The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.7+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2024
3  by David White <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * @file
18  * Recruiting, recalling.
19  */
21 #include "actions/create.hpp"
23 #include "actions/move.hpp"
24 #include "actions/undo.hpp"
25 #include "actions/vision.hpp"
27 #include "config.hpp"
28 #include "display.hpp"
29 #include "filter_context.hpp"
30 #include "game_events/pump.hpp"
31 #include "game_state.hpp"
33 #include "gettext.hpp"
34 #include "log.hpp"
35 #include "map/map.hpp"
36 #include "pathfind/pathfind.hpp"
37 #include "play_controller.hpp"
38 #include "recall_list_manager.hpp"
39 #include "replay.hpp"
40 #include "resources.hpp"
41 #include "statistics.hpp"
42 #include "synced_checkup.hpp"
43 #include "synced_context.hpp"
44 #include "team.hpp"
45 #include "units/unit.hpp"
46 #include "units/udisplay.hpp"
47 #include "units/filter.hpp"
48 #include "units/types.hpp"
49 #include "utils/general.hpp"
50 #include "variable.hpp"
51 #include "whiteboard/manager.hpp"
53 static lg::log_domain log_engine("engine");
54 #define DBG_NG LOG_STREAM(debug, log_engine)
55 #define LOG_NG LOG_STREAM(info, log_engine)
56 #define ERR_NG LOG_STREAM(err, log_engine)
58 namespace actions {
60 const std::set<std::string> get_recruits(int side, const map_location &recruit_loc)
61 {
62  const team & current_team = resources::gameboard->get_team(side);
64  LOG_NG << "getting recruit list for side " << side << " at location " << recruit_loc;
66  std::set<std::string> local_result;
67  std::set<std::string> global_result;
69  u_end = resources::gameboard->units().end();
71  bool leader_in_place = false;
72  bool allow_local = resources::gameboard->map().is_castle(recruit_loc);
75  // Check for a leader at recruit_loc (means we are recruiting from there,
76  // rather than to there).
77  unit_map::const_iterator find_it = resources::gameboard->units().find(recruit_loc);
78  if ( find_it != u_end ) {
79  if ( find_it->can_recruit() && find_it->side() == side &&
80  resources::gameboard->map().is_keep(recruit_loc) )
81  {
82  // We have been requested to get the recruit list for this
83  // particular leader.
84  leader_in_place = true;
85  local_result.insert(find_it->recruits().begin(),
86  find_it->recruits().end());
87  }
88  else if ( find_it->is_visible_to_team(current_team, false) )
89  {
90  // This hex is visibly occupied, so we cannot recruit here.
91  allow_local = false;
92  }
93  }
95  if ( !leader_in_place ) {
96  // Check all leaders for their ability to recruit here.
97  for( ; u != u_end; ++u ) {
98  // Only consider leaders on this side.
99  if ( !(u->can_recruit() && u->side() == side) )
100  continue;
102  // Check if the leader is on a connected keep.
103  if (allow_local && dynamic_cast<game_state&>(*resources::filter_con).can_recruit_on(*u, recruit_loc)) {
104  leader_in_place= true;
105  local_result.insert(u->recruits().begin(), u->recruits().end());
106  }
107  else if ( !leader_in_place )
108  global_result.insert(u->recruits().begin(), u->recruits().end());
109  }
110  }
112  // Determine which result set to use.
113  std::set<std::string> & result = leader_in_place ? local_result : global_result;
115  // Add the team-wide recruit list.
116  const std::set<std::string>& recruit_list = current_team.recruits();
117  result.insert(recruit_list.begin(), recruit_list.end());
119  return result;
120 }
123 namespace { // Helpers for get_recalls()
124  /**
125  * Adds to @a result those units that @a leader (assumed a leader) can recall.
126  * If @a already_added is supplied, it contains the underlying IDs of units
127  * that can be skipped (because they are already in @a result), and the
128  * underlying ID of units added to @a result will be added to @a already_added.
129  */
130  void add_leader_filtered_recalls(const unit_const_ptr& leader,
131  std::vector< unit_const_ptr > & result,
132  std::set<std::size_t> * already_added = nullptr)
133  {
134  const team& leader_team = resources::gameboard->get_team(leader->side());
135  const std::string& save_id = leader_team.save_id_or_number();
137  const unit_filter ufilt(vconfig(leader->recall_filter()));
139  for (const unit_const_ptr recall_unit_ptr : leader_team.recall_list())
140  {
141  const unit & recall_unit = *recall_unit_ptr;
142  // Do not add a unit twice.
143  std::size_t underlying_id = recall_unit.underlying_id();
144  if ( !already_added || already_added->count(underlying_id) == 0 )
145  {
146  // Only units that match the leader's recall filter are valid.
147  scoped_recall_unit this_unit("this_unit", save_id, leader_team.recall_list().find_index(;
150  {
151  result.push_back(recall_unit_ptr);
152  if ( already_added != nullptr )
153  already_added->insert(underlying_id);
154  }
155  }
156  }
157  }
158 }// anonymous namespace
160 std::vector<unit_const_ptr > get_recalls(int side, const map_location &recall_loc)
161 {
162  LOG_NG << "getting recall list for side " << side << " at location " << recall_loc;
164  std::vector<unit_const_ptr > result;
166  /*
167  * We have three use cases:
168  * 1. An empty castle tile is highlighted; we return only the units recallable there.
169  * 2. A leader on a keep is highlighted; we return only the units recallable by that leader.
170  * 3. Otherwise, we return all units in the recall list that can be recalled by any leader on the map.
171  */
173  bool leader_in_place = false;
174  bool allow_local = resources::gameboard->map().is_castle(recall_loc);
177  // Check for a leader at recall_loc (means we are recalling from there,
178  // rather than to there).
179  const unit_map::const_iterator find_it = resources::gameboard->units().find(recall_loc);
180  if ( find_it != resources::gameboard->units().end() ) {
181  if ( find_it->can_recruit() && find_it->side() == side &&
182  resources::gameboard->map().is_keep(recall_loc) )
183  {
184  // We have been requested to get the recalls for this
185  // particular leader.
186  add_leader_filtered_recalls(find_it.get_shared_ptr(), result);
187  return result;
188  }
189  else if ( find_it->is_visible_to_team(resources::gameboard->get_team(side), false) )
190  {
191  // This hex is visibly occupied, so we cannot recall here.
192  allow_local = false;
193  }
194  }
196  if ( allow_local )
197  {
199  u_end = resources::gameboard->units().end();
200  std::set<std::size_t> valid_local_recalls;
202  for(; u != u_end; ++u) {
203  //We only consider leaders on our side.
204  if (!(u->can_recruit() && u->side() == side))
205  continue;
207  // Check if the leader is on a connected keep.
208  if (!dynamic_cast<game_state&>(*resources::filter_con).can_recruit_on(*u, recall_loc))
209  continue;
210  leader_in_place= true;
212  add_leader_filtered_recalls(u.get_shared_ptr(), result, &valid_local_recalls);
213  }
214  }
216  if ( !leader_in_place )
217  {
218  std::set<std::size_t> valid_local_recalls;
220  for(auto u = resources::gameboard->units().begin(); u != resources::gameboard->units().end(); ++u) {
221  //We only consider leaders on our side.
222  if(!u->can_recruit() || u->side() != side) {
223  continue;
224  }
226  add_leader_filtered_recalls(u.get_shared_ptr(), result, &valid_local_recalls);
227  }
228  }
230  return result;
231 }
233 namespace { // Helpers for check_recall_location()
234  /**
235  * Checks if @a recaller can recall @a recall_unit at @a preferred.
236  * If recalling can occur but not at the preferred location, then a
237  * permissible location is stored in @a alternative.
238  * @returns the reason why recalling is not allowed (or RECRUIT_OK).
239  */
240  RECRUIT_CHECK check_unit_recall_location(
241  const unit & recaller, const unit & recall_unit,
242  const map_location & preferred, map_location & alternative)
243  {
244  // Make sure the unit can actually recall.
245  if ( !recaller.can_recruit() )
246  return RECRUIT_NO_LEADER;
248  // Make sure the recalling unit can recall this specific unit.
249  team& recall_team = (*resources::gameboard).get_team(recaller.side());
250  scoped_recall_unit this_unit("this_unit", recall_team.save_id_or_number(),
251  recall_team.recall_list().find_index(;
253  const unit_filter ufilt(vconfig(recaller.recall_filter()));
254  if ( !ufilt(recall_unit, map_location::null_location()) )
257  // Make sure the unit is on a keep.
258  if ( !resources::gameboard->map().is_keep(recaller.get_location()) )
261  // Make sure there is a permissible location to which to recruit.
262  map_location permissible = pathfind::find_vacant_castle(recaller);
263  if ( !permissible.valid() )
266  // See if the preferred location cannot be used.
267  if (!dynamic_cast<game_state&>(*resources::filter_con).can_recruit_on(recaller, preferred)) {
268  alternative = permissible;
270  }
272  // All tests passed.
273  return RECRUIT_OK;
274  }
275 }//anonymous namespace
277 /** Checks if there is a location on which to recall @a unit_recall. */
278 RECRUIT_CHECK check_recall_location(const int side, map_location& recall_location,
279  map_location& recall_from,
280  const unit &unit_recall)
281 {
282  const unit_map & units = resources::gameboard->units();
283  const unit_map::const_iterator u_end = units.end();
285  map_location check_location = recall_location;
286  map_location alternative; // Set by check_unit_recall_location().
288  // If the specified location is occupied, proceed as if no location was specified.
289  if ( resources::gameboard->units().count(recall_location) != 0 )
290  check_location = map_location::null_location();
292  // If the check location is not valid, we will never get an "OK" result.
293  RECRUIT_CHECK const goal_result = check_location.valid() ? RECRUIT_OK :
297  // Test the specified recaller (if there is one).
298  unit_map::const_iterator u = units.find(recall_from);
299  if ( u != u_end && u->side() == side ) {
300  best_result =
301  check_unit_recall_location(*u, unit_recall, check_location, alternative);
302  }
304  // Loop through all units on the specified side.
305  for ( u = units.begin(); best_result < goal_result && u != u_end; ++u ) {
306  if ( u->side() != side )
307  continue;
309  // Check this unit's viability as a recaller.
310  RECRUIT_CHECK current_result =
311  check_unit_recall_location(*u, unit_recall, check_location, alternative);
313  // If this is not an improvement, proceed to the next unit.
314  if ( current_result <= best_result )
315  continue;
316  best_result = current_result;
318  // If we have a viable recaller, record its location.
319  if ( current_result >= RECRUIT_ALTERNATE_LOCATION )
320  recall_from = u->get_location();
321  }
323  if ( best_result == RECRUIT_ALTERNATE_LOCATION )
324  // Report the alternate location to the caller.
325  recall_location = alternative;
327  return best_result;
328 }
330 std::string find_recall_location(const int side, map_location& recall_location, map_location& recall_from, const unit &unit_recall)
331 {
332  LOG_NG << "finding recall location for side " << side << " and unit " <<;
334  // This function basically translates check_recall_location() to a
335  // human-readable string.
336  switch ( check_recall_location(side, recall_location, recall_from, unit_recall) )
337  {
339  LOG_NG << "No leaders on side " << side << " when recalling " << << ".";
340  return _("You do not have a leader to recall with.");
343  LOG_NG << "No leader is able to recall " << << " on side " << side << ".";
344  return _("None of your leaders are able to recall that unit.");
347  LOG_NG << "No leader able to recall " << << " is on a keep.";
348  return _("You must have a leader on a keep who is able to recall that unit.");
351  LOG_NG << "No vacant castle tiles around a keep are available for recalling " << << "; requested location is " << recall_location << ".";
352  return _("There are no vacant castle tiles in which to recall the unit.");
355  case RECRUIT_OK:
356  return std::string();
357  }
359  // We should never get down to here. But just in case someone decides to
360  // mess with the enum without updating this function:
361  ERR_NG << "Unrecognized enum in find_recall_location()";
362  return _("An unrecognized error has occurred.");
363 }
365 namespace { // Helpers for check_recruit_location()
366  /**
367  * Checks if @a recruiter can recruit at @a preferred.
368  * If @a unit_type is not empty, it must be in the unit-specific recruit list.
369  * If recruitment can occur but not at the preferred location, then a
370  * permissible location is stored in @a alternative.
371  * @returns the reason why recruitment is not allowed (or RECRUIT_OK).
372  */
373  RECRUIT_CHECK check_unit_recruit_location(
374  const unit & recruiter, const std::string & unit_type,
375  const map_location & preferred, map_location & alternative)
376  {
377  // Make sure the unit can actually recruit.
378  if ( !recruiter.can_recruit() )
379  return RECRUIT_NO_LEADER;
381  if ( !unit_type.empty() ) {
382  // Make sure the specified type is in the unit's recruit list.
383  if ( !utils::contains(recruiter.recruits(), unit_type) )
385  }
387  // Make sure the unit is on a keep.
388  if ( !resources::gameboard->map().is_keep(recruiter.get_location()) )
391  // Make sure there is a permissible location to which to recruit.
392  map_location permissible = pathfind::find_vacant_castle(recruiter);
393  if ( !permissible.valid() )
396  // See if the preferred location cannot be used.
397  if (!dynamic_cast<game_state&>(*resources::filter_con).can_recruit_on(recruiter, preferred)) {
398  alternative = permissible;
400  }
402  // All tests passed.
403  return RECRUIT_OK;
404  }
405 }//anonymous namespace
407 /** Checks if there is a location on which to place a recruited unit. */
408 RECRUIT_CHECK check_recruit_location(const int side, map_location &recruit_location,
409  map_location& recruited_from,
410  const std::string& unit_type)
411 {
412  const unit_map & units = resources::gameboard->units();
413  const unit_map::const_iterator u_end = units.end();
415  map_location check_location = recruit_location;
416  std::string check_type = unit_type;
417  map_location alternative; // Set by check_unit_recruit_location().
419  // If the specified location is occupied, proceed as if no location was specified.
420  if ( resources::gameboard->units().count(recruit_location) != 0 )
421  check_location = map_location::null_location();
423  // If the specified unit type is in the team's recruit list, there is no
424  // need to check each leader's list.
425  if ( utils::contains(resources::gameboard->get_team(side).recruits(), unit_type) )
426  check_type.clear();
428  // If the check location is not valid, we will never get an "OK" result.
429  RECRUIT_CHECK const goal_result = check_location.valid() ? RECRUIT_OK :
433  // Test the specified recruiter (if there is one).
434  unit_map::const_iterator u = units.find(recruited_from);
435  if ( u != u_end && u->side() == side ) {
436  best_result =
437  check_unit_recruit_location(*u, check_type, check_location, alternative);
438  }
440  // Loop through all units on the specified side.
441  for ( u = units.begin(); best_result < goal_result && u != u_end; ++u ) {
442  if ( u->side() != side )
443  continue;
445  // Check this unit's viability as a recruiter.
446  RECRUIT_CHECK current_result =
447  check_unit_recruit_location(*u, check_type, check_location, alternative);
449  // If this is not an improvement, proceed to the next unit.
450  if ( current_result <= best_result )
451  continue;
452  best_result = current_result;
454  // If we have a viable recruiter, record its location.
455  if ( current_result >= RECRUIT_ALTERNATE_LOCATION )
456  recruited_from = u->get_location();
457  }
459  if ( best_result == RECRUIT_ALTERNATE_LOCATION )
460  // Report the alternate location to the caller.
461  recruit_location = alternative;
463  return best_result;
464 }
466 std::string find_recruit_location(const int side, map_location& recruit_location, map_location& recruited_from, const std::string& unit_type)
467 {
468  LOG_NG << "finding recruit location for side " << side;
470  // This function basically translates check_recruit_location() to a
471  // human-readable string.
472  switch ( check_recruit_location(side, recruit_location, recruited_from, unit_type) )
473  {
475  LOG_NG << "No leaders on side " << side << " when recruiting '" << unit_type << "'.";
476  return _("You do not have a leader to recruit with.");
479  LOG_NG << "No leader is able to recruit '" << unit_type << "' on side " << side << ".";
480  return _("None of your leaders are able to recruit this unit.");
483  LOG_NG << "No leader able to recruit '" << unit_type << "' is on a keep.";
484  return _("You must have a leader on a keep who is able to recruit the unit.");
487  LOG_NG << "No vacant castle tiles around a keep are available for recruiting '" << unit_type << "'; requested location is " << recruit_location << ".";
488  return _("There are no vacant castle tiles in which to recruit the unit.");
491  case RECRUIT_OK:
492  return std::string();
493  }
495  // We should never get down to here. But just in case someone decides to
496  // mess with the enum without updating this function:
497  ERR_NG << "Unrecognized enum in find_recruit_location()";
498  return _("An unrecognized error has occurred.");
499 }
502 namespace { // Helpers for place_recruit()
503  /**
504  * Performs a checksum check on a newly recruited/recalled unit.
505  */
506  void recruit_checksums(const unit &new_unit, bool wml_triggered)
507  {
508  if(wml_triggered)
509  {
510  return;
511  }
512  const std::string checksum = get_checksum(new_unit);
513  config original_checksum_config;
515  bool checksum_equals = checkup_instance->local_checkup(config {"checksum", checksum},original_checksum_config);
516  if(!checksum_equals)
517  {
518  // This can't call local_checkup() again, but local_checkup() should have already stored the
519  // expected value in original_checksum_config. If it hasn't then the result will be the same as
520  // if the checksum didn't match, which is a reasonably graceful failure.
521  const std::string alternate_checksum = get_checksum(new_unit, backwards_compatibility::unit_checksum_version::version_1_16_or_older);
522  checksum_equals = original_checksum_config["checksum"] == alternate_checksum;
523  }
524  if(!checksum_equals)
525  {
526  const std::string old_checksum = original_checksum_config["checksum"];
527  std::stringstream error_msg;
528  error_msg << "SYNC: In recruit " << new_unit.type_id() <<
529  ": has checksum " << checksum <<
530  " while datasource has checksum " << old_checksum << "\n";
531  if(old_checksum.empty())
532  {
533  error_msg << "Original result is \n" << original_checksum_config << "\n";
534  }
535  config cfg_unit1;
536  new_unit.write(cfg_unit1);
537  DBG_NG << cfg_unit1;
538  replay::process_error(error_msg.str());
539  }
540  }
542  /**
543  * Locates a leader on side @a side who can recruit at @a recruit_location.
544  * A leader at @a recruited_from is chosen in preference to others.
545  */
546  const map_location & find_recruit_leader(int side,
547  const map_location &recruit_location, const map_location &recruited_from)
548  {
549  const unit_map & units = resources::gameboard->units();
551  // See if the preferred location is an option.
552  unit_map::const_iterator leader = units.find(recruited_from);
553  if (leader != units.end() && leader->can_recruit() &&
554  leader->side() == side && dynamic_cast<game_state&>(*resources::filter_con).can_recruit_on(*leader, recruit_location))
555  return leader->get_location();
557  // Check all units.
558  for (leader = units.begin(); leader != units.end(); ++leader)
559  if (leader->can_recruit() && leader->side() == side &&
560  dynamic_cast<game_state&>(*resources::filter_con).can_recruit_on(*leader, recruit_location))
561  return leader->get_location();
563  // No usable leader found.
565  }
567  /**
568  * Tries to make @a un_it valid, and updates @a current_loc.
569  * Used by place_recruit() after WML might have changed something.
570  * @returns true if the iterator was made valid.
571  */
572  bool validate_recruit_iterator(unit_map::iterator & un_it,
573  map_location & current_loc)
574  {
575  if ( !un_it.valid() ) {
576  // Maybe WML provided a replacement?
577  un_it = resources::gameboard->units().find(current_loc);
578  if ( un_it == resources::gameboard->units().end() )
579  // The unit is gone.
580  return false;
581  }
582  current_loc = un_it->get_location();
583  return true;
584  }
586  void set_recruit_facing(unit_map::iterator &new_unit_itor, const unit &new_unit,
587  const map_location &recruit_loc, const map_location &leader_loc)
588  {
589  // Find closest enemy and turn towards it (level 2s count more than level 1s, etc.)
590  const gamemap *map = & resources::gameboard->map();
591  const unit_map & units = resources::gameboard->units();
592  unit_map::const_iterator unit_itor;
593  map_location min_loc;
594  int min_dist = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
596  for ( unit_itor = units.begin(); unit_itor != units.end(); ++unit_itor ) {
597  if (resources::gameboard->get_team(unit_itor->side()).is_enemy(new_unit.side()) &&
598  unit_itor->is_visible_to_team(resources::gameboard->get_team(new_unit.side()), false)) {
599  int dist = distance_between(unit_itor->get_location(),recruit_loc) - unit_itor->level();
600  if (dist < min_dist) {
601  min_dist = dist;
602  min_loc = unit_itor->get_location();
603  }
604  }
605  }
606  if (min_dist < std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) {
607  // Face towards closest enemy
608  new_unit_itor->set_facing(recruit_loc.get_relative_dir(min_loc));
609  } else if (leader_loc != map_location::null_location()) {
610  // Face away from leader
611  new_unit_itor->set_facing(map_location::get_opposite_direction(recruit_loc.get_relative_dir(leader_loc)));
612  } else {
613  // Face towards center of map
614  const map_location center(map->w()/2, map->h()/2);
615  new_unit_itor->set_facing(recruit_loc.get_relative_dir(center));
616  }
617  }
618 }// anonymous namespace
619 //Used by recalls and recruits
620 place_recruit_result place_recruit(const unit_ptr& u, const map_location &recruit_location, const map_location& recruited_from,
621  int cost, bool is_recall, map_location::direction facing, bool show, bool fire_event, bool full_movement,
622  bool wml_triggered)
623 {
624  place_recruit_result res(false, 0, false);
625  LOG_NG << "placing new unit on location " << recruit_location;
626  if (full_movement) {
627  u->set_movement(u->total_movement(), true);
628  } else {
629  //TODO: it looks to me like this change of unit stats is not properly undone yet.
630  u->set_movement(0, true);
631  u->set_attacks(0);
632  }
633  if(!is_recall) {
634  u->heal_fully();
635  }
636  u->set_hidden(true);
638  // Get the leader location before adding the unit to the board.
639  const map_location leader_loc = !show ? map_location::null_location() :
640  find_recruit_leader(u->side(), recruit_location, recruited_from);
641  u->set_location(recruit_location);
643  // Add the unit to the board.
644  auto [new_unit_itor, success] = resources::gameboard->units().insert(u);
645  assert(success);
647  map_location current_loc = recruit_location;
650  set_recruit_facing(new_unit_itor, *u, recruit_location, leader_loc);
651  } else {
652  new_unit_itor->set_facing(facing);
653  }
655  // Do some bookkeeping.
656  team& current_team = resources::gameboard->get_team(u->side());
657  recruit_checksums(*u, wml_triggered);
658  resources::whiteboard->on_gamestate_change();
660  std::get<0>(res) |= std::get<0>(resources::game_events->pump().fire("unit_placed", current_loc));
661  if(!new_unit_itor.valid()) {
662  return place_recruit_result { true, 0, false };
663  }
665  if ( fire_event ) {
666  const std::string event_name = is_recall ? "prerecall" : "prerecruit";
667  LOG_NG << "firing " << event_name << " event";
668  {
669  std::get<0>(res) |= std::get<0>(resources::game_events->pump().fire(event_name, current_loc, recruited_from));
670  }
671  if ( !validate_recruit_iterator(new_unit_itor, current_loc) )
672  return std::tuple(true, 0, false);
673  new_unit_itor->set_hidden(true);
674  }
675  prefs::get().encountered_units().insert(new_unit_itor->type_id());
676  current_team.spend_gold(cost);
678  if ( show ) {
679  unit_display::unit_recruited(current_loc, leader_loc);
680  }
681  // Make sure the unit appears (if either !show or the animation is suppressed).
682  new_unit_itor->set_hidden(false);
683  if (display::get_singleton() != nullptr ) {
684  display::get_singleton()->invalidate(current_loc);
686  }
688  // Village capturing.
689  if ( resources::gameboard->map().is_village(current_loc) ) {
690  std::get<1>(res) = resources::gameboard->village_owner(current_loc);
691  std::get<0>(res) |= std::get<0>(actions::get_village(current_loc, new_unit_itor->side(), &std::get<2>(res)));
692  if ( !validate_recruit_iterator(new_unit_itor, current_loc) )
693  return std::tuple(true, 0, false);
694  }
696  // Fog clearing.
697  actions::shroud_clearer clearer;
698  if ( !wml_triggered && current_team.auto_shroud_updates() ) // To preserve current WML behavior.
699  std::get<0>(res) |= clearer.clear_unit(current_loc, *new_unit_itor);
701  if ( fire_event ) {
702  const std::string event_name = is_recall ? "recall" : "recruit";
703  LOG_NG << "firing " << event_name << " event";
704  {
705  std::get<0>(res) |= std::get<0>(resources::game_events->pump().fire(event_name, current_loc, recruited_from));
706  }
707  }
709  // "sighted" event(s).
710  std::get<0>(res) |= std::get<0>(clearer.fire_events());
711  if ( new_unit_itor.valid() )
712  std::get<0>(res) |= std::get<0>(actions::actor_sighted(*new_unit_itor));
714  return res;
715 }
717 void recruit_unit(const unit_type & u_type, int side_num, const map_location & loc,
718  const map_location & from)
719 {
721  const unit_ptr new_unit = unit::create(u_type, side_num, true);
724  // Place the recruit.
725  resources::undo_stack->add_recruit(new_unit, loc, from);
727  = place_recruit(new_unit, loc, from, u_type.cost(), false, map_location::direction::indeterminate, show);
730  // Check for information uncovered or randomness used.
732  synced_context::block_undo(std::get<0>(res));
734  // Update the screen.
735  if (display::get_singleton() != nullptr )
737  // Other updates were done by place_recruit().
738 }
740 bool recall_unit(const std::string & id, team & current_team,
741  const map_location & loc, const map_location & from,
743 {
745  unit_ptr recall = current_team.recall_list().extract_if_matches_id(id);
747  if ( !recall )
748  return false;
750  resources::undo_stack->add_recall(recall, loc, from);
751  // Place the recall.
752  // We also check to see if a custom unit level recall has been set if not,
753  // we use the team's recall cost otherwise the unit's.
754  int cost = recall->recall_cost() >= 0 ? recall->recall_cost() : current_team.recall_cost();
756  place_recruit_result res = place_recruit(recall, loc, from, cost,
757  true, facing, show);
760  synced_context::block_undo(std::get<0>(res));
763  // Update the screen.
764  if (display::get_singleton() != nullptr )
766  // Other updates were done by place_recruit().
768  return true;
769 }
771 }//namespace actions
map_location loc
Definition: move.cpp:172
Various functions related to moving units.
Class to encapsulate fog/shroud clearing and the resultant sighted events.
Definition: vision.hpp:72
game_events::pump_result_t fire_events()
Fires the sighted events that were earlier recorded by fog/shroud clearing.
Definition: vision.cpp:541
bool clear_unit(const map_location &view_loc, team &view_team, std::size_t viewer_id, int sight_range, bool slowed, const movetype::terrain_costs &costs, const map_location &real_loc, const std::set< map_location > *known_units=nullptr, std::size_t *enemy_count=nullptr, std::size_t *friend_count=nullptr, move_unit_spectator *spectator=nullptr, bool instant=true)
Clears shroud (and fog) around the provided location for view_team based on sight_range,...
Definition: vision.cpp:330
void add_recall(const unit_const_ptr &u, const map_location &loc, const map_location &from)
Adds a recall to the undo stack.
Definition: undo.cpp:108
void add_recruit(const unit_const_ptr &u, const map_location &loc, const map_location &from)
Adds a recruit to the undo stack.
Definition: undo.cpp:117
virtual bool local_checkup(const config &expected_data, config &real_data)=0
Compares data to the results calculated during the original game.
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:158
int village_owner(const map_location &loc) const
Given the location of a village, will return the 1-based number of the team that currently owns it,...
void redraw_minimap()
Schedule the minimap to be redrawn.
Definition: display.cpp:1598
bool invalidate(const map_location &loc)
Function to invalidate a specific tile for redrawing.
Definition: display.cpp:3086
void invalidate_game_status()
Function to invalidate the game status displayed on the sidebar.
Definition: display.hpp:316
static display * get_singleton()
Returns the display object if a display object exists.
Definition: display.hpp:111
team & get_team(int i)
Definition: game_board.hpp:92
virtual const unit_map & units() const override
Definition: game_board.hpp:107
virtual const gamemap & map() const override
Definition: game_board.hpp:97
bool can_recruit_on(const map_location &leader_loc, const map_location &recruit_loc, int side) const
Checks to see if a leader at leader_loc could recruit on recruit_loc.
Definition: game_state.cpp:320
int w() const
Effective map width.
Definition: map.hpp:50
int h() const
Effective map height.
Definition: map.hpp:53
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: map.hpp:172
bool is_castle(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: map.cpp:70
bool is_keep(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: map.cpp:72
statistics_t & statistics()
bool is_skipping_actions() const
std::set< std::string > & encountered_units()
static prefs & get()
unit_ptr extract_if_matches_id(const std::string &unit_id, int *pos=nullptr)
Find a unit by id, and extract from this object if found.
std::size_t find_index(const std::string &unit_id) const
Find the index of a unit by its id.
static void process_error(const std::string &msg)
Definition: replay.cpp:184
void recall_unit(const unit &u)
Definition: statistics.cpp:180
void recruit_unit(const unit &u)
Definition: statistics.cpp:173
static void block_undo(bool do_block=true, bool clear_undo=true)
set this to false to prevent clearing the undo stack, this is important when we cannot change the gam...
This class stores all the data for a single 'side' (in game nomenclature).
Definition: team.hpp:75
int recall_cost() const
Definition: team.hpp:185
bool auto_shroud_updates() const
Definition: team.hpp:329
std::string save_id_or_number() const
Definition: team.hpp:223
void spend_gold(const int amount)
Definition: team.hpp:200
recall_list_manager & recall_list()
Definition: team.hpp:206
const std::set< std::string > & recruits() const
Definition: team.hpp:214
Container associating units to locations.
Definition: map.hpp:98
unit_iterator end()
Definition: map.hpp:428
unit_iterator find(std::size_t id)
Definition: map.cpp:302
unit_iterator begin()
Definition: map.hpp:418
umap_retval_pair_t insert(const unit_ptr &p)
Inserts the unit pointed to by p into the map.
Definition: map.cpp:135
A single unit type that the player may recruit.
Definition: types.hpp:43
int cost() const
Definition: types.hpp:172
This class represents a single unit of a specific type.
Definition: unit.hpp:133
static unit_ptr create(const config &cfg, bool use_traits=false, const vconfig *vcfg=nullptr)
Initializes a unit from a config.
Definition: unit.hpp:201
A variable-expanding proxy for the config class.
Definition: variable.hpp:45
Definitions for the interface to Wesnoth Markup Language (WML).
static lg::log_domain log_engine("engine")
#define ERR_NG
Definition: create.cpp:56
#define DBG_NG
Definition: create.cpp:54
#define LOG_NG
Definition: create.cpp:55
Various functions related to the creation of units (recruits, recalls, and placed units).
map_display and display: classes which take care of displaying the map and game-data on the screen.
static std::string _(const char *str)
Definition: gettext.hpp:93
void write(config &cfg, bool write_all=true) const
Serializes the current unit metadata values.
Definition: unit.cpp:1517
@ version_1_16_or_older
Included some of the flavortext from weapon specials.
const std::vector< std::string > & recruits() const
The type IDs of the other units this unit may recruit, if possible.
Definition: unit.hpp:624
const config & recall_filter() const
Gets the filter constraints upon which units this unit may recall, if able.
Definition: unit.hpp:652
const std::string & type_id() const
The id of this unit's type.
Definition: unit.cpp:1933
bool can_recruit() const
Whether this unit can recruit other units - ie, are they a leader unit.
Definition: unit.hpp:612
const std::string & id() const
Gets this unit's id.
Definition: unit.hpp:380
int side() const
The side this unit belongs to.
Definition: unit.hpp:343
const map_location & get_location() const
The current map location this unit is at.
Definition: unit.hpp:1404
T end(const std::pair< T, T > &p)
std::size_t distance_between(const map_location &a, const map_location &b)
Function which gives the number of hexes between two tiles (i.e.
Definition: location.cpp:550
Standard logging facilities (interface).
std::string find_recruit_location(const int side, map_location &recruit_location, map_location &recruited_from, const std::string &unit_type)
Finds a location on which to place a unit.
Definition: create.cpp:466
RECRUIT_CHECK check_recall_location(const int side, map_location &recall_location, map_location &recall_from, const unit &unit_recall)
Checks if there is a location on which to recall unit_recall.
Definition: create.cpp:278
const std::set< std::string > get_recruits(int side, const map_location &recruit_loc)
Gets the recruitable units from a side's leaders' personal recruit lists who can recruit on or from a...
Definition: create.cpp:60
place_recruit_result place_recruit(const unit_ptr &u, const map_location &recruit_location, const map_location &recruited_from, int cost, bool is_recall, map_location::direction facing, bool show, bool fire_event, bool full_movement, bool wml_triggered)
Place a unit into the game.
Definition: create.cpp:620
The possible results of finding a location for recruiting (or recalling).
Definition: create.hpp:37
Recruitment OK, but not at the specified location.
Definition: create.hpp:43
No able leaders are on a keep.
Definition: create.hpp:41
No leaders exist.
Definition: create.hpp:39
No vacant castle tiles around a leader on a keep.
Definition: create.hpp:42
No leaders able to recall/recruit the given unit/type.
Definition: create.hpp:40
Definition: create.hpp:38
bool recall_unit(const std::string &id, team &current_team, const map_location &loc, const map_location &from, map_location::direction facing)
Recalls the unit with the indicated ID for the provided team.
Definition: create.cpp:740
RECRUIT_CHECK check_recruit_location(const int side, map_location &recruit_location, map_location &recruited_from, const std::string &unit_type)
Checks if there is a location on which to place a recruited unit.
Definition: create.cpp:408
game_events::pump_result_t actor_sighted(const unit &target, const std::vector< int > *cache)
Fires sighted events for the sides that can see target.
Definition: vision.cpp:614
void recruit_unit(const unit_type &u_type, int side_num, const map_location &loc, const map_location &from)
Recruits a unit of the given type for the given side.
Definition: create.cpp:717
game_events::pump_result_t get_village(const map_location &loc, int side, bool *action_timebonus, bool fire_event)
Makes it so the village at the given location is owned by the given side.
Definition: move.cpp:219
std::vector< unit_const_ptr > get_recalls(int side, const map_location &recall_loc)
Gets the recallable units for a side, restricted by that side's leaders' personal abilities to recall...
Definition: create.cpp:160
std::string find_recall_location(const int side, map_location &recall_location, map_location &recall_from, const unit &unit_recall)
Finds a location on which to recall unit_recall.
Definition: create.cpp:330
std::tuple< bool, int, bool > place_recruit_result
Definition: create.hpp:143
void pump()
Process all events currently in the queue.
Definition: events.cpp:479
void show(const std::string &window_id, const t_string &message, const point &mouse, const SDL_Rect &source_rect)
Shows a tip.
Definition: tooltip.cpp:64
bool fire_event(const ui_event event, const std::vector< std::pair< widget *, ui_event >> &event_chain, widget *dispatcher, widget *w, F &&... params)
Helper function for fire_event.
map_location find_vacant_castle(const unit &leader)
Wrapper for find_vacant_tile() when looking for a vacant castle tile near a leader.
Definition: pathfind.cpp:117
game_board * gameboard
Definition: resources.cpp:20
game_events::manager * game_events
Definition: resources.cpp:24
actions::undo_list * undo_stack
Definition: resources.cpp:32
play_controller * controller
Definition: resources.cpp:21
filter_context * filter_con
Definition: resources.cpp:23
std::shared_ptr< wb::manager > whiteboard
Definition: resources.cpp:33
void unit_recruited(const map_location &loc, const map_location &leader_loc)
Definition: udisplay.cpp:799
bool contains(const Container &container, const Value &value)
Returns true iff value is found in container.
Definition: general.hpp:86
This module contains various pathfinding functions and utilities.
std::shared_ptr< const unit > unit_const_ptr
Definition: ptr.hpp:27
std::shared_ptr< unit > unit_ptr
Definition: ptr.hpp:26
Define the game's event mechanism.
Replay control code.
static config unit_type(const unit *u)
Definition: reports.cpp:189
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:45
bool valid() const
Definition: location.hpp:110
static constexpr direction get_opposite_direction(direction d)
Definition: location.hpp:75
Valid directions which can be moved in our hexagonal world.
Definition: location.hpp:47
direction get_relative_dir(const map_location &loc, map_location::RELATIVE_DIR_MODE mode) const
Definition: location.cpp:240
static const map_location & null_location()
Definition: location.hpp:102
bool valid() const
Definition: map.hpp:273
pointer get_shared_ptr() const
This is exactly the same as operator-> but it's slightly more readable, and can replace &*iter syntax...
Definition: map.hpp:217
checkup * checkup_instance
Display units performing various actions: moving, attacking, and dying.
Various functions that implement the undoing (and redoing) of in-game commands.
std::string get_checksum(const unit &u, backwards_compatibility::unit_checksum_version version)
Gets a checksum for a unit.
Definition: unit.cpp:2830
Various functions implementing vision (through fog of war and shroud).