The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.7+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2017 - 2024
3  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
5  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8  (at your option) any later version.
9  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  See the COPYING file for more details.
13 */
17 #include "game_board.hpp"
18 #include "scripting/lua_unit.hpp"
19 #include "scripting/lua_common.hpp"
20 #include "scripting/lua_team.hpp"
23 #include "lua/wrapper_lauxlib.h"
24 #include "formula/callable_objects.hpp"
25 #include "formula/formula.hpp"
26 #include "variable.hpp"
28 #include "resources.hpp"
29 #include "units/map.hpp"
30 #include "units/unit.hpp"
32 static const char formulaKey[] = "formula";
34 using namespace wfl;
36 void luaW_pushfaivariant(lua_State* L, const variant& val);
37 variant luaW_tofaivariant(lua_State* L, int i);
40  lua_State* mState;
41  int table_i;
42 public:
43  lua_callable(lua_State* L, int i) : mState(L), table_i(lua_absindex(L,i)) {}
44  variant get_value(const std::string& key) const {
45  if(key == "__list") {
46  std::vector<variant> values;
47  std::size_t n = lua_rawlen(mState, table_i);
48  if(n == 0) {
49  return variant();
50  }
51  for(std::size_t i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
52  lua_pushinteger(mState, i);
53  lua_gettable(mState, table_i);
54  values.push_back(luaW_tofaivariant(mState, -1));
55  }
56  return variant(values);
57  } else if(key == "__map") {
58  std::map<variant,variant> values;
59  for(lua_pushnil(mState); lua_next(mState, table_i); lua_pop(mState, 1)) {
60  values[luaW_tofaivariant(mState, -2)] = luaW_tofaivariant(mState, -1);
61  }
62  return variant(values);
63  }
64  lua_pushlstring(mState, key.c_str(), key.size());
65  lua_gettable(mState, table_i);
66  variant result = luaW_tofaivariant(mState, -1);
67  lua_pop(mState, 1);
68  return result;
69  }
70  void get_inputs(formula_input_vector& inputs) const {
71  add_input(inputs, "__list");
72  add_input(inputs, "__map");
73  for(lua_pushnil(mState); lua_next(mState, table_i); lua_pop(mState,1)) {
74  lua_pushvalue(mState, -2);
75  bool is_valid_key = (lua_type(mState, -1) == LUA_TSTRING) && !lua_isnumber(mState, -1);
76  lua_pop(mState, 1);
77  if(is_valid_key) {
78  std::string key = lua_tostring(mState, -2);
79  if(key.find_first_not_of(formula::id_chars) != std::string::npos) {
80  add_input(inputs, key);
81  }
82  }
83  }
84  }
85  int do_compare(const formula_callable* other) const {
86  const lua_callable* lua = dynamic_cast<const lua_callable*>(other);
87  if(lua == nullptr) {
88  return formula_callable::do_compare(other);
89  }
90  if(mState == lua->mState) { // Which should always be the case, but let's be safe here
91  if(lua_compare(mState, table_i, lua->table_i, LUA_OPEQ)) {
92  return 0;
93  }
94  int top = lua_gettop(mState);
95  if(lua_getmetatable(mState, table_i)) {
96  lua_getfield(mState, -1, "__lt");
97  if(!lua_isnoneornil(mState, -1)) {
98  if(lua_getmetatable(mState, lua->table_i)) {
99  lua_getfield(mState, -1, "__lt");
100  if(!lua_isnoneornil(mState, -1)) {
101  lua_settop(mState, top);
102  return lua_compare(mState, table_i, lua->table_i, LUA_OPLT) ? -1 : 1;
103  }
104  if(lua_compare(mState, -4, -2, LUA_OPEQ)) {
105  lua_settop(mState, top);
106  return 0;
107  }
108  const void* lhs = lua_topointer(mState, -4);
109  const void* rhs = lua_topointer(mState, -2);
110  lua_settop(mState, top);
111  return lhs < rhs ? -1 : (lhs > rhs ? 1 : 0);
112  }
113  }
114  }
115  lua_settop(mState, top);
116  return lua_topointer(mState, -2) < lua_topointer(mState, -1) ? -1 : 1;
117  }
118  return mState < lua->mState ? -1 : 1;
119  }
120 };
122 void luaW_pushfaivariant(lua_State* L, const variant& val) {
123  if(val.is_int()) {
124  lua_pushinteger(L, val.as_int());
125  } else if(val.is_decimal()) {
126  lua_pushnumber(L, val.as_decimal() / 1000.0);
127  } else if(val.is_string()) {
128  const std::string result_string = val.as_string();
129  lua_pushlstring(L, result_string.c_str(), result_string.size());
130  } else if(val.is_list()) {
131  lua_newtable(L);
132  for(const variant& v : val.as_list()) {
133  lua_pushinteger(L, lua_rawlen(L, -1) + 1);
134  luaW_pushfaivariant(L, v);
135  lua_settable(L, -3);
136  }
137  } else if(val.is_map()) {
138  typedef std::map<variant,variant>::value_type kv_type;
139  lua_newtable(L);
140  for(const kv_type& v : val.as_map()) {
141  luaW_pushfaivariant(L, v.first);
142  luaW_pushfaivariant(L, v.second);
143  lua_settable(L, -3);
144  }
145  } else if(val.is_callable()) {
146  // First try a few special cases
147  if(auto u_ref = val.try_convert<unit_callable>()) {
148  const unit& u = u_ref->get_unit();
150  if(&*un_it == &u) {
152  } else {
153  luaW_pushunit(L, u.side(), u.underlying_id());
154  }
155  } else if(auto ut_ref = val.try_convert<unit_type_callable>()) {
156  const unit_type& ut = ut_ref->get_unit_type();
157  luaW_pushunittype(L, ut);
158  } else if(auto atk_ref = val.try_convert<attack_type_callable>()) {
159  const auto& atk = atk_ref->get_attack_type();
160  luaW_pushweapon(L, atk.shared_from_this());
161  } else if(auto team_ref = val.try_convert<team_callable>()) {
162  auto t = team_ref->get_team();
163  luaW_pushteam(L, t);
164  } else if(auto loc_ref = val.try_convert<location_callable>()) {
165  luaW_pushlocation(L, loc_ref->loc());
166  } else {
167  // If those fail, convert generically to a map
168  auto obj = val.as_callable();
169  formula_input_vector inputs;
170  obj->get_inputs(inputs);
171  lua_newtable(L);
172  for(const formula_input& attr : inputs) {
173  if(attr.access == formula_access::write_only) {
174  continue;
175  }
176  lua_pushstring(L,;
177  luaW_pushfaivariant(L, obj->query_value(;
178  lua_settable(L, -3);
179  }
180  }
181  } else if(val.is_null()) {
182  lua_pushnil(L);
183  }
184 }
186 variant luaW_tofaivariant(lua_State* L, int i) {
187  switch(lua_type(L, i)) {
188  case LUA_TBOOLEAN:
189  return variant(lua_tointeger(L, i));
190  case LUA_TNUMBER:
191  return variant(lua_tonumber(L, i), variant::DECIMAL_VARIANT);
192  case LUA_TSTRING:
193  return variant(lua_tostring(L, i));
194  case LUA_TTABLE:
195  return variant(std::make_shared<lua_callable>(L, i));
196  case LUA_TUSERDATA:
197  static t_string tstr;
198  static vconfig vcfg = vconfig::unconstructed_vconfig();
199  static map_location loc;
200  if(luaW_totstring(L, i, tstr)) {
201  return variant(tstr.str());
202  } else if(luaW_tovconfig(L, i, vcfg)) {
203  return variant(std::make_shared<config_callable>(vcfg.get_parsed_config()));
204  } else if(unit* u = luaW_tounit(L, i)) {
205  return variant(std::make_shared<unit_callable>(*u));
206  } else if(const unit_type* ut = luaW_tounittype(L, i)) {
207  return variant(std::make_shared<unit_type_callable>(*ut));
208  } else if(const_attack_ptr atk = luaW_toweapon(L, i)) {
209  return variant(std::make_shared<attack_type_callable>(*atk));
210  } else if(team* t = luaW_toteam(L, i)) {
211  return variant(std::make_shared<team_callable>(*t));
212  } else if(luaW_tolocation(L, i, loc)) {
213  return variant(std::make_shared<location_callable>(loc));
214  }
215  break;
216  }
217  return variant();
218 }
220 /**
221  * Get a formula from the stack. If @a allow_str is true, it compiles a formula string if found.
222  * Otherwise, it must be an already-compiled formula.
223  * Raises an error if a formula is not found, or if there's an error in compilation.
224  * Thus, it never returns a null pointer.
225  */
226 lua_formula_bridge::fpointer luaW_check_formula(lua_State* L, int idx, bool allow_str) {
227  using namespace lua_formula_bridge;
228  fpointer form;
229  if(void* ud = luaL_testudata(L, idx, formulaKey)) {
230  form.get_deleter() = [](fwrapper*) {};
231  form.reset(static_cast<fwrapper*>(ud));
232  // Setting a no-op deleter guarantees the Lua-held object is not deleted
233  } else if(allow_str) {
234  form.get_deleter() = std::default_delete<fwrapper>();
235  form.reset(new fwrapper(luaL_checkstring(L, idx)));
236  // Set deleter to default so it's deleted properly later
237  } else {
238  luaW_type_error(L, idx, "formula");
239  }
240  return form;
241 }
243 /**
244  * Evaluates a formula in the formula engine.
245  * - Arg 1: Formula string.
246  * - Arg 2: optional context; can be a unit or a Lua table.
247  * - Ret 1: Result of the formula.
248  */
250 {
251  fpointer form = luaW_check_formula(L, 1, true);
252  std::shared_ptr<formula_callable> context, fallback;
253  if(unit* u = luaW_tounit(L, 2)) {
254  context.reset(new unit_callable(*u));
255  } else if(const unit_type* ut = luaW_tounittype(L, 2)) {
256  context.reset(new unit_type_callable(*ut));
257  } else if(const_attack_ptr atk = luaW_toweapon(L, 2)) {
258  context.reset(new attack_type_callable(*atk));
259  } else if(team* t = luaW_toteam(L, 2)) {
260  context.reset(new team_callable(*t));
261  } else if(lua_istable(L, 2)) {
262  context.reset(new lua_callable(L, 2));
263  } else {
264  context.reset(new map_formula_callable);
265  }
266  variant result = form->evaluate(*context);
267  luaW_pushfaivariant(L, result);
268  return 1;
269 }
272 {
273  if(!lua_isstring(L, 1)) {
274  luaW_type_error(L, 1, "string");
275  }
276  new(L) fwrapper(lua_tostring(L, 1));
277  luaL_setmetatable(L, formulaKey);
278  return 1;
279 }
282  : formula_ptr(new formula(code, functions))
283 {
284 }
287 {
288  if(formula_ptr) {
289  return formula_ptr->str();
290  }
291  return "";
292 }
295 {
296  if(formula_ptr) {
297  return formula_ptr->evaluate(variables, fdb);
298  }
299  return variant();
300 }
302 static int impl_formula_collect(lua_State* L)
303 {
304  lua_formula_bridge::fwrapper* form = static_cast<lua_formula_bridge::fwrapper*>(lua_touserdata(L, 1));
305  form->~fwrapper();
306  return 0;
307 }
309 static int impl_formula_tostring(lua_State* L)
310 {
311  lua_formula_bridge::fwrapper* form = static_cast<lua_formula_bridge::fwrapper*>(lua_touserdata(L, 1));
312  const std::string str = form->str();
313  lua_pushlstring(L, str.c_str(), str.size());
314  return 1;
315 }
318 {
319  luaL_newmetatable(L, formulaKey);
320  lua_pushcfunction(L, impl_formula_collect);
321  lua_setfield(L, -2, "__gc");
322  lua_pushcfunction(L, impl_formula_tostring);
323  lua_setfield(L, -2, "__tostring");
324  lua_pushcfunction(L, intf_eval_formula);
325  lua_setfield(L, -2, "__call");
326  lua_pushstring(L, "formula");
327  lua_setfield(L, -2, "__metatable");
329  return "Adding formula metatable...\n";
330 }
map_location loc
Definition: move.cpp:172
double t
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
virtual const unit_map & units() const override
Definition: game_board.hpp:107
int do_compare(const formula_callable *other) const
lua_State * mState
void get_inputs(formula_input_vector &inputs) const
variant get_value(const std::string &key) const
lua_callable(lua_State *L, int i)
wfl::variant evaluate(const wfl::formula_callable &variables, wfl::formula_debugger *fdb=nullptr) const
fwrapper(const std::string &code, wfl::function_symbol_table *functions=nullptr)
const std::string & str() const
Definition: tstring.hpp:199
This class stores all the data for a single 'side' (in game nomenclature).
Definition: team.hpp:75
unit_iterator find(std::size_t id)
Definition: map.cpp:302
A single unit type that the player may recruit.
Definition: types.hpp:43
This class represents a single unit of a specific type.
Definition: unit.hpp:133
A variable-expanding proxy for the config class.
Definition: variable.hpp:45
static vconfig unconstructed_vconfig()
This is just a wrapper for the default constructor; it exists for historical reasons and to make it c...
Definition: variable.cpp:152
config get_parsed_config() const
Definition: variable.cpp:176
virtual int do_compare(const formula_callable *callable) const
Definition: callable.hpp:146
static const char *const id_chars
Definition: formula.hpp:75
int as_int() const
Definition: variant.cpp:291
std::shared_ptr< T > try_convert() const
Definition: variant.hpp:90
bool is_map() const
Definition: variant.hpp:68
bool is_list() const
Definition: variant.hpp:66
int as_decimal() const
Returns variant's internal representation of decimal number: ie, 1.234 is represented as 1234.
Definition: variant.cpp:300
const_formula_callable_ptr as_callable() const
Definition: variant.hpp:83
Definition: variant.hpp:31
bool is_decimal() const
Definition: variant.hpp:64
const std::string & as_string() const
Definition: variant.cpp:318
bool is_string() const
Definition: variant.hpp:67
bool is_callable() const
Definition: variant.hpp:65
const std::vector< variant > & as_list() const
Definition: variant.cpp:324
const std::map< variant, variant > & as_map() const
Definition: variant.cpp:330
bool is_null() const
Functions to test the type of the internal value.
Definition: variant.hpp:62
bool is_int() const
Definition: variant.hpp:63
std::size_t i
Definition: function.cpp:1029
int side() const
The side this unit belongs to.
Definition: unit.hpp:343
std::size_t underlying_id() const
This unit's unique internal ID.
Definition: unit.hpp:392
const map_location & get_location() const
The current map location this unit is at.
Definition: unit.hpp:1404
void luaW_pushlocation(lua_State *L, const map_location &ml)
Converts a map location object to a Lua table pushed at the top of the stack.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:808
bool luaW_tovconfig(lua_State *L, int index, vconfig &vcfg)
Gets an optional vconfig from either a table or a userdata.
int luaW_type_error(lua_State *L, int narg, const char *tname)
bool luaW_totstring(lua_State *L, int index, t_string &str)
Converts a scalar to a translatable string.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:610
bool luaW_tolocation(lua_State *L, int index, map_location &loc)
Converts an optional table or pair of integers to a map location object.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:819
static const char formulaKey[]
lua_formula_bridge::fpointer luaW_check_formula(lua_State *L, int idx, bool allow_str)
Get a formula from the stack.
variant luaW_tofaivariant(lua_State *L, int i)
static int impl_formula_collect(lua_State *L)
void luaW_pushfaivariant(lua_State *L, const variant &val)
static int impl_formula_tostring(lua_State *L)
void luaW_pushteam(lua_State *L, team &tm)
Create a full userdata containing a pointer to the team.
Definition: lua_team.cpp:536
team * luaW_toteam(lua_State *L, int idx)
Test if the top stack element is a team, and if so, return it.
Definition: lua_team.cpp:562
unit * luaW_tounit(lua_State *L, int index, bool only_on_map)
Converts a Lua value to a unit pointer.
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:142
lua_unit * luaW_pushunit(lua_State *L, Args... args)
Definition: lua_unit.hpp:116
const_attack_ptr luaW_toweapon(lua_State *L, int idx)
void luaW_pushweapon(lua_State *L, const attack_ptr &weapon)
const unit_type * luaW_tounittype(lua_State *L, int idx)
Test if a stack element is a unit type, and return it if so.
void luaW_pushunittype(lua_State *L, const unit_type &ut)
Create a lua object containing a reference to a unittype, and a metatable to access the properties.
std::unique_ptr< fwrapper, std::function< void(fwrapper *)> > fpointer
std::string register_metatables(lua_State *)
int intf_compile_formula(lua_State *)
int intf_eval_formula(lua_State *)
Evaluates a formula in the formula engine.
game_board * gameboard
Definition: resources.cpp:20
constexpr auto values
Definition: ranges.hpp:42
Definition: contexts.hpp:43
std::vector< formula_input > formula_input_vector
std::shared_ptr< formula > formula_ptr
Definition: formula_fwd.hpp:22
std::shared_ptr< const attack_type > const_attack_ptr
Definition: ptr.hpp:34
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:45
static map_location::direction n