_ = map;
959 }
962 {
963  LOG_ED << "Performing action " << action.get_id() << ": " << action.get_name() << ", actions count is "
964  << action.get_instance_count();
965  auto undo = action.perform(*this);
966  if(actions_since_save_ < 0) {
967  // set to a value that will make it impossible to get to zero, as at this point
968  // it is no longer possible to get back the original map state using undo/redo
969  actions_since_save_ = 1 + undo_stack_.size();
970  }
974  undo_stack_.emplace_back(std::move(undo));
978  redo_stack_.clear();
979 }
982 {
983  LOG_ED << "Performing (partial) action " << action.get_id() << ": " << action.get_name() << ", actions count is "
984  << action.get_instance_count();
985  if(!can_undo()) {
986  throw editor_logic_exception("Empty undo stack in perform_partial_action()");
987  }
989  editor_action_chain* undo_chain = dynamic_cast<editor_action_chain*>(last_undo_action());
990  if(undo_chain == nullptr) {
991  throw editor_logic_exception("Last undo action not a chain in perform_partial_action()");
992  }
994  auto undo = action.perform(*this);
996  // actions_since_save_ += action.action_count();
997  undo_chain->prepend_action(std::move(undo));
999  redo_stack_.clear();
1000 }
1003 {
1004  return actions_since_save_ != 0;
1005 }
1008 {
1009  actions_since_save_ = 0;
1010 }
1013 {
1015 }
1018 {
1019  return !undo_stack_.empty();
1020 }
1023 {
1024  return !redo_stack_.empty();
1025 }
1028 {
1029  return undo_stack_.empty() ? nullptr : undo_stack_.back().get();
1030 }
1033 {
1034  return redo_stack_.empty() ? nullptr : redo_stack_.back().get();
1035 }
1038 {
1039  return undo_stack_.empty() ? nullptr : undo_stack_.back().get();
1040 }
1043 {
1044  return redo_stack_.empty() ? nullptr : redo_stack_.back().get();
1045 }
1048 {
1049  LOG_ED << "undo() beg, undo stack is " << undo_stack_.size() << ", redo stack " << redo_stack_.size();
1051  if(can_undo()) {
1054  } else {
1055  WRN_ED << "undo() called with an empty undo stack";
1056  }
1058  LOG_ED << "undo() end, undo stack is " << undo_stack_.size() << ", redo stack " << redo_stack_.size();
1059 }
1062 {
1063  LOG_ED << "redo() beg, undo stack is " << undo_stack_.size() << ", redo stack " << redo_stack_.size();
1065  if(can_redo()) {
1068  } else {
1069  WRN_ED << "redo() called with an empty redo stack";
1070  }
1072  LOG_ED << "redo() end, undo stack is " << undo_stack_.size() << ", redo stack " << redo_stack_.size();
1073 }
1076 {
1077  // callers should check for these conditions
1078  if(!can_undo()) {
1079  throw editor_logic_exception("Empty undo stack in partial_undo()");
1080  }
1082  editor_action_chain* undo_chain = dynamic_cast<editor_action_chain*>(last_undo_action());
1083  if(undo_chain == nullptr) {
1084  throw editor_logic_exception("Last undo action not a chain in partial undo");
1085  }
1087  // a partial undo performs the first action form the current action's action_chain that would be normally performed
1088  // i.e. the *first* one.
1089  const auto first_action_in_chain = undo_chain->pop_first_action();
1090  if(undo_chain->empty()) {
1092  undo_stack_.pop_back();
1093  }
1095  redo_stack_.emplace_back(first_action_in_chain->perform(*this));
1096  // actions_since_save_ -= last_redo_action()->action_count();
1097 }
1100 {
1101  undo_stack_.clear();
1102  redo_stack_.clear();
1103 }
1106 {
1107  if(stack.size() > max_action_stack_size_) {
1108  stack.pop_front();
1109  }
1110 }
1113 {
1114  assert(!from.empty());
1116  std::unique_ptr<editor_action> action;
1117  action.swap(from.back());
1119  from.pop_back();
1121  auto reverse_action = action->perform(*this);
1122  to.emplace_back(std::move(reverse_action));
1124  trim_stack(to);
1125 }
1128 {
1129  return is_pure_map() ? _("New Map") : _("New Scenario");
1130 }
1132 } // end namespace editor
std::string filename_
Definition: action_wml.cpp:538
double t
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
Variant for storing WML attributes.
Class for writing a config out to a file in pieces.
void write(const config &cfg)
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:172
void append(const config &cfg)
Append data from another config object to this one.
Definition: config.cpp:203
config & mandatory_child(config_key_type key, int n=0)
Returns the nth child with the given key, or throws an error if there is none.
Definition: config.cpp:366
std::size_t child_count(config_key_type key) const
Definition: config.cpp:296
auto all_children_view() const
In-order iteration over all children.
Definition: config.hpp:810
optional_config_impl< config > find_child(config_key_type key, const std::string &name, const std::string &value)
Returns the first child of tag key with a name attribute containing value.
Definition: config.cpp:784
bool has_child(config_key_type key) const
Determine whether a config has a child or not.
Definition: config.cpp:316
child_itors child_range(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:272
void append_attributes(const config &cfg)
Adds attributes from cfg.
Definition: config.cpp:189
void remove_attribute(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:162
void remove_children(config_key_type key, std::function< bool(const config &)> p={})
Removes all children with tag key for which p returns true.
Definition: config.cpp:654
const attribute_value * get(config_key_type key) const
Returns a pointer to the attribute with the given key or nullptr if it does not exist.
Definition: config.cpp:685
config & add_child(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:440
Sort-of-Singleton that many classes, both GUI and non-GUI, use to access the game data.
Definition: display.hpp:97
map_labels & labels()
Definition: display.cpp:2556
Container action wrapping several actions into one.
Definition: action.hpp:88
std::unique_ptr< editor_action > pop_first_action()
Remove the first added action and return it, transferring ownership to the caller.
Definition: action.cpp:142
void prepend_action(std::unique_ptr< editor_action > a)
Add an action at the beginning of the chain.
Definition: action.cpp:121
Base class for all editor actions.
Definition: action_base.hpp:42
int get_id() const
Debugging aid.
Definition: action_base.hpp:93
virtual const std::string & get_name() const
Definition: action_base.hpp:75
virtual std::unique_ptr< editor_action > perform(map_context &) const
Perform the action, returning an undo action that, when performed, shall reverse any effects of this ...
Definition: action.cpp:64
static int get_instance_count()
Debugging aid.
This class adds extra editor-specific functionality to a normal gamemap.
Definition: editor_map.hpp:70
bool set_selection(const std::set< map_location > &area)
Select the given area.
Definition: editor_map.cpp:168
std::set< map_location > set_starting_position_labels(display &disp)
Set labels for staring positions in the given display object.
Definition: editor_map.cpp:136
static editor_map from_string(const std::string &data)
Wrapper around editor_map(cfg, data) that catches possible exceptions and wraps them in a editor_map_...
Definition: editor_map.cpp:55
std::set< map_location > starting_position_label_locs_
Cache of set starting position labels.
std::string filename_
The actual filename of this map.
utils::optional< config > previous_cfg_
void perform_partial_action(const editor_action &action)
Performs a partial action, assumes that the top undo action has been modified to maintain coherent st...
bool modified() const
bool pure_map_
Whether the map context refers to a file containing only the pure map data.
action_stack redo_stack_
The redo stack.
std::unique_ptr< tod_manager > tod_manager_
bool embedded_
Whether the map context refers to a map embedded in a scenario file.
void set_needs_labels_reset(bool value=true)
Setter for the labels reset flag.
void set_needs_reload(bool value=true)
Setter for the reload flag.
std::string scenario_name_
void clear_starting_position_labels(display &disp)
editor_map map_
The map object of this map_context.
void new_side()
Adds a new side to the map.
static const std::size_t max_action_stack_size_
Action stack (i.e.
action_stack undo_stack_
The undo stack.
editor_action * last_undo_action()
void redo()
Re-does a previously undid action, and puts it back in the undo stack.
std::set< map_location > changed_locations_
void set_starting_time(int time)
void draw_terrain(const t_translation::terrain_code &terrain, const map_location &loc, bool one_layer_only=false)
Draw a terrain on a single location on the map.
void set_map(const editor_map &map)
bool select_area(int index)
Select the nth tod area.
bool can_redo() const
void set_side_setup(editor_team_info &info)
void trim_stack(action_stack &stack)
Checks if an action stack reached its capacity and removes the front element if so.
bool can_undo() const
int actions_since_save_
Number of actions performed since the map was saved.
std::string scenario_description_
void save_scenario()
Saves the scenario under the current filename.
std::vector< team > teams_
void perform_action_between_stacks(action_stack &from, action_stack &to)
Perform an action at the back of one stack, and then move it to the back of the other stack.
void perform_action(const editor_action &action)
Performs an action (thus modifying the map).
void undo()
Un-does the last action, and puts it in the redo stack for a possible redo.
void replace_schedule(const std::vector< time_of_day > &schedule)
utils::optional< bool > victory_defeated_
void remove_area(int index)
void clear_undo_redo()
Clear the undo and redo stacks.
bool is_embedded() const
virtual ~map_context()
Map context destructor.
void draw_terrain_actual(const t_translation::terrain_code &terrain, const map_location &loc, bool one_layer_only=false)
Actual drawing function used by both overloaded variants of draw_terrain.
void clear_changed_locations()
map_context(const map_context &)=delete
utils::optional< int > xp_mod_
void add_to_recent_files()
Adds the map to the editor's recent files list.
std::string scenario_id_
void replace_local_schedule(const std::vector< time_of_day > &schedule)
Replace the [time]s of the currently active area.
void save_map()
Saves the map under the current filename.
void reset_starting_position_labels(display &disp)
editor_action * last_redo_action()
void partial_undo()
Un-does a single step from a undo action chain.
virtual const editor_map & map() const override
Const map accessor.
void set_needs_terrain_rebuild(bool value=true)
Setter for the terrain rebuild flag.
config convert_scenario(const config &old_scenario)
Convert an old-style editor scenario config to a config with a top level [multiplayer] tag.
bool everything_changed() const
const t_string get_default_context_name() const
const std::string & get_filename() const
void set_starting_position_labels(display &disp)
void clear_modified()
Clear the modified state.
overlay_map overlays_
bool is_pure_map() const
bool victory_defeated() const
std::string addon_id_
void set_scenario_setup(const std::string &id, const std::string &name, const std::string &description, int turns, int xp_mod, bool victory_defeated, bool random_time)
void add_changed_location(const map_location &loc)
void save_schedule(const std::string &schedule_id, const std::string &schedule_name)
Save custom time of day schedule in the utils directory.
A class grating read only view to a vector of config objects, viewed as one config with all children ...
terrain_code get_terrain(const map_location &loc) const
Looks up terrain at a particular location.
Definition: map.cpp:302
int w() const
Effective map width.
Definition: map.hpp:50
int h() const
Effective map height.
Definition: map.hpp:53
bool on_board_with_border(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: map.cpp:390
std::string write() const
Definition: map.cpp:210
const terrain_type & get_terrain_info(const t_translation::terrain_code &terrain) const
Definition: map.cpp:98
void set_terrain(const map_location &loc, const terrain_code &terrain, const terrain_type_data::merge_mode mode=terrain_type_data::BOTH, bool replace_if_failed=false) override
Clobbers over the terrain at location 'loc', with the given terrain.
Definition: map.cpp:397
@ auto_close
Enables auto close.
Definition: message.hpp:71
void write(config &res) const
Definition: label.cpp:80
void clear_all()
Definition: label.cpp:240
void read(const config &cfg)
Definition: label.cpp:92
static prefs & get()
void add_recent_files_entry(const std::string &path)
Adds an entry to the recent files list.
Internal representation of music tracks.
This class stores all the data for a single 'side' (in game nomenclature).
Definition: team.hpp:74
bool uses_shroud() const
Definition: team.hpp:303
const std::string & team_name() const
Definition: team.hpp:282
bool no_leader() const
Definition: team.hpp:327
team_shared_vision::type share_vision() const
Definition: team.hpp:377
const std::set< map_location > & villages() const
Definition: team.hpp:170
int gold() const
Definition: team.hpp:175
side_controller::type controller() const
Definition: team.hpp:241
int base_income() const
Definition: team.hpp:177
bool uses_fog() const
Definition: team.hpp:304
bool hidden() const
Definition: team.hpp:333
const std::set< std::string > & recruits() const
Definition: team.hpp:209
const t_string & user_team_name() const
Definition: team.hpp:283
t_translation::terrain_code terrain_with_default_base() const
Return the overlay part of this terrain, on the default_base().
Definition: terrain.cpp:291
umap_retval_pair_t insert(unit_ptr p)
Inserts the unit pointed to by p into the map.
Definition: map.cpp:135
This class represents a single unit of a specific type.
Definition: unit.hpp:133
static unit_ptr create(const config &cfg, bool use_traits=false, const vconfig *vcfg=nullptr)
Initializes a unit from a config.
Definition: unit.hpp:201
map_display and display: classes which take care of displaying the map and game-data on the screen.
Editor action classes.
#define LOG_ED
lg::log_domain log_editor
#define ERR_ED
#define WRN_ED
Declarations for File-IO.
#define VGETTEXT(msgid,...)
Handy wrappers around interpolate_variables_into_string and gettext.
static std::string _(const char *str)
Definition: gettext.hpp:93
bool unrenamable() const
Whether this unit can be renamed.
Definition: unit.hpp:436
const std::string & type_id() const
The id of this unit's type.
Definition: unit.cpp:1932
bool can_recruit() const
Whether this unit can recruit other units - ie, are they a leader unit.
Definition: unit.hpp:612
const std::string & id() const
Gets this unit's id.
Definition: unit.hpp:380
int side() const
The side this unit belongs to.
Definition: unit.hpp:343
const t_string & name() const
Gets this unit's translatable display name.
Definition: unit.hpp:403
const map_location & get_location() const
The current map location this unit is at.
Definition: unit.hpp:1404
map_location::direction facing() const
The current direction this unit is facing within its hex.
Definition: unit.hpp:1420
bool loyal() const
Gets whether this unit is loyal - ie, it costs no upkeep.
Definition: unit.cpp:1700
std::string id
Text to match against addon_info.tags()
Definition: manager.cpp:198
#define log_scope2(domain, description)
Definition: log.hpp:279
std::map< std::string, config > traits_map
Manage the empty-palette in the editor.
Definition: action.cpp:31
static std::string get_map_location(const std::string &file_contents, const std::string &attr)
Definition: map_context.cpp:94
std::deque< std::unique_ptr< editor_action > > action_stack
Action stack typedef.
EXIT_STATUS start(bool clear_id, const std::string &filename, bool take_screenshot, const std::string &screenshot_filename)
Main interface for launching the editor from the title screen.
bool is_cfg(const std::string &filename)
Returns true if the file ends with the wmlfile extension.
std::string base_name(const std::string &file, const bool remove_extension)
Returns the base filename of a file, with directory name stripped.
static bool file_exists(const bfs::path &fpath)
Definition: filesystem.cpp:325
bool is_directory(const std::string &fname)
Returns true if the given file is a directory.
utils::optional< std::string > get_wml_location(const std::string &path, const utils::optional< std::string > &current_dir)
Returns a translated path to the actual file or directory, if it exists.
std::string read_file(const std::string &fname)
Basic disk I/O - read file.
const std::string map_extension
Definition: filesystem.hpp:79
bool is_mask(const std::string &filename)
Returns true if the file ends with the maskfile extension.
void write_file(const std::string &fname, const std::string &data, std::ios_base::openmode mode)
Throws io_exception if an error occurs.
std::string get_short_wml_path(const std::string &filename)
Returns a short path to filename, skipping the (user) data directory.
std::string directory_name(const std::string &file)
Returns the directory name of a file, with filename stripped.
bool is_map(const std::string &filename)
Returns true if the file ends with the mapfile extension.
std::string get_next_filename(const std::string &name, const std::string &extension)
Get the next free filename using "name + number (3 digits) + extension" maximum 1000 files then start...
Definition: filesystem.cpp:585
std::string get_current_editor_dir(const std::string &addon_id)
Game configuration data as global variables.
Definition: build_info.cpp:61
std::string path
Definition: filesystem.cpp:90
int village_income
Definition: game_config.cpp:38
int village_support
Definition: game_config.cpp:39
void show_transient_message(const std::string &title, const std::string &message, const std::string &image, const bool message_use_markup, const bool title_use_markup)
Shows a transient message to the user.
void show_message(const std::string &title, const std::string &msg, const std::string &button_caption, const bool auto_close, const bool message_use_markup, const bool title_use_markup)
Shows a message to the user.
Definition: message.cpp:148
logger & info()
Definition: log.cpp:317
::tod_manager * tod_manager
Definition: resources.cpp:29
const ter_layer NO_LAYER
Definition: translation.hpp:40
std::size_t index(const std::string &str, const std::size_t index)
Codepoint index corresponding to the nth character in a UTF-8 string.
Definition: unicode.cpp:70
void trim(std::string_view &s)
std::set< std::string > split_set(std::string_view s, char sep, const int flags)
std::string join(const T &v, const std::string &s=",")
Generates a new string joining container items in a list.
std::map< std::string, t_string > string_map
static void msg(const char *act, debug_info &i, const char *to="", const char *result="")
Definition: debugger.cpp:109
filesystem::scoped_istream preprocess_file(const std::string &fname, preproc_map *defines)
Function to use the WML preprocessor on a file.
std::map< std::string, struct preproc_define > preproc_map
void read(config &cfg, std::istream &in, abstract_validator *validator)
Definition: parser.cpp:622
std::string filename
editor_team_info(const team &t)
Definition: map_context.cpp:40
An exception object used when an IO error occurs.
Definition: filesystem.hpp:67
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:45
static std::string write_direction(direction dir)
Definition: location.cpp:154
void write(config &cfg) const
Definition: location.cpp:225
std::string image
Definition: overlay.hpp:55
std::string team_name
Definition: overlay.hpp:57
float submerge
Definition: overlay.hpp:63
t_string name
Definition: overlay.hpp:58
std::string id
Definition: overlay.hpp:59
std::string halo
Definition: overlay.hpp:56
bool visible_in_fog
Definition: overlay.hpp:62
static std::string get_string(enum_type key)
Converts a enum to its string equivalent.
Definition: enum_base.hpp:46
A terrain string which is converted to a terrain is a string with 1 or 2 layers the layers are separa...
Definition: translation.hpp:49
mock_char c
#define e