The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.2+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2024
3  by Yurii Chernyi <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * Managing the AI lifecycle and interface for the rest of Wesnoth
18  * @file
19  */
21 #include "ai/manager.hpp"
23 #include "config.hpp" // for config, etc
24 #include "game_events/pump.hpp"
25 #include "log.hpp"
26 #include "map/location.hpp" // for map_location
27 #include "resources.hpp"
29 #include "tod_manager.hpp"
31 #include "ai/composite/ai.hpp" // for ai_composite
32 #include "ai/composite/component.hpp" // for component_manager
33 #include "ai/composite/engine.hpp" // for engine
35 #include "ai/configuration.hpp" // for configuration
36 #include "ai/contexts.hpp" // for readonly_context, etc
37 #include "ai/default/contexts.hpp" // for default_ai_context, etc
38 #include "ai/game_info.hpp" // for side_number, engine_ptr, etc
39 #include "game_config.hpp" // for debug
41 #include "ai/registry.hpp" // for init
42 #include "ai/lua/engine_lua.hpp"
44 #include <algorithm> // for min
45 #include <cassert> // for assert
46 #include <iterator> // for reverse_iterator, etc
47 #include <map> // for _Rb_tree_iterator, etc
48 #include <set> // for set
49 #include <stack> // for stack
50 #include <utility> // for pair, make_pair
51 #include <vector> // for vector, allocator, etc
53 #include <SDL2/SDL_timer.h>
55 namespace ai {
57 const std::string manager::AI_TYPE_COMPOSITE_AI = "composite_ai";
58 const std::string manager::AI_TYPE_SAMPLE_AI = "sample_ai";
59 const std::string manager::AI_TYPE_IDLE_AI = "idle_ai";
60 const std::string manager::AI_TYPE_FORMULA_AI = "formula_ai";
61 const std::string manager::AI_TYPE_DEFAULT = "default";
63 static lg::log_domain log_ai_manager("ai/manager");
64 #define DBG_AI_MANAGER LOG_STREAM(debug, log_ai_manager)
65 #define LOG_AI_MANAGER LOG_STREAM(info, log_ai_manager)
66 #define ERR_AI_MANAGER LOG_STREAM(err, log_ai_manager)
68 static lg::log_domain log_ai_mod("ai/mod");
69 #define DBG_AI_MOD LOG_STREAM(debug, log_ai_mod)
70 #define LOG_AI_MOD LOG_STREAM(info, log_ai_mod)
71 #define WRN_AI_MOD LOG_STREAM(warn, log_ai_mod)
72 #define ERR_AI_MOD LOG_STREAM(err, log_ai_mod)
74 holder::holder( side_number side, const config &cfg )
75  : ai_(), side_context_(nullptr), readonly_context_(nullptr), readwrite_context_(nullptr), default_ai_context_(nullptr), side_(side), cfg_(cfg)
76 {
77  DBG_AI_MANAGER << describe_ai() << "Preparing new AI holder";
78 }
81 {
82  if (side_context_ == nullptr) {
83  side_context_.reset(new side_context_impl(side,cfg_));
84  } else {
85  side_context_->set_side(side);
86  }
87  if (readonly_context_ == nullptr){
89  readonly_context_->on_readonly_context_create();
90  }
91  if (readwrite_context_ == nullptr){
93  }
94  if (default_ai_context_ == nullptr){
96  }
97  if (!this->ai_){
99  }
101  if (this->ai_) {
102  ai_->on_create();
103  for (config &mod_ai : cfg_.child_range("modify_ai")) {
104  if (!mod_ai.has_attribute("side")) {
105  mod_ai["side"] = side;
106  }
107  modify_ai(mod_ai);
108  }
109  for(config& micro : cfg_.child_range("micro_ai")) {
110  micro["side"] = side;
111  micro["action"] = "add";
112  micro_ai(micro);
113  }
114  cfg_.clear_children("modify_ai", "micro_ai");
116  std::vector<engine_ptr> engines = ai_->get_engines();
117  for (std::vector<engine_ptr>::iterator it = engines.begin(); it != engines.end(); ++it)
118  {
119  (*it)->set_ai_context(&(ai_->get_ai_context()));
120  }
122  } else {
123  ERR_AI_MANAGER << describe_ai()<<"AI lazy initialization error!";
124  }
126 }
129 {
130  try {
131  if (this->ai_) {
132  LOG_AI_MANAGER << describe_ai() << "Managed AI will be deleted";
133  }
134  } catch (...) {}
135 }
138 {
139  if (!this->ai_) {
140  this->init(this->side_);
141  }
142  assert(this->ai_);
144  return *this->ai_;
145 }
147 void holder::micro_ai(const config& cfg)
148 {
149  if (!this->ai_) {
150  this->init(this->side_);
151  }
152  assert(this->ai_);
154  auto engine = this->ai_->get_engine_by_cfg(config{"engine", "lua"});
155  if(auto lua = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<engine_lua>(engine)) {
156  lua->apply_micro_ai(cfg);
157  }
158 }
160 void holder::modify_ai(const config &cfg)
161 {
162  if (!this->ai_) {
163  // if not initialized, initialize now.
164  get_ai_ref();
165  }
166  const std::string &act = cfg["action"];
167  LOG_AI_MOD << "side "<< side_ << " "<<act<<"_ai_component \""<<cfg["path"]<<"\"";
168  DBG_AI_MOD << std::endl << cfg;
169  DBG_AI_MOD << "side "<< side_ << " before "<<act<<"_ai_component"<<std::endl << to_config();
170  bool res = false;
171  if (act == "add") {
172  res = component_manager::add_component(&*this->ai_,cfg["path"],cfg);
173  } else if (act == "change") {
174  res = component_manager::change_component(&*this->ai_,cfg["path"],cfg);
175  } else if (act == "delete") {
176  res = component_manager::delete_component(&*this->ai_,cfg["path"]);
177  } else {
178  ERR_AI_MOD << "modify_ai tag has invalid 'action' attribute " << act;
179  }
180  DBG_AI_MOD << "side "<< side_ << " after [modify_ai]"<<act<<std::endl << to_config();
181  if (!res) {
182  LOG_AI_MOD << act << "_ai_component failed";
183  } else {
184  LOG_AI_MOD << act << "_ai_component success";
185  }
187 }
189 void holder::append_ai(const config& cfg)
190 {
191  if(!this->ai_) {
192  get_ai_ref();
193  }
194  for(const config& aspect : cfg.child_range("aspect")) {
195  const std::string& id = aspect["id"];
196  for(const config& facet : aspect.child_range("facet")) {
197  ai_->add_facet(id, facet);
198  }
199  }
200  for(const config& goal : cfg.child_range("goal")) {
201  ai_->add_goal(goal);
202  }
203  for(const config& stage : cfg.child_range("stage")) {
204  if(stage["name"] != "empty") {
205  ai_->add_stage(stage);
206  }
207  }
208  for(config mod : cfg.child_range("modify_ai")) {
209  if (!mod.has_attribute("side")) {
210  mod["side"] = side_context_->get_side();
211  }
212  modify_ai(mod);
213  }
214  for(config micro : cfg.child_range("micro_ai")) {
215  micro["side"] = side_context_->get_side();
216  micro["action"] = "add";
217  micro_ai(micro);
218  }
219 }
222 {
223  if (!this->ai_) {
224  return cfg_;
225  } else {
226  config cfg = ai_->to_config();
227  if (this->side_context_!=nullptr) {
228  cfg.merge_with(this->side_context_->to_side_context_config());
229  }
230  if (this->readonly_context_!=nullptr) {
231  cfg.merge_with(this->readonly_context_->to_readonly_context_config());
232  }
233  if (this->readwrite_context_!=nullptr) {
234  cfg.merge_with(this->readwrite_context_->to_readwrite_context_config());
235  }
236  if (this->default_ai_context_!=nullptr) {
237  cfg.merge_with(this->default_ai_context_->to_default_ai_context_config());
238  }
240  return cfg;
241  }
242 }
244 const std::string holder::describe_ai()
245 {
246  std::string sidestr = std::to_string(this->side_);
248  if (this->ai_!=nullptr) {
249  return this->ai_->describe_self()+std::string(" for side ")+sidestr+std::string(" : ");
250  } else {
251  return std::string("not initialized ai with id=[")+cfg_["id"]+std::string("] for side ")+sidestr+std::string(" : ");
252  }
253 }
255 const std::string holder::get_ai_overview()
256 {
257  if (!this->ai_) {
258  get_ai_ref();
259  }
260  // These assignments are necessary because the code will otherwise not compile on some platforms with an lvalue/rvalue mismatch error
261  auto lik = this->ai_->get_leader_ignores_keep();
262  auto pl = this->ai_->get_passive_leader();
263  auto plsk = this->ai_->get_passive_leader_shares_keep();
264  // In order to display booleans as yes/no rather than 1/0 or true/false
265  config cfg;
266  cfg["allow_ally_villages"] = this->ai_->get_allow_ally_villages();
267  cfg["simple_targeting"] = this->ai_->get_simple_targeting();
268  cfg["support_villages"] = this->ai_->get_support_villages();
269  std::stringstream s;
270  s << "advancements: " << this->ai_->get_advancements().get_value() << std::endl;
271  s << "aggression: " << this->ai_->get_aggression() << std::endl;
272  s << "allow_ally_villages: " << cfg["allow_ally_villages"] << std::endl;
273  s << "caution: " << this->ai_->get_caution() << std::endl;
274  s << "grouping: " << this->ai_->get_grouping() << std::endl;
275  s << "leader_aggression: " << this->ai_->get_leader_aggression() << std::endl;
276  s << "leader_ignores_keep: " << utils::visit(leader_aspects_visitor(), lik) << std::endl;
277  s << "leader_value: " << this->ai_->get_leader_value() << std::endl;
278  s << "passive_leader: " << utils::visit(leader_aspects_visitor(), pl) << std::endl;
279  s << "passive_leader_shares_keep: " << utils::visit(leader_aspects_visitor(), plsk) << std::endl;
280  s << "recruitment_diversity: " << this->ai_->get_recruitment_diversity() << std::endl;
281  s << "recruitment_instructions: " << std::endl << "----config begin----" << std::endl;
282  s << this->ai_->get_recruitment_instructions() << "-----config end-----" << std::endl;
283  s << "recruitment_more: " << utils::join(this->ai_->get_recruitment_more()) << std::endl;
284  s << "recruitment_pattern: " << utils::join(this->ai_->get_recruitment_pattern()) << std::endl;
285  s << "recruitment_randomness: " << this->ai_->get_recruitment_randomness() << std::endl;
286  s << "recruitment_save_gold: " << std::endl << "----config begin----" << std::endl;
287  s << this->ai_->get_recruitment_save_gold() << "-----config end-----" << std::endl;
288  s << "retreat_enemy_weight: " << this->ai_->get_retreat_enemy_weight() << std::endl;
289  s << "retreat_factor: " << this->ai_->get_retreat_factor() << std::endl;
290  s << "scout_village_targeting: " << this->ai_->get_scout_village_targeting() << std::endl;
291  s << "simple_targeting: " << cfg["simple_targeting"] << std::endl;
292  s << "support_villages: " << cfg["support_villages"] << std::endl;
293  s << "village_value: " << this->ai_->get_village_value() << std::endl;
294  s << "villages_per_scout: " << this->ai_->get_villages_per_scout() << std::endl;
296  return s.str();
297 }
299 const std::string holder::get_ai_structure()
300 {
301  if (!this->ai_) {
302  get_ai_ref();
303  }
304  return component_manager::print_component_tree(&*this->ai_,"");
305 }
307 const std::string holder::get_ai_identifier() const
308 {
309  return cfg_["id"];
310 }
312 component* holder::get_component(component *root, const std::string &path) {
313  if (!game_config::debug) // Debug guard
314  {
315  return nullptr;
316  }
318  if (root == nullptr) // Return root component(ai_)
319  {
320  if (!this->ai_) {
321  this->init(this->side_);
322  }
323  assert(this->ai_);
325  return &*this->ai_;
326  }
329 }
331 // =======================================================================
333 // =======================================================================
336  : history_()
337  , history_item_counter_(0)
338  , ai_info_()
339  , map_changed_("ai_map_changed")
340  , recruit_list_changed_("ai_recruit_list_changed")
341  , user_interact_("ai_user_interact")
342  , sync_network_("ai_sync_network")
343  , tod_changed_("ai_tod_changed")
344  , gamestate_changed_("ai_gamestate_changed")
345  , turn_started_("ai_turn_started")
346  , last_interact_(0)
347  , num_interact_(0)
348 {
349  registry::init();
350  singleton_ = this;
351 }
353 manager* manager::singleton_ = nullptr;
356  user_interact_.attach_handler(event_observer);
357  sync_network_.attach_handler(event_observer);
358  turn_started_.attach_handler(event_observer);
359  gamestate_changed_.attach_handler(event_observer);
360 }
363  user_interact_.detach_handler(event_observer);
364  sync_network_.detach_handler(event_observer);
365  turn_started_.detach_handler(event_observer);
366  gamestate_changed_.detach_handler(event_observer);
367 }
370  gamestate_changed_.attach_handler(event_observer);
371  turn_started_.attach_handler(event_observer);
372  map_changed_.attach_handler(event_observer);
373 }
376  gamestate_changed_.detach_handler(event_observer);
377  turn_started_.detach_handler(event_observer);
378  map_changed_.detach_handler(event_observer);
379 }
382  tod_changed_.attach_handler(event_observer);
383 }
386  tod_changed_.detach_handler(event_observer);
387 }
390 {
391  map_changed_.attach_handler(event_observer);
392 }
395 {
396  recruit_list_changed_.attach_handler(event_observer);
397 }
400 {
401  turn_started_.attach_handler(event_observer);
402 }
405 {
406  recruit_list_changed_.detach_handler(event_observer);
407 }
410 {
411  map_changed_.detach_handler(event_observer);
412 }
415 {
416  turn_started_.detach_handler(event_observer);
417 }
421  return;
422  }
424  const int interact_time = 30;
425  const int time_since_interact = SDL_GetTicks() - last_interact_;
426  if(time_since_interact < interact_time) {
427  return;
428  }
430  ++num_interact_;
433  last_interact_ = SDL_GetTicks();
435 }
439 }
443 }
447 }
451 }
455 }
459 }
461 // =======================================================================
463 // =======================================================================
465 const std::string manager::evaluate_command( side_number side, const std::string& str )
466 {
467  //insert new command into history
468  history_.emplace_back(history_item_counter_++,str);
470  //prune history - erase 1/2 of it if it grows too large
471  if (history_.size()>MAX_HISTORY_SIZE){
472  history_.erase(history_.begin(),history_.begin()+MAX_HISTORY_SIZE/2);
473  LOG_AI_MANAGER << "AI MANAGER: pruned history";
474  }
476  if (!should_intercept(str)){
479  return ai.evaluate(str);
480  }
482  return internal_evaluate_command(side,str);
483 }
485 bool manager::should_intercept( const std::string& str ) const
486 {
487  if (str.length()<1) {
488  return false;
489  }
490  if ('!'){
491  return true;
492  }
493  if ('?'){
494  return true;
495  }
496  return false;
498 }
500 // this is stub code to allow testing of basic 'history', 'repeat-last-command', 'add/remove/replace ai' capabilities.
501 // yes, it doesn't look nice. but it is usable.
502 // to be refactored at earliest opportunity
503 // TODO: extract to separate class which will use fai or lua parser
504 const std::string manager::internal_evaluate_command( side_number side, const std::string& str ){
505  const int MAX_HISTORY_VISIBLE = 30;
507  //repeat last command
508  if (str=="!") {
509  //this command should not be recorded in history
510  if (!history_.empty()){
511  history_.pop_back();
513  }
515  if (history_.empty()){
516  return "AI MANAGER: empty history";
517  }
518  return evaluate_command(side, history_.back().get_command());//no infinite loop since '!' commands are not present in history
519  };
520  //show last command
521  if (str=="?") {
522  //this command should not be recorded in history
523  if (!history_.empty()){
524  history_.pop_back();
526  }
528  if (history_.empty()){
529  return "AI MANAGER: History is empty";
530  }
532  int n = std::min<int>( MAX_HISTORY_VISIBLE, history_.size() );
533  std::stringstream strstream;
534  strstream << "AI MANAGER: History - last "<< n <<" commands:\n";
535  std::deque< command_history_item >::reverse_iterator j = history_.rbegin();
537  for (int cmd_id=n; cmd_id>0; --cmd_id){
538  strstream << j->get_number() << " :" << j->get_command() << '\n';
539  ++j;//this is *reverse* iterator
540  }
542  return strstream.str();
543  };
545  std::vector< std::string > cmd = utils::parenthetical_split(str, ' ',"'","'");
547  if (cmd.size()==3){
548  // add_ai side file
549  if ("!add_ai"){
550  side = std::stoi(;
551  std::string file =;
552  if (add_ai_for_side_from_file(side,file,false)){
553  return std::string("AI MANAGER: added [")+manager::get_active_ai_identifier_for_side(side)+std::string("] AI for side ")+std::to_string(side)+std::string(" from file ")+file;
554  } else {
555  return std::string("AI MANAGER: failed attempt to add AI for side ")+std::to_string(side)+std::string(" from file ")+file;
556  }
557  }
558  // replace_ai side file
559  if ("!replace_ai"){
560  side = std::stoi(;
561  std::string file =;
562  if (add_ai_for_side_from_file(side,file,true)){
563  return std::string("AI MANAGER: added [")+manager::get_active_ai_identifier_for_side(side)+std::string("] AI for side ")+std::to_string(side)+std::string(" from file ")+file;
564  } else {
565  return std::string("AI MANAGER: failed attempt to add AI for side ")+std::to_string(side)+std::string(" from file ")+file;
566  }
567  }
569  } else if (cmd.size()==2){
570  // remove_ai side
571  if ("!remove_ai"){
572  side = std::stoi(;
573  remove_ai_for_side(side);
574  return std::string("AI MANAGER: made an attempt to remove AI for side ")+std::to_string(side);
575  }
576  if ("!"){
577  //this command should not be recorded in history
578  if (!history_.empty()){
579  history_.pop_back();
581  }
583  int command = std::stoi(;
584  std::deque< command_history_item >::reverse_iterator j = history_.rbegin();
585  //yes, the iterator could be precisely positioned (since command numbers go 1,2,3,4,..). will do it later.
586  while ( (j!=history_.rend()) && (j->get_number()!=command) ){
587  ++j;// this is *reverse* iterator
588  }
589  if (j!=history_.rend()){
590  return evaluate_command(side,j->get_command());//no infinite loop since '!' commands are not present in history
591  }
592  return "AI MANAGER: no command with requested number found";
593  }
594  } else if (cmd.size()==1){
595  if ("!help") {
596  return
597  "known commands:\n"
598  "! - repeat last command (? and ! do not count)\n"
599  "! NUMBER - repeat numbered command\n"
600  "? - show a history list\n"
601  "!add_ai TEAM FILE - add a AI to side (0 - command AI, N - AI for side #N) from file\n"
602  "!remove_ai TEAM - remove AI from side (0 - command AI, N - AI for side #N)\n"
603  "!replace_ai TEAM FILE - replace AI of side (0 - command AI, N - AI for side #N) from file\n"
604  "!help - show this help message";
605  }
606  }
608  return "AI MANAGER: nothing to do";
609 }
611 // =======================================================================
613 // =======================================================================
615 bool manager::add_ai_for_side_from_file( side_number side, const std::string& file, bool replace )
616 {
617  config cfg;
619  ERR_AI_MANAGER << " unable to read [SIDE] config for side "<< side << "from file [" << file <<"]";
620  return false;
621  }
622  return add_ai_for_side_from_config(side,cfg,replace);
623 }
625 bool manager::add_ai_for_side_from_config( side_number side, const config& cfg, bool replace ){
626  config parsed_cfg;
627  configuration::parse_side_config(side, cfg, parsed_cfg);
629  if (replace) {
630  remove_ai_for_side(side);
631  }
633  std::stack<holder>& ai_stack_for_specific_side = get_or_create_ai_stack_for_side(side);
634  ai_stack_for_specific_side.emplace(side, parsed_cfg);
635  return true;
636 }
638 // =======================================================================
639 // REMOVE
640 // =======================================================================
643 {
644  std::stack<holder>& ai_stack_for_specific_side = get_or_create_ai_stack_for_side(side);
645  if (!ai_stack_for_specific_side.empty()){
646  ai_stack_for_specific_side.pop();
647  }
648 }
651 {
652  std::stack<holder>& ai_stack_for_specific_side = get_or_create_ai_stack_for_side(side);
654  //clear the stack. std::stack doesn't have a '.clear()' method to do it
655  while (!ai_stack_for_specific_side.empty()){
656  ai_stack_for_specific_side.pop();
657  }
658 }
661 {
662  ai_map_.clear();
663 }
666 {
668 }
671 {
673 }
676 {
678 }
681 {
683 }
686 {
688 }
691 {
692  if (!game_config::debug)
693  {
694  static ai::holder empty_holder(side, config());
695  return empty_holder;
696  }
697  return get_active_ai_holder_for_side(side);
698 }
701 {
703 }
706 {
707  return ai_info_;
708 }
711 {
712  return ai_info_;
713 }
716 {
718 }
720 // =======================================================================
721 // PROXY
722 // =======================================================================
725  last_interact_ = 0;
726  num_interact_ = 0;
727  const int turn_start_time = SDL_GetTicks();
728  get_ai_info().recent_attacks.clear();
729  ai_composite& ai_obj = get_active_ai_for_side(side);
730  resources::game_events->pump().fire("ai_turn");
732  if (resources::tod_manager->has_tod_bonus_changed()) {
734  }
735  ai_obj.new_turn();
736  ai_obj.play_turn();
737  const int turn_end_time= SDL_GetTicks();
738  DBG_AI_MANAGER << "side " << side << ": number of user interactions: "<<num_interact_;
739  DBG_AI_MANAGER << "side " << side << ": total turn time: "<<turn_end_time - turn_start_time << " ms ";
740 }
742 // =======================================================================
743 // PRIVATE
744 // =======================================================================
745 // =======================================================================
746 // AI STACKS
747 // =======================================================================
749 {
750  AI_map_of_stacks::iterator iter = ai_map_.find(side);
751  if (iter!=ai_map_.end()){
752  return iter->second;
753  }
754  return ai_map_.emplace(side, std::stack<holder>()).first->second;
755 }
757 // =======================================================================
759 // =======================================================================
761 {
762  std::stack<holder>& ai_stack_for_specific_side = get_or_create_ai_stack_for_side(side);
764  if (!ai_stack_for_specific_side.empty()){
765  return;
766  } else {
768  ai_stack_for_specific_side.emplace(side, cfg);
769  return;
770  }
771 }
773 // =======================================================================
775 // =======================================================================
778 {
780 }
782 // =======================================================================
783 // MISC
784 // =======================================================================
786 } //end of namespace ai
#define LOG_AI_MOD
Definition: manager.cpp:70
#define DBG_AI_MOD
Definition: manager.cpp:69
#define ERR_AI_MOD
Definition: manager.cpp:72
Definition: manager.cpp:65
Definition: manager.cpp:64
Definition: manager.cpp:66
Managing the AIs lifecycle - headers TODO: Refactor history handling and internal commands.
virtual void new_turn()
On new turn.
Definition: ai.cpp:174
void play_turn()
Play the turn.
Definition: ai.cpp:140
static bool delete_component(component *root, const std::string &path)
Definition: component.cpp:201
static component * get_component(component *root, const std::string &path)
Definition: component.cpp:249
static bool change_component(component *root, const std::string &path, const config &cfg)
Definition: component.cpp:187
static bool add_component(component *root, const std::string &path, const config &cfg)
Definition: component.cpp:172
static std::string print_component_tree(component *root, const std::string &path)
Definition: component.cpp:231
static bool get_side_config_from_file(const std::string &file, config &cfg)
get side config from file
static bool parse_side_config(side_number side, const config &original_cfg, config &cfg)
static const config & get_default_ai_parameters()
get default AI parameters
std::set< map_location > recent_attacks
Definition: game_info.hpp:115
Base class that holds the AI and current AI parameters.
Definition: manager.hpp:50
config to_config() const
Definition: manager.cpp:221
composite_ai_ptr ai_
Definition: manager.hpp:78
void micro_ai(const config &cfg)
Definition: manager.cpp:147
void modify_ai(const config &cfg)
Definition: manager.cpp:160
config cfg_
Definition: manager.hpp:84
ai_composite & get_ai_ref()
Definition: manager.cpp:137
virtual ~holder()
Definition: manager.cpp:128
component * get_component(component *root, const std::string &path)
Definition: manager.cpp:312
const std::string get_ai_overview()
Definition: manager.cpp:255
std::unique_ptr< side_context > side_context_
Definition: manager.hpp:79
const std::string get_ai_identifier() const
Definition: manager.cpp:307
side_number side_
Definition: manager.hpp:83
std::unique_ptr< readwrite_context > readwrite_context_
Definition: manager.hpp:81
const std::string get_ai_structure()
Definition: manager.cpp:299
std::unique_ptr< readonly_context > readonly_context_
Definition: manager.hpp:80
const std::string describe_ai()
Definition: manager.cpp:244
void init(side_number side)
Definition: manager.cpp:80
void append_ai(const config &cfg)
Definition: manager.cpp:189
std::unique_ptr< default_ai_context > default_ai_context_
Definition: manager.hpp:82
holder(side_number side, const config &cfg)
Definition: manager.cpp:74
Class that manages AIs for all sides and manages AI redeployment.
Definition: manager.hpp:111
static const std::string AI_TYPE_SAMPLE_AI
Definition: manager.hpp:121
events::generic_event map_changed_
Definition: manager.hpp:427
std::string get_active_ai_identifier_for_side(side_number side)
Gets AI algorithm identifier for active AI of the given side.
Definition: manager.cpp:685
void clear_ais()
Clears all the AIs.
Definition: manager.cpp:660
std::string get_active_ai_overview_for_side(side_number side)
Gets AI Overview for active AI of the given side.
Definition: manager.cpp:675
ai_composite & get_active_ai_for_side(side_number side)
Gets active AI for specified side.
Definition: manager.cpp:777
void raise_tod_changed()
Notifies all observers of 'ai_tod_changed' event.
Definition: manager.cpp:445
bool add_ai_for_side_from_config(side_number side, const config &cfg, bool replace=true)
Adds active AI for specified side from cfg.
Definition: manager.cpp:625
config to_config(side_number side)
Gets AI config for active AI of the given side.
Definition: manager.cpp:700
events::generic_event user_interact_
Definition: manager.hpp:429
void remove_all_ais_for_side(side_number side)
Removes all AIs from side.
Definition: manager.cpp:650
void remove_gamestate_observer(events::observer *event_observer)
Removes an observer of game events except ai_user_interact event and ai_sync_network event.
Definition: manager.cpp:375
void remove_observer(events::observer *event_observer)
Removes an observer of game events.
Definition: manager.cpp:362
void raise_turn_started()
Notifies all observers of 'ai_turn_started' event.
Definition: manager.cpp:449
static manager * singleton_
Definition: manager.hpp:439
static const std::string AI_TYPE_IDLE_AI
Definition: manager.hpp:122
static const std::string AI_TYPE_COMPOSITE_AI
Definition: manager.hpp:120
static const std::size_t MAX_HISTORY_SIZE
Definition: manager.hpp:118
void raise_gamestate_changed()
Notifies all observers of 'ai_gamestate_changed' event.
Definition: manager.cpp:441
void add_gamestate_observer(events::observer *event_observer)
Adds observer of game events except ai_user_interact event and ai_sync_network event.
Definition: manager.cpp:369
void append_active_ai_for_side(ai::side_number side, const config &cfg)
Appends AI parameters to active AI of the given side.
Definition: manager.cpp:670
AI_map_of_stacks ai_map_
Definition: manager.hpp:437
std::string get_active_ai_structure_for_side(side_number side)
Gets AI Structure for active AI of the given side.
Definition: manager.cpp:680
events::generic_event sync_network_
Definition: manager.hpp:430
void raise_user_interact()
Notifies all observers of 'ai_user_interact' event.
Definition: manager.cpp:419
static const std::string AI_TYPE_FORMULA_AI
Definition: manager.hpp:123
events::generic_event recruit_list_changed_
Definition: manager.hpp:428
const std::string evaluate_command(side_number side, const std::string &str)
Evaluates a string command using command AI.
Definition: manager.cpp:465
std::stack< holder > & get_or_create_ai_stack_for_side(side_number side)
Gets the AI stack for the specified side, create it if it doesn't exist.
Definition: manager.cpp:748
holder & get_active_ai_holder_for_side(side_number side)
Gets active holder for specified side.
Definition: manager.cpp:760
void add_recruit_list_changed_observer(events::observer *event_observer)
Adds an observer of 'ai_recruit_list_changed' event.
Definition: manager.cpp:394
game_info & get_active_ai_info_for_side(side_number side)
Gets AI info for active AI of the given side.
Definition: manager.cpp:705
void add_map_changed_observer(events::observer *event_observer)
Adds an observer of 'ai_map_changed' event.
Definition: manager.cpp:389
void add_turn_started_observer(events::observer *event_observer)
Adds an observer of 'ai_turn_started' event.
Definition: manager.cpp:399
static const std::string AI_TYPE_DEFAULT
Definition: manager.hpp:126
std::deque< command_history_item > history_
Definition: manager.hpp:423
game_info & get_ai_info()
Gets global AI-game info.
Definition: manager.cpp:710
game_info ai_info_
Definition: manager.hpp:425
events::generic_event gamestate_changed_
Definition: manager.hpp:432
const ai::unit_advancements_aspect & get_advancement_aspect_for_side(side_number side)
Definition: manager.cpp:715
bool add_ai_for_side_from_file(side_number side, const std::string &file, bool replace=true)
Adds active AI for specified side from file.
Definition: manager.cpp:615
events::generic_event turn_started_
Definition: manager.hpp:433
void remove_ai_for_side(side_number side)
Removes top-level AI from side.
Definition: manager.cpp:642
void modify_active_ai_for_side(ai::side_number side, const config &cfg)
Modifies AI parameters for active AI of the given side.
Definition: manager.cpp:665
int last_interact_
Definition: manager.hpp:434
int num_interact_
Definition: manager.hpp:435
void play_turn(side_number side)
Plays a turn for the specified side using its active AI.
Definition: manager.cpp:724
const std::string internal_evaluate_command(side_number side, const std::string &str)
Evaluates an internal manager command.
Definition: manager.cpp:504
long history_item_counter_
Definition: manager.hpp:424
void raise_map_changed()
Notifies all observers of 'ai_map_changed' event.
Definition: manager.cpp:457
bool should_intercept(const std::string &str) const
Determines if the command should be intercepted and evaluated as internal command.
Definition: manager.cpp:485
void raise_recruit_list_changed()
Notifies all observers of 'ai_recruit_list_changed' event.
Definition: manager.cpp:453
void remove_turn_started_observer(events::observer *event_observer)
Deletes an observer of 'ai_turn_started' event.
Definition: manager.cpp:414
ai::holder & get_active_ai_holder_for_side_dbg(side_number side)
Gets the active AI holder for debug purposes.
Definition: manager.cpp:690
void raise_sync_network()
Notifies all observers of 'ai_sync_network' event.
Definition: manager.cpp:437
events::generic_event tod_changed_
Definition: manager.hpp:431
void remove_map_changed_observer(events::observer *event_observer)
Deletes an observer of 'ai_map_changed' event.
Definition: manager.cpp:409
void add_tod_changed_observer(events::observer *event_observer)
Adds an observer of 'ai_tod_changed' event.
Definition: manager.cpp:381
void remove_tod_changed_observer(events::observer *event_observer)
Deletes an observer of 'ai_tod_changed' event.
Definition: manager.cpp:385
void add_observer(events::observer *event_observer)
Adds observer of game events.
Definition: manager.cpp:355
void remove_recruit_list_changed_observer(events::observer *event_observer)
Deletes an observer of 'ai_recruit_list_changed' event.
Definition: manager.cpp:404
virtual const unit_advancements_aspect & get_advancements() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:541
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:159
void clear_children(T... keys)
Definition: config.hpp:642
void merge_with(const config &c)
Merge config 'c' into this config, overwriting this config's values.
Definition: config.cpp:1126
child_itors child_range(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:273
virtual bool attach_handler(observer *obs)
virtual bool detach_handler(observer *obs)
virtual void notify_observers()
game_events::wml_event_pump & pump()
Definition: manager.cpp:253
pump_result_t fire(const std::string &event, const entity_location &loc1=entity_location::null_entity, const entity_location &loc2=entity_location::null_entity, const config &data=config())
Function to fire an event.
Definition: pump.cpp:399
A component of the AI framework.
Composite AI with turn sequence which is a vector of stages.
Managing the AIs configuration - headers.
Helper functions for the object which operates in the context of AI for specific side this is part of...
Default AI contexts.
AI Support engine - creating specific ai components from config.
LUA AI Support engine - creating specific ai components from config.
formula_ai & ai_
Game information for the AI.
Standard logging facilities (interface).
void init()
Definition: registry.cpp:504
A small explanation about what's going on here: Each action has access to two game_info objects First...
Definition: actions.cpp:59
static lg::log_domain log_ai_mod("ai/mod")
static lg::log_domain log_ai_manager("ai/manager")
int side_number
Definition: game_info.hpp:40
std::string path
Definition: filesystem.cpp:89
const bool & debug
Definition: game_config.cpp:92
::tod_manager * tod_manager
Definition: resources.cpp:29
bool simulation_
Definition: resources.cpp:35
game_events::manager * game_events
Definition: resources.cpp:24
std::vector< std::string > parenthetical_split(std::string_view val, const char separator, std::string_view left, std::string_view right, const int flags)
Splits a string based either on a separator, except then the text appears within specified parenthesi...
std::string join(const T &v, const std::string &s=",")
Generates a new string joining container items in a list.
std::string::const_iterator iterator
Definition: tokenizer.hpp:25
Define the game's event mechanism.
All known AI parts.
static map_location::DIRECTION n
static map_location::DIRECTION s