This is the complete list of members for unit_animation_component, including all inherited members.
abil_halos_ | unit_animation_component | private |
abil_halos_ref_ | unit_animation_component | private |
anim_ | unit_animation_component | private |
animations_ | unit_animation_component | private |
apply_new_animation_effect(const config &effect) | unit_animation_component | |
choose_animation(const map_location &loc, const std::string &event, const map_location &second_loc=map_location::null_location(), const int damage=0, const strike_result::type hit_type=strike_result::type::invalid, const_attack_ptr attack=nullptr, const_attack_ptr second_attack=nullptr, int swing_num=0) | unit_animation_component | |
clear_haloes() | unit_animation_component | |
draw_bars_ | unit_animation_component | private |
frame_begin_time_ | unit_animation_component | private |
get_animation() const | unit_animation_component | inline |
get_flags() | unit_animation_component | |
invalidate(const display &disp) | unit_animation_component | |
next_idling_ | unit_animation_component | private |
refresh() | unit_animation_component | |
refreshing_ | unit_animation_component | private |
reset_after_advance(const unit_type *newtype=nullptr) | unit_animation_component | |
set_disabled_ghosted(bool with_bars=true) | unit_animation_component | |
set_ghosted(bool with_bars=true) | unit_animation_component | |
set_idling() | unit_animation_component | |
set_selecting() | unit_animation_component | |
set_standing(bool with_bars=true) | unit_animation_component | |
start_animation(int start_time, const unit_animation *animation, bool with_bars, const std::string &text="", color_t text_color={}, STATE state=STATE_ANIM) | unit_animation_component | |
STATE enum name | unit_animation_component | |
state_ | unit_animation_component | private |
STATE_ANIM enum value | unit_animation_component | |
STATE_FORGET enum value | unit_animation_component | |
STATE_STANDING enum value | unit_animation_component | |
u_ | unit_animation_component | private |
unit class | unit_animation_component | friend |
unit_animation_component(unit &my_unit) | unit_animation_component | inline |
unit_animation_component(unit &my_unit, const unit_animation_component &o) | unit_animation_component | inline |
unit_drawer class | unit_animation_component | friend |
unit_halo_ | unit_animation_component | private |