The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.2+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2024
3  by David White <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 #define GETTEXT_DOMAIN "wesnoth-help"
20 #include "font/sdl_ttf_compat.hpp"
21 #include "formula/string_utils.hpp" // for VNGETTEXT
22 #include "game_config.hpp" // for debug, menu_contract, etc
23 #include "preferences/preferences.hpp" // for encountered_terrains, etc
24 #include "gettext.hpp" // for _, gettext, N_
25 #include "language.hpp" // for string_table, symbol_table
26 #include "log.hpp" // for LOG_STREAM, logger, etc
27 #include "movetype.hpp" // for movetype, movetype::effects, etc
28 #include "units/race.hpp" // for unit_race, etc
29 #include "terrain/terrain.hpp" // for terrain_type
30 #include "terrain/translation.hpp" // for operator==, ter_list, etc
31 #include "terrain/type_data.hpp" // for terrain_type_data, etc
32 #include "tstring.hpp" // for t_string, operator<<
33 #include "units/helper.hpp" // for resistance_color
34 #include "units/types.hpp" // for unit_type, unit_type_data, etc
35 #include "utils/optional_fwd.hpp"
36 #include "video.hpp" // fore current_resolution
38 #include <set>
40 static lg::log_domain log_help("help");
41 #define WRN_HP LOG_STREAM(warn, log_help)
42 #define DBG_HP LOG_STREAM(debug, log_help)
44 namespace help {
47 {
48  const t_string name;
49  const t_string id;
50  const int defense;
51  const int movement_cost;
52  const int vision_cost;
53  const int jamming_cost;
54  const bool defense_cap;
56  bool operator<(const terrain_movement_info& other) const
57  {
58  return translation::icompare(name, < 0;
59  }
60 };
62 static std::string best_str(bool best) {
63  std::string lang_policy = (best ? _("Best of") : _("Worst of"));
64  std::string color_policy = (best ? "green": "red");
66  return "<format>color='" + color_policy + "' text='" + lang_policy + "'</format>";
67 }
69 typedef t_translation::ter_list::const_iterator ter_iter;
70 // Gets an english description of a terrain ter_list alias behavior: "Best of cave, hills", "Worst of Swamp, Forest" etc.
71 static std::string print_behavior_description(ter_iter start, ter_iter end, const std::shared_ptr<terrain_type_data> & tdata, bool first_level = true, bool begin_best = true)
72 {
74  if (start == end) return "";
75  if (*start == t_translation::MINUS || *start == t_translation::PLUS) return print_behavior_description(start+1, end, tdata, first_level, *start == t_translation::PLUS); //absorb any leading mode changes by calling again, with a new default value begin_best.
77  utils::optional<ter_iter> last_change_pos;
79  bool best = begin_best;
80  for (ter_iter i = start; i != end; ++i) {
81  if ((best && *i == t_translation::MINUS) || (!best && *i == t_translation::PLUS)) {
82  best = !best;
83  last_change_pos = i;
84  }
85  }
87  std::stringstream ss;
89  if (!last_change_pos) {
90  std::vector<std::string> names;
91  for (ter_iter i = start; i != end; ++i) {
92  if (*i == t_translation::BASE) {
93  // TRANSLATORS: in a description of an overlay terrain, the terrain that it's placed on
94  names.push_back(_("base terrain"));
95  } else {
96  const terrain_type tt = tdata->get_terrain_info(*i);
97  if (!tt.editor_name().empty())
98  names.push_back(tt.editor_name());
99  }
100  }
102  if (names.empty()) return "";
103  if (names.size() == 1) return;
105  ss << best_str(best) << " ";
106  if (!first_level) ss << "( ";
107  ss <<;
109  for (std::size_t i = 1; i < names.size(); i++) {
110  ss << ", " <<;
111  }
113  if (!first_level) ss << " )";
114  } else {
115  std::vector<std::string> names;
116  for (ter_iter i = *last_change_pos+1; i != end; ++i) {
117  const terrain_type tt = tdata->get_terrain_info(*i);
118  if (!tt.editor_name().empty())
119  names.push_back(tt.editor_name());
120  }
122  if (names.empty()) { //This alias list is apparently padded with junk at the end, so truncate it without adding more parens
123  return print_behavior_description(start, *last_change_pos, tdata, first_level, begin_best);
124  }
126  ss << best_str(best) << " ";
127  if (!first_level) ss << "( ";
128  ss << print_behavior_description(start, *last_change_pos-1, tdata, false, begin_best);
129  // Printed the (parenthesized) leading part from before the change, now print the remaining names in this group.
130  for (const std::string & s : names) {
131  ss << ", " << s;
132  }
133  if (!first_level) ss << " )";
134  }
135  return ss.str();
136 }
139  std::stringstream ss;
141  if (!type_.icon_image().empty())
142  ss << "<img>src='images/buttons/icon-base-32.png~RC(magenta>" <<
143  << ")~BLIT("<< "terrain/" << type_.icon_image() << "_30.png)" << "'</img> ";
145  if (!type_.editor_image().empty())
146  ss << "<img>src='" << type_.editor_image() << "'</img> ";
148  if (!type_.help_topic_text().empty())
149  ss << "\n\n" << type_.help_topic_text().str() << "\n";
150  else
151  ss << "\n";
153  std::shared_ptr<terrain_type_data> tdata = load_terrain_types_data();
155  if (!tdata) {
156  WRN_HP << "When building terrain help topics, we couldn't acquire any terrain types data";
157  return ss.str();
158  }
160  // Special notes are generated from the terrain's properties - at the moment there's no way for WML authors
161  // to add their own via a [special_note] tag.
162  std::vector<std::string> special_notes;
164  if(type_.is_village()) {
165  special_notes.push_back(_("Villages allow any unit stationed therein to heal, or to be cured of poison."));
166  } else if(type_.gives_healing() > 0) {
167  auto symbols = utils::string_map{{"amount", std::to_string(type_.gives_healing())}};
168  // TRANSLATORS: special note for terrains such as the oasis; the only terrain in core with this property heals 8 hp just like a village.
169  // For the single-hitpoint variant, the wording is different because I assume the player will be more interested in the curing-poison part than the minimal healing.
170  auto message = VNGETTEXT("This terrain allows units to be cured of poison, or to heal a single hitpoint.",
171  "This terrain allows units to heal $amount hitpoints, or to be cured of poison, as if stationed in a village.",
172  type_.gives_healing(), symbols);
173  special_notes.push_back(std::move(message));
174  }
176  if(type_.is_castle()) {
177  special_notes.push_back(_("This terrain is a castle — units can be recruited onto it from a connected keep."));
178  }
179  if(type_.is_keep() && type_.is_castle()) {
180  // TRANSLATORS: The "this terrain is a castle" note will also be shown directly above this one.
181  special_notes.push_back(_("This terrain is a keep — a leader can recruit from this hex onto connected castle hexes."));
182  } else if(type_.is_keep() && !type_.is_castle()) {
183  // TRANSLATORS: Special note for a terrain, but none of the terrains in mainline do this.
184  special_notes.push_back(_("This unusual keep allows a leader to recruit while standing on it, but does not allow a leader on a connected keep to recruit onto this hex."));
185  }
187  if(!special_notes.empty()) {
188  ss << "\n" << _("Special Notes:") << '\n';
189  for(const auto& note : special_notes) {
190  ss << font::unicode_bullet << " " << note << '\n';
191  }
192  }
194  // Almost all terrains will show the data in this conditional block. The ones that don't are the
195  // archetypes used in [movetype]'s subtags such as [movement_costs].
196  if (!type_.is_indivisible()) {
197  std::vector<t_string> underlying;
198  for (const auto& underlying_terrain : type_.union_type()) {
199  const terrain_type& base = tdata->get_terrain_info(underlying_terrain);
200  if (!base.editor_name().empty()) {
201  underlying.push_back(make_link(base.editor_name(), ".." + terrain_prefix +;
202  }
203  }
204  utils::string_map symbols;
205  symbols["types"] = utils::format_conjunct_list("", underlying);
206  // TRANSLATORS: $types is a conjunct list, typical values will be "Castle" or "Flat and Shallow Water".
207  // The terrain names will be hypertext links to the help page of the corresponding terrain type.
208  // There will always be at least 1 item in the list, but unlikely to be more than 3.
209  ss << "\n" << VNGETTEXT("Basic terrain type: $types", "Basic terrain types: $types", underlying.size(), symbols);
211  if (type_.has_default_base()) {
212  const terrain_type& base = tdata->get_terrain_info(type_.default_base());
214  symbols.clear();
215  if (base.is_indivisible()) {
216  symbols["type"] = make_link(base.editor_name(), ".." + terrain_prefix +;
217  } else {
218  symbols["type"] = make_link(base.editor_name(), terrain_prefix +;
219  }
220  // TRANSLATORS: In the help for a terrain type, for example Dwarven Village is often placed on Cave Floor
221  ss << "\n" << VGETTEXT("Typical base terrain: $type", symbols);
222  }
224  ss << "\n";
226  const t_translation::ter_list& underlying_mvt_terrains = type_.mvt_type();
227  ss << "\n" << _("Movement properties: ");
228  ss << print_behavior_description(underlying_mvt_terrains.begin(), underlying_mvt_terrains.end(), tdata) << "\n";
230  const t_translation::ter_list& underlying_def_terrains = type_.def_type();
231  ss << "\n" << _("Defense properties: ");
232  ss << print_behavior_description(underlying_def_terrains.begin(), underlying_def_terrains.end(), tdata) << "\n";
233  }
235  if (game_config::debug) {
237  ss << "\n";
238  ss << "ID: " << << "\n";
240  ss << "Village: " << (type_.is_village() ? "Yes" : "No") << "\n";
241  ss << "Gives Healing: " << type_.gives_healing() << "\n";
243  ss << "Keep: " << (type_.is_keep() ? "Yes" : "No") << "\n";
244  ss << "Castle: " << (type_.is_castle() ? "Yes" : "No") << "\n";
246  ss << "Overlay: " << (type_.is_overlay() ? "Yes" : "No") << "\n";
247  ss << "Combined: " << (type_.is_combined() ? "Yes" : "No") << "\n";
248  ss << "Nonnull: " << (type_.is_nonnull() ? "Yes" : "No") << "\n";
250  ss << "Terrain string: " << type_.number() << "\n";
252  ss << "Hide in Editor: " << (type_.hide_in_editor() ? "Yes" : "No") << "\n";
253  ss << "Editor Group: " << type_.editor_group() << "\n";
255  ss << "Light Bonus: " << type_.light_bonus(0) << "\n";
257  ss << type_.income_description();
259  if (type_.editor_image().empty()) { // Note: this is purely temporary to help make a different help entry
260  ss << "\nEditor Image: Empty\n";
261  } else {
262  ss << "\nEditor Image: " << type_.editor_image() << "\n";
263  }
265  const t_translation::ter_list& underlying_mvt_terrains = tdata->underlying_mvt_terrain(type_.number());
266  ss << "\nDebug Mvt Description String:";
267  for (const t_translation::terrain_code & t : underlying_mvt_terrains) {
268  ss << " " << t;
269  }
271  const t_translation::ter_list& underlying_def_terrains = tdata->underlying_def_terrain(type_.number());
272  ss << "\nDebug Def Description String:";
273  for (const t_translation::terrain_code & t : underlying_def_terrains) {
274  ss << " " << t;
275  }
277  }
279  return ss.str();
280 }
283 //Typedef to help with formatting list of traits
284 // Maps localized trait name to trait help topic ID
285 typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> trait_data;
287 //Helper function for printing a list of trait data
288 static void print_trait_list(std::stringstream & ss, const std::vector<trait_data> & l)
289 {
290  std::size_t i = 0;
291  ss << make_link(l[i].first, l[i].second);
293  // This doesn't skip traits with empty names
294  for(i++; i < l.size(); i++) {
295  ss << ", " << make_link(l[i].first,l[i].second);
296  }
297 }
299 std::string unit_topic_generator::operator()() const {
300  // Force the lazy loading to build this unit.
303  std::stringstream ss;
304  std::string clear_stringstream;
305  const std::string detailed_description = type_.unit_description();
309  const int screen_width = video::game_canvas_size().x;
311  ss << _("Level") << " " << type_.level();
312  ss << "\n\n";
314  ss << "<img>src='" << male_type.image();
315  ss << "~RC(" << male_type.flag_rgb() << ">red)";
316  if (screen_width >= 1200) ss << "~SCALE_SHARP(200%,200%)";
317  ss << "' box='no'</img> ";
319  if (female_type.image() != male_type.image()) {
320  ss << "<img>src='" << female_type.image();
321  ss << "~RC(" << female_type.flag_rgb() << ">red)";
322  if (screen_width >= 1200) ss << "~SCALE_SHARP(200%,200%)";
323  ss << "' box='no'</img> ";
324  }
326  const std::string &male_portrait = male_type.small_profile().empty() ?
327  male_type.big_profile() : male_type.small_profile();
328  const std::string &female_portrait = female_type.small_profile().empty() ?
329  female_type.big_profile() : female_type.small_profile();
331  const bool has_male_portrait = !male_portrait.empty() && male_portrait != male_type.image() && male_portrait != "unit_image";
332  const bool has_female_portrait = !female_portrait.empty() && female_portrait != male_portrait && female_portrait != female_type.image() && female_portrait != "unit_image";
334  int sz = (has_male_portrait && has_female_portrait ? 300 : 400);
335  if (screen_width <= 1366) {
336  sz = (has_male_portrait && has_female_portrait ? 200 : 300);
337  } else if (screen_width >= 1920) {
338  sz = 400;
339  }
341  // without this, scaling down (SCALE_INTO below) and then scaling back up due to the pixel multiplier leads to ugly results
342  // can't use the preferences value since it may be different than the actual value
343  sz *= video::get_pixel_scale();
345  // TODO: figure out why the second checks don't match but the last does
346  if (has_male_portrait) {
347  ss << "<img>src='" << male_portrait << "~FL(horiz)~SCALE_INTO(" << sz << ',' << sz << ")' box='no' align='right' float='yes'</img> ";
348  }
351  if (has_female_portrait) {
352  ss << "<img>src='" << female_portrait << "~FL(horiz)~SCALE_INTO(" << sz << ',' << sz << ")' box='no' align='right' float='yes'</img> ";
353  }
355  ss << "\n\n\n";
357  // Print cross-references to units that this unit advances from/to.
358  // Cross reference to the topics containing information about those units.
359  const bool first_reverse_value = true;
360  bool reverse = first_reverse_value;
361  if (variation_.empty()) {
362  do {
363  std::vector<std::string> adv_units =
364  reverse ? type_.advances_from() : type_.advances_to();
365  bool first = true;
367  for (const std::string &adv : adv_units) {
369  if (!type || type->hide_help()) {
370  continue;
371  }
373  if (first) {
374  if (reverse) {
375  ss << _("Advances from: ");
376  } else {
377  ss << _("Advances to: ");
378  }
379  first = false;
380  } else {
381  ss << ", ";
382  }
384  std::string lang_unit = type->type_name();
385  std::string ref_id;
387  const std::string section_prefix = type->show_variations_in_help() ? ".." : "";
388  ref_id = section_prefix + unit_prefix + type->id();
389  } else {
390  ref_id = unknown_unit_topic;
391  lang_unit += " (?)";
392  }
393  ss << make_link(lang_unit, ref_id);
394  }
395  if (!first) {
396  ss << "\n";
397  }
399  reverse = !reverse; //switch direction
400  } while(reverse != first_reverse_value); // don't restart
401  }
403  const unit_type* parent = variation_.empty() ? &type_ :
405  if (!variation_.empty()) {
406  ss << _("Base unit: ") << make_link(parent->type_name(), ".." + unit_prefix + << "\n";
407  } else {
408  bool first = true;
409  for (const std::string& base_id : utils::split(type_.get_cfg()["base_ids"])) {
410  if (first) {
411  ss << _("Base units: ");
412  first = false;
413  }
414  const unit_type* base_type = unit_types.find(base_id, unit_type::HELP_INDEXED);
415  const std::string section_prefix = base_type->show_variations_in_help() ? ".." : "";
416  ss << make_link(base_type->type_name(), section_prefix + unit_prefix + base_id) << "\n";
417  }
418  }
420  bool first = true;
421  for (const std::string &var_id : parent->variations()) {
422  const unit_type &type = parent->get_variation(var_id);
424  if(type.hide_help()) {
425  continue;
426  }
428  if (first) {
429  ss << _("Variations: ");
430  first = false;
431  } else {
432  ss << ", ";
433  }
435  std::string ref_id;
437  std::string var_name = type.variation_name();
439  ref_id = variation_prefix + + "_" + var_id;
440  } else {
441  ref_id = unknown_unit_topic;
442  var_name += " (?)";
443  }
445  ss << make_link(var_name, ref_id);
446  }
447  ss << "\n"; //added even if empty, to avoid shifting
449  // Print the race of the unit, cross-reference it to the respective topic.
450  const std::string race_id = type_.race_id();
451  std::string race_name = type_.race()->plural_name();
452  if (race_name.empty()) {
453  race_name = _ ("race^Miscellaneous");
454  }
455  ss << _("Race: ");
456  ss << make_link(race_name, "..race_" + race_id);
457  ss << "\n\n";
459  // Print the possible traits of the unit, cross-reference them
460  // to their respective topics.
462  std::vector<trait_data> must_have_traits;
463  std::vector<trait_data> random_traits;
464  int must_have_nameless_traits = 0;
466  for(const config& trait : traits) {
467  const std::string& male_name = trait["male_name"].str();
468  const std::string& female_name = trait["female_name"].str();
469  std::string trait_name;
470  if (type_.has_gender_variation(unit_race::MALE) && ! male_name.empty())
471  trait_name = male_name;
472  else if (type_.has_gender_variation(unit_race::FEMALE) && ! female_name.empty())
473  trait_name = female_name;
474  else if (! trait["name"].str().empty())
475  trait_name = trait["name"].str();
476  else
477  continue; // Hidden trait
479  std::string lang_trait_name = translation::gettext(trait_name.c_str());
480  if (lang_trait_name.empty() && trait["availability"].str() == "musthave") {
481  ++must_have_nameless_traits;
482  continue;
483  }
484  const std::string ref_id = "traits_"+trait["id"].str();
485  ((trait["availability"].str() == "musthave") ? must_have_traits : random_traits).emplace_back(lang_trait_name, ref_id);
486  }
488  bool line1 = !must_have_traits.empty();
489  bool line2 = !random_traits.empty() && type_.num_traits() > must_have_traits.size();
491  if (line1) {
492  std::string traits_label = _("Traits");
493  ss << traits_label;
494  if (line2) {
495  std::stringstream must_have_count;
496  must_have_count << " (" << must_have_traits.size() << ") : ";
497  std::stringstream random_count;
498  random_count << " (" << (type_.num_traits() - must_have_traits.size() - must_have_nameless_traits) << ") : ";
500  int second_line_whitespace = font::pango_line_width(traits_label+must_have_count.str(), normal_font_size)
501  - font::pango_line_width(random_count.str(), normal_font_size);
502  // This ensures that the second line is justified so that the ':' characters are aligned.
504  ss << must_have_count.str();
505  print_trait_list(ss, must_have_traits);
506  ss << "\n" << jump(second_line_whitespace) << random_count.str();
507  print_trait_list(ss, random_traits);
508  } else {
509  ss << ": ";
510  print_trait_list(ss, must_have_traits);
511  }
512  ss << "\n\n";
513  } else {
514  if (line2) {
515  ss << _("Traits") << " (" << (type_.num_traits() - must_have_nameless_traits) << ") : ";
516  print_trait_list(ss, random_traits);
517  ss << "\n\n";
518  }
519  }
520  }
522  // Print the abilities the units has, cross-reference them
523  // to their respective topics. TODO: Update this according to musthave trait effects, similar to movetype below
524  if(!type_.abilities_metadata().empty()) {
525  ss << _("Abilities: ");
527  bool start = true;
529  for(auto iter = type_.abilities_metadata().begin(); iter != type_.abilities_metadata().end(); ++iter) {
530  const std::string ref_id = ability_prefix + iter->id + iter->name.base_str();
532  if(iter->name.empty()) {
533  continue;
534  }
536  if(!start) {
537  ss << ", ";
538  } else {
539  start = false;
540  }
542  std::string lang_ability = translation::gettext(iter->name.c_str());
543  ss << make_link(lang_ability, ref_id);
544  }
546  ss << "\n\n";
547  }
549  // Print the extra AMLA upgrade abilities, cross-reference them to their respective topics.
550  if(!type_.adv_abilities_metadata().empty()) {
551  ss << _("Ability Upgrades: ");
553  bool start = true;
555  for(auto iter = type_.adv_abilities_metadata().begin(); iter != type_.adv_abilities_metadata().end(); ++iter) {
556  const std::string ref_id = ability_prefix + iter->id + iter->name.base_str();
558  if(iter->name.empty()) {
559  continue;
560  }
562  if(!start) {
563  ss << ", ";
564  } else {
565  start = false;
566  }
568  std::string lang_ability = translation::gettext(iter->name.c_str());
569  ss << make_link(lang_ability, ref_id);
570  }
572  ss << "\n\n";
573  }
575  // Print some basic information such as HP and movement points.
576  // TODO: Make this info update according to musthave traits, similar to movetype below.
578  // TRANSLATORS: This string is used in the help page of a single unit. If the translation
579  // uses spaces, use non-breaking spaces as appropriate for the target language to prevent
580  // unpleasant line breaks (issue #3256).
581  ss << _("HP:") << font::nbsp << type_.hitpoints() << jump(30)
582  // TRANSLATORS: This string is used in the help page of a single unit. If the translation
583  // uses spaces, use non-breaking spaces as appropriate for the target language to prevent
584  // unpleasant line breaks (issue #3256).
585  << _("Moves:") << font::nbsp << type_.movement() << jump(30);
586  if ( != type_.movement()) {
587  // TRANSLATORS: This string is used in the help page of a single unit. If the translation
588  // uses spaces, use non-breaking spaces as appropriate for the target language to prevent
589  // unpleasant line breaks (issue #3256).
590  ss << _("Vision:") << font::nbsp << << jump(30);
591  }
592  if (type_.jamming() > 0) {
593  // TRANSLATORS: This string is used in the help page of a single unit. If the translation
594  // uses spaces, use non-breaking spaces as appropriate for the target language to prevent
595  // unpleasant line breaks (issue #3256).
596  ss << _("Jamming:") << font::nbsp << type_.jamming() << jump(30);
597  }
598  // TRANSLATORS: This string is used in the help page of a single unit. If the translation
599  // uses spaces, use non-breaking spaces as appropriate for the target language to prevent
600  // unpleasant line breaks (issue #3256).
601  ss << _("Cost:") << font::nbsp << type_.cost() << jump(30)
602  // TRANSLATORS: This string is used in the help page of a single unit. If the translation
603  // uses spaces, use non-breaking spaces as appropriate for the target language to prevent
604  // unpleasant line breaks (issue #3256).
605  << _("Alignment:") << font::nbsp
606  << make_link(type_.alignment_description(type_.alignment(), type_.genders().front()), "time_of_day")
607  << jump(30);
609  // TRANSLATORS: This string is used in the help page of a single unit. It uses
610  // non-breaking spaces to prevent unpleasant line breaks (issue #3256). In the
611  // translation use non-breaking spaces as appropriate for the target language.
612  ss << _("Required\u00a0XP:") << font::nbsp << type_.experience_needed();
613  }
615  // Print the detailed description about the unit.
616  ss << "\n\n" << detailed_description;
617  if(const auto notes = type_.special_notes(); !notes.empty()) {
618  ss << "\n\n" << _("Special Notes:") << '\n';
619  for(const auto& note : notes) {
620  ss << font::unicode_bullet << " " << note << '\n';
621  }
622  }
624  // Padding for range and damage type icons
625  const auto padding = 4; // matches the alignment of the terrain rows
627  // Print the different attacks a unit has, if it has any.
628  if (!type_.attacks().empty()) {
629  // Print headers for the table.
630  ss << "\n\n<header>text='" << escape(_("unit help^Attacks"))
631  << "'</header>\n\n";
632  table_spec table;
634  std::vector<item> first_row;
635  // Dummy element, icons are below.
636  first_row.push_back(item("", 0));
637  push_header(first_row, _("unit help^Name"));
638  push_header(first_row, _("Strikes"));
639  push_header(first_row, _("Range"));
640  push_header(first_row, _("Type"));
641  push_header(first_row, _("Special"));
642  table.push_back(first_row);
643  // Print information about every attack.
644  for(const attack_type& attack : type_.attacks()) {
645  std::string lang_weapon =;
646  std::string lang_type = string_table["type_" + attack.type()];
647  std::vector<item> row;
648  std::stringstream attack_ss;
650  // Attack icon
651  attack_ss << "<img>src='" << attack.icon() << "'</img>";
652  row.emplace_back(attack_ss.str(),image_width(attack.icon()));
653  attack_ss.str(clear_stringstream);
655  // Attack name
656  push_tab_pair(row, lang_weapon);
658  // damage x strikes
659  attack_ss << attack.damage() << font::weapon_numbers_sep << attack.num_attacks()
660  << " " << attack.accuracy_parry_description();
661  push_tab_pair(row, attack_ss.str());
662  attack_ss.str(clear_stringstream);
664  // Range, with icon
665  const std::string range_icon = "icons/profiles/" + attack.range() + "_attack.png~SCALE_INTO(16,16)";
666  if (attack.min_range() > 1 || attack.max_range() > 1) {
667  attack_ss << attack.min_range() << "-" << attack.max_range() << ' ';
668  }
669  attack_ss << string_table["range_" + attack.range()];
670  push_tab_pair(row, attack_ss.str(), range_icon, padding);
671  attack_ss.str(clear_stringstream);
673  // Damage type, with icon
674  const std::string type_icon = "icons/profiles/" + attack.type() + ".png~SCALE_INTO(16,16)";
675  push_tab_pair(row, lang_type, type_icon, padding);
677  // Show this attack's special, if it has any. Cross
678  // reference it to the section describing the special.
679  std::vector<std::pair<t_string, t_string>> specials = attack.special_tooltips();
680  if (!specials.empty()) {
681  std::string lang_special = "";
682  const std::size_t specials_size = specials.size();
683  for (std::size_t i = 0; i != specials_size; ++i) {
684  const std::string ref_id = std::string("weaponspecial_")
685  + specials[i].first.base_str();
686  lang_special = (specials[i].first);
687  attack_ss << make_link(lang_special, ref_id);
688  if (i+1 != specials_size) {
689  attack_ss << ", "; //comma placed before next special
690  }
691  }
692  row.emplace_back(attack_ss.str(), font::pango_line_width(lang_special, normal_font_size));
693  }
694  table.push_back(row);
695  }
696  ss << generate_table(table);
697  }
699  // Generate the movement type of the unit, with resistance, defense, movement, jamming and vision data updated according to any 'musthave' traits which always apply
700  movetype movement_type = type_.movement_type();
702  if (!traits.empty() && type_.num_traits() > 0) {
703  for (const config & t : traits) {
704  if (t["availability"].str() == "musthave") {
705  for (const config & effect : t.child_range("effect")) {
706  if (!effect.has_child("filter") // If this is musthave but has a unit filter, it might not always apply, so don't apply it in the help.
707  && movetype::effects.find(effect["apply_to"].str()) != movetype::effects.end()) {
708  movement_type.merge(effect, effect["replace"].to_bool());
709  }
710  }
711  }
712  }
713  }
715  // Print the resistance table of the unit.
716  ss << "\n\n<header>text='" << escape(_("Resistances"))
717  << "'</header>\n\n";
718  table_spec resistance_table;
719  std::vector<item> first_res_row;
720  push_header(first_res_row, _("Attack Type"));
721  push_header(first_res_row, _("Resistance"));
722  resistance_table.push_back(first_res_row);
723  utils::string_map_res dam_tab = movement_type.damage_table();
724  for(std::pair<std::string, std::string> dam_it : dam_tab) {
725  std::vector<item> row;
726  int resistance = 100;
727  try {
728  resistance -= std::stoi(dam_it.second);
729  } catch(std::invalid_argument&) {}
730  std::string resist = std::to_string(resistance) + '%';
731  const std::size_t pos = resist.find('-');
732  if (pos != std::string::npos) {
733  resist.replace(pos, 1, font::unicode_minus);
734  }
735  std::string color = unit_helper::resistance_color(resistance);
736  const std::string lang_type = string_table["type_" + dam_it.first];
737  const std::string type_icon = "icons/profiles/" + dam_it.first + ".png~SCALE_INTO(16,16)";
738  push_tab_pair(row, lang_type, type_icon, padding);
739  std::stringstream str;
740  str << "<format>color=\"" << color << "\" text='"<< resist << "'</format>";
741  const std::string markup = str.str();
742  str.str(clear_stringstream);
743  str << resist;
744  row.emplace_back(markup, font::pango_line_width(str.str(), normal_font_size));
745  resistance_table.push_back(row);
746  }
747  ss << generate_table(resistance_table);
749  if (std::shared_ptr<terrain_type_data> tdata = load_terrain_types_data()) {
750  // Print the terrain modifier table of the unit.
751  ss << "\n\n<header>text='" << escape(_("Terrain Modifiers"))
752  << "'</header>\n\n";
753  std::vector<item> first_row;
754  table_spec table;
755  push_header(first_row, _("Terrain"));
756  push_header(first_row, _("Defense"));
757  push_header(first_row, _("Movement Cost"));
759  const bool has_terrain_defense_caps = movement_type.has_terrain_defense_caps(prefs::get().encountered_terrains());
760  if (has_terrain_defense_caps) {
761  push_header(first_row, _("Defense Cap"));
762  }
764  const bool has_vision = type_.movement_type().has_vision_data();
765  if (has_vision) {
766  push_header(first_row, _("Vision Cost"));
767  }
768  const bool has_jamming = type_.movement_type().has_jamming_data();
769  if (has_jamming) {
770  push_header(first_row, _("Jamming Cost"));
771  }
773  table.push_back(first_row);
775  std::set<terrain_movement_info> terrain_moves;
777  for (t_translation::terrain_code terrain : prefs::get().encountered_terrains()) {
779  continue;
780  }
781  const terrain_type& info = tdata->get_terrain_info(terrain);
782  const int moves = movement_type.movement_cost(terrain);
783  const bool cannot_move = moves > type_.movement();
784  if (cannot_move && info.hide_if_impassable()) {
785  continue;
786  }
788  if (info.is_indivisible() && info.is_nonnull()) {
789  terrain_movement_info movement_info =
790  {
793  100 - movement_type.defense_modifier(terrain),
794  moves,
795  movement_type.vision_cost(terrain),
796  movement_type.jamming_cost(terrain),
797  movement_type.get_defense().capped(terrain)
798  };
800  terrain_moves.insert(movement_info);
801  }
802  }
804  for(const terrain_movement_info &m : terrain_moves)
805  {
806  std::vector<item> row;
808  bool high_res = false;
809  const std::string tc_base = high_res ? "images/buttons/icon-base-32.png" : "images/buttons/icon-base-16.png";
810  const std::string terrain_image = "icons/terrain/terrain_type_" + + (high_res ? "_30.png" : ".png");
812  const std::string final_image = tc_base + "~RC(magenta>" + + ")~BLIT(" + terrain_image + ")";
814  row.emplace_back("<img>src='" + final_image + "'</img> " +
815  make_link(, "..terrain_" +,
816  font::pango_line_width(, normal_font_size) + (high_res ? 32 : 16) );
818  //defense - range: +10 % .. +70 %
819  // passing false to select the more saturated red-to-green scale
820  std::string color = game_config::red_to_green(m.defense, false).to_hex_string();
822  std::stringstream str;
823  std::stringstream str_unformatted;
824  str << "<format>color='" << color << "' text='"<< m.defense << "%'</format>";
825  str_unformatted << m.defense << "%";
826  row.emplace_back(str.str(), font::pango_line_width(str_unformatted.str(), normal_font_size));
828  //movement - range: 1 .. 5, movetype::UNREACHABLE=impassable
829  str.str(clear_stringstream);
830  str_unformatted.str(clear_stringstream);
831  const bool cannot_move = m.movement_cost > type_.movement(); // cannot move in this terrain
832  double movement_red_to_green = 100.0 - 25.0 * m.movement_cost;
834  // passing true to select the less saturated red-to-green scale
835  std::string movement_color = game_config::red_to_green(movement_red_to_green, true).to_hex_string();
836  str << "<format>color='" << movement_color << "' text='";
837  // A 5 MP margin; if the movement costs go above
838  // the unit's max moves + 5, we replace it with dashes.
839  if(cannot_move && (m.movement_cost > type_.movement() + 5)) {
840  str_unformatted << font::unicode_figure_dash;
841  } else if(cannot_move) {
842  str_unformatted << "(" << m.movement_cost << ")";
843  } else {
844  str_unformatted << m.movement_cost;
845  }
846  if(m.movement_cost != 0) {
847  const int movement_hexes_per_turn = type_.movement() / m.movement_cost;
848  str_unformatted << " ";
849  for(int i = 0; i < movement_hexes_per_turn; ++i) {
850  // Unicode horizontal black hexagon and Unicode zero width space (to allow a line break)
851  str_unformatted << "\u2b23\u200b";
852  }
853  }
854  str << str_unformatted.str() << "'</format>";
855  row.emplace_back(str.str(), font::pango_line_width(str_unformatted.str(), normal_font_size));
857  //defense cap
858  if (has_terrain_defense_caps) {
859  str.str(clear_stringstream);
860  str_unformatted.str(clear_stringstream);
861  if (m.defense_cap) {
862  str << "<format>color='"<< color <<"' text='" << m.defense << "%'</format>";
863  str_unformatted << m.defense << "%";
864  } else {
865  str << "<format>color=white text='" << font::unicode_figure_dash << "'</format>";
866  str_unformatted << font::unicode_figure_dash;
867  }
868  row.emplace_back(str.str(), font::pango_line_width(str_unformatted.str(), normal_font_size));
869  }
871  //vision
872  if (has_vision) {
873  str.str(clear_stringstream);
874  str_unformatted.str(clear_stringstream);
875  const bool cannot_view = m.vision_cost >; // cannot view in this terrain
876  double vision_red_to_green = 100.0 - 25.0 * m.vision_cost;
878  // passing true to select the less saturated red-to-green scale
879  std::string vision_color = game_config::red_to_green(vision_red_to_green, true).to_hex_string();
880  str << "<format>color='" << vision_color << "' text='";
881  // A 5 MP margin; if the vision costs go above
882  // the unit's vision + 5, we replace it with dashes.
883  if(cannot_view && (m.vision_cost > + 5)) {
884  str_unformatted << font::unicode_figure_dash;
885  } else if(cannot_view) {
886  str_unformatted << "(" << m.vision_cost << ")";
887  } else {
888  str_unformatted << m.vision_cost;
889  }
890  if(m.vision_cost != 0) {
891  const int vision_hexes_per_turn = / m.vision_cost;
892  str_unformatted << " ";
893  for(int i = 0; i < vision_hexes_per_turn; ++i) {
894  // Unicode horizontal black hexagon and Unicode zero width space (to allow a line break)
895  str_unformatted << "\u2b23\u200b";
896  }
897  }
898  str << str_unformatted.str() << "'</format>";
899  row.emplace_back(str.str(), font::pango_line_width(str_unformatted.str(), normal_font_size));
900  }
902  //jamming
903  if (has_jamming) {
904  str.str(clear_stringstream);
905  str_unformatted.str(clear_stringstream);
906  const bool cannot_jam = m.jamming_cost > type_.jamming(); // cannot jam in this terrain
907  double jamming_red_to_green = 100.0 - 25.0 * m.jamming_cost;
909  // passing true to select the less saturated red-to-green scale
910  std::string jamming_color = game_config::red_to_green(jamming_red_to_green, true).to_hex_string();
911  str << "<format>color='" << jamming_color << "' text='";
912  // A 5 MP margin; if the jamming costs go above
913  // the unit's jamming + 5, we replace it with dashes.
914  if (cannot_jam && m.jamming_cost > type_.jamming() + 5) {
915  str_unformatted << font::unicode_figure_dash;
916  } else if(cannot_jam) {
917  str_unformatted << "(" << m.jamming_cost << ")";
918  } else {
919  str_unformatted << m.jamming_cost;
920  }
921  if(m.jamming_cost != 0) {
922  const int jamming_hexes_per_turn = type_.jamming() / m.jamming_cost;
923  str_unformatted << " ";
924  for(int i = 0; i < jamming_hexes_per_turn; ++i) {
925  // Unicode horizontal black hexagon and Unicode zero width space (to allow a line break)
926  str_unformatted << "\u2b23\u200b";
927  }
928  }
929  str << str_unformatted.str() << "'</format>";
930  row.emplace_back(str.str(), font::pango_line_width(str_unformatted.str(), normal_font_size));
931  }
933  table.push_back(row);
934  }
936  ss << generate_table(table);
937  } else {
938  WRN_HP << "When building unit help topics, the display object was null and we couldn't get the terrain info we need.";
939  }
940  return ss.str();
941 }
943 void unit_topic_generator::push_header(std::vector< item > &row, const std::string& name) const {
945 }
947 } // end namespace help
double t
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
std::vector< std::string > names
Definition: build_info.cpp:67
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:159
boost::iterator_range< const_child_iterator > const_child_itors
Definition: config.hpp:283
virtual std::string operator()() const
virtual std::string operator()() const
void push_header(std::vector< help::item > &row, const std::string &name) const
bool capped(const t_translation::terrain_code &terrain) const
Returns whether there is a defense cap associated to this terrain.
Definition: movetype.hpp:196
The basic "size" of the unit - flying, small land, large land, etc.
Definition: movetype.hpp:44
static const std::set< std::string > effects
The set of applicable effects for movement types.
Definition: movetype.hpp:340
void merge(const config &new_cfg, bool overwrite=true)
Merges the given config over the existing data, the config should have zero or more children named "m...
Definition: movetype.cpp:858
bool has_vision_data() const
Returns whether or not there are any vision-specific costs.
Definition: movetype.hpp:301
bool has_jamming_data() const
Returns whether or not there are any jamming-specific costs.
Definition: movetype.hpp:303
bool has_terrain_defense_caps(const std::set< t_translation::terrain_code > &ts) const
Returns whether or not there are any terrain caps with respect to a set of terrains.
Definition: movetype.cpp:850
int defense_modifier(const t_translation::terrain_code &terrain) const
Returns the defensive value of the indicated terrain.
Definition: movetype.hpp:288
int jamming_cost(const t_translation::terrain_code &terrain, bool slowed=false) const
Returns the cost to "jam" through the indicated terrain.
Definition: movetype.hpp:284
int vision_cost(const t_translation::terrain_code &terrain, bool slowed=false) const
Returns the cost to see through the indicated terrain.
Definition: movetype.hpp:281
int movement_cost(const t_translation::terrain_code &terrain, bool slowed=false) const
Returns the cost to move through the indicated terrain.
Definition: movetype.hpp:278
utils::string_map_res damage_table() const
Returns a map from damage types to resistances.
Definition: movetype.hpp:295
terrain_defense & get_defense()
Definition: movetype.hpp:263
static prefs & get()
bool empty() const
Definition: tstring.hpp:186
const std::string & str() const
Definition: tstring.hpp:190
const std::string & editor_group() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:152
bool has_default_base() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:177
const std::string & icon_image() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:44
const t_string & income_description() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:147
bool is_combined() const
True for instances created by the terrain_code(base, overlay) constructor.
Definition: terrain.hpp:167
const std::string & editor_image() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:47
bool is_nonnull() const
True if this object represents some sentinel values.
Definition: terrain.hpp:129
bool is_keep() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:143
bool is_castle() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:142
const std::string & id() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:52
const t_string & help_topic_text() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:51
bool is_village() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:141
const t_translation::ter_list & def_type() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:76
const t_translation::ter_list & mvt_type() const
The underlying type of the terrain.
Definition: terrain.hpp:75
int light_bonus(int base) const
Returns the light (lawful) bonus for this terrain when the time of day gives a base bonus.
Definition: terrain.hpp:132
const t_translation::ter_list & union_type() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:78
bool is_overlay() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:155
static bool is_indivisible(t_translation::terrain_code id, const t_translation::ter_list &underlying)
Returns true if a terrain has no underlying types other than itself, in respect of either union,...
Definition: terrain.hpp:100
const t_string & editor_name() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:49
int gives_healing() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:140
t_translation::terrain_code default_base() const
Overlay terrains defined by a [terrain_type] can declare a fallback base terrain, for use when the ov...
Definition: terrain.hpp:176
bool hide_in_editor() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:62
t_translation::terrain_code number() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:66
const t_string & plural_name() const
Definition: race.hpp:39
Definition: race.hpp:28
Definition: race.hpp:28
const unit_type * find(const std::string &key, unit_type::BUILD_STATUS status=unit_type::FULL) const
Finds a unit_type by its id() and makes sure it is built to the specified level.
Definition: types.cpp:1267
void build_unit_type(const unit_type &ut, unit_type::BUILD_STATUS status) const
Makes sure the provided unit_type is built to the specified level.
Definition: types.cpp:1259
A single unit type that the player may recruit.
Definition: types.hpp:43
bool can_advance() const
Definition: types.hpp:222
const std::vector< std::string > advances_from() const
A vector of unit_type ids that can advance to this unit_type.
Definition: types.cpp:652
std::string race_id() const
Returns the ID of this type's race without the need to build the type.
Definition: types.hpp:272
static std::string alignment_description(unit_alignments::type align, unit_race::GENDER gender=unit_race::MALE)
Implementation detail of unit_type::alignment_description.
Definition: types.cpp:839
const std::string & image() const
Definition: types.hpp:176
const std::string & id() const
The id for this unit_type.
Definition: types.hpp:141
const std::vector< ability_metadata > & adv_abilities_metadata() const
Some extra abilities that may be gained through AMLA advancements.
Definition: types.hpp:220
const movetype & movement_type() const
Definition: types.hpp:189
bool show_variations_in_help() const
Whether the unit type has at least one help-visible variation.
Definition: types.cpp:762
const unit_race * race() const
Never returns nullptr, but may point to the null race.
Definition: types.hpp:277
int hitpoints() const
Definition: types.hpp:161
const unit_type & get_variation(const std::string &id) const
Definition: types.cpp:474
const_attack_itors attacks() const
Definition: types.cpp:543
const std::vector< std::string > & advances_to() const
A vector of unit_type ids that this unit_type can advance to.
Definition: types.hpp:115
bool has_gender_variation(const unit_race::GENDER gender) const
Definition: types.hpp:250
int movement() const
Definition: types.hpp:166
t_string unit_description() const
Definition: types.cpp:484
Definition: types.hpp:74
Definition: types.hpp:74
const std::vector< unit_race::GENDER > & genders() const
The returned vector will not be empty, provided this has been built to the HELP_INDEXED status.
Definition: types.hpp:249
std::vector< std::string > variations() const
Definition: types.cpp:745
const std::string & flag_rgb() const
Definition: types.cpp:720
int vision() const
Definition: types.hpp:167
std::vector< t_string > special_notes() const
Returns all notes that should be displayed in the help page for this type, including those found in a...
Definition: types.cpp:493
config::const_child_itors modification_advancements() const
Returns two iterators pointing to a range of AMLA configs.
Definition: types.hpp:120
int cost() const
Definition: types.hpp:172
const unit_type & get_gender_unit_type(std::string gender) const
Returns a gendered variant of this unit_type.
Definition: types.cpp:453
int experience_needed(bool with_acceleration=true) const
Definition: types.cpp:577
const std::string & big_profile() const
Definition: types.hpp:179
const t_string & type_name() const
The name of the unit in the current language setting.
Definition: types.hpp:138
config::const_child_itors possible_traits() const
Definition: types.hpp:231
int level() const
Definition: types.hpp:164
unit_alignments::type alignment() const
Definition: types.hpp:193
const std::string & small_profile() const
Definition: types.hpp:178
const std::vector< ability_metadata > & abilities_metadata() const
Definition: types.hpp:217
const config & get_cfg() const
Definition: types.hpp:281
unsigned int num_traits() const
Definition: types.hpp:135
int jamming() const
Definition: types.hpp:170
#define VGETTEXT(msgid,...)
Handy wrappers around interpolate_variables_into_string and gettext.
#define VNGETTEXT(msgid, msgid_plural, count,...)
std::size_t i
Definition: function.cpp:968
static std::string _(const char *str)
Definition: gettext.hpp:93
#define WRN_HP
static lg::log_domain log_help("help")
symbol_table string_table
Definition: language.cpp:64
Standard logging facilities (interface).
EXIT_STATUS start(bool clear_id, const std::string &filename, bool take_screenshot, const std::string &screenshot_filename)
Main interface for launching the editor from the title screen.
int pango_line_width(const std::string &line, int font_size, font::pango_text::FONT_STYLE font_style=font::pango_text::STYLE_NORMAL)
Determine the width of a line of text given a certain font size.
const std::string nbsp
Definition: constants.cpp:40
const std::string unicode_bullet
Definition: constants.cpp:47
const std::string unicode_figure_dash
Definition: constants.cpp:45
const std::string weapon_numbers_sep
Definition: constants.cpp:49
const std::string unicode_minus
Definition: constants.cpp:42
const bool & debug
Definition: game_config.cpp:92
color_t red_to_green(double val, bool for_text)
Return a color corresponding to the value val red for val=0.0 to green for val=100....
unsigned screen_width
The screen resolution and pixel pitch should be available for all widgets since their drawing method ...
Definition: settings.cpp:27
Definition: help.cpp:53
Definition: help_impl.hpp:244
std::string bold(const std::string &s)
Definition: help_impl.hpp:403
std::string make_link(const std::string &text, const std::string &dst)
Definition: help_impl.hpp:383
std::string escape(const std::string &s)
Prepend all chars with meaning inside attributes with a backslash.
Definition: help_impl.cpp:1727
static std::string print_behavior_description(ter_iter start, ter_iter end, const std::shared_ptr< terrain_type_data > &tdata, bool first_level=true, bool begin_best=true)
t_translation::ter_list::const_iterator ter_iter
const std::string unit_prefix
Definition: help_impl.cpp:89
unsigned image_width(const std::string &filename)
Definition: help_impl.cpp:1660
const std::string variation_prefix
Definition: help_impl.cpp:94
UNIT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE description_type(const unit_type &type)
Return the type of description that should be shown for a unit of the given kind.
Definition: help_impl.cpp:1189
const std::string ability_prefix
Definition: help_impl.cpp:95
std::vector< std::vector< help::item > > table_spec
Definition: help_impl.hpp:413
std::pair< std::string, unsigned > item
Definition: help_impl.hpp:411
void push_tab_pair(std::vector< help::item > &v, const std::string &s, const utils::optional< std::string > &image, unsigned padding)
Definition: help_impl.cpp:1670
std::pair< std::string, std::string > trait_data
const int normal_font_size
Definition: help_impl.cpp:81
std::string generate_table(const table_spec &tab, const unsigned int spacing)
Definition: help_impl.cpp:1684
const std::string terrain_prefix
Definition: help_impl.cpp:90
const std::string unknown_unit_topic
Definition: help_impl.cpp:88
std::shared_ptr< terrain_type_data > load_terrain_types_data()
Load the appropriate terrain types data to use.
Definition: help_impl.cpp:1733
static std::string best_str(bool best)
std::string jump(const unsigned amount)
Definition: help_impl.hpp:396
static void print_trait_list(std::stringstream &ss, const std::vector< trait_data > &l)
logger & info()
Definition: log.cpp:316
const terrain_code VOID_TERRAIN
VOID_TERRAIN is used for shrouded hexes.
const terrain_code MINUS
bool terrain_matches(const terrain_code &src, const terrain_code &dest)
Tests whether a specific terrain matches an expression, for matching rules see above.
std::vector< terrain_code > ter_list
Definition: translation.hpp:77
const terrain_code BASE
const ter_match ALL_OFF_MAP
const terrain_code PLUS
const terrain_code FOGGED
static std::string gettext(const char *str)
Definition: gettext.hpp:60
int icompare(const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2)
Case-insensitive lexicographical comparison.
Definition: gettext.cpp:519
std::string resistance_color(const int resistance)
Maps resistance <= -60 (resistance value <= -60%) to intense red.
Definition: helper.cpp:48
std::map< std::string, t_string, res_compare > string_map_res
std::string format_conjunct_list(const t_string &empty, const std::vector< t_string > &elems)
Format a conjunctive list.
std::map< std::string, t_string > string_map
std::vector< std::string > split(const config_attribute_value &val)
point game_canvas_size()
The size of the game canvas, in drawing coordinates / game pixels.
Definition: video.cpp:434
int get_pixel_scale()
Get the current active pixel scale multiplier.
Definition: video.cpp:483
Transitional API for porting SDL_ttf-based code to Pango.
std::string to_hex_string() const
Returns the stored color in rrggbb hex format.
Definition: color.cpp:84
bool operator<(const terrain_movement_info &other) const
A terrain string which is converted to a terrain is a string with 1 or 2 layers the layers are separa...
Definition: translation.hpp:49
static map_location::DIRECTION s
unit_type_data unit_types
Definition: types.cpp:1486